Thought Experiment: After the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation battle, should American men be afraid?

Yes in fact there is evidence that false accusations are made frequently.

The claim that they are not is a lie which is unsupported by any evidence

Yeah. Sure. Of course. Bullshit. This contention is just another example of whiny right-wing bitch-boy nonsense. Stop trying to hide crime and drag the reputations of decent American men into the gutter.

I remember an incident that occurred in my 20's, as I was walking the four blocks from metro to my job. A guy called to me from a construction site, and I thought "oh, no, here it comes." Then he said, and I can't remember it exactly, that he thought that I looked lovely and wished me good morning. A compliment from a sweet stranger gentleman. No reporting necessary, and it left me with a smile on my face. Around the same time, I sat next to an engineer on the site in tax class. She told me that this guy was a doll, so she was not surprised. See the difference?
Wait until you realize he voted for Trump.....
Why do you want to stand up for indecent, anti-social men when I stand up for decent men?
As for politics, no decent American man would have voted for the orange whore. Only men from the gutter would have done that. trump's men basically are the garbage from the gutter; the filth among us.
No you do not stand for decent men because you ignore those who are falsely accused and there is nothing indecent about voting for trump as opposed to hillary

There is no evidence of widespread false accusations. Voting for the trash currently in the White House does indicate indecency on the part of the voter. It shows that they love trash, so what does this make them?

If you voted for Clinton you advocated indecency and hate for women, look at the way those women that claimed her husband sexually assualted them were treated by her and the Democratic Party, what about the way the Democratic Party has treated Ellison’s accuser.

I find both parties seem to sweep their own problems under the rug while accusing the other party of the same misconduct.
My wife believes that women are more vindictive and vengeful than men, I believe it is the other way around. Do you have a link I can show her?
Generally the words vindictive and vengeful are used to describe women but not men, who are angry about being mistreated and/or abused.

National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • On average, 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States —— more than 12 million women and men over the course of a year.
    [*]Nearly 3 in 10 women (29%) and 1 in 10 men (10%) in the US have experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking by a partner and report a related impact on their< functioning.[ii]
    [*]Nearly, 15% of women (14.8%) and 4% of men have been injured as a result of IPV that included rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.[iii]
    [*]1 in 4 women (24.3%) and 1 in 7 men (13.8%) aged 18 and older in the United States have been the victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime.[iv]
    [*]IPV alone affects more than 12 million people each year.[v]
    [*]More than 1 in 3 women (35.6%) and more than 1 in 4 men (28.5%) in the United States have experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.[vi]
    [*]Nearly half of all women and men in the United States have experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner in their lifetime (48.4% and 48.8%, respectively).[vii]
    [*]Females ages 18 to 24 and 25 to 34 generally experienced the highest rates of intimate partner violence.[viii]
    [*]From 1994 to 2010, about 4 in 5 victims of intimate partner violence were female.[ix]
    [*]Most female victims of intimate partner violence were previously victimized by the same offender, including 77% of females ages 18 to 24, 76% of females ages 25 to 34, and 81% of females ages 35 to 49.[x]


    • Nearly 1 in 5 women (18.3%) and 1 in 71 men (1.4%) have been raped in their lifetime (by any perpetrator).
      [*]Nearly 1 in 10 women in the United States (9.4%) have been raped by an intimate partner in her lifetime.[ii]
There is no evidence of widespread false accusations. Voting for the trash currently in the White House does indicate indecency on the part of the voter. It shows that they love trash, so what does this make them?
Yes actually there is

It is only your partisan opinion.

No. There is no evidence of widespread false reporting of sex crimes. It simply isn't there. Now turn your attention to the people who have been victimized by groping, fondling, rape, as well as to "men" who refer to women by their genitals: "c#unt," "poontang," "twat," and who refer to women who exercise their sexuality as "whores," "'ho's," "slags," "skanks," etc. These men are dirty and we don't need them in our society.

Who are these guys? Why not call them on the carpet and throw them out?
Yes there is in fact.

Insults are not assault

These are the same people who put their hands on other people. But while we are here, why the insults? What IS the cause of the insults? Explain, please. Where does this come from?
People have the right to be assholes

But people do not have any right to involve other innocent people in their asshole-ism. No one has any right to involve another person.

And exactly where do these insults come from? Why are they here? I have never gone around referring to male people as "dicks" or "pricks" or "I've got to get myself some of that sausage." I do not refer to men as some sort of commodity or pieces of meat. I don't go around referring to male people as "dicktang."

Heterosexuality can be a good thing, when practiced among positive and loving people. Look at the heterosexuals who died in the horrific crash in New York, just after celebrating their unions, they died together. Please explain where these negative heterosexuals come from. The ones who say that they are heterosexuals, but don't want to interact as heterosexuals. The ones who live dirty.
Why are you being ridiculous? Men have never, ever stopped molesting women. The record of "false accusations is so low as oppose to women who have actually been molested. You have not proven that there is any more evidence of false accusations as oppose to true ones. None. The record goes the other way.
The record does not go other way which is why you cannot and will not provide evidence.

I never said one out numbers the other but you are dead wrong and that is fact

The vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact.

Until the advent of #Me, Too" there was no way of compiling a record. Now, with #Me, Too, and it's related spaces there at least is a way of compiling such a record. If you did it, you did it. What is all of this bullshit about "taking responsibility"?

