Thomas Sowell Is Supposed to Be an Economist, Right?

So why did you? Repeated garbage doesn't start to smell better each time you trot it out, Paul!

That does not refute the points I made

Repeating conspiracy theory nonsense doesn't prove your case!

That does not refute the points I made

A Grand Jury looked at the evidence and didn't find cause to bring charges.

But then you must assume that white people can judge black people in a fair unbiased way. I don't know any study that shows them capable of that.

A jury in the defamation case looked at the evidence and found for Pagones because there was no proof at all that he or any other law enforcement officers were in any way involved in this!

But then you must assume that white people can judge black people in a fair unbiased way. I don't know any study that shows them capable of that.

You're right about the whole case stinking but it isn't because justice wasn't done

That does not refute the points I made

it's because Al Sharpton used someone to become someone! He's never apologized for his actions back then.

That does not refute the points I made

His "supporters" paid off the money that he was ordered to pay Pagones. Al Sharpton never paid a dime! Brawley isn't so lucky. Because of how Sharpton sensationalized the lies that she told to escape being punished for running away from home to party for four days...she now has her wages garnished. Think Reverend Al is going to help her with that? Don't hold your breath!

That does not refute the points I made
So why did you? Repeated garbage doesn't start to smell better each time you trot it out, Paul!

That does not refute the points I made

Repeating conspiracy theory nonsense doesn't prove your case!

That does not refute the points I made

A Grand Jury looked at the evidence and didn't find cause to bring charges.

But then you must assume that white people can judge black people in a fair unbiased way. I don't know any study that shows them capable of that.

A jury in the defamation case looked at the evidence and found for Pagones because there was no proof at all that he or any other law enforcement officers were in any way involved in this!

But then you must assume that white people can judge black people in a fair unbiased way. I don't know any study that shows them capable of that.

You're right about the whole case stinking but it isn't because justice wasn't done

That does not refute the points I made

it's because Al Sharpton used someone to become someone! He's never apologized for his actions back then.

That does not refute the points I made

His "supporters" paid off the money that he was ordered to pay Pagones. Al Sharpton never paid a dime! Brawley isn't so lucky. Because of how Sharpton sensationalized the lies that she told to escape being punished for running away from home to party for four days...she now has her wages garnished. Think Reverend Al is going to help her with that? Don't hold your breath!

That does not refute the points I made
That is because none of the points you made build a case that she was raped and it is proven beyond question that she was not and she lied.

White people can judge othes including black people in a fair and unbiased way. No study is needed to support that
Well I've stated the facts as to the reasons why she was raped above

So I don't want to repeat the facts that I have already written again
No you did not.

You cannot state facts about why she was raped when she was not raped.

The fact is she was not period. You have failed to state any fact proving otherwise

You are a liar
Ethipion Albino


Albino woman from Tanzania:

Spare me the preamble and piling on of memes and Dr. Burke's PR ....that another discussion for another time.

Hello Defiant One. Please advise me when you are prepared to engage in a discussion about a significant population of apparent emotionally or mentally disturbed Maternal Child Caregivers who are primarily responsible for maintaining Poverty, aka Systemic and Generational Child Abuse, that for decades has been
affecting far too many American children teens and adults of African descent.

I'm referring to a population of Maternal Child Caregivers seemingly unconcerned about intentionally introducing smiling happy babies to a traumatizing, impoverished childhood upbringing that medical doctors declare impedes the healthy emotional development for far too many children in America, as well as children residing in poor or wealthy nation's across our globe.



☮️♥️🇺🇸 EndHate2021
So why did you? Repeated garbage doesn't start to smell better each time you trot it out, Paul!

That does not refute the points I made

Repeating conspiracy theory nonsense doesn't prove your case!

That does not refute the points I made

A Grand Jury looked at the evidence and didn't find cause to bring charges.

But then you must assume that white people can judge black people in a fair unbiased way. I don't know any study that shows them capable of that.

A jury in the defamation case looked at the evidence and found for Pagones because there was no proof at all that he or any other law enforcement officers were in any way involved in this!

But then you must assume that white people can judge black people in a fair unbiased way. I don't know any study that shows them capable of that.

You're right about the whole case stinking but it isn't because justice wasn't done

That does not refute the points I made

it's because Al Sharpton used someone to become someone! He's never apologized for his actions back then.

That does not refute the points I made

His "supporters" paid off the money that he was ordered to pay Pagones. Al Sharpton never paid a dime! Brawley isn't so lucky. Because of how Sharpton sensationalized the lies that she told to escape being punished for running away from home to party for four days...she now has her wages garnished. Think Reverend Al is going to help her with that? Don't hold your breath!

That does not refute the points I made
Grand Juries are secret. What makes you think it was comprised of "white people"? Do you have any proof of what the jury composition was?

