Thousands of good Jewish folks protest Netanyahu and the state of Isreal

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Sorry, if I sounded a little hostile. Sorry, Islam is just spiffy, what else did you think? Sharia law and stoning's and (here we go) death to infidels and all that, who doesn't like is lame , I mean Islam? Great Religion. Just don't force it on others, and we get along just fine.
Sorry, if I sounded a little hostile. Sorry, Islam is just spiffy, what else did you think? Sharia law and stoning's and (here we go) death to infidels and all that, who doesn't like is lame , I mean Islam? Great Religion. Just don't force it on others, and we get along just fine.
stop the occupation and return whats been stolen and that would be reasonable expectation
If it was up to me, the Kaaba in Mecca would be minor ride in Disneyland or ashes, and islam relegated to a cultist hate group like skin heads or neo Nazis. But that is just me talking.
If it was up to me, the Kaaba in Mecca would be minor ride in Disneyland or ashes, and islam relegated to a cultist hate group like skin heads or neo Nazis. But that is just me talking.
Nope, wrong. Racism is a accusation, speculative, your honor. It always is. Isn't it?
Racism, the last bastion of moral cowards. Can't prove it, but feel free to accuse.
How is it Apartheid if Arab citizens in Israel can do whatever they want ?
Why do you say that when they can't? A Jewish-Israeli can bring his wife into the country, an Arab-Israeli cannot. There's an actual law that prevents this.

Palestinian citizens of Israel must contend with about 50 state laws and bills that, according to the Palestinian-Israeli human rights organization Adalah, either privilege Jews or directly discriminate against the Palestinian minority. One of the key components of Israel's nationality law, the Law of Return, for example, applies to Jews only, and excludes Palestinians, including Palestinians born in what is now the state of Israel. While Jewish citizens can move back and forth without interdiction, Israeli law expressly bars Palestinian citizens from bringing spouses from the occupied territories to live with them in Israel.
So again, why do you claim they have the same rights, when that statement is just horseshit?
If I am not mistaken, Palestine was created out of whole cloth by the brits in the last century, so what's the problem with Zionism since like before the birth of Christ? Israel exists now, get over it.
How is it Apartheid if Arab citizens in Israel can do whatever they want ?
Why do you say that when they can't? A Jewish-Israeli can bring his wife into the country, an Arab-Israeli cannot. There's an actual law that prevents this.

Palestinian citizens of Israel must contend with about 50 state laws and bills that, according to the Palestinian-Israeli human rights organization Adalah, either privilege Jews or directly discriminate against the Palestinian minority. One of the key components of Israel's nationality law, the Law of Return, for example, applies to Jews only, and excludes Palestinians, including Palestinians born in what is now the state of Israel. While Jewish citizens can move back and forth without interdiction, Israeli law expressly bars Palestinian citizens from bringing spouses from the occupied territories to live with them in Israel.
So again, why do you claim they have the same rights, when that statement is just horseshit?
Oh no,the Horror !! The cruelty ! The brutality !!!
If I am not mistaken, Palestine was created out of whole cloth by the brits in the last century, so what's the problem with Zionism since like before the birth of Christ? Israel exists now, get over it.
Nice, subtle and all that. we will see how this cruel play works out.Mitzvah.
According to all you zionist paid shills of Isreal who troll here everyday defending the atrocities of Netanyahu and the government of Isreal,these jewish folks here who want to reform that corrupt government,are all anti-semitic as we are since they want to reform that corrupt government there.:laugh::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rofl::lmao::cuckoo:

You mean less than 100 ultra extreme Jews don't you
According to all you zionist

How long before this trolling asshole is banned?
banned? wrong with you ?...

View attachment 39550

Incitement is illegal and your posts go against zone 2 rules.
What I get from this thread is that a small percent of the population in Israel is critical of their government. That is big news. Thank God it couldn't happen here.
What I get from this thread is that there are a growing number of brave and enlightened Jews in that are critical of their governments apartheid policies and willing to face, threats, intimidation violence, arrest and prison in protest That is big news.

The Israeli apologists here hate that little truth you exposed.:biggrin:


To no surpise,the Israel apologists in this section as predicted, are out in full predictable.:biggrin:
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According to all you zionist paid shills of Isreal who troll here everyday defending the atrocities of Netanyahu and the government of Isreal,these jewish folks here who want to reform that corrupt government,are all anti-semitic as we are since they want to reform that corrupt government there.:laugh::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rofl::lmao::cuckoo:

You know why they accuse anyone criticizing Israel as being anti-Semitic don't you? Because that's all they have! They certainly don't have a valid argument. All they got, are ad hominems and that dumbass A-card.

They're the boy crying wolf about the emperor's new clothes.


amen to that,they know they are cornered and cant refute the facts so thats all they can come up with to avoid defeat.:thup: they hate this truth being exposed that their OWN people are fed up with their corrupt government so they call for our i said,the truth hurts :D
Anybody else notice that, from the very header, this thread is about a place that does not exist?

  1. "Thousands of good Jewish folks protest Netanyahu and the state of Isreal"
way to play the EVADE game.

Dodge the video and change the subject bringing up a TYPING error.:thup:
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