Thomas Sowell Makes A Case for Newt

Good luck in your campaign to explain away 3 wives, two cheats, one excuse about how stressful his job was, a $300,000 ethics fine, and 1.6M from a company he claims people should go to jail for working with.

No amount of spin and deflection will get the public to look past the above. So please, run Newt. It'll be the best possible guarantee of an Obama administration until 2016.

One could easily make a more damning list about Obama:

For instance, there's the fact that he signed a real estate deal with a man who is now a convicted felon.

He had a party inaugurating his senate campaign that was attended by a know terrorist.



Newties own mouth will sink him. Arrest judges that disagree with you?

If you left your 13 year old daughter and bank account alone with Newtie for half a day, would either be in the same condition when you returned?

Newtie is for Newtie, first, last, and foremost. He is completely amoral.
How Newt Gingrich won over the tea party

As opponents and the Republican establishment turn on former House speaker Newt Gingrich, he's getting a lifeline of support from a constituency he has ambitiously courted: the tea party.
By Patrik Jonsson, Staff writer / December 20, 2011

Newt Gingrich topping Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann, and even tea party champion Ron Paul in a 23,000-person tea party straw poll on Monday might seem like another headscratcher in the GOP's bewildering and manic rush to come up with a candidate to unseat President Obama.

Gingrich's record is long, complicated, and hardly the picture of philosophical rigor that the tea party movement seeks to employ in Washington. So, how did Gingrich win over the tea party?

Gingrich's appeal among tea partyers has its roots in a number of factors, including his early support of the movement, his scorched-earth maneuverings in the 1990s that helped guide the country toward balanced budgets and even surpluses, and the fact that he's being targeted for takedown by the same Republican establishment that the tea party has vowed to depose via electoral insurgency.

Gingrich can "express conservative views in ways that are, to that conservative audience, interesting and motivational, and those are his political assets,” says Merle Black, a political science professor at Emory University, in Atlanta.

Democrats have wasted little time playing up Gingrich's tea party connections. Gingrich was “a tea party politician even before there was a tea party

How Newt Gingrich won over the tea party -
Notice this person points out all these things that aren't really relevant to being president.
Unfortunately for you, you don't get to chose what things are relevant to voters. If the Republicans are dumb enough to run Newt, I assure you the Democrats will make sure people find these issues relevant.

Romney, right up to his nomination, will remind primary GOP voters of these points.

Rightly so.

And then he'll wonder why none of Newt's supporters show up for him in November.

you know, there's a reason why Reagan had an 11th Commandment.
Democrats have demanded moral purity from republicans. Democrats not being republicans don't need to have any morality whatsoever.
The newties here remind sensible folks that politics remain the art of the possible. Newt is not going to be possible against Romney much less Obama. Romney is conservative enough to hold the right of center as well as the center. Newt cannot pull the center, which he will lose to Obama.

Mumbling about "conservative enough" no longer counts, just isn't enough anymore.

If Romney wins, it will because he slimed his opponents. And his opponents supporters will remember that in November, when they don't show up to support him.

No one ever ran a dirty campaign in the primary and won in the general. Pissing on the people you are going to need to knock on doors is a sure-fire loser... and so is Mittens.

Specious nonsense in both paragraphs. Prove your points. You can't, Joe.

No one like how Karl Rove slimed McCain in 2000. They remembered, and they voted for Gore, and Gore won the popular vote.

Remember how Bush-41 slimed Buchanan in 1992? Most of Buchanan's supporters became Perot's supporters.

They must be laughing their asses off in the White House watching Mittens alienate the very people he needs to win.
You have no evidence backing your charges, Joe. Please try. Do better.
You have no evidence backing your charges, Joe. Please try. Do better.

No, man... you just keep pretending that you don't have a real problem. I gave two solid examples of how slimy campaigns in the primary hurt the incumbant in the General.

You keep pretending that a candidate 75% of Republicans want no part of, is the best guy to go up against Obama, who is loved by 90% of Democrats.

Every argument you've made is not why Romney is great. You haven't made a compelling argument for Romney yet. Every argument you've made is why everyone else sucks. WHich I don't necessarily disagree with. This is the worst batch of GOP Candidates I've ever seen.