With all due respect, Paul...Brawley's story had holes in it that you could drive a dump truck through! She claimed that she was kept outdoors in the woods for four days. This supposedly happened at a time (late November) when the night time temperatures in New York State dipped to below freezing yet Ms. Brawley showed zero signs of exposure. She initially claimed that she had been raped and then changed that claim saying that she had been subjected to "other forms of sexual abuse". The rape kit showed no sign that rape had taken place nor any other form of assault. The feces found in her hair turned out to be from her neighbor's dog. Would you care to explain why her attackers would have gone to her neighborhood to collect dog shit to smear in her hair? The words written on her body were upside down...the way they would be if someone were drawing them on themselves. Her clothing was burned...yet her skin wasn't burnt at all. Her shoes were sliced but her feet were untouched. Some of her schoolmates testified that she had attended a party they were at while she was supposedly being raped. Brawley refused to testify even after she was ordered to do so by the Grand Jury. Her mother did the same.

I'm sorry but the whole thing was a sham.
Even you don't believe what your writing. Tawana was raped and the system of racism protected those white dudes as it pretty much always does
Under the system of white supremacy whites are given a set of goodies, giveaways and guarantees.

This is what you've described here.
Under the system of white supremacy whites are given a set of goodies, giveaways and guarantees.

This is what you've described here.
It sure is a good thing that we don't HAVE that system here then...isn't it, Marc!
TheDefiantOne said:
1. You seem to think that you can lie about what was previously posted. YOU posted an assertion about Sowell's take on Puerto Rico. I provided facts that essentially prove the basis of his statements and conclusions are wrong. Plain and simple. All you do here is just ignore (if you've read my link at all) what you don't like and just regurgitate the SOS.

2. You're not curious, just willfully ignorant and insipidly stubborn. If you had actually read my link, you'd have noticed the Harvard educated economist was the author. Now there are plenty other academics with authorship that have debunked Sowell, but folk like you just either pretend they don't exist or deny any and all documentation. I don't do the homework for the willfully ignorant, so you can bray on about your little token god without fear of factual contradiction.

What did I lie about? I heard from Sowell himself exactly why his beliefs changed when he was studying how minimum wage mandates for Puerto Rican sugar cane workers resulted in a surge in unemployment for them.
I read one of your "links". It was a history of Puerto Rico. What THAT has to do with proving Sowell's "take" on the effects of a mandated minimum wage on sugar cane workers was'll have to explain! The other "link" you provided didn't exist when I clicked on it! How am I to respond to something that isn't visible? Would you like to cite that article again? Or are you going to continue to whine about how I'm not "curious"?
Your insipid "what, little old me" questions are just BS and denial of what you do....a lame stall tactic to avoid conceding a point (s) which fail as the chronology of the post is immune to your denial and revisionist clap trap. But I tire of your silly right wing wonk games, so let me just end it here: You originally stated, "... Actually his initial belief in the virtues of Marxism changed when he did a study of how mandated minimum wages in Puerto Rico drastically increased unemployment. That wasn't something he was paid to the time he was a lowly intern working for the Federal Government. He simply realized that his beliefs that he'd held until then didn't work in the real world."

What my response link showed the following: Puerto Rico has NEVER had a socialist economy in it's history. All economic decisions were made by the ruling colonialist governments....first by Spain and then the USA. Excerpts from my link on Puerto Rican history:

Puerto Rico’s economy boomed in the postwar period, with per capita income jumping by more than 500 percent between 1950 and 1971. An economic development plan known as Operation Bootstrap transformed the largely agrarian island into a manufacturing magnet, relying on federal tax exemptions, low labor costs, and other incentives to draw American companies to the territory.

Puerto Rico also lacks economic sovereignty. The U.S. dollar is its currency, U.S. federal regulators oversee its businesses, and U.S. laws dictate its trade policy. Residents pay most federal taxes; their contributions totaled $3.6 billion in 2016. However, Puerto Ricans generally do not pay federal income tax, and they continue to enjoy the tax exemptions that have historically incentivized outside investment. Largely because of these exemptions, residents receive fewer federal benefits than other Americans. Puerto Rico residents are ineligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit and earn less, on average, in Social Security and veterans’ benefits.

In August 2020, a district court judge ruled that denying island residents several forms of federal assistance, including Supplemental Security Income, is unconstitutional.

Experts say the island’s economic crisis is rooted in [PDF] twentieth century legislation that encouraged Puerto Rico’s reliance on debt to fill federal funding gaps. It did this by giving bond investors higher returns and loosening borrowing limits. Since 1917, lenders to Puerto Rico have been exempt from local, state, and federal taxes—the so-called triple tax exemption—effectively boosting their profits and making the island a more attractive investment. The territory’s constitution also allows Puerto Rico to balance its budget with debt, among other provisions that facilitate borrowing.