You apparently did not read my full post, in which I stated that:

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.
We will not be hiding disrespectful, rude, crude, and non-respectable behavior any more. This is not a matter of "men," it is a matter of misconduct. In my comment, I already covered your assertion that "[t]he vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact." Are you thick or something?

I have already written about the thousands of men who attended the January 2017 march for women's rights in DC. Proud men. Good ones. Men never accused of anything.

Men, like any other group, come in two categories, the good and the bad.
And what is to stop “bad” women from making accusations against “good” men?

They can't answer that. She will come back with some hysterical attempt at distraction to try to hide that fact.

The answer is simply that there are far more incidents of people being sexually harassed/attacked than people lying about it. Where is the evidence that there is some tidal wave of people lying about attacks?

So many wanted "evidence" about kavanaugh. So where is the evidence of this tidal wave of lies against innocent men? The argument seems to be manufactured in the same way as the tale of millions of ineligible people voting or the wild tales told about the effects of having an abortion. Let's see evidence, reports, studies, statistics. Somebody please come up with something that has footnotes in it that can be traced.

1. There have been plenty of cases, often high profile, where either the accuser admits it was a false accusation, or evidence comes to light disproving the accusations. The Duke La Cross case is relevant not only for how the case was proven false, but how the liberals, like your self assumed guilt and fought to put innocent men in prison, even after it was clear they were innocent.

2. And it seems, your answer is, it is ok to put some innocent men in prison, in pursuit of getting as of the guilty as possible.
This is, for America, a novel concept for "Justice".
Until the advent of #Me, Too" there was no way of compiling a record. Now, with #Me, Too, and it's related spaces there at least is a way of compiling such a record. If you did it, you did it. What is all of this bullshit about "taking responsibility"?

You apparently did not read my full post, in which I stated that:

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.
We will not be hiding disrespectful, rude, crude, and non-respectable behavior any more. This is not a matter of "men," it is a matter of misconduct. In my comment, I already covered your assertion that "[t]he vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact." Are you thick or something?

I have already written about the thousands of men who attended the January 2017 march for women's rights in DC. Proud men. Good ones. Men never accused of anything.

Men, like any other group, come in two categories, the good and the bad.
And what is to stop “bad” women from making accusations against “good” men?

They can't answer that. She will come back with some hysterical attempt at distraction to try to hide that fact.

The answer is simply that there are far more incidents of people being sexually harassed/attacked than people lying about it. Where is the evidence that there is some tidal wave of people lying about attacks?

So many wanted "evidence" about kavanaugh. So where is the evidence of this tidal wave of lies against innocent men? The argument seems to be manufactured in the same way as the tale of millions of ineligible people voting. Let's see evidence, reports, studies, statistics. Somebody please come up with something that has footnotes in it that can be traced.
That is not a fact.

There is zero evidence that true accusations outnumber false accusations.

Evidence? Where are your studies to back up your assertions? #Me, Too and other, similar groups are full of people in many lands coming forward with their stories, decades after any legal proceedings could follow. Where is your evidence that these people are lying, even as they tell their stories of things that the police in their countries cannot act upon because it is too late. Where is all of this evidence of false accusations and why can't you present it?

Wow. Nothing you said, actually challenged his point. You are hysterical.
The answer is simply that there are far more incidents of people being sexually harassed/attacked than people lying about it. Where is the evidence that there is some tidal wave of people lying about attacks?

So many wanted "evidence" about kavanaugh. So where is the evidence of this tidal wave of lies against innocent men? The argument seems to be manufactured in the same way as the tale of millions of ineligible people voting. Let's see evidence, reports, studies, statistics. Somebody please come up with something that has footnotes in it that can be traced.
That is not a fact.

There is zero evidence that true accusations outnumber false accusations.

Evidence? Where are your studies to back up your assertions? #Me, Too and other, similar groups are full of people in many lands coming forward with their stories, decades after any legal proceedings could follow. Where is your evidence that these people are lying, even as they tell their stories of things that the police in their countries cannot act upon because it is too late. Where is all of this evidence of false accusations and why can't you present it?
Where is your evidence that any of those stories are true?
Where is your evidence that any of your stories are true? I would say that people recalling their experiences on a site decades after there could be no criminal proceedings pretty convincing, as there is no reason for anyone to speak except to tell their stories.

Where are all these stories from those falsely accused? We have so many platforms. Where are these hoards of falsely accused? Why don't they tell their stories the same as the #Me,Too people do? Why have these hoards of innocent folk hiding?
Cool. So you'll believe it when I say you abused children 40 years ago because there's no reason for me to lie.

Your logic. :)

I'll back up that accusation. I was there too. She was a monster. Child abuse is so terrible.

And anyone that defends her, is supporting child abuse.
Yes actually there is

It is only your partisan opinion.

No. There is no evidence of widespread false reporting of sex crimes. It simply isn't there. Now turn your attention to the people who have been victimized by groping, fondling, rape, as well as to "men" who refer to women by their genitals: "c#unt," "poontang," "twat," and who refer to women who exercise their sexuality as "whores," "'ho's," "slags," "skanks," etc. These men are dirty and we don't need them in our society.

Who are these guys? Why not call them on the carpet and throw them out?
Yes there is in fact.

