THOUSANDS of NYPD Turn BACKS to Commie Bill, for the second time!!!

What would you expect in a Chocolate, Latin city where crime is a LIFE STYLE?
A higher conviction rate for those harassed by stop and frisk, perhaps? Not all black and brown citizens of New York are criminals...right?
Minorities make up more than half of the NYPD. Are you saying they are....what? Race traitors? Self-hating minorities? Pure racists?

In numbers, minorities are now the majority.

Nearly one out of three police officers is Hispanic; another 19 percent is black. In the past, Asian people never figured in the statistical breakdown, but now comprise 5.6 percent of the force. Together, these three groups now add up to 52.5 percent of police officers.

New York NY - In the NYPD Minorities Become the Majority

Lets get one thing straight,
Unfortunately, where the most crime is, is where most blacks live
If it were me - and it ain't - I'd block out at least a day on my schedule and meet with the Chief and have a real talk. Two people, face to face, that's it, tell the press to fuck off.

Regardless of de Blasio's opinions of the police, regardless of the fact that he is politically obligated to his base, these two guys have to get along and work together, somehow. They have to be on the same page at least to some degree, and show it.

They can't do this through the media, they can't do it with their "people" standing behind them during photo ops, they have to work this out right now.

Is there any reason to believe they would do this? Does de Blasio have the political balls to do this?

I think the chief and the mayor are already on the same team. It's the rank and file who are dissatisfied. At this point, I don't really see a viable solution, but an apology from the mayor would be a place to start. If seen as heartfelt and sincere, it would sway some to his side. As is, the ball is in his court and he needs to play it.

Explain what he would apologize for exactly.

To start with, his SPEECH about telling his son to be careful about police.... You want to tell him that PRIVATELY, please do, you want to announce it to the world? Why not put a huge WEDGE between those that keep 99% of us safe, and the mayors stupidity!

So you want politicians to lie through omission... He told the truth as the father of a young black man in New York city... It was real and that is something you prefer was swept under the rug... Is the truth hurting....

He announced it to the world to show what the truth of being a black man in NYC today. Is your son a black man in New York?

The NYPD has a problem and he was before this incident talking about it and he trying to affect change. A lot of NYPD officers agree with de Blasio and want the force to improve its community relations. But turning your back on the elected representative at a funeral shows a lack of respect the the dead and his family.
What would you expect in a Chocolate, Latin city where crime is a LIFE STYLE?
A higher conviction rate for those harassed by stop and frisk, perhaps? Not all black and brown citizens of New York are criminals...right?
Minorities make up more than half of the NYPD. Are you saying they are....what? Race traitors? Self-hating minorities? Pure racists?

In numbers, minorities are now the majority.

Nearly one out of three police officers is Hispanic; another 19 percent is black. In the past, Asian people never figured in the statistical breakdown, but now comprise 5.6 percent of the force. Together, these three groups now add up to 52.5 percent of police officers.

New York NY - In the NYPD Minorities Become the Majority

Lets get one thing straight,
Unfortunately, where the most crime is, is where most blacks live
If it were me - and it ain't - I'd block out at least a day on my schedule and meet with the Chief and have a real talk. Two people, face to face, that's it, tell the press to fuck off.

Regardless of de Blasio's opinions of the police, regardless of the fact that he is politically obligated to his base, these two guys have to get along and work together, somehow. They have to be on the same page at least to some degree, and show it.

They can't do this through the media, they can't do it with their "people" standing behind them during photo ops, they have to work this out right now.

Is there any reason to believe they would do this? Does de Blasio have the political balls to do this?

I think the chief and the mayor are already on the same team. It's the rank and file who are dissatisfied. At this point, I don't really see a viable solution, but an apology from the mayor would be a place to start. If seen as heartfelt and sincere, it would sway some to his side. As is, the ball is in his court and he needs to play it.

Explain what he would apologize for exactly.

To start with, his SPEECH about telling his son to be careful about police.... You want to tell him that PRIVATELY, please do, you want to announce it to the world? Why not put a huge WEDGE between those that keep 99% of us safe, and the mayors stupidity!