Your arguments for Romney are that he's "electable" (Despite losing elections to Ted Kennedy, Mike Huckabee, John McCain and probably Devall Patrick if he hadn't chickened out) that he's not a "right wing whackjob" (which I think has a lot more to do with your views than where the party is) and he's this great businessman (although 40% of the companies he invested in went bankrupt in GOOD times.)
I would like to know why the "left" is being accused of smearing Newt.

rightwingnuts think anyone who tells the truth about their candidates is "smearing" them.

you'd think they'd just pick better candidates....

but that's what happens when your sole criteria are idealogical purity and the ability to be their attack dog.

Actually, we think you wouldn't know the truth if it crawled up your pants legs and bit you on your left asscheek.

And if Obama is your idea of "better candidates", you can have him. Good luck to you running on THAT record. Most people don't seem to think deliberately destroying the country is a good idea, for some odd reason.

But that's what happens when your sole criterion is "He's BLACK! Gloryosky, look how open-minded we are, to vote for the black man!"

Call us when you get a REAL Presidential candidate, and maybe someone will give a shit what you "think" about Republican candidates . . . or anything at all.
If you people could see my face, youd be convinced of my authenticity when I say that I believe the "left" is hoping that Newt becomes the GOP nominee. If he does, THEN he will be smeared.

Duh, Joe. Duh.

I have no doubt that you sincerely believe that. I also have no doubt that if we could see your face, we'd have to press charges for assaulting our optic nerves.

But you keep congratulating yourself on what an easy time you're going to have fielding Barack "Presiding over the decline of America" Obama.
Dr. Sowell makes a lot of sense as usual.

Thomas Sowell
The Past and the Present


If Newt Gingrich were being nominated for sainthood, many of us would vote very differently from the way we would vote if he were being nominated for a political office.

What the media call Gingrich's "baggage" concerns largely his personal life and the fact that he made a lot of money running a consulting firm after he left Congress. This kind of stuff makes lots of talking points that we will no doubt hear, again and again, over the next weeks and months.

But how much weight should we give to this stuff when we are talking about the future of a nation?

This is not just another election and Barack Obama is not just another president whose policies we may not like. With all of President Obama's broken promises, glib demagoguery and cynical political moves, one promise he has kept all too well. That was his boast on the eve of the 2008 election: "We are going to change the United States of America."

Many Americans are already saying that they can hardly recognize the country they grew up in. We have already started down the path that has led Western European nations to the brink of financial disaster.

Internationally, it is worse. A president who has pulled the rug out from under our allies, whether in Eastern Europe or the Middle East, tried to cozy up to our enemies, and has bowed low from the waist to foreign leaders certainly has not represented either the values or the interests of America. If he continues to do nothing that is likely to stop terrorist-sponsoring Iran from getting nuclear weapons, the consequences can be beyond our worst imagining.

Against this background, how much does Newt Gingrich's personal life matter, whether we accept his claim that he has now matured or his critics' claim that he has not? Nor should we sell the public short by saying that they are going to vote on the basis of tabloid stuff or media talking points, when the fate of this nation hangs in the balance.

Even back in the 19th century, when the scandal came out that Grover Cleveland had fathered a child out of wedlock — and he publicly admitted it — the voters nevertheless sent him to the White House, where he became one of the better presidents.

Do we wish we had another Ronald Reagan? We could certainly use one. But we have to play the hand we were dealt. And the Reagan card is not in the deck.

While the televised debates are what gave Newt Gingrich's candidacy a big boost, concrete accomplishments when in office are the real test. Gingrich engineered the first Republican takeover of the House of Representatives in 40 years — followed by the first balanced budget in 40 years. The media called it "the Clinton surplus" but all spending bills start in the House of Representatives, and Gingrich was Speaker of the House.

Speaker Gingrich also produced some long overdue welfare reforms, despite howls from liberals that the poor would be devastated. But nobody makes that claim any more.
In his 2009 book, Real Change, Newt condemned Lockheed Martin for squandering tax payer dollars on the "kinds of waste and fraud that currently plague government programs" without reminding readers of how, during his two decades in congress, Mr. Speaker funneled endless streams of taxpayer dollars to a major Lockheed assembly plant in a neighboring congressional district.

Newt, Mitt and Obama serve the 1% not the 99%.
They all choose Wall Street over Main Street every time.
"Choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth Changes nothing.

Newt Gingrich's Lockheed Martin Love Affair | Mother Jones

Mother Jones. You should just go find a nice, quiet place and put yourself out of the misery of being such a pathetically gullible loser. I didn't know IQs could be measured in negative integers, but you have corrected that misapprehension.
That would be Democratic president.