Insults are not assault

These are the same people who put their hands on other people. But while we are here, why the insults? What IS the cause of the insults? Explain, please. Where does this come from?
People have the right to be assholes

But people do not have any right to involve other innocent people in their asshole-ism. No one has any right to involve another person.

And exactly where do these insults come from? Why are they here? I have never gone around referring to male people as "dicks" or "pricks" or "I've got to get myself some of that sausage." I do not refer to men as some sort of commodity or pieces of meat. I don't go around referring to male people as "dicktang."

Heterosexuality can be a good thing, when practiced among positive and loving people. Look at the heterosexuals who died in the horrific crash in New York, just after celebrating their unions, they died together. Please explain where these negative heterosexuals come from. The ones who say that they are heterosexuals, but don't want to interact as heterosexuals. The ones who live dirty.
Yes they do have the right to involve others up until then point that those other people's rights.
My wife believes that women are more vindictive and vengeful than men, I believe it is the other way around. Do you have a link I can show her?
Generally the words vindictive and vengeful are used to describe women but not men, who are angry about being mistreated and/or abused.

National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • On average, 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States —— more than 12 million women and men over the course of a year.
    [*]Nearly 3 in 10 women (29%) and 1 in 10 men (10%) in the US have experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking by a partner and report a related impact on their< functioning.[ii]
    [*]Nearly, 15% of women (14.8%) and 4% of men have been injured as a result of IPV that included rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.[iii]
    [*]1 in 4 women (24.3%) and 1 in 7 men (13.8%) aged 18 and older in the United States have been the victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime.[iv]
    [*]IPV alone affects more than 12 million people each year.[v]
    [*]More than 1 in 3 women (35.6%) and more than 1 in 4 men (28.5%) in the United States have experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.[vi]
    [*]Nearly half of all women and men in the United States have experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner in their lifetime (48.4% and 48.8%, respectively).[vii]
    [*]Females ages 18 to 24 and 25 to 34 generally experienced the highest rates of intimate partner violence.[viii]
    [*]From 1994 to 2010, about 4 in 5 victims of intimate partner violence were female.[ix]
    [*]Most female victims of intimate partner violence were previously victimized by the same offender, including 77% of females ages 18 to 24, 76% of females ages 25 to 34, and 81% of females ages 35 to 49.[x]


    • Nearly 1 in 5 women (18.3%) and 1 in 71 men (1.4%) have been raped in their lifetime (by any perpetrator).
      [*]Nearly 1 in 10 women in the United States (9.4%) have been raped by an intimate partner in her lifetime.[ii]

Which had nothing to do with whether men or women are more vindictive or vengeful. That has to do with sexual abuse which I agree men are more likely to be however that is not what you claimed.
The record does not go other way which is why you cannot and will not provide evidence.

I never said one out numbers the other but you are dead wrong and that is fact

The vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact.

Until the advent of #Me, Too" there was no way of compiling a record. Now, with #Me, Too, and it's related spaces there at least is a way of compiling such a record. If you did it, you did it. What is all of this bullshit about "taking responsibility"?

You apparently did not read my full post, in which I stated that:

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.
We will not be hiding disrespectful, rude, crude, and non-respectable behavior any more. This is not a matter of "men," it is a matter of misconduct. In my comment, I already covered your assertion that "[t]he vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact." Are you thick or something?

I have already written about the thousands of men who attended the January 2017 march for women's rights in DC. Proud men. Good ones. Men never accused of anything.

Men, like any other group, come in two categories, the good and the bad.
And what is to stop “bad” women from making accusations against “good” men?

They can't answer that. She will come back with some hysterical attempt at distraction to try to hide that fact.

The answer is simply that there are far more incidents of people being sexually harassed/attacked than people lying about it. Where is the evidence that there is some tidal wave of people lying about attacks?

So many wanted "evidence" about kavanaugh. So where is the evidence of this tidal wave of lies against innocent men? The argument seems to be manufactured in the same way as the tale of millions of ineligible people voting or the wild tales told about the effects of having an abortion. Let's see evidence, reports, studies, statistics. Somebody please come up with something that has footnotes in it that can be traced.

1. There have been plenty of cases, often high profile, where either the accuser admits it was a false accusation, or evidence comes to light disproving the accusations. The Duke La Cross case is relevant not only for how the case was proven false, but how the liberals, like your self assumed guilt and fought to put innocent men in prison, even after it was clear they were innocent.

2. And it seems, your answer is, it is ok to put some innocent men in prison, in pursuit of getting as of the guilty as possible.
This is, for America, a novel concept for "Justice".

There has not been "plenty of cases" where there has been a false accusation, just one or two high-profile ones. Innocent people do go to jail, which is an unfortunate byproduct of an imperfect system. People have even been executed, like that man in Texas who apparently never set the fire that killed his kids. I'm watching a show right now about a man accused of killing his wife and going on trial, but she actually died of a heart condition.

With sexual assault, there often is no proof even at the present time if no DNA is left. There was no competent reporting system when it happened to me, with people who would take me seriously and investigate. So I'm the one who got pinned against a wall by somebody who wanted to find my tonsils (hotel in Rome, Italy, university in Washington, D.C., a ski lodge in Maine, U.S.). I'm the one whose backside was bitten through my clothes, blue jeans even, causing me physical pain. Where is the justice for me? Where is the punishment for the men who did these things?

