Thoughts On Growing Old

It's true we all die, and that stuffing your coffin with gold is a fool's errand.

My message was about saving up and investing money for when you're old. When you die you can pass it on. You can also help ensure your costs are covered. Being in the health care field and actually being there and experiencing these things firsthand, I've seen more than a few times clients suffer and struggle because their money runs... out.

If your insurance isn't good, and you require many different medications, you could be in a lot of financial trouble. Home care agencies, physical therapy, hospice, funeral services, occupational therapy, etc are all expensive depending on your situation. I would rather amass someone north of one million dollars than $200,000 for retirement.

You can't use it once you're dead, but you can use it before you die... and pass it along to give your loved ones a better future than you had.

Excellent post. Saving and investing in order to have a self-sufficient retirement should be a part of one's financial lifestyle.

BS you raise kids to earn a good income and move in with them...
Two of my kids are earning more than dear old dad. Moving in with them is the last thing I'd impose upon them. Would never ask them for a dime. Altho one still owes me $2,500 from about 5 years ago LOL.

I just want a place to stash my crap so I can hit the road and see the USA......
Well, make sure you do it in a Chevrolet...

I've had Chevy trucks since the 1970's...
the more I think about it the more I believe that this is all there is and there's nothing on the other side. Just... nothing".

I cling to something being on the other side. If I didn't have that to look forward to...then I would probably go before 75.
I adhere to the Ms. Jane Brody philosophy. I am, have always been, and will always be in my prime.

Besides, getting older beats the alternative.

Just sayin'.

How do you know "it beats the alternative?"

Why should Death be a Worst Alternative? Yes I realize there might not be a message board in the Great Beyond, but that doesn't mean it might be All Bad.
That's a whole other subject. Our perception of death and how (if we had time) to accept/embrace/reject it.

Or if there were not the time... a stroke (how my mother went), or heart attack (dad). BAM. Lights out.

Recently, my best friend's father passed away in the hospital. He was I think 94. I went to the there for visits a few times up until the end, and was able to talk to him. Just light banter stuff. He was an absolute composed gentleman until the moment he quit breathing. Very religious guy- but something he told my friend surprised me. He said "Paul, the more I think about it the more I believe that this is all there is and there's nothing on the other side. Just... nothing".
I came to that conclusion a long time ago...
Hey, I meant it, no more Oreos here. Still some milk, I guess we could break out the cereal. Honey Cheerios or Rice Chex?
I'm surprised no one brought up teeth in an old persons thread. How the chompers holding out?
I adhere to the Ms. Jane Brody philosophy. I am, have always been, and will always be in my prime.

Besides, getting older beats the alternative.

Just sayin'.

How do you know "it beats the alternative?"

Why should Death be a Worst Alternative? Yes I realize there might not be a message board in the Great Beyond, but that doesn't mean it might be All Bad.

Then you go first, and let me know how the Afterlife works out for you. In the meantime, I'm going to hunker down at the Last Chance Saloon.
I NEED to know I will see Gracie again. NEED.

I am depressing myself and probably you guys too. Sorry. Off to watch BB so I can be pissed instead of depressing.
That's the circle though... We all face the inevitable equalizer - and no matter how fancy your coffin is, stuffing it with gold is a fools errand.

It's true we all die, and that stuffing your coffin with gold is a fool's errand.

My message was about saving up and investing money for when you're old. When you die you can pass it on. You can also help ensure your costs are covered. Being in the health care field and actually being there and experiencing these things firsthand, I've seen more than a few times clients suffer and struggle because their money runs... out.

If your insurance isn't good, and you require many different medications, you could be in a lot of financial trouble. Home care agencies, physical therapy, hospice, funeral services, occupational therapy, etc are all expensive depending on your situation. I would rather amass someone north of one million dollars than $200,000 for retirement.

You can't use it once you're dead, but you can use it before you die... and pass it along to give your loved ones a better future than you had.

Excellent post. Saving and investing in order to have a self-sufficient retirement should be a part of one's financial lifestyle.

BS you raise kids to earn a good income and move in with them...
Two of my kids are earning more than dear old dad. Moving in with them is the last thing I'd impose upon them. Would never ask them for a dime. Altho one still owes me $2,500 from about 5 years ago LOL.

You done good...sounds like the real American Dream.
I turned into my mother. That is not a compliment. The older I get, the grumpier I get. And the grumpier I get, the more I stay buried away from people. If I don't kick by 75 and I can still use my hands, I will do it myself. The world sucks and I flat don't want to be here any more. I refuse to be taken care of by strangers in some state run old folks home wallowing in my own piss. Oh hayell no. Ain't gonna happen.

I can see the sense of this on an intellectual level but then I've actually seen plenty of people dying and most every single one of them didn't want to die. Even with suicidal people, there is suicidal ideation and there is getting down to business and for the ones who really want to die rather than using suicide as a cry for help, I just can't see that last minute of life being easy. This is why I think the euthanasia movement is growing, people want someone to kill them with mercy because they just can't bring themselves to do it.

