Those Newer Biden Ads Gloating Over Accomplishments.Have You Seen Them?Drug Prices And Tax The Rich?What About Everything Else?

Class warfare and marxism go together like liberals and irresponsibility.
You idiots wouldn't know class warfare if it hit you in the face. 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we have the worst upward mobility inequality Poverty and homelessness ever anywhere by far. D U H H H

Oops, brainwashed functional idiots politically of course.. change the damn channel.
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You idiots wouldn't know class warfare if it hit you in the face. 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we have the worst upward mobility inequality Poverty and homelessness ever anywhere by far. D U H H H

Oops, brainwashed functional idiots politically of course.. change the damn channel.
Damn, you’re stupid.
Cheap college and training to fight our terrible upward mobility, a living wage for crying out loud- that doesn't cost anything, health care for all daycare help paid parental leave infrastructure infrastructure infrastructure.... Like every modern country already has.
And what will all that cost?
Typical net worth down ~17% from "Trump Peak" after three years of this fraudulent takeover regime. Factor in cost of living up 2X - 3X.

Things are bad. If not for real Americans battling thru these tough times? No telling what these criminals have planned next?
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Well at least we have seen them on Fox. Ive seen two so far, one gloating over the slight drop in perscription drugs, and another regarding taxing the rich to help get the economy booming and so they can pay their fair share. Really? and thats those are the two reasons we need to vote for Biden in 2024? Unbelievable!
Yeah, he should be touting the fact that he’s never waved classified documents in front of unauthorized individuals!
Typical net worth down ~17% from "Trump Peak" after three years of this fraudulent takeover regime. Factor in cost of living up 2X - 3X.

Things are bad. If not for real Americans battling thru these tough times? No telling what these criminals have planned next?
Yes yes, the trump peak and then the worst response to the pandemic anywhere with only 40% of GOP getting vaccinated and causing another recession great job! This was Trump's greatest achievement, not screwing up the Obama recovery, until he did, the moron....
As a member of the so called 'rich' I'm pulling down more cash than ever and still enjoying my Trump tax cut. :eusa_dance:
so you make over $500,000 a year in income? Congratulations. Unfortunately with your attitude you flunk heaven LOL
before Reagan, we used to call them the unfortunate and worried about them. Enjoy Hades
They seem to have plenty of time to stand around panhandling, shooting drugs and stealing shit.

Franco why don't you empty your bank account, write a check to government? Lead by example, nothing stopping YOU. I'm guessing you are a big fat NO on that. Typical of your ilk you are generous with other people's money, not your own.
As a member of the so called 'rich' I'm pulling down more cash than ever and still enjoying my Trump tax cut. :eusa_dance:
Despite franco’s ranting, everybody has an equal chance to get where you are. IF they are willing to put in the work involved. Too many people are like him. Wanting everything handed to them without working for it. Or just have it taken from those who earned it. Because it’s “not fair” or something.
Well at least we have seen them on Fox. Ive seen two so far, one gloating over the slight drop in perscription drugs, and another regarding taxing the rich to help get the economy booming and so they can pay their fair share. Really? and thats those are the two reasons we need to vote for Biden in 2024? Unbelievable!

We need real Christian statesmen, rather than the right-wing fake "Christians" that are pro-life (yes, that's good), against all of the LGBTQ+ lunacy (yes, that's good), but then have a deep-seated contempt for the working class and the poor (that's evil). Supporting ideas and passing policies through Congress that undermine the financial interests of the working class and serve the vested interests of wealthy elites. What we have in this country is a plutocracy, where the rich (6% of the population), rule over working-class people (94% of the American public). Both the Republicans and the Democrats, serve their wealthy donors at the expense of the public good. So what we need is real, genuine Christian statesmanship in this country.
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We need real Christian statesmen, rather than the right-wing fake "Christians" that are pro-life (yes, that's good), against all of the LGBTQ+ lunacy (yes, that's good), but then have a deep-seated contempt for the working class and the poor (that's evil). Supporting ideas and passing policies through Congress that undermine the financial interests of the working class and serve the vested interests of the wealthy elites. What we have in this country is a plutocracy, where the rich (6% of the population), rule over the working-class people (94% of the American public). Both the Republicans and the Democrats, serve their wealthy donors at the expense of the public good. So we need is real, genuine Christian statesmanship in this country.

SHUP fatboy. Someone has to clean the toilet.

We had a great President with the country prosperous in 2019. But you all backed a Russian hoax and Election Fraud & Covid to wipe it all out. All for your own entertainment? Pound sand you sack of garbage.
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SHUP fatboy. Someone has to clean the toilet.

We had a great President with the country prosperous in 2019. But you all backed a Russian hoax and Election Fraud & Covid to wipe it all out. All for your rwoted entertainment. Pound sand you sack of garbage.

SHUP fatboy. Someone has to clean the toilet.

Robots can do that. If human beings need to clean toilets, full-time, then they will be paid a living wage and will have access to affordable housing, healthcare, and an education.

We had a great President with the country prosperous in 2019. But you all backed a Russian hoax and Election Fraud & Covid to wipe it all out. All for your rwoted entertainment. Pound sand you sack of garbage.

The economy was already recovering from the 2008 recession, by the time Trump entered office, caused by the destruction of our economy with all of Bush's warmongering and the bipartisan repeal of Glass Steagal in the 1990s. Most of the jobs that Trump bolstered were low-paying service industry jobs. The good paying jobs, like the ones in this Carrier plant in Indiana:

Still left to Mexico and China. Trump did nothing to penalize Carrier, after promising those workers during his election campaign, that he would protect their jobs. Carrier closed down the plant in Indiana and moved it to Mexico. Since you're not an American patriot and neither are the big-money wealthy capitalist elites in this country, you don't care of the fact that we've lost over 60 thousand factories and tens of millions of good-paying union jobs in the last 40 years. You, demonic right-wingers, have gutted our country of its manufacturing base. We're now at the mercy of China and other third-world countries, to provide us with the goods that we consume. You're not a patriot, nor are you a Christian.

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