Now what do you have to say to all of the people who have had experiences that they finally reported when #Me,Too was started? The piece of shit that you call your president never even acknowledged that these people, people like me, exist, much less give any words of support and encouragement.

What do you propose to do with men who do these things? How do we catch them? How do we punish them? We have established that these animals exist among us.
Until the advent of #Me, Too" there was no way of compiling a record. Now, with #Me, Too, and it's related spaces there at least is a way of compiling such a record. If you did it, you did it. What is all of this bullshit about "taking responsibility"?

You apparently did not read my full post, in which I stated that:

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.
We will not be hiding disrespectful, rude, crude, and non-respectable behavior any more. This is not a matter of "men," it is a matter of misconduct. In my comment, I already covered your assertion that "[t]he vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact." Are you thick or something?

I have already written about the thousands of men who attended the January 2017 march for women's rights in DC. Proud men. Good ones. Men never accused of anything.

Men, like any other group, come in two categories, the good and the bad.
And what is to stop “bad” women from making accusations against “good” men?

They can't answer that. She will come back with some hysterical attempt at distraction to try to hide that fact.

The answer is simply that there are far more incidents of people being sexually harassed/attacked than people lying about it. Where is the evidence that there is some tidal wave of people lying about attacks?

So many wanted "evidence" about kavanaugh. So where is the evidence of this tidal wave of lies against innocent men? The argument seems to be manufactured in the same way as the tale of millions of ineligible people voting or the wild tales told about the effects of having an abortion. Let's see evidence, reports, studies, statistics. Somebody please come up with something that has footnotes in it that can be traced.

1. There have been plenty of cases, often high profile, where either the accuser admits it was a false accusation, or evidence comes to light disproving the accusations. The Duke La Cross case is relevant not only for how the case was proven false, but how the liberals, like your self assumed guilt and fought to put innocent men in prison, even after it was clear they were innocent.

2. And it seems, your answer is, it is ok to put some innocent men in prison, in pursuit of getting as of the guilty as possible.
This is, for America, a novel concept for "Justice".

There has not been "plenty of cases" where there has been a false accusation, just one or two high-profile ones. Innocent people do go to jail, which is an unfortunate byproduct of an imperfect system. People have even been executed, like that man in Texas who apparently never set the fire that killed his kids. I'm watching a show right now about a man accused of killing his wife and going on trial, but she actually died of a heart condition.

With sexual assault, there often is no proof even at the present time if no DNA is left. There was no competent reporting system when it happened to me, with people who would take me seriously and investigate. So I'm the one who got pinned against a wall by somebody who wanted to find my tonsils (hotel in Rome, Italy, university in Washington, D.C., a ski lodge in Maine, U.S.). I'm the one whose backside was bitten through my clothes, blue jeans even, causing me physical pain. Where is the justice for me? Where is the punishment for the men who did these things?

Now what do you have to say to all of the people who have had experiences that they finally reported when #Me,Too was started? The piece of shit that you call your president never even acknowledged that these people, people like me, exist, much less give any words of support and encouragement.

What do you propose to do with men who do these things? How do we catch them? How do we punish them? We have established that these animals exist among us.
Yes there are plenty of cases such as the hundreds who were railroaded out of college under obamas obscene title IX witch hunt
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Until the advent of #Me, Too" there was no way of compiling a record. Now, with #Me, Too, and it's related spaces there at least is a way of compiling such a record. If you did it, you did it. What is all of this bullshit about "taking responsibility"?

You apparently did not read my full post, in which I stated that:

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.
We will not be hiding disrespectful, rude, crude, and non-respectable behavior any more. This is not a matter of "men," it is a matter of misconduct. In my comment, I already covered your assertion that "[t]he vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact." Are you thick or something?

I have already written about the thousands of men who attended the January 2017 march for women's rights in DC. Proud men. Good ones. Men never accused of anything.

Men, like any other group, come in two categories, the good and the bad.
And what is to stop “bad” women from making accusations against “good” men?

They can't answer that. She will come back with some hysterical attempt at distraction to try to hide that fact.

The answer is simply that there are far more incidents of people being sexually harassed/attacked than people lying about it. Where is the evidence that there is some tidal wave of people lying about attacks?

So many wanted "evidence" about kavanaugh. So where is the evidence of this tidal wave of lies against innocent men? The argument seems to be manufactured in the same way as the tale of millions of ineligible people voting or the wild tales told about the effects of having an abortion. Let's see evidence, reports, studies, statistics. Somebody please come up with something that has footnotes in it that can be traced.

1. There have been plenty of cases, often high profile, where either the accuser admits it was a false accusation, or evidence comes to light disproving the accusations. The Duke La Cross case is relevant not only for how the case was proven false, but how the liberals, like your self assumed guilt and fought to put innocent men in prison, even after it was clear they were innocent.

2. And it seems, your answer is, it is ok to put some innocent men in prison, in pursuit of getting as of the guilty as possible.
This is, for America, a novel concept for "Justice".

There has not been "plenty of cases" where there has been a false accusation, just one or two high-profile ones. Innocent people do go to jail, which is an unfortunate byproduct of an imperfect system. People have even been executed, like that man in Texas who apparently never set the fire that killed his kids. I'm watching a show right now about a man accused of killing his wife and going on trial, but she actually died of a heart condition.