No, it wouldn't. The fact that you idiots want to rewrite the dictionary to try to show yourselves in a better light doesn't change English for those of us who don't give a shit about you OR your bullshit.

The Republican Party contains Republicans.
The Democrat Party contains Democrats.
We don't call the first one "The Republicanian Party", so why would we call the second one "The Democratic Party"?

Bill Clinton was a Democrat, from the Democrat Party; therefore, he was a Democrat President.
In his 2009 book, Real Change, Newt condemned Lockheed Martin for squandering tax payer dollars on the "kinds of waste and fraud that currently plague government programs" without reminding readers of how, during his two decades in congress, Mr. Speaker funneled endless streams of taxpayer dollars to a major Lockheed assembly plant in a neighboring congressional district.

Newt, Mitt and Obama serve the 1% not the 99%.
They all choose Wall Street over Main Street every time.
"Choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth Changes nothing.

Newt Gingrich's Lockheed Martin Love Affair | Mother Jones

Mother Jones. You should just go find a nice, quiet place and put yourself out of the misery of being such a pathetically gullible loser. I didn't know IQs could be measured in negative integers, but you have corrected that misapprehension.

Georgie has serious issues, I kinda feel sorry for him in a way.
The truth is not a smear. And the truth about Newt is:

1) He's 3x married, twice divorced, cheated on both his first two wives and claimed that it was due in part to the stress of his job.

2) He supported a health insurance mandate before he opposed a health insurance mandate.

3) He claims credit for balancing a budget despite the fact that he vehemently opposed a significant portion of the legislation that balanced that budget.

4) He thinks congress should fire judges with whom they disagree.

5) He and his consulting firm were paid 1.6M by the GSE's, while at the same time claiming that any politician who took money from them should be in jail.

6) He paid the single largest fine related to ethics violations in the history of the House of Representatives.

I could go on....Those aren't smears, they are facts. If the far-right is so blind as to think they can pass this guy through a national election with that baggage, more power to ya. Please run him.

Look up the facts. It takes two to make a marriage. How many people in this nation are divorced after bad choices. A personal life does not make a world leader.

Issues that were 30 years ago change.

His ethics violation, One out of 84 accused by the Democrats, involved teaching a class with the help of his aides.

He had a consulting firm and he was a consultant.

He worked with Clinton, a Democratic president and listen to the kudos he received from him on the OReilly thread on this board.
Good luck in your campaign to explain away 3 wives, two cheats, one excuse about how stressful his job was, a $300,000 ethics fine, and 1.6M from a company he claims people should go to jail for working with.

No amount of spin and deflection will get the public to look past the above. So please, run Newt. It'll be the best possible guarantee of an Obama administration until 2016.

What's to explain? Intelligent people know that job interviewers don't ask about an interviewee's marital life, and that there's no "scandal" about doing a perfectly legal job for a perfectly legal quasi-governmental agency, and that there's a big difference between private citizens and politicians. Idiots who have to be told are too dumb to be worth the effort.
The truth is not a smear. And the truth about Newt is:

1) He's 3x married, twice divorced, cheated on both his first two wives and claimed that it was due in part to the stress of his job.

2) He supported a health insurance mandate before he opposed a health insurance mandate.

3) He claims credit for balancing a budget despite the fact that he vehemently opposed a significant portion of the legislation that balanced that budget.

4) He thinks congress should fire judges with whom they disagree.

5) He and his consulting firm were paid 1.6M by the GSE's, while at the same time claiming that any politician who took money from them should be in jail.

6) He paid the single largest fine related to ethics violations in the history of the House of Representatives.

I could go on....Those aren't smears, they are facts. If the far-right is so blind as to think they can pass this guy through a national election with that baggage, more power to ya. Please run him.

Notice this person points out all these things that aren't really relevant to being president.
Unfortunately for you, you don't get to chose what things are relevant to voters. If the Republicans are dumb enough to run Newt, I assure you the Democrats will make sure people find these issues relevant.

What you mean is, the Democrats will make sure to make the election about anything other than the issues or the good of the nation, because they suck on the issues and they care more about their own power than they do the United States.

