Thomas Young passed away two days ago. One of the many casualty of permanent war.

OMG, how sad. The documentary "Body of War" was released in 2007 and Tomas Young was at the core of this film, being the main interviewee. He was in very bad shape then. Which means the last seven years have been pure hell. Goddamn the Bush and the Dick to hell.

And the real crime here is that he WILL NOT be considered a victim of that stupid war. Returning troops who die slowly from their wounds over the years are not counted as fallen soldiers.
Well nobody put a gun to his head to join the Army. Last I heard we have a volunteer army.

Seems he didn't mind Bush, Cheny or serving till he got paralysed.

Sorry for his suffering but blaming someone because you decided to join and got hurt is assinine to say the least.

RIP Mr. Young.
Well nobody put a gun to his head to join the Army. Last I heard we have a volunteer army.

Seems he didn't mind Bush, Cheny or serving till he got paralysed.

Sorry for his suffering but blaming someone because you decided to join and got hurt is assinine to say the least.

RIP Mr. Young.
My guess is that this unfortunate man signed on to fight for his country, not to go on some crazy adventure in a country that had nothing to do with 9-11. Bush and his cabal should all be doing hard the least. The man who prosecuted Charlie Manson calls it murder.
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder Vincent Bugliosi Books
My guess is that this unfortunate man signed on to fight for his country, not to go on some crazy adventure in a country that had nothing to do with 9-11. Bush and his cabal should all be doing hard the least. The man who prosecuted Charlie Manson calls it murder.
How does that make Belagosi an expert on Constitutional law? If there was any way to try them it would be old news by now. No one said Iraq was related to 9/11, you are stuck on stupid. 9/11 changed the proactive vs reactive stance for most government leaders, Democrats alike. obama's claim to fame is that he was one of the few against it but we know now they did have WMD, so we might have saved a lot more lives. No one knows, including the Bush/Chaney hate mongers.
Bugliosi only needs one State`s AG to file charges and he`ll prosecute the case for free. He`s won conviction in 101 of 102 felony cases he`s prosecuted so yes, he`s an expert on Constitutional law. Your qualifications are what? President flight suit himself concede the fact that there were no wmd`s. The vote was taken to convince Saddam that he had better let the UN weapons inspectors into the country or we would blow the place up. He allowed them in but Gomer and his henchmen/woman went on a killing spree anyway.
Well nobody put a gun to his head to join the Army. Last I heard we have a volunteer army.

Seems he didn't mind Bush, Cheny or serving till he got paralysed.

Sorry for his suffering but blaming someone because you decided to join and got hurt is assinine to say the least.

RIP Mr. Young.
My guess is that this unfortunate man signed on to fight for his country, not to go on some crazy adventure in a country that had nothing to do with 9-11. Bush and his cabal should all be doing hard the least. The man who prosecuted Charlie Manson calls it murder.
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder Vincent Bugliosi Books

Well by your way of thinking Congress should be right there with him. That war was approved by the Congress of the United States.

No one forced Mr. Young to sign on. He made that decision and to blame Bush, Cheney and whoever else he wants to blame is just plane idiotic.

Had he survied wound free he wouldn't have said a word.

Catch a clue.
Bugliosi only needs one State`s AG to file charges and he`ll prosecute the case for free. He`s won conviction in 101 of 102 felony cases he`s prosecuted so yes, he`s an expert on Constitutional law. Your qualifications are what? President flight suit himself concede the fact that there were no wmd`s. The vote was taken to convince Saddam that he had better let the UN weapons inspectors into the country or we would blow the place up. He allowed them in but Gomer and his henchmen/woman went on a killing spree anyway.
What are your qualifications beside running your yap on an internet board? Bush will never go to trial, you need to let that wet dream go. You are VERY ill informed and that's saying something after all this time.

Iraq broke the treaty agreement and had UN resolutions against it and played games with the inspectors. The coalition forces broke no international law and there was no US law then or now against it. Congress voted on it even though it wasn't a constitutional requirement.

Belagosi is selling a book for dupes like you.
Has any country ignored more UN resolutions than Israel? Should we give them some "shock and awe" too?
I`ve explained to you why there was a vote. If you can`t spell Bugliosi that makes your poor reading skills understandable.
This poor guy said he would've been ok going in to Afghanistan but the real problem was America's interfering in the middle east for corporate profit to begin with. This goes beyond dubya and that other criminal poppy, back at least to the '50's when america got rid of an Iranian ruler and put their own guy, the shah in there. Like I always say, you'd think the oil companies and the bush criminals would give American veterans of middle eastern wars a discount at the gas pump and say 'thank you for your service', sucker.

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