With sexual assault, there often is no proof even at the present time if no DNA is left. There was no competent reporting system when it happened to me, with people who would take me seriously and investigate. So I'm the one who got pinned against a wall by somebody who wanted to find my tonsils (hotel in Rome, Italy, university in Washington, D.C., a ski lodge in Maine, U.S.). I'm the one whose backside was bitten through my clothes, blue jeans even, causing me physical pain. Where is the justice for me? Where is the punishment for the men who did these things?

Now what do you have to say to all of the people who have had experiences that they finally reported when #Me,Too was started? The piece of shit that you call your president never even acknowledged that these people, people like me, exist, much less give any words of support and encouragement.

What do you propose to do with men who do these things? How do we catch them? How do we punish them? We have established that these animals exist among us.
With no proof you cannot say they are true stories or accusations
And what is to stop “bad” women from making accusations against “good” men?

They can't answer that. She will come back with some hysterical attempt at distraction to try to hide that fact.

The answer is simply that there are far more incidents of people being sexually harassed/attacked than people lying about it. Where is the evidence that there is some tidal wave of people lying about attacks?

So many wanted "evidence" about kavanaugh. So where is the evidence of this tidal wave of lies against innocent men? The argument seems to be manufactured in the same way as the tale of millions of ineligible people voting or the wild tales told about the effects of having an abortion. Let's see evidence, reports, studies, statistics. Somebody please come up with something that has footnotes in it that can be traced.

1. There have been plenty of cases, often high profile, where either the accuser admits it was a false accusation, or evidence comes to light disproving the accusations. The Duke La Cross case is relevant not only for how the case was proven false, but how the liberals, like your self assumed guilt and fought to put innocent men in prison, even after it was clear they were innocent.

2. And it seems, your answer is, it is ok to put some innocent men in prison, in pursuit of getting as of the guilty as possible.
This is, for America, a novel concept for "Justice".

There has not been "plenty of cases" where there has been a false accusation, just one or two high-profile ones. Innocent people do go to jail, which is an unfortunate byproduct of an imperfect system. People have even been executed, like that man in Texas who apparently never set the fire that killed his kids. I'm watching a show right now about a man accused of killing his wife and going on trial, but she actually died of a heart condition.

With sexual assault, there often is no proof even at the present time if no DNA is left. There was no competent reporting system when it happened to me, with people who would take me seriously and investigate. So I'm the one who got pinned against a wall by somebody who wanted to find my tonsils (hotel in Rome, Italy, university in Washington, D.C., a ski lodge in Maine, U.S.). I'm the one whose backside was bitten through my clothes, blue jeans even, causing me physical pain. Where is the justice for me? Where is the punishment for the men who did these things?

Now what do you have to say to all of the people who have had experiences that they finally reported when #Me,Too was started? The piece of shit that you call your president never even acknowledged that these people, people like me, exist, much less give any words of support and encouragement.

What do you propose to do with men who do these things? How do we catch them? How do we punish them? We have established that these animals exist among us.
With no proof you cannot say they are true stories or accusations

Why would anyone make a false accusation? Very rare as it brings nothing to the accuser. Yet these perverts walk around on our streets every day. Like it or not, women are stalked by these perverts. You sound like you want to protect these pervs from what should be coming to them. This "false accusation" thing is just another effort by males who are nothing but right-wing, sexually promiscuous whores.
They can't answer that. She will come back with some hysterical attempt at distraction to try to hide that fact.

The answer is simply that there are far more incidents of people being sexually harassed/attacked than people lying about it. Where is the evidence that there is some tidal wave of people lying about attacks?

So many wanted "evidence" about kavanaugh. So where is the evidence of this tidal wave of lies against innocent men? The argument seems to be manufactured in the same way as the tale of millions of ineligible people voting or the wild tales told about the effects of having an abortion. Let's see evidence, reports, studies, statistics. Somebody please come up with something that has footnotes in it that can be traced.

1. There have been plenty of cases, often high profile, where either the accuser admits it was a false accusation, or evidence comes to light disproving the accusations. The Duke La Cross case is relevant not only for how the case was proven false, but how the liberals, like your self assumed guilt and fought to put innocent men in prison, even after it was clear they were innocent.

2. And it seems, your answer is, it is ok to put some innocent men in prison, in pursuit of getting as of the guilty as possible.
This is, for America, a novel concept for "Justice".

There has not been "plenty of cases" where there has been a false accusation, just one or two high-profile ones. Innocent people do go to jail, which is an unfortunate byproduct of an imperfect system. People have even been executed, like that man in Texas who apparently never set the fire that killed his kids. I'm watching a show right now about a man accused of killing his wife and going on trial, but she actually died of a heart condition.

With sexual assault, there often is no proof even at the present time if no DNA is left. There was no competent reporting system when it happened to me, with people who would take me seriously and investigate. So I'm the one who got pinned against a wall by somebody who wanted to find my tonsils (hotel in Rome, Italy, university in Washington, D.C., a ski lodge in Maine, U.S.). I'm the one whose backside was bitten through my clothes, blue jeans even, causing me physical pain. Where is the justice for me? Where is the punishment for the men who did these things?

Now what do you have to say to all of the people who have had experiences that they finally reported when #Me,Too was started? The piece of shit that you call your president never even acknowledged that these people, people like me, exist, much less give any words of support and encouragement.

