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....those F-Biden flags & signs....??

Ummm, no, poster Oldestyle.

Any attention to the latest negotiations in Washington over the debt ceiling and the spending bills will reveal their is no "Squad calling the shots'. "Squad" being Don Trump's pejorative name for 3 or 4 Democratic women who lean progressive. Rather, the many voices of the Democratic congressional delegations ...274 people, Reps & Senators.....have competing agendas and voices. Otherwise, a more unified party could have almost ramrodded whatever legislation they felt was best for America.

The progressive wing certainly has a more assertive voice than prior.... including not only the "Squad", plus others .....however, their agenda has been contested, modified, altered, time and time again by other Democrat interests.

I suspect you made the assertion you did simply to advance a polemic, a partisan interest of yours, and did so without proper vetting or homework.
Blaming everything on Donald Trump begins to get a bit stupid at some point, my friend! He didn't coin the term The Squad! It was a nickname that they gave to themselves. Claiming that those four "lean" progressive is rather amusing. They are full bore progressive and proud of it.

Perhaps YOU should get your facts straight before you accuse others of not doing their "homework"?
Perhaps YOU should get your facts straight before you accuse others of not doing their "homework"?

Oh, I can always do more vetting; however, it wasn't my poor overworked avatar that made this assertion:

Oldestyle: "Democrats are letting The Squad call the shots......."

Any thoughtful review of today's political contesting in DC should recognize that no such thing exists. The progressives do have more presence in negotiations than previously.....but they surely do not "call the shots". To assert such is merely shrill histrionics based on misperceptions and lack of research, or homework, if you will.

Oh, I can always do more vetting; however, it wasn't my poor overworked avatar that made this assertion:

Oldestyle: "Democrats are letting The Squad call the shots......."

Any thoughtful review of today's political contesting in DC should recognize that no such thing exists. The progressives do have more presence in negotiations than previously.....but they surely do not "call the shots". To assert such is merely shrill histrionics based on misperceptions and lack of research, or homework, if you will.

No, it's actually based on the numbers that exist in Congress these days, Chilly! The Democrats have such a slim majority in the House that just a few members can call the tune on whether or not legislation gets passed. The Squad is taking full advantage of that...digging in their heels and daring Nancy Pelosi not to give in to them. What's going on in Congress these days is a classic example of the tail wagging the dog. It's not just The Squad that is doing it by the way. You have the same thing going on over in the Senate where a handful of Democratic moderates like Manchin are holding up legislation.
The question you have to ask is this...
Why do the Democrats think they have a mandate for this kind of huge spending when they have such a tiny majority in both sides of Congress?
This was in one of my newsfeeds this morning. It references President Biden's visit to Michigan yesterday.

"HOWELL, MI -- President Joe Biden saw a clear message from the window of his motorcade while driving to an event in Howell on Tuesday.

“F*** Biden” was visible on flags and signs carried by a crowd of protesters gathered along M-59 in Livingston County, a deeply conservative part of the state. U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin, D-Holly, said she was “embarrassed” by the profane message as she sat next to the president, who pointed out the signs as they passed by the rally."

"“He said, ‘aren’t we next to a school?’” Slotkin said. “I pointed out the school to him and, he said ‘I guess I’m still surprised when people, even if they don’t like me, are willing to be that profane around children.’
I've remarked on this expanding tic by members of the pro-Trump constituency to fly such flags, nail up such banners with the F-bomb prominently and publicly displayed.

I personally think it a sad development, and serves as a marker for ....and a mark of....the character, poor judgement, and disrespect towards social norms of the perpetrators. Not to mention their disregard of neighbors and challenges of being a parent in a coarsening social environment.

To publicly fly a 'F*** Biden' flag tells more about the flyer than just his political leanings. And what it tells is that the individual is crass, poorly raised, and likely under-educated.

Like Joe Biden, I too was surprised (as I noted in another posting) to see that flag being flown just yards from an elementary school that I pass by on my way to the farm.

