Those of you on the Right really have an opporunity

Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. It
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. Juz gib me da cash.

Obviously you don't either, just like thst other fool you are just spewing right wing bullshit.
You've never been a slave or even met a slave. I've never owned a slave, and no one in my family history has ever owned slaves. So how much do I owe black people.

Now you are trying to change the subject, try to keep up. We are waiting to hear all the billions of dollars that black folks have rec'd and whites have not.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. It
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. Juz gib me da cash.

Obviously you don't either, just like thst other fool you are just spewing right wing bullshit.
You've never been a slave or even met a slave. I've never owned a slave, and no one in my family history has ever owned slaves. So how much do I owe black people.

Now you are trying to change the subject, try to keep up. We are waiting to hear all the billions of dollars that black folks have rec'd and whites have not.
Whites in NYS received welfare since the 50s?
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. It
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. Juz gib me da cash.

Obviously you don't either, just like thst other fool you are just spewing right wing bullshit.
You've never been a slave or even met a slave. I've never owned a slave, and no one in my family history has ever owned slaves. So how much do I owe black people.

Now you are trying to change the subject, try to keep up. We are waiting to hear all the billions of dollars that black folks have rec'd and whites have not.
Whites in NYS received welfare since the 50s?

Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. It
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. Juz gib me da cash.

Obviously you don't either, just like thst other fool you are just spewing right wing bullshit.
You've never been a slave or even met a slave. I've never owned a slave, and no one in my family history has ever owned slaves. So how much do I owe black people.

Now you are trying to change the subject, try to keep up. We are waiting to hear all the billions of dollars that black folks have rec'd and whites have not.
I guess you never heard of President Lyndon Johnson and his Great Society. How old are you?
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. It
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. Juz gib me da cash.

Obviously you don't either, just like thst other fool you are just spewing right wing bullshit.
You've never been a slave or even met a slave. I've never owned a slave, and no one in my family history has ever owned slaves. So how much do I owe black people.

Now you are trying to change the subject, try to keep up. We are waiting to hear all the billions of dollars that black folks have rec'd and whites have not.
Whites in NYS received welfare since the 50s?

As I suspected, you are 10 years old.
NYS used to be a Republican stronghold until the Democrats in NYS offered welfare to the Southern Blacks.
White did not get that welfare.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. It
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. Juz gib me da cash.

Obviously you don't either, just like thst other fool you are just spewing right wing bullshit.
You've never been a slave or even met a slave. I've never owned a slave, and no one in my family history has ever owned slaves. So how much do I owe black people.

Now you are trying to change the subject, try to keep up. We are waiting to hear all the billions of dollars that black folks have rec'd and whites have not.
I guess you never heard of President Lyndon Johnson and his Great Society. How old are you?

The Great Society was about poor whites as well. 60s, how about you?
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. It
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. Juz gib me da cash.

Obviously you don't either, just like thst other fool you are just spewing right wing bullshit.
You've never been a slave or even met a slave. I've never owned a slave, and no one in my family history has ever owned slaves. So how much do I owe black people.

Now you are trying to change the subject, try to keep up. We are waiting to hear all the billions of dollars that black folks have rec'd and whites have not.
I guess you never heard of President Lyndon Johnson and his Great Society. How old are you?

The Great Society was about poor whites as well. 60s, how about you?
Which has what to do with 50 years of welfare targeted towards Blacks?
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. It
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. Juz gib me da cash.

Obviously you don't either, just like thst other fool you are just spewing right wing bullshit.
You've never been a slave or even met a slave. I've never owned a slave, and no one in my family history has ever owned slaves. So how much do I owe black people.

Now you are trying to change the subject, try to keep up. We are waiting to hear all the billions of dollars that black folks have rec'd and whites have not.
Whites in NYS received welfare since the 50s?

As I suspected, you are 10 years old.
NYS used to be a Republican stronghold until the Democrats in NYS offered welfare to the Southern Blacks.
White did not get that welfare.

Explain how whites were denied, now can you tell why blacks in the South were denied the GI Bill after WWII?
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. It
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. Juz gib me da cash.

Obviously you don't either, just like thst other fool you are just spewing right wing bullshit.
You've never been a slave or even met a slave. I've never owned a slave, and no one in my family history has ever owned slaves. So how much do I owe black people.

Now you are trying to change the subject, try to keep up. We are waiting to hear all the billions of dollars that black folks have rec'd and whites have not.
I guess you never heard of President Lyndon Johnson and his Great Society. How old are you?