What do you propose to do with men who do these things? How do we catch them? How do we punish them? We have established that these animals exist among us.
With no proof you cannot say they are true stories or accusations

Why would anyone make a false accusation? Very rare as it brings nothing to the accuser. Yet these perverts walk around on our streets every day. Like it or not, women are stalked by these perverts. You sound like you want to protect these pervs from what should be coming to them. This "false accusation" thing is just another effort by males who are nothing but right-wing, sexually promiscuous whores.
Because bad women exist.....
They can't answer that. She will come back with some hysterical attempt at distraction to try to hide that fact.

The answer is simply that there are far more incidents of people being sexually harassed/attacked than people lying about it. Where is the evidence that there is some tidal wave of people lying about attacks?

So many wanted "evidence" about kavanaugh. So where is the evidence of this tidal wave of lies against innocent men? The argument seems to be manufactured in the same way as the tale of millions of ineligible people voting or the wild tales told about the effects of having an abortion. Let's see evidence, reports, studies, statistics. Somebody please come up with something that has footnotes in it that can be traced.

1. There have been plenty of cases, often high profile, where either the accuser admits it was a false accusation, or evidence comes to light disproving the accusations. The Duke La Cross case is relevant not only for how the case was proven false, but how the liberals, like your self assumed guilt and fought to put innocent men in prison, even after it was clear they were innocent.

2. And it seems, your answer is, it is ok to put some innocent men in prison, in pursuit of getting as of the guilty as possible.
This is, for America, a novel concept for "Justice".

There has not been "plenty of cases" where there has been a false accusation, just one or two high-profile ones. Innocent people do go to jail, which is an unfortunate byproduct of an imperfect system. People have even been executed, like that man in Texas who apparently never set the fire that killed his kids. I'm watching a show right now about a man accused of killing his wife and going on trial, but she actually died of a heart condition.

With sexual assault, there often is no proof even at the present time if no DNA is left. There was no competent reporting system when it happened to me, with people who would take me seriously and investigate. So I'm the one who got pinned against a wall by somebody who wanted to find my tonsils (hotel in Rome, Italy, university in Washington, D.C., a ski lodge in Maine, U.S.). I'm the one whose backside was bitten through my clothes, blue jeans even, causing me physical pain. Where is the justice for me? Where is the punishment for the men who did these things?

Now what do you have to say to all of the people who have had experiences that they finally reported when #Me,Too was started? The piece of shit that you call your president never even acknowledged that these people, people like me, exist, much less give any words of support and encouragement.

What do you propose to do with men who do these things? How do we catch them? How do we punish them? We have established that these animals exist among us.
With no proof you cannot say they are true stories or accusations

Why would anyone make a false accusation? Very rare as it brings nothing to the accuser. Yet these perverts walk around on our streets every day. Like it or not, women are stalked by these perverts. You sound like you want to protect these pervs from what should be coming to them. This "false accusation" thing is just another effort by males who are nothing but right-wing, sexually promiscuous whores.
Yes it brings a lot and they would do so for the same basic reason some people commit sexual assault.

Because some people are sick.

No you wish to suspend due process for the accused.
They can't answer that. She will come back with some hysterical attempt at distraction to try to hide that fact.

The answer is simply that there are far more incidents of people being sexually harassed/attacked than people lying about it. Where is the evidence that there is some tidal wave of people lying about attacks?

So many wanted "evidence" about kavanaugh. So where is the evidence of this tidal wave of lies against innocent men? The argument seems to be manufactured in the same way as the tale of millions of ineligible people voting or the wild tales told about the effects of having an abortion. Let's see evidence, reports, studies, statistics. Somebody please come up with something that has footnotes in it that can be traced.

1. There have been plenty of cases, often high profile, where either the accuser admits it was a false accusation, or evidence comes to light disproving the accusations. The Duke La Cross case is relevant not only for how the case was proven false, but how the liberals, like your self assumed guilt and fought to put innocent men in prison, even after it was clear they were innocent.

2. And it seems, your answer is, it is ok to put some innocent men in prison, in pursuit of getting as of the guilty as possible.
This is, for America, a novel concept for "Justice".

There has not been "plenty of cases" where there has been a false accusation, just one or two high-profile ones. Innocent people do go to jail, which is an unfortunate byproduct of an imperfect system. People have even been executed, like that man in Texas who apparently never set the fire that killed his kids. I'm watching a show right now about a man accused of killing his wife and going on trial, but she actually died of a heart condition.

With sexual assault, there often is no proof even at the present time if no DNA is left. There was no competent reporting system when it happened to me, with people who would take me seriously and investigate. So I'm the one who got pinned against a wall by somebody who wanted to find my tonsils (hotel in Rome, Italy, university in Washington, D.C., a ski lodge in Maine, U.S.). I'm the one whose backside was bitten through my clothes, blue jeans even, causing me physical pain. Where is the justice for me? Where is the punishment for the men who did these things?

Now what do you have to say to all of the people who have had experiences that they finally reported when #Me,Too was started? The piece of shit that you call your president never even acknowledged that these people, people like me, exist, much less give any words of support and encouragement.