I am interested in seeing if the local GOP organizations or Republican officials will remark in a discouraging manner....or any attempt to distance themselves from the nature and quality of such people who would fly such flags ....for public display.

Aw, are your delicate sensibilities offended?

Maybe you should have thought about that as you went through the last 4 years being every bit as crass...

I was at a 3 Doors Down concert last night, and the entire crowd was chanting "F- Joe Biden".... Hillarious.... Or maybe it was "Let's go Brandon"....
Aw, are your delicate sensibilities offended?

Maybe you should have thought about that as you went through the last 4 years being every bit as crass...

I was at a 3 Doors Down concert last night, and the entire crowd was chanting "F- Joe Biden".... Hillarious.... Or maybe it was "Let's go Brandon"....
Every bit as crass...

if only. The thread is overflowing with examples that are thousands of times worse as the most narcissistic lefties pretend they are above such crass behavior. At least some wiped the foam off their mouths first...
Oh, I can always do more vetting; however, it wasn't my poor overworked avatar that made this assertion:

Oldestyle: "Democrats are letting The Squad call the shots......."

Any thoughtful review of today's political contesting in DC should recognize that no such thing exists. The progressives do have more presence in negotiations than previously.....but they surely do not "call the shots". To assert such is merely shrill histrionics based on misperceptions and lack of research, or homework, if you will.

You're stupid.
"... are your delicate sensibilities offended?.....Maybe you should have thought about that as you went through the last 4 years being every bit as crass..."

Well, a couple of things to comment on:

First, 'my sensibilities"?.....naw!
I'm an old man, I've heard, read, said...the f-bomb many times in my long life.

On the other hand, seeing some dunderheaded MAGAHat flying a 'F*ck Biden' flag on the same pole as his 'Trump/Pence' flag.....on the same street and just yards from an elementary school....well then, it ain't my 'sensibilities' at issue. It's the crass Dicks & Karens in the MAGA Hats who think doing that to neighboring parents and their young children is simply 'freedom of speech'. Crass? Oh yeah. Class?.....none. IMHO

Second, your assertion: "you..... being every bit as crass..."

Well, I respectfully demur. But am curious.
Curious if the good poster 'j-mac' can back up his assertion. Show us his chops. Carry his weight?

I would find that interesting if he can search out some postings of my poor avatar's that used the 'f-bomb' against Don Trump or any of his enablers. Or hell, show us a post where that damn avatar of mine attached a pic with a 'F*ck Trump' banner or flag.

Prove to us your little pony can trot, J-mac.
Saddle up, Skippy.
Well, a couple of things to comment on:

First, 'my sensibilities"?.....naw!
I'm an old man, I've heard, read, said...the f-bomb many times in my long life.

On the other hand, seeing some dunderheaded MAGAHat flying a 'F*ck Biden' flag on the same pole as his 'Trump/Pence' flag.....on the same street and just yards from an elementary school....well then, it ain't my 'sensibilities' at issue. It's the crass Dicks & Karens in the MAGA Hats who think doing that to neighboring parents and their young children is simply 'freedom of speech'. Crass? Oh yeah. Class?.....none. IMHO

Second, your assertion: "you..... being every bit as crass..."

Well, I respectfully demur. But am curious.
Curious if the good poster 'j-mac' can back up his assertion. Show us his chops. Carry his weight?

I would find that interesting if he can search out some postings of my poor avatar's that used the 'f-bomb' against Don Trump or any of his enablers. Or hell, show us a post where that damn avatar of mine attached a pic with a 'F*ck Trump' banner or flag.

Prove to us your little pony can trot, J-mac.
Saddle up, Skippy.
You were probably alright with the pussy hats and the rest of the disgusting things the scum left did when President Trump was in office. F#@k biden.
This was in one of my newsfeeds this morning. It references President Biden's visit to Michigan yesterday.

"HOWELL, MI -- President Joe Biden saw a clear message from the window of his motorcade while driving to an event in Howell on Tuesday.

