"Thousands Nationally"

It's called democracy. Just stop it

It's called 'TRUANCY'.

noun: truancy; plural noun: truancies
  1. the action of staying away from school without good reason; absenteeism.
Thousands against a national population is hardly massive. Not even a blip. Media again magnifies the ant.

"Trump Fails To Publicly Acknowledge Massive School Walkouts"

"At no point during the day did Trump himself publicly acknowledge the thousands of students walking out of school nationwide to protest gun violence and lawmakers’ inaction."

Trump Fails To Publicly Acknowledge Massive School Walkouts | HuffPost

As he should. I typically ignore tantrum throwing children to.
Why do you see it as a "tantrum?"
These kids would like not to be shot, like the rest of us. They are not old enough to choose your solution--arming themselves--and they are not old enough to vote against legislators with an A+ rating from the NRA. Their walkouts yesterday were orderly and well mannered, at least the ones I saw on the teevee.
I'm not seeing "tantrum" at all.

Not all were well mannered, Nashville and Stockton they turned into children throwing a tantrum and the result was arrests.

God help our children if they ever pull a stunt like that, swift and severe punishment at home.
Link? I didn't see that in this lengthy article that tried to report on all of them in Tennessee.
Thousands of students across Tennessee protest gun violence during National School Walkout

Be proud of your minions....

Tennessee students brawl, tear down flag, jump on police car during walkout protest
Thousands against a national population is hardly massive. Not even a blip. Media again magnifies the ant.

"Trump Fails To Publicly Acknowledge Massive School Walkouts"

"At no point during the day did Trump himself publicly acknowledge the thousands of students walking out of school nationwide to protest gun violence and lawmakers’ inaction."

Trump Fails To Publicly Acknowledge Massive School Walkouts | HuffPost

As he should. I typically ignore tantrum throwing children to.
Why do you see it as a "tantrum?"
These kids would like not to be shot, like the rest of us. They are not old enough to choose your solution--arming themselves--and they are not old enough to vote against legislators with an A+ rating from the NRA. Their walkouts yesterday were orderly and well mannered, at least the ones I saw on the teevee.
I'm not seeing "tantrum" at all.

So you think teaching children it's ok to force their government to violate the fundamental rights of others for their own selfish needs?
It's called democracy. Just stop it

My unalienable rights, life, liberty, property, and the ability to protect and defend them don't come from any democracy.
Thousands against a national population is hardly massive. Not even a blip. Media again magnifies the ant.

"Trump Fails To Publicly Acknowledge Massive School Walkouts"

"At no point during the day did Trump himself publicly acknowledge the thousands of students walking out of school nationwide to protest gun violence and lawmakers’ inaction."

Trump Fails To Publicly Acknowledge Massive School Walkouts | HuffPost

As he should. I typically ignore tantrum throwing children to.
Why do you see it as a "tantrum?"
These kids would like not to be shot, like the rest of us. They are not old enough to choose your solution--arming themselves--and they are not old enough to vote against legislators with an A+ rating from the NRA. Their walkouts yesterday were orderly and well mannered, at least the ones I saw on the teevee.
I'm not seeing "tantrum" at all.

So you think teaching children it's ok to force their government to violate the fundamental rights of others for their own selfish needs?
It's called democracy. Just stop it
Yes but those kids aren't voters. By the time they are old enough to vote, they will most likely have a job. Then they can become professional protesters after they get fired for walking off the job to join a senseless protest.
Thousands against a national population is hardly massive. Not even a blip. Media again magnifies the ant.

"Trump Fails To Publicly Acknowledge Massive School Walkouts"

"At no point during the day did Trump himself publicly acknowledge the thousands of students walking out of school nationwide to protest gun violence and lawmakers’ inaction."

Trump Fails To Publicly Acknowledge Massive School Walkouts | HuffPost

As he should. I typically ignore tantrum throwing children to.
Why do you see it as a "tantrum?"
These kids would like not to be shot, like the rest of us. They are not old enough to choose your solution--arming themselves--and they are not old enough to vote against legislators with an A+ rating from the NRA. Their walkouts yesterday were orderly and well mannered, at least the ones I saw on the teevee.
I'm not seeing "tantrum" at all.