The debt problem accelerated after 1996, when the U.S. government began phasing out Internal Revenue Code Section 936. This provision had allowed American businesses to operate tax-free in Puerto Rico, which critics viewed as a windfall for wealthy corporations. Section 936’s repeal triggered a deterioration of Puerto Rico’s manufacturing sector, and the territorial government increasingly turned to debt to cover its spending.

So Sowell's economic myopia was way off base, as the citizens in Puerto Rico are in effect hostage to the whims of investor companies & corporations along with the ups and downs of Wall St. So a minimum wage is of little comfort when it comes to job creation/availability, natural disasters, etc.

Got it now, toodles? I hope so, because I rarely do homework for the insipidly stubborn and willfully ignorant. Carry on.
Last edited:
TheDefiantOne said:
Wow, you're not that bright, are ya bunky? Let me dumb it down for you .... " tag Sharpton as the sole perpetrator of evil is disingenuous at best." This means that as I said previously, "... yes, there were a LOT of unanswered questions about Brawley..." there were details that warrant closer examination of Sharpton's role as family spokesman.

And spare us all this BS about "innocent men". How did you conclude that, being there was no grand jury or even publicly announce IAD investigation results? You seem to treat your mental flatulence as fact....I keep schooling you on how stupid a tactic that is in a printed medium. And PLEASE learn to read carefully and comprehensively, as the judge I mentioned wasn't 'disbarred', but was NOT re-elected to his office (that's how it's done, ya know...via elections. Get educated, man!).

Once again your biased revisionist screeds make a clear candidate for a StormFront contributor. Carry on.

I'm curious, Defiant One...on what do you base your contention that there was no Grand Jury? You seem to know as little about the Brawley case as you do about Puerto Rico sugar cane workers!

Oh, and I never said the judge in the case was disbarred...I stated correctly that the two lawyers for Ms. Brawley were disbarred. Perhaps you should read more carefully?

You want to argue facts? Perhaps you should get yours straight first?
Ahh, you are correct regarding the grand jury. I was wrong on this point and stand corrected.

But the devil lies in the details:

As I said before, there's a LOT of shady stuff there on everyone, but to put it all on Sharpton is disingenuous at best.

And for clarification, I was talking about the judge, NOT the lawyers. Seems you got a little confused there.
Please provide an example of me "parroting" alt right rhetoric about the character of blacks, Defiant One. You're accusing me of being a bigot. I'd love to see what you think I've posted that is bigoted!
All one has to do is just enter your screen name in a general search on this site and follow the bouncing ball. See, no one expects you to cop to your racist bent....bigots never do. What's comical is this Davey Duke strategy that unless you declare "i'm a bigot/racist where black folk and other minorities are concerned" in bold type and of no uncertain terms, you're not a bigot. And then you just continue with your revisionist rhetoric and intellectual myopia that always seems to put said people down. That's why you love Sowell so much....the good negro that tells you exactly what you want to hear. But as I and others have demonstrated, his lauded academic credits do NOT support many of his analysis and contentions. But as always, you just ignore what you don't like and prattle on.
TheDefiantOne said:
I respond to fact based evidence. FACT: Sowell has continually endorsed and supported social views found prevalent among documented racist and bigots....he does this with his myopic economics views and reviews, which have been thoroughly debunked by academic peers, sociologist, historians, etc. FACT: You have essentially extrapolated Sowell's rhetoric to support your own prejudiced opinions and conclusions (please spare us the usual, "how so, please show me", BS...the chronology of the posts are you undoing to the objective reader, and are of no need for rehash). To date, you avoid discussion of detail of any contrary evidence supplied (i.e., what precisely is wrong in the links provided), and just keep regurgitating your opinion, supposition and conjecture. Your personal like claims are no more believable than your attempts to substitute the aforementioned faux debate style of yours. In short, you're just a troll with delusions of grandeur. Carry on.

So you accuse me of something and in the same declare that you won't be showing where that took place because it's a "rehash"? Well...well...isn't that a convenient out for you! You get to accuse me of holding "prejudiced opinions and conclusions" while you don't have to give a single example of something that I've posted that IS prejudiced!

Then you accuse me of being a "troll"? LOL You're amusing...

I've highlighted parts of my previous response that predicted and answered you blather here.
All the objective reader has to do is click the little arrows to see the chronology of the posts and your subsequent folly. You see chuckles, YOU and your ilk NEVER admit to just run down any detour of denial, rehashing everything in the hopes of catching an error that you'll tout as total vindication. A sad, predictable ploy on your part of all to see.