The Great Society was about poor whites as well. 60s, how about you?
Which has what to do with 50 years of welfare targeted towards Blacks?

You mean the same welfare that whites have been receiving.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. It
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. Juz gib me da cash.

Obviously you don't either, just like thst other fool you are just spewing right wing bullshit.
You've never been a slave or even met a slave. I've never owned a slave, and no one in my family history has ever owned slaves. So how much do I owe black people.

Now you are trying to change the subject, try to keep up. We are waiting to hear all the billions of dollars that black folks have rec'd and whites have not.
Whites in NYS received welfare since the 50s?

As I suspected, you are 10 years old.
NYS used to be a Republican stronghold until the Democrats in NYS offered welfare to the Southern Blacks.
White did not get that welfare.

Explain how whites were denied, now can you tell why blacks in the South were denied the GI Bill after WWII?
I'm not discussing the South, I'm discussing NYS from the 1950s and on.
Whites received no such incentive to come to NYS because they weren't left to become indentured servants after slavery.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. It
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. Juz gib me da cash.

Obviously you don't either, just like thst other fool you are just spewing right wing bullshit.
You've never been a slave or even met a slave. I've never owned a slave, and no one in my family history has ever owned slaves. So how much do I owe black people.

Now you are trying to change the subject, try to keep up. We are waiting to hear all the billions of dollars that black folks have rec'd and whites have not.
I guess you never heard of President Lyndon Johnson and his Great Society. How old are you?

The Great Society was about poor whites as well. 60s, how about you?
72. Yes, there are poor whites. Are they victims of the white man's racism? How about the Black Americans that are doing well? What about Oprah? Is she a victim of Whitey?
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. It
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. Juz gib me da cash.

Obviously you don't either, just like thst other fool you are just spewing right wing bullshit.
You've never been a slave or even met a slave. I've never owned a slave, and no one in my family history has ever owned slaves. So how much do I owe black people.

Now you are trying to change the subject, try to keep up. We are waiting to hear all the billions of dollars that black folks have rec'd and whites have not.
Whites in NYS received welfare since the 50s?

As I suspected, you are 10 years old.
NYS used to be a Republican stronghold until the Democrats in NYS offered welfare to the Southern Blacks.
White did not get that welfare.

Explain how whites were denied, now can you tell why blacks in the South were denied the GI Bill after WWII?
I'm not discussing the South, I'm discussing NYS from the 1950s and on.
Whites received no such incentive to come to NYS because they weren't left to become indentured servants after slavery.

Can you provide a link where black folks were being told to come to NYS to receive welfare benefits.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. It
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. Juz gib me da cash.

Obviously you don't either, just like thst other fool you are just spewing right wing bullshit.
You've never been a slave or even met a slave. I've never owned a slave, and no one in my family history has ever owned slaves. So how much do I owe black people.

Now you are trying to change the subject, try to keep up. We are waiting to hear all the billions of dollars that black folks have rec'd and whites have not.
I guess you never heard of President Lyndon Johnson and his Great Society. How old are you?

The Great Society was about poor whites as well. 60s, how about you?
72. Yes, there are poor whites. Are they victims of the white man's racism?

Yes many poor whites have been taken advantage of by wealthy whites.

How about the Black Americans that are doing well?

Many have overcome the obstacles,

What about Oprah? Is she a victim of Whitey?

Yes she had her share of racism, read her story. She is the exception to the rule, not the norm.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. It
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.
Tell me something, Buckwheat. When the checks are being handed out, does the half black half white person get half as much? How's bout a quarter Black? How do we determine who is Black enough?

Oh I don't know Gomer, you tell us how it works.
Of course you don't know. Juz gib me da cash.

Obviously you don't either, just like thst other fool you are just spewing right wing bullshit.
You've never been a slave or even met a slave. I've never owned a slave, and no one in my family history has ever owned slaves. So how much do I owe black people.

Now you are trying to change the subject, try to keep up. We are waiting to hear all the billions of dollars that black folks have rec'd and whites have not.
I guess you never heard of President Lyndon Johnson and his Great Society. How old are you?

The Great Society was about poor whites as well. 60s, how about you?
72. Yes, there are poor whites. Are they victims of the white man's racism?

Yes many poor whites have been taken advantage of by wealthy whites.

How about the Black Americans that are doing well?