So you want politicians to lie through omission... He told the truth as the father of a young black man in New York city... It was real and that is something you prefer was swept under the rug... Is the truth hurting....

He announced it to the world to show what the truth of being a black man in NYC today. Is your son a black man in New York?

The NYPD has a problem and he was before this incident talking about it and he trying to affect change. A lot of NYPD officers agree with de Blasio and want the force to improve its community relations. But turning your back on the elected representative at a funeral shows a lack of respect the the dead and his family.
I have three black sons, all of whom have been to NYC. I would never tell them anything of the kind.

But if you think di Blasio has nothing to apologize for, then he won't apologize, right?
If it were me - and it ain't - I'd block out at least a day on my schedule and meet with the Chief and have a real talk. Two people, face to face, that's it, tell the press to fuck off.

Regardless of de Blasio's opinions of the police, regardless of the fact that he is politically obligated to his base, these two guys have to get along and work together, somehow. They have to be on the same page at least to some degree, and show it.

They can't do this through the media, they can't do it with their "people" standing behind them during photo ops, they have to work this out right now.

Is there any reason to believe they would do this? Does de Blasio have the political balls to do this?

I think the chief and the mayor are already on the same team. It's the rank and file who are dissatisfied. At this point, I don't really see a viable solution, but an apology from the mayor would be a place to start. If seen as heartfelt and sincere, it would sway some to his side. As is, the ball is in his court and he needs to play it.

Explain what he would apologize for exactly.
Look, I'm not laying blame on either side here. I'm just seeing a situation. Do you agree there is a problem?

The mayor has to do something. He has to do SOMETHING. He tried to persuade other politicians to support him and that blew up in his face. An apology for offending the very people who enforce the laws and rules he is sworn to uphold would be a place to start.


Normally I am for swallow it and move on, but in this case if he apologizes he will alienate vast communities of New Yorkers which his job is to represent. The NYPD cops that turned around thought that the Mayor is the problem when they have to acknowledge that NYPD has a problem.

Most rational people saw the Garner video and were not as much horrified by his death but by the reaction to it. The result is that NYPD cops are perfectly allowed to do that on any New Yorker. They say that is wrong and the Mayor said to his son to be careful.

It was not so much the crime but the lack of understanding that anything is wrong. Personally, I believe the cops in the Garner case acted like many cops act all over the country. Yes it is against procedure, that procedure has not been enforced and then there was an accident. I think the officers involved should be sent to retraining like a lot of cops over the city. NYPD pay substantial fine, and have to review all there policies. The of NYPD policy enforcement should be fired and the person who appointed them. I am not blaming the cops, I am blaming the Department.
The problem with the Garner case is that it doesn't fit the narrative. It was fully investigated by the local police, the FBI and DOJ under the leadership of black supercop Eric Holder, a local grand jury, and they all came to the same conclusion - that there was no reason to bring charges. Either the case was a massive conspiracy and cover-up, or there was no reason to bring charges.

If you think the mayor shouldn't apologize for offending the very people who did nothing wrong, that's fine. I don't see that he has any alternative.

Chokeholds are against policy, policies were broken. Someone is dead.

So either the the individual police were rogue and should taken to task. If it is against NYPD policy then a Policeman is acting without authority. Therefore it probably be negligent homicide on the outside manslaughter.

I did give an out, I would find a defence by the officers to say this is standard practice in the NYPD as there is lack of enforcement of these policies in the NYPD. They walk free and NYPD pay a big fine.

Either way a crime was committed and anyone can see that on the tape. An officer had an arm in contact with the victims neck (NYPD definition of chokehold).

I am sorry to say that civilized society has to have the law implemented equally and fairly, and very little people believe this happen her.
What he needs to do is apologize.

Why should he apologize?

I never get this "apology" stuff.

He meant everything he said, his feelings on cops are clear, and now he's getting a reaction.

What they should NOT do is try to get him to quit or try to destroy his life just for expressing his opinion. That's what the PC Police do, not the REAL police.