So you think teaching children it's ok to force their government to violate the fundamental rights of others for their own selfish needs?
It's called democracy. Just stop it

That is not democracy.
Thousands against a national population is hardly massive. Not even a blip. Media again magnify the ant.

"Trump Fails To Publicly Acknowledge Massive School Walkouts"

"At no point during the day did Trump himself publicly acknowledge the thousands of students walking out of school nationwide to protest gun violence and lawmakers’ inaction."

Trump Fails To Publicly Acknowledge Massive School Walkouts | HuffPost
According to HuffPo, the kid that supposedly organized this at his school is a member of the elites, that should ring alarm bells;

Today Is The National School Walkout To End Gun Violence. Read Live Updates Here. | HuffPost

"Sam Bacon, 18, helped organize a march of hundreds of students at Grace Church School in New York City. The students there have been personally affected by gun violence ― their teacher, Elizabeth Lee, was shot and killed on her way to work in 2017.

“The majority supports common-sense gun reform,” Bacon told HuffPost. “If I as a dumb 18-year-old kid without a college degree can learn about this, support it and activate just by reading the internet, why can’t our elected officials listen to their constituents?”

This is what we know about that school from a search;

Grace Church School in New York, NY - Niche

Six students for every teacher in a school of school of 727? wtf?

On top of that, he lies, or HuffPo lies about the FACTS surrounding that school secretary, did they think no one would click on that link?

Not exactly representative of average Americans opinions.

fkn elites.

Thousands against a national population is hardly massive. Not even a blip. Media again magnify the ant.

"Trump Fails To Publicly Acknowledge Massive School Walkouts"

"At no point during the day did Trump himself publicly acknowledge the thousands of students walking out of school nationwide to protest gun violence and lawmakers’ inaction."

Trump Fails To Publicly Acknowledge Massive School Walkouts | HuffPost

I think you should keep spouting off about this.

no one cares what Donald acknowledges. haven't you figured that out yet?

or did losing a district seat that the orange pos won by 20 points not convince you that you're in trouble... along with your lies.... and along with the jorange sociopath's insanity.

oh right... and every other special election since the orange one won... except for one. and that one came realllllllll close.
Thousands against a national population is hardly massive. Not even a blip. Media again magnify the ant.

"Trump Fails To Publicly Acknowledge Massive School Walkouts"

"At no point during the day did Trump himself publicly acknowledge the thousands of students walking out of school nationwide to protest gun violence and lawmakers’ inaction."

Trump Fails To Publicly Acknowledge Massive School Walkouts | HuffPost

He should have patted a few on the head and said ... "That's nice sweetie, and good luck on your ACT"s and SAT's"

Thousands against a national population is hardly massive. Not even a blip. Media again magnifies the ant.

"Trump Fails To Publicly Acknowledge Massive School Walkouts"

"At no point during the day did Trump himself publicly acknowledge the thousands of students walking out of school nationwide to protest gun violence and lawmakers’ inaction."

Trump Fails To Publicly Acknowledge Massive School Walkouts | HuffPost

As he should. I typically ignore tantrum throwing children to.
Why do you see it as a "tantrum?"
These kids would like not to be shot, like the rest of us. They are not old enough to choose your solution--arming themselves--and they are not old enough to vote against legislators with an A+ rating from the NRA. Their walkouts yesterday were orderly and well mannered, at least the ones I saw on the teevee.
I'm not seeing "tantrum" at all.

So you think teaching children it's ok to force their government to violate the fundamental rights of others for their own selfish needs?
It's called democracy. Just stop it

That is not democracy.

right to petition your government
right to protest

you might want to go have a look-see at our constitution and what it really says... and not what your NRA masters tell you.
Thousands against a national population is hardly massive. Not even a blip. Media again magnify the ant.

"Trump Fails To Publicly Acknowledge Massive School Walkouts"

"At no point during the day did Trump himself publicly acknowledge the thousands of students walking out of school nationwide to protest gun violence and lawmakers’ inaction."