Sorry if this is going way off topic.
That's the circle though... We all face the inevitable equalizer - and no matter how fancy your coffin is, stuffing it with gold is a fools errand.

It's true we all die, and that stuffing your coffin with gold is a fool's errand.

My message was about saving up and investing money for when you're old. When you die you can pass it on. You can also help ensure your costs are covered. Being in the health care field and actually being there and experiencing these things firsthand, I've seen more than a few times clients suffer and struggle because their money runs... out.

If your insurance isn't good, and you require many different medications, you could be in a lot of financial trouble. Home care agencies, physical therapy, hospice, funeral services, occupational therapy, etc are all expensive depending on your situation. I would rather amass someone north of one million dollars than $200,000 for retirement.

You can't use it once you're dead, but you can use it before you die... and pass it along to give your loved ones a better future than you had.

Excellent post. Saving and investing in order to have a self-sufficient retirement should be a part of one's financial lifestyle.

BS you raise kids to earn a good income and move in with them...
Two of my kids are earning more than dear old dad. Moving in with them is the last thing I'd impose upon them. Would never ask them for a dime. Altho one still owes me $2,500 from about 5 years ago LOL.

Not meaning to direct this at you personally, but I find this mindset troubling in light of these two facts:



I'd much rather retired folks moved in with their kids and were supported by their kids rather than sticking taxpayers with the cost. I'm planning on that with my parents/in-laws when the time comes.
That's the circle though... We all face the inevitable equalizer - and no matter how fancy your coffin is, stuffing it with gold is a fools errand.

It's true we all die, and that stuffing your coffin with gold is a fool's errand.

My message was about saving up and investing money for when you're old. When you die you can pass it on. You can also help ensure your costs are covered. Being in the health care field and actually being there and experiencing these things firsthand, I've seen more than a few times clients suffer and struggle because their money runs... out.

If your insurance isn't good, and you require many different medications, you could be in a lot of financial trouble. Home care agencies, physical therapy, hospice, funeral services, occupational therapy, etc are all expensive depending on your situation. I would rather amass someone north of one million dollars than $200,000 for retirement.

You can't use it once you're dead, but you can use it before you die... and pass it along to give your loved ones a better future than you had.

Excellent post. Saving and investing in order to have a self-sufficient retirement should be a part of one's financial lifestyle.

BS you raise kids to earn a good income and move in with them...
Two of my kids are earning more than dear old dad. Moving in with them is the last thing I'd impose upon them. Would never ask them for a dime. Altho one still owes me $2,500 from about 5 years ago LOL.

Not meaning to direct this at you personally, but I find this mindset troubling in light of these two facts:



I'd much rather retired folks moved in with their kids and were supported by their kids rather than sticking taxpayers with the cost. I'm planning on that with my parents/in-laws when the time comes.
Well y'know... thanks for that. In some cultures such as Japan, they accept their bound duty to care for elderly family.

But this is the U.S. where neither culture nor duty exist. At least not on the level of the Japanese.

The elderly/retirees in this country didn't construct the tax code. Nor should they suffer by it.

To burden children with your presence in order to avoid "sticking taxpayers with the cost" is quite honestly one of the most fucked-up ideas I've ever heard.

Not meaning to direct this at you personally. :beer:
I adhere to the Ms. Jane Brody philosophy. I am, have always been, and will always be in my prime.

Besides, getting older beats the alternative.

Just sayin'.

How do you know "it beats the alternative?"

Why should Death be a Worst Alternative? Yes I realize there might not be a message board in the Great Beyond, but that doesn't mean it might be All Bad.

Gasp! No message board?!?! Now I'm definitely going to have to live forever!
It's true we all die, and that stuffing your coffin with gold is a fool's errand.

My message was about saving up and investing money for when you're old. When you die you can pass it on. You can also help ensure your costs are covered. Being in the health care field and actually being there and experiencing these things firsthand, I've seen more than a few times clients suffer and struggle because their money runs... out.

If your insurance isn't good, and you require many different medications, you could be in a lot of financial trouble. Home care agencies, physical therapy, hospice, funeral services, occupational therapy, etc are all expensive depending on your situation. I would rather amass someone north of one million dollars than $200,000 for retirement.

You can't use it once you're dead, but you can use it before you die... and pass it along to give your loved ones a better future than you had.

Excellent post. Saving and investing in order to have a self-sufficient retirement should be a part of one's financial lifestyle.

BS you raise kids to earn a good income and move in with them...
Two of my kids are earning more than dear old dad. Moving in with them is the last thing I'd impose upon them. Would never ask them for a dime. Altho one still owes me $2,500 from about 5 years ago LOL.