What do you propose to do with men who do these things? How do we catch them? How do we punish them? We have established that these animals exist among us.
With no proof you cannot say they are true stories or accusations

Why would anyone make a false accusation? Very rare as it brings nothing to the accuser. Yet these perverts walk around on our streets every day. Like it or not, women are stalked by these perverts. You sound like you want to protect these pervs from what should be coming to them. This "false accusation" thing is just another effort by males who are nothing but right-wing, sexually promiscuous whores.
Being sexually promiscuous is not a crime nor is being right wing or even being a whore.
The answer is simply that there are far more incidents of people being sexually harassed/attacked than people lying about it. Where is the evidence that there is some tidal wave of people lying about attacks?

So many wanted "evidence" about kavanaugh. So where is the evidence of this tidal wave of lies against innocent men? The argument seems to be manufactured in the same way as the tale of millions of ineligible people voting or the wild tales told about the effects of having an abortion. Let's see evidence, reports, studies, statistics. Somebody please come up with something that has footnotes in it that can be traced.

1. There have been plenty of cases, often high profile, where either the accuser admits it was a false accusation, or evidence comes to light disproving the accusations. The Duke La Cross case is relevant not only for how the case was proven false, but how the liberals, like your self assumed guilt and fought to put innocent men in prison, even after it was clear they were innocent.

2. And it seems, your answer is, it is ok to put some innocent men in prison, in pursuit of getting as of the guilty as possible.
This is, for America, a novel concept for "Justice".

There has not been "plenty of cases" where there has been a false accusation, just one or two high-profile ones. Innocent people do go to jail, which is an unfortunate byproduct of an imperfect system. People have even been executed, like that man in Texas who apparently never set the fire that killed his kids. I'm watching a show right now about a man accused of killing his wife and going on trial, but she actually died of a heart condition.

With sexual assault, there often is no proof even at the present time if no DNA is left. There was no competent reporting system when it happened to me, with people who would take me seriously and investigate. So I'm the one who got pinned against a wall by somebody who wanted to find my tonsils (hotel in Rome, Italy, university in Washington, D.C., a ski lodge in Maine, U.S.). I'm the one whose backside was bitten through my clothes, blue jeans even, causing me physical pain. Where is the justice for me? Where is the punishment for the men who did these things?

Now what do you have to say to all of the people who have had experiences that they finally reported when #Me,Too was started? The piece of shit that you call your president never even acknowledged that these people, people like me, exist, much less give any words of support and encouragement.

What do you propose to do with men who do these things? How do we catch them? How do we punish them? We have established that these animals exist among us.
With no proof you cannot say they are true stories or accusations

Why would anyone make a false accusation? Very rare as it brings nothing to the accuser. Yet these perverts walk around on our streets every day. Like it or not, women are stalked by these perverts. You sound like you want to protect these pervs from what should be coming to them. This "false accusation" thing is just another effort by males who are nothing but right-wing, sexually promiscuous whores.
Because bad women exist.....

What do you have to say to the victims? What do you have to say to the men who do these things? How many "bad women" do you think exist as opposed to actual victims and actual attackers? Look at how many people have appeared to tell their stories of being attacked, not only in the U.S., but the world over, from France to the UK to India to Africa to Australia and beyond.

I have never known this Brett Kavanaugh personally. But it would not surprise me if he were a drunken 'ho who paws other people. I've met this type.
1. There have been plenty of cases, often high profile, where either the accuser admits it was a false accusation, or evidence comes to light disproving the accusations. The Duke La Cross case is relevant not only for how the case was proven false, but how the liberals, like your self assumed guilt and fought to put innocent men in prison, even after it was clear they were innocent.

2. And it seems, your answer is, it is ok to put some innocent men in prison, in pursuit of getting as of the guilty as possible.
This is, for America, a novel concept for "Justice".

There has not been "plenty of cases" where there has been a false accusation, just one or two high-profile ones. Innocent people do go to jail, which is an unfortunate byproduct of an imperfect system. People have even been executed, like that man in Texas who apparently never set the fire that killed his kids. I'm watching a show right now about a man accused of killing his wife and going on trial, but she actually died of a heart condition.

With sexual assault, there often is no proof even at the present time if no DNA is left. There was no competent reporting system when it happened to me, with people who would take me seriously and investigate. So I'm the one who got pinned against a wall by somebody who wanted to find my tonsils (hotel in Rome, Italy, university in Washington, D.C., a ski lodge in Maine, U.S.). I'm the one whose backside was bitten through my clothes, blue jeans even, causing me physical pain. Where is the justice for me? Where is the punishment for the men who did these things?

Now what do you have to say to all of the people who have had experiences that they finally reported when #Me,Too was started? The piece of shit that you call your president never even acknowledged that these people, people like me, exist, much less give any words of support and encouragement.

What do you propose to do with men who do these things? How do we catch them? How do we punish them? We have established that these animals exist among us.
With no proof you cannot say they are true stories or accusations

Why would anyone make a false accusation? Very rare as it brings nothing to the accuser. Yet these perverts walk around on our streets every day. Like it or not, women are stalked by these perverts. You sound like you want to protect these pervs from what should be coming to them. This "false accusation" thing is just another effort by males who are nothing but right-wing, sexually promiscuous whores.
Because bad women exist.....

What do you have to say to the victims? What do you have to say to the men who do these things? How many "bad women" do you think exist as opposed to actual victims and actual attackers? Look at how many people have appeared to tell their stories of being attacked, not only in the U.S., but the world over, from France to the UK to India to Africa to Australia and beyond.