Trump Fails To Publicly Acknowledge Massive School Walkouts | HuffPost

He should have patted a few on the head and said ... "That's nice sweetie, and good luck on your SAT's"


no doubt that would have gone down wonderfully with the majority of the country that supports the kids and thinks Donald is a joke.

just saying.
Thousands against a national population is hardly massive. Not even a blip. Media again magnifies the ant.

"Trump Fails To Publicly Acknowledge Massive School Walkouts"

"At no point during the day did Trump himself publicly acknowledge the thousands of students walking out of school nationwide to protest gun violence and lawmakers’ inaction."

Trump Fails To Publicly Acknowledge Massive School Walkouts | HuffPost

As he should. I typically ignore tantrum throwing children to.
Why do you see it as a "tantrum?"
These kids would like not to be shot, like the rest of us. They are not old enough to choose your solution--arming themselves--and they are not old enough to vote against legislators with an A+ rating from the NRA. Their walkouts yesterday were orderly and well mannered, at least the ones I saw on the teevee.
I'm not seeing "tantrum" at all.
They should all be expelled.
no doubt that would have gone down wonderfully with the majority of the country that supports the kids and thinks Donald is a joke.

just saying.

How is wishing students good luck on their college entrance exams a joke ... :dunno:

I found the information about the school that kid was from at this site, just to put into perspective how measly a few thousand high school kids are. . .

List of the largest high schools, the list is topped with cyber schools, but the largest brick and mortar I found was Brooklyn Technical High School with some 5,400 students.

2018 Largest Schools in America - Niche
Interesting. We had thousands show up at the Right to Life Rally in just San Diego and not one person from the MSM showed up to cover it.

You mean the San Diego Walk for Life? You don't even know what you're talking about.

I fail to understand why we suddenly think that teenagers are a valuable source for political policy.
IOW, this is an AstroTurf manufactured story by the corporate media elites to befuddle the nation. They mobilized a teeny tiny fraction of kids, and Voila, a movement.

i.e. fake news.
IOW, this is an AstroTurf manufactured story by the corporate media elites to befuddle the nation. They mobilized a teeny tiny fraction of kids, and Voila, a movement.

i.e. fake news.

Did the Illuminati have something to do with it?
As he should. I typically ignore tantrum throwing children to.
Why do you see it as a "tantrum?"
These kids would like not to be shot, like the rest of us. They are not old enough to choose your solution--arming themselves--and they are not old enough to vote against legislators with an A+ rating from the NRA. Their walkouts yesterday were orderly and well mannered, at least the ones I saw on the teevee.
I'm not seeing "tantrum" at all.

So you think teaching children it's ok to force their government to violate the fundamental rights of others for their own selfish needs?
It's called democracy. Just stop it

That is not democracy.

right to petition your government
right to protest

you might want to go have a look-see at our constitution and what it really says... and not what your NRA masters tell you.

Petitioning your government and protesting are not unalienable rights. .

The Constitution
As he should. I typically ignore tantrum throwing children to.
Why do you see it as a "tantrum?"
These kids would like not to be shot, like the rest of us. They are not old enough to choose your solution--arming themselves--and they are not old enough to vote against legislators with an A+ rating from the NRA. Their walkouts yesterday were orderly and well mannered, at least the ones I saw on the teevee.
I'm not seeing "tantrum" at all.

So you think teaching children it's ok to force their government to violate the fundamental rights of others for their own selfish needs?
It's called democracy. Just stop it

That is not democracy.

right to petition your government
right to protest

you might want to go have a look-see at our constitution and what it really says... and not what your NRA masters tell you.

The Constitution does not bestow rights it sets limits on our government.
As he should. I typically ignore tantrum throwing children to.
Why do you see it as a "tantrum?"
These kids would like not to be shot, like the rest of us. They are not old enough to choose your solution--arming themselves--and they are not old enough to vote against legislators with an A+ rating from the NRA. Their walkouts yesterday were orderly and well mannered, at least the ones I saw on the teevee.
I'm not seeing "tantrum" at all.

So you think teaching children it's ok to force their government to violate the fundamental rights of others for their own selfish needs?
It's called democracy. Just stop it

That is not democracy.

right to petition your government
right to protest

you might want to go have a look-see at our constitution and what it really says... and not what your NRA masters tell you.

Forced rule of the mob is not democracy.

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