Not meaning to direct this at you personally, but I find this mindset troubling in light of these two facts:



I'd much rather retired folks moved in with their kids and were supported by their kids rather than sticking taxpayers with the cost. I'm planning on that with my parents/in-laws when the time comes.
Well y'know... thanks for that. In some cultures such as Japan, they accept their bound duty to care for elderly family.

But this is the U.S. where neither culture nor duty exist. At least not on the level of the Japanese.

The elderly/retirees in this country didn't construct the tax code. Nor should they suffer by it.

To burden children with your presence in order to avoid "sticking taxpayers with the cost" is quite honestly one of the most fucked-up ideas I've ever heard.

Not meaning to direct this at you personally. :beer:

Strangers have more obligation to pay for our care when we're elderly than do our kids?
I just want a place to stash my crap so I can hit the road and see the USA......

Some folks buy a travel trailer and just sell everything else they can't take with them. I guess you could store a lot of it too. There is a group that helps rebuild places after disasters that move all over the place.

How did you know? I'm currently planning on pulling stakes and dragging the 28' trailer I' ve been living in for the last 7 years South.
I just want a place to stash my crap so I can hit the road and see the USA......

Some folks buy a travel trailer and just sell everything else they can't take with them. I guess you could store a lot of it too. There is a group that helps rebuild places after disasters that move all over the place.

How did you know? I'm currently planning on pulling stakes and dragging the 28' trailer I' ve been living in for the last 7 years South.
They are easier to buy than a stick built home...
Excellent post. Saving and investing in order to have a self-sufficient retirement should be a part of one's financial lifestyle.

BS you raise kids to earn a good income and move in with them...
Two of my kids are earning more than dear old dad. Moving in with them is the last thing I'd impose upon them. Would never ask them for a dime. Altho one still owes me $2,500 from about 5 years ago LOL.

Not meaning to direct this at you personally, but I find this mindset troubling in light of these two facts:



I'd much rather retired folks moved in with their kids and were supported by their kids rather than sticking taxpayers with the cost. I'm planning on that with my parents/in-laws when the time comes.
Well y'know... thanks for that. In some cultures such as Japan, they accept their bound duty to care for elderly family.

But this is the U.S. where neither culture nor duty exist. At least not on the level of the Japanese.

The elderly/retirees in this country didn't construct the tax code. Nor should they suffer by it.

To burden children with your presence in order to avoid "sticking taxpayers with the cost" is quite honestly one of the most fucked-up ideas I've ever heard.

Not meaning to direct this at you personally. :beer:

Strangers have more obligation to pay for our care when we're elderly than do our kids?
Well isn't that part of WHAT THE FUCK the ACA (Obamacare) is all about?

While working, we pay out the ass to Medicare and Social Security. THEN we enroll with Medicaid.

What the fuck is that all about?

I'm a business owner. I see... no I PAY my employee's contributions to Medicare and Social Security. And I pay into the Unemployment Compensation system. And as an EMPLOYEE I pay out the same bullshit!

I've spent the last 40 years paying into SS and Medicare. It's called FICA.


Hey- if you burden your children with yourself then you're nothing better than a white trailer trash bitch.

IF your children burden themselves with YOU... then you are one blessed and lucky motherfucker.

You see the difference?
BS you raise kids to earn a good income and move in with them...
Two of my kids are earning more than dear old dad. Moving in with them is the last thing I'd impose upon them. Would never ask them for a dime. Altho one still owes me $2,500 from about 5 years ago LOL.

Not meaning to direct this at you personally, but I find this mindset troubling in light of these two facts:



I'd much rather retired folks moved in with their kids and were supported by their kids rather than sticking taxpayers with the cost. I'm planning on that with my parents/in-laws when the time comes.
Well y'know... thanks for that. In some cultures such as Japan, they accept their bound duty to care for elderly family.

But this is the U.S. where neither culture nor duty exist. At least not on the level of the Japanese.

The elderly/retirees in this country didn't construct the tax code. Nor should they suffer by it.

To burden children with your presence in order to avoid "sticking taxpayers with the cost" is quite honestly one of the most fucked-up ideas I've ever heard.

Not meaning to direct this at you personally. :beer:

Strangers have more obligation to pay for our care when we're elderly than do our kids?
Well isn't that part of WHAT THE FUCK the ACA (Obamacare) is all about?

While working, we pay out the ass to Medicare and Social Security. THEN we enroll with Medicaid.

What the fuck is that all about?

I'm a business owner. I see... no I PAY my employee's contributions to Medicare and Social Security. And I pay into the Unemployment Compensation system. And as an EMPLOYEE I pay out the same bullshit!

I've spent the last 40 years paying into SS and Medicare. It's called FICA.


Hey- if you burden your children with yourself then you're nothing better than a white trailer trash bitch.

IF your children burden themselves with YOU... then you are one blessed and lucky motherfucker.

You see the difference?

Yeah, but your spitting and slurring...

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