Many have overcome the obstacles,

What about Oprah? Is she a victim of Whitey?

Yes she had her share of racism, read her story. She is the exception to the rule, not the norm.
Oprah is proof that opportunity is here. There are many successful Black owned companies. It' whiney loser trash like you that keep that race card playing so you can get something for nothing. You're living off your ancestors. You're a parasite.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
I'm all for that. But people who are used to special treatment believe they're oppressed by equality.

What people are used to special treatment? It can't be black folks, because the Justice System has discriminated against us since our sojourn in America.
Yes, that's what the people exploiting you told you to believe.
Racist white folks like you are the problem.
Are you saying that black people don't (and haven't) practiced racist attitudes?
This is where he trots out that pathetic definition that excuses non-whites' racism.

That doesn't even make sense, what is practicing a racist attitude? We are talking about folks who have ACTED on their racist attitudes.
Oh, so a white person using the n-word is okay?
Now you get to make the case that an unfolded ballot is legal.

And no, "Because they told me it was!" is not a valid case.
In PA, because the state legislature said they were legal.

Quit beuing a whiny dumbass. No one cheated.
I'd like to see a link for that claim, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
That doesn't say what you claim it does. The mail-in ballots, whether mailed back or hand-delivered to a drop-off point, still have to be returned in the official envelopes. They were folded to send to the voter, and they were folded to be returned.

If it's scanned without ever having been folded, it's an illegal ballot.

But Democrats don't give a shit about the law.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.

Your biggest problems are internal and of your own choices. Blaming us, is a coping mechanism.

Which helps you cope. But does nothing to actually address the problems.

For decades now, we as a society have been spending hundreds of billions trying to help your people and the results have been mostly a failure, because we are afraid to accurately identify the problem(s).

People are dying. YOUR people, while you play blame games targeting people that mostly don't do shit to you.

And this will only accelerate as time moves forward and the problems worsen and the overall situation deteriorates.

More r ight wing babble. You have spent billions to incarcerate black folks.
That was Joe Biden. Kamala Harris followed the law and put thousands of black folks in prison.

And you voted for them.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.
Obama was so successful that Trump ran against Obama and won.

No he ran against Hillary Clinton and won, Pres Obama would have mopped the floor with Trump that's why he waited until Pres. Obama had to served his 2 terms. Hell Trump couldn't even win another term, he is ONE and DONE.

Hillary was part of Obama's administration, so running against Obama was a valid strategy and it worked.

That you pretend not to understand that, is because you know it is true, but don't like it.

Obama was the first black president.

That, and the damage the race baiting of his supporters did, is his entire legacy.

Yep here is one of those racist that came out the closet when a black man was elected.
reported, you troll.

Good for you, am I supposed to be scared.

Nope. Hopefully the mods will remove your trolling and generalizing post, which, if I understand correctly violates the rules.

Hope in one hand and take a dump in the other one and see which one fills up the fastest. Whining to the mods just like a good wittle Trump Humper.
Remember, kids, it's racist to enforce rules against a black guy.

No it isn't, as long as, you enforce the same rules against the white guy.

Your behavior, both individually and as a group, lefty, shows that you do not believe, nor practice that.

I really don't feel the need to explain myself to a right wing, racist.

I didn't ask you to. I just made a comment on how your behavior shows that you do NOT really want rules enforced equally against white guys vs black guys.

Your behavior as an individual and as part of the lefty group.

YOur claim otherwise, is just not credible.

......and yet we see that the Justice System is continually UNJUST to black folks. Smfh.
Black folks aren't the problem. Niggaz is da problem.

Racist white folks like you are the problem.

Wacist white folks don't make blacks kill each other or have babies out of wedlock.

What an idiot.

Your biggest problems are internal and of your own choices. Blaming us, is a coping mechanism.

Which helps you cope. But does nothing to actually address the problems.

For decades now, we as a society have been spending hundreds of billions trying to help your people and the results have been mostly a failure, because we are afraid to accurately identify the problem(s).

People are dying. YOUR people, while you play blame games targeting people that mostly don't do shit to you.

And this will only accelerate as time moves forward and the problems worsen and the overall situation deteriorates.

More r ight wing babble. You have spent billions to incarcerate black folks.
That was Joe Biden. Kamala Harris followed the law and put thousands of black folks in prison.

And you voted for them.
The pitiful creatures are brainwashed and trapped by their ideology. Slaves.

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