I have never known this Brett Kavanaugh personally. But it would not surprise me if he were a drunken 'ho who paws other people. I've met this type.
Same question back at you for the victims of false accusations and smear?
The answer is simply that there are far more incidents of people being sexually harassed/attacked than people lying about it. Where is the evidence that there is some tidal wave of people lying about attacks?

So many wanted "evidence" about kavanaugh. So where is the evidence of this tidal wave of lies against innocent men? The argument seems to be manufactured in the same way as the tale of millions of ineligible people voting or the wild tales told about the effects of having an abortion. Let's see evidence, reports, studies, statistics. Somebody please come up with something that has footnotes in it that can be traced.

1. There have been plenty of cases, often high profile, where either the accuser admits it was a false accusation, or evidence comes to light disproving the accusations. The Duke La Cross case is relevant not only for how the case was proven false, but how the liberals, like your self assumed guilt and fought to put innocent men in prison, even after it was clear they were innocent.

2. And it seems, your answer is, it is ok to put some innocent men in prison, in pursuit of getting as of the guilty as possible.
This is, for America, a novel concept for "Justice".

There has not been "plenty of cases" where there has been a false accusation, just one or two high-profile ones. Innocent people do go to jail, which is an unfortunate byproduct of an imperfect system. People have even been executed, like that man in Texas who apparently never set the fire that killed his kids. I'm watching a show right now about a man accused of killing his wife and going on trial, but she actually died of a heart condition.

With sexual assault, there often is no proof even at the present time if no DNA is left. There was no competent reporting system when it happened to me, with people who would take me seriously and investigate. So I'm the one who got pinned against a wall by somebody who wanted to find my tonsils (hotel in Rome, Italy, university in Washington, D.C., a ski lodge in Maine, U.S.). I'm the one whose backside was bitten through my clothes, blue jeans even, causing me physical pain. Where is the justice for me? Where is the punishment for the men who did these things?

Now what do you have to say to all of the people who have had experiences that they finally reported when #Me,Too was started? The piece of shit that you call your president never even acknowledged that these people, people like me, exist, much less give any words of support and encouragement.

What do you propose to do with men who do these things? How do we catch them? How do we punish them? We have established that these animals exist among us.
With no proof you cannot say they are true stories or accusations

Why would anyone make a false accusation? Very rare as it brings nothing to the accuser. Yet these perverts walk around on our streets every day. Like it or not, women are stalked by these perverts. You sound like you want to protect these pervs from what should be coming to them. This "false accusation" thing is just another effort by males who are nothing but right-wing, sexually promiscuous whores.
Yes it brings a lot and they would do so for the same basic reason some people commit sexual assault.

Because some people are sick.

No you wish to suspend due process for the accused.

Nobody suspended due process. A confirmation hearing is about character and ability to serve on a court. This is not a criminal proceeding involving "due process.".Why are you this stupid? Where and how were you educated that you so not know the difference?
1. There have been plenty of cases, often high profile, where either the accuser admits it was a false accusation, or evidence comes to light disproving the accusations. The Duke La Cross case is relevant not only for how the case was proven false, but how the liberals, like your self assumed guilt and fought to put innocent men in prison, even after it was clear they were innocent.

2. And it seems, your answer is, it is ok to put some innocent men in prison, in pursuit of getting as of the guilty as possible.
This is, for America, a novel concept for "Justice".

There has not been "plenty of cases" where there has been a false accusation, just one or two high-profile ones. Innocent people do go to jail, which is an unfortunate byproduct of an imperfect system. People have even been executed, like that man in Texas who apparently never set the fire that killed his kids. I'm watching a show right now about a man accused of killing his wife and going on trial, but she actually died of a heart condition.

With sexual assault, there often is no proof even at the present time if no DNA is left. There was no competent reporting system when it happened to me, with people who would take me seriously and investigate. So I'm the one who got pinned against a wall by somebody who wanted to find my tonsils (hotel in Rome, Italy, university in Washington, D.C., a ski lodge in Maine, U.S.). I'm the one whose backside was bitten through my clothes, blue jeans even, causing me physical pain. Where is the justice for me? Where is the punishment for the men who did these things?

Now what do you have to say to all of the people who have had experiences that they finally reported when #Me,Too was started? The piece of shit that you call your president never even acknowledged that these people, people like me, exist, much less give any words of support and encouragement.

What do you propose to do with men who do these things? How do we catch them? How do we punish them? We have established that these animals exist among us.
With no proof you cannot say they are true stories or accusations

Why would anyone make a false accusation? Very rare as it brings nothing to the accuser. Yet these perverts walk around on our streets every day. Like it or not, women are stalked by these perverts. You sound like you want to protect these pervs from what should be coming to them. This "false accusation" thing is just another effort by males who are nothing but right-wing, sexually promiscuous whores.
Yes it brings a lot and they would do so for the same basic reason some people commit sexual assault.

Because some people are sick.

No you wish to suspend due process for the accused.

Nobody suspended due process. A confirmation hearing is about character and ability to serve on a court. This is not a criminal proceeding involving "due process.".Why are you this stupid? Where and how were you educated that you so not know the difference?
The principle of due process extends beyond the court room

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