Call me when you have something to say that indicates some scrap of patriotism or intelligence, scumbag. "He's been married three times!" just tells me that Obama is at his best appealing to Oprah-watching welfare queens. You should be so proud of him. :eusa_hand:
I would like to know why the "left" is being accused of smearing Newt.

rightwingnuts think anyone who tells the truth about their candidates is "smearing" them.

you'd think they'd just pick better candidates....

but that's what happens when your sole criteria are idealogical purity and the ability to be their attack dog.

Actually, we think you wouldn't know the truth if it crawled up your pants legs and bit you on your left asscheek.

And if Obama is your idea of "better candidates", you can have him. Good luck to you running on THAT record. Most people don't seem to think deliberately destroying the country is a good idea, for some odd reason.

You think he's deliberately destroying the country? You really think he sits around scheming "How will I destroy the U.S. today"?

I think you've been watching too many cartoons, that or you're delusional.

Call us when you get a REAL Presidential candidate, and maybe someone will give a shit what you "think" about Republican candidates . . . or anything at all.

You don't care what anyone thinks unless they agree with you already. We get it. Now just put that as your signature so you can save your breath.
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If you people could see my face, youd be convinced of my authenticity when I say that I believe the "left" is hoping that Newt becomes the GOP nominee. If he does, THEN he will be smeared.

Duh, Joe. Duh.

I have no doubt that you sincerely believe that. I also have no doubt that if we could see your face, we'd have to press charges for assaulting our optic nerves.

But you keep congratulating yourself on what an easy time you're going to have fielding Barack "Presiding over the decline of America" Obama.

Please promise me that you'll be logged on here on election night......and for a day or two afterward. It will make it all worthwhile.
That would be Democratic president.

No, it wouldn't. The fact that you idiots want to rewrite the dictionary to try to show yourselves in a better light doesn't change English for those of us who don't give a shit about you OR your bullshit.

The Republican Party contains Republicans.
The Democrat Party contains Democrats.
We don't call the first one "The Republicanian Party", so why would we call the second one "The Democratic Party"?

Bill Clinton was a Democrat, from the Democrat Party; therefore, he was a Democrat President.

You are nicely full of shit.
Dr. Sowell makes a lot of sense as usual.

Thomas Sowell
The Past and the Present


If Newt Gingrich were being nominated for sainthood, many of us would vote very differently from the way we would vote if he were being nominated for a political office.

What the media call Gingrich's "baggage" concerns largely his personal life and the fact that he made a lot of money running a consulting firm after he left Congress. This kind of stuff makes lots of talking points that we will no doubt hear, again and again, over the next weeks and months.

But how much weight should we give to this stuff when we are talking about the future of a nation?

This is not just another election and Barack Obama is not just another president whose policies we may not like. With all of President Obama's broken promises, glib demagoguery and cynical political moves, one promise he has kept all too well. That was his boast on the eve of the 2008 election: "We are going to change the United States of America."

Many Americans are already saying that they can hardly recognize the country they grew up in. We have already started down the path that has led Western European nations to the brink of financial disaster.

Internationally, it is worse. A president who has pulled the rug out from under our allies, whether in Eastern Europe or the Middle East, tried to cozy up to our enemies, and has bowed low from the waist to foreign leaders certainly has not represented either the values or the interests of America. If he continues to do nothing that is likely to stop terrorist-sponsoring Iran from getting nuclear weapons, the consequences can be beyond our worst imagining.

Against this background, how much does Newt Gingrich's personal life matter, whether we accept his claim that he has now matured or his critics' claim that he has not? Nor should we sell the public short by saying that they are going to vote on the basis of tabloid stuff or media talking points, when the fate of this nation hangs in the balance.

Even back in the 19th century, when the scandal came out that Grover Cleveland had fathered a child out of wedlock — and he publicly admitted it — the voters nevertheless sent him to the White House, where he became one of the better presidents.

Do we wish we had another Ronald Reagan? We could certainly use one. But we have to play the hand we were dealt. And the Reagan card is not in the deck.

While the televised debates are what gave Newt Gingrich's candidacy a big boost, concrete accomplishments when in office are the real test. Gingrich engineered the first Republican takeover of the House of Representatives in 40 years — followed by the first balanced budget in 40 years. The media called it "the Clinton surplus" but all spending bills start in the House of Representatives, and Gingrich was Speaker of the House.

Speaker Gingrich also produced some long overdue welfare reforms, despite howls from liberals that the poor would be devastated. But nobody makes that claim any more.

sounds like Mr. Sowell is the one practicing demagoguery, for Newt.

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