Those who do not learn from history will repeat it!

We saw how well Appeasement served Hitler and now we watch as history is repeating itself. Thank you Democrats!
Do you really want to open up that can 'o worms? The world could have saved about 20 million freaking lives if the allies were more interested in appeasement than they were in genocide.
Putin is not stupid. Obama and Biden did nothing when Putin took over the Crimea. Understanding that Biden is only a puppet and is told what to say and do by his Chief of Staff, Obama and other Socialist Minions. Those who failed to understand this voted for Biden. It was a hoax just like Climate Change is. Science is very political. The 30 Scientists that have denied Climate Change have never been cited. They will never be given Grants for their Research and will never appear in any research they have provided to unmask this Hoax. Kerry is as crazy as a loon!
Putin had to invade, because Trump wasn’t in office to just hand it over.
Putin is not stupid. Obama and Biden did nothing when Putin took over the Crimea. Understanding that Biden is only a puppet and is told what to say and do by his Chief of Staff, Obama and other Socialist Minions. Those who failed to understand this voted for Biden. It was a hoax just like Climate Change is. Science is very political. The 30 Scientists that have denied Climate Change have never been cited. They will never be given Grants for their Research and will never appear in any research they have provided to unmask this Hoax. Kerry is as crazy as a loon!
What would be different if Trump were still President?

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