“F*** Biden” was visible on flags and signs carried by a crowd of protesters gathered along M-59 in Livingston County, a deeply conservative part of the state. U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin, D-Holly, said she was “embarrassed” by the profane message as she sat next to the president, who pointed out the signs as they passed by the rally."

"“He said, ‘aren’t we next to a school?’” Slotkin said. “I pointed out the school to him and, he said ‘I guess I’m still surprised when people, even if they don’t like me, are willing to be that profane around children.’
I've remarked on this expanding tic by members of the pro-Trump constituency to fly such flags, nail up such banners with the F-bomb prominently and publicly displayed.

I personally think it a sad development, and serves as a marker for ....and a mark of....the character, poor judgement, and disrespect towards social norms of the perpetrators. Not to mention their disregard of neighbors and challenges of being a parent in a coarsening social environment.

To publicly fly a 'F*** Biden' flag tells more about the flyer than just his political leanings. And what it tells is that the individual is crass, poorly raised, and likely under-educated.

Like Joe Biden, I too was surprised (as I noted in another posting) to see that flag being flown just yards from an elementary school that I pass by on my way to the farm.

I am interested in seeing if the local GOP organizations or Republican officials will remark in a discouraging manner....or any attempt to distance themselves from the nature and quality of such people who would fly such flags ....for public display.

Local GOP will do just what you mindless assholes did to Trump. You didn't think that crap would just blow over did you? I get the feeling it is just beginning and what did you expect when you voted for the brain dead fool? Just wait for the IMPECHMENT when the House flips and it will. The GOP is loading their guns for Biden and Hunter is giving them all the ammo they need. By the way, how come Joe is not paying his "Fair Share"? Screw you Libatards.
"You're stupid."
You know, good poster Ham......over the years of a long full career there certainly have been times where I felt exactly that.
However, your post ain't one of the those times.

But, I can mildly note your efforts, such as they be.

Nonetheless, good luck.
Nope, what I said wasn't a lie. She lost every job she had and was routinely bashed for that nonsense by both the left and the right. That a few people defended her does not undo that. That's like saying we never landed on the moon because I can show you a few nuts who believe that.

Of course, I'm saying this to a nut who actually denied Trump was impeached, so there's that.
You left out the twice part. By the way both times the retarded lefty socialist pricks never got a conviction. Put a fork in Nancy, she is over done.
No, you didn't, Fruitcake. There's always a few on any issue who are on the other side of the debate. That doesn't prove Democrats didn't bash Griffin for that stunt. She lost everything she worked for at that time because both left and right attacked her for that. Even CNN fired her on the spot.
CNN fired her on the spot? That is real weak, she only worked on New Years Eve! They also fired Jeffrey Toobin for his wacking off than the re-hired him. CNN blows like you moron.
if you put your trust in God, nothing can break you

if you put your trust in government, Biden controls you, the government controls you. that's why liberals want you to trust government, and not believe in God
Well, a couple of things to comment on:

First, 'my sensibilities"?.....naw!
I'm an old man, I've heard, read, said...the f-bomb many times in my long life.

On the other hand, seeing some dunderheaded MAGAHat flying a 'F*ck Biden' flag on the same pole as his 'Trump/Pence' flag.....on the same street and just yards from an elementary school....well then, it ain't my 'sensibilities' at issue. It's the crass Dicks & Karens in the MAGA Hats who think doing that to neighboring parents and their young children is simply 'freedom of speech'. Crass? Oh yeah. Class?.....none. IMHO

Second, your assertion: "you..... being every bit as crass..."

Well, I respectfully demur. But am curious.
Curious if the good poster 'j-mac' can back up his assertion. Show us his chops. Carry his weight?

I would find that interesting if he can search out some postings of my poor avatar's that used the 'f-bomb' against Don Trump or any of his enablers. Or hell, show us a post where that damn avatar of mine attached a pic with a 'F*ck Trump' banner or flag.

Prove to us your little pony can trot, J-mac.
Saddle up, Skippy.
🤣 oh, touched a nerve eh douchebag?
Ive been around messageboards long enough to not fall for your snipe hunt bullshit.

you really aren’t good at this.

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