Thoughts from a retired steelworker.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
You can sit quietly and hope for the best which as our Jewish brothers and sisters will tell you was not such a good idea. Or you can speak out by saying what you see when speaking out is getting dangerously close to being criminalized out of fear in the populace of being noticed as a threat to the true believers. We all know ships have rats. Our founders tried to warn us about what would happen if the rats were able to end up sailing the ship. What was it Benjamin Franklin said to a lady who asked what kind of government we were making? " A republic, if you can keep it". We have kept that republic for awhile but the rats were patient. An infestation is underway and it did not happen overnight.

If I close my eyes sometimes I can go back to the early 1960's as a kid sitting in a high school Comparative Government class. They made me take that class because I was supposed to go to college which didn't happen. I ended up in the Steelworker's Union and became what today is called an ignorant MAGA voter. Apparently I am an "existential threat" to democracy. When the dust clears on this memory it is certain that I was much more interested in John, Paul, George, and Ringo than Nikita Khrushchev, Fidel Castro, Mao Tse-tung, or Lee Harvey Oswald. I guess I was part of a captive audience that was being brainwashed with all kinds of falsehoods? Was I being indoctrinated? I did not think so at the time and sometimes I even paid attention to what the teacher was saying. It wasn't long after that that schools in America stopped comparing governments.

When Donald Trump got elected in 2016 all the failures of the Great Society came to the fore. Trump's election signaled a repudiation of metasticizing bureaucracies that had been pushing a kinder, gentler, centrally-planned civilization. Central planning was recognized as the main cause of breakdown in closed totalitarian populations and this was taught in schools as late as 1965 when the Great Society was set into motion by Lyndon Johnson. The failures of central planning were prominately showcased in that class and that stuck with me. If a group has a plan it will never abandon that plan. The key word is "group". You know, like "corporations are people".

The power and control of closed societies was admired and envied by leftist-leaning academics and politicians in the US and many believed they could adopt those policies and Americanize them. What they did was weaken the founding principles of the country by attracting the people to government handouts. This weakened our nation possibly for good. If everyone is responsible for other people's choices then no one is personally responsible for anything. What kind of core citizens does this create?

Just like fascism and communism, the Great Society's purpose was to make everyone equal in success and personal happiness by following a set of rules: "from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs"- Karl Marx. You know, like an ant colony! Karl Marx was a rich and priviledged intellectual who was intrumental in creating the Communist Manifesto, a set of ideas that saw a free, lively, independent, middle class as a threat to ascended "superior" central planning. Marx saw a solution to this by fomenting class warfare turning the people against one another and using government to pick up the pieces after the destruction of legitimate democracy was complete.

It's interesting to note that immediately after Trump's election in 2016 a suicide mission by the left was launched to salvage the central planning the people were rejecting. No one anywhere in the US was saying anything about Black lives not mattering. Yet a Black Lives Matter movement came out of nowhere to brand Trump and those who elected him as racists. That's how Marx's class warfare works-it's very effective. In addition, the capture and use of the media was instrumental in spreading mass hysteria among the population making it possible to corrupt a very important election with "suitcase" votes on the wings of a very suspicious global virus.

What was it the people were rejecting when they sent Hillary Clinton packing? Unfortunately and predictably the equality of the Great Society worked in reverse. Intact families with two biological parents began disolving almost immediately among citizens of all racial and ethnic backgrounds as many fathers were reduced to sperm donors while mothers were wedded to a govenment check. The children of this arrangement began displaying serious issues in schools with learning disabilities, and behavior control. At some point in the early 1980's (about the same time the US Department of Education was created) it was decided to drug the kids with methamphetamines like zoo animals. Instead of realizing the failure of central planning, junk science quackery emerged to protect the new egalitarian leftist government. Politically designed diseases like ADD, (Attention Deficit Disorder), later changed to ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) were crafted to legitimize the practice.

Today US schools from kindergarten to college are loaded with neurologically drugged inmate-patients saddled already with government dementia and addicted to the altered mental state of government-issued chemicals. Rather than changing course and dropping dangerous central planning, elites in America put a pharmaceutical monkey on the backs of millions of innocent children destroying many of them for life which laid the groundwork for the lethal opioid epidemic we are facing today. These are the "students" reigning destruction on our society. The rewiring of their brains make them perfect Manchurian Candidates for a revolution to take down the pesky democracy that stands in the way of the global hive mind spreading quickly.

I don't know about you, but I was not descended from an insect and I certainly do not relish the notion that the rats are in charge now. Watching an installed stooge fall and soil himself in public does not inspire confidence in US leadership. The world is laughing at us. Oh, by the way, do you look forward to the Anti-Christ figure, Gavin Newsom that they are preparing to foist on us?

Wait for it.

Carry on,

We are witnessing the destruction of our country by EVIL people.

And the youth are being brain washed by by elitist leftist clowns

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