Laugh, clown, laugh.
Hello Defiant One. Please advise me when you are prepared to engage in a discussion about a significant population of apparent emotionally or mentally disturbed Maternal Child Caregivers who are primarily responsible for maintaining Poverty, aka Systemic and Generational Child Abuse, that for decades has been
affecting far too many American children teens and adults of African descent.

I'm referring to a population of Maternal Child Caregivers seemingly unconcerned about intentionally introducing smiling happy babies to a traumatizing, impoverished childhood upbringing that medical doctors declare impedes the healthy emotional development for far too many children in America, as well as children residing in poor or wealthy nation's across our globe.

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☮️♥️🇺🇸 EndHate2021

Here, dear readers, is my response when this clown first posted his platform:

Spare me the preamble and piling on of memes and Dr. Burke's PR ....that another discussion for another time. You want to discuss Sowell and his writings, then let's do that. You can look at some of my other responses, which may save time.
Clearly, Jarhman has an agenda. Good for him....he needs to stop trying to hijack every other discussion and just start one of his own. Since this thread is about Sowell's statements/writings/analysis, that's what I'm about here. That being said, I'll just dump Jarhman into the IA bin to clear my screen.
Grand Juries are secret. What makes you think it was comprised of "white people"? Do you have any proof of what the jury composition was?

My proof is that we live in system of racism white supremacy. The police are the enforcement arm of white supremacy and law enforcement has been infested by white supremacists and nothing been done to root them out.

There are white supremacist beat cops, sergeants, captains, police chiefs and prosecutors who are using sheriff departments as havens and nests were white supremacist can be hired to kill black ppl and the white supremacist district attorney will back them up on it.

With all due respect, Paul...Brawley's story had holes in it that you could drive a dump truck through!

That does not disprove anything.

She claimed that she was kept outdoors in the woods for four days. This supposedly happened at a time (late November) when the night time temperatures in New York State dipped to below freezing yet Ms. Brawley showed zero signs of exposure.

Freezing point is below zero. Right ?

So let's look average weather patterns in New York in Novemember ?



This is google. Majority of the weather temp in New York in November is upper 50F or 15c then falls for 7 days it falls to 6c. So even at it's lowest it's no where near freezing point. 6c is still a temperature you don't even have to wear a coat and this is assuming worse case scenario, that Brawley was in November temps in New York at it's coldest. For three weeks of November it's 15c

She initially claimed that she had been raped and then changed that claim saying that she had been subjected to "other forms of sexual abuse". The rape kit showed no sign that rape had taken place nor any other form of assault.

The police verified cop DNA was all over her, but yet they still couldn't prove rape. Why did one of the cops kill himself a week after being accused of rape ? Suicide is as close to an admission of guilt as you will get. Also they never said how she chose the cops that raped her.

Or are you basing your assumptions on the word of white detectives, attorneys, judges, scared witnesses, and the mainstream media ?

The feces found in her hair turned out to be from her neighbor's dog. Would you care to explain why her attackers would have gone to her neighborhood to collect dog shit to smear in her hair?

We live in a system of racism-white supremacy. All have to do is switch the feces.

The words written on her body were upside down...the way they would be if someone were drawing them on themselves.

We live in a system of racism-white supremacy. All they have to do is scrub and re-write on her body.

Her clothing was burned...yet her skin wasn't burnt at all.

We live in a system of racism-white supremacy. All they have to do was burn her clothing

Her shoes were sliced but her feet were untouched.

We live in a system of racism-white supremacy. All they have to do is slice

Some of her schoolmates testified that she had attended a party they were at while she was supposedly being raped.

We live in a system of racism-white supremacy. White supremacist can get ppl to take the stand and say anythiing

Brawley refused to testify even after she was ordered to do so by the Grand Jury. Her mother did the same.

I don't blame them.

Look all your evidence is truly pathetic. My evidence is solid and proven.

Why did one of the cops kill himself a week after being accused of rape ? Suicide is as close to an admission of guilt as you will get. Also they never said how she chose the cops that raped her.

If a minor can't enter into any legal binding contracts then how as a minor was she sued and forced to pay this Steven Pagones ?

Steven Pagones has said her way out of paying is to confess that she lied

But she hasn't why ? What person wants to pay out their hard earned money to ?

Another thing one of the first people to interview Brawley was a female agent of the FBI, come to found out years later that she was seeing Pagones. So the FBI agent was fucking Pagones (who was married at the time) and no one knew. And Pagones father was a city court judge. So he had serious muscle.
That is because none of the points you made build a case that she was raped

Of course. In a system of racism - white supremacy. If a white man has sex with a black woman and she claims rape ? It's not believed. By the same token if white woman has sex with a black man and she claims rape ? It's always belived.


and it is proven beyond question that she was not and she lied.

That doesn't disprove anything I wrote.

White people can judge othes including black people in a fair and unbiased way. No study is needed to support that


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