Ok, I understand what you are saying, but de Blasio is not just an ordinary man with ordinary responsibilities, he's the freaking mayor of the city. His words, wether he believed in what he was saying or not, were reckless and irresponsible for someone in this position. The atmosphere became so bad that cops were attacked, even killed. IM not saying everything was directly caused by him, but was it self evident is he didn't do a good job in the leadership department. He did a great job of dividing and taking a side, and for that I think he owes an appology.

So it doesn't matter that he spoke the truth (as a father to a young black man) as long as he didn't hurt peoples feelings.

De Blasio was asked to speak at the funeral. The police that turned there back, disrespected the family of the death, politics is not a place for funerals. They also said they are not willing to listen to any criticism, thus they don't want to know what is wrong therefore they don't want to fix it...

The mayor owes the police officers nothing and the police officers owe the mayor nothing. The mayor made comments and the officers have the right to protest. It was peaceful, no chants of killing anyone, no one hurt and I'd be willing to bet those officers that were shot, would support their brethren.

I agree that it wasn't the worst crime. But I would expect if people turn up at a funeral it meant to be about the deceased not political upmanship. Invite him to something else and turn your back, but honestly, listen to what he said.

What they are criticizing him off, is the advice he was giving his son.

If the advice was given to his kid, why does everyone know what was said? His kid didn't say anything, it was a private conversation that an ignorant man went public with.

The police officers did what they thought was the best way to honor their lost brothers, the protest was peaceful, no chanting about killing anyone. The mayor opened his trap and the officers responded. Not seeing the issue.
I think the chief and the mayor are already on the same team. It's the rank and file who are dissatisfied. At this point, I don't really see a viable solution, but an apology from the mayor would be a place to start. If seen as heartfelt and sincere, it would sway some to his side. As is, the ball is in his court and he needs to play it.

Explain what he would apologize for exactly.
Look, I'm not laying blame on either side here. I'm just seeing a situation. Do you agree there is a problem?

The mayor has to do something. He has to do SOMETHING. He tried to persuade other politicians to support him and that blew up in his face. An apology for offending the very people who enforce the laws and rules he is sworn to uphold would be a place to start.


Normally I am for swallow it and move on, but in this case if he apologizes he will alienate vast communities of New Yorkers which his job is to represent. The NYPD cops that turned around thought that the Mayor is the problem when they have to acknowledge that NYPD has a problem.

Most rational people saw the Garner video and were not as much horrified by his death but by the reaction to it. The result is that NYPD cops are perfectly allowed to do that on any New Yorker. They say that is wrong and the Mayor said to his son to be careful.

It was not so much the crime but the lack of understanding that anything is wrong. Personally, I believe the cops in the Garner case acted like many cops act all over the country. Yes it is against procedure, that procedure has not been enforced and then there was an accident. I think the officers involved should be sent to retraining like a lot of cops over the city. NYPD pay substantial fine, and have to review all there policies. The of NYPD policy enforcement should be fired and the person who appointed them. I am not blaming the cops, I am blaming the Department.
The problem with the Garner case is that it doesn't fit the narrative. It was fully investigated by the local police, the FBI and DOJ under the leadership of black supercop Eric Holder, a local grand jury, and they all came to the same conclusion - that there was no reason to bring charges. Either the case was a massive conspiracy and cover-up, or there was no reason to bring charges.

If you think the mayor shouldn't apologize for offending the very people who did nothing wrong, that's fine. I don't see that he has any alternative.

Chokeholds are against policy, policies were broken. Someone is dead.

So either the the individual police were rogue and should taken to task. If it is against NYPD policy then a Policeman is acting without authority. Therefore it probably be negligent homicide on the outside manslaughter.

I did give an out, I would find a defence by the officers to say this is standard practice in the NYPD as there is lack of enforcement of these policies in the NYPD. They walk free and NYPD pay a big fine.

Either way a crime was committed and anyone can see that on the tape. An officer had an arm in contact with the victims neck (NYPD definition of chokehold).

I am sorry to say that civilized society has to have the law implemented equally and fairly, and very little people believe this happen her.
Neither you nor I investigated the case fully, as did the local police, the FBI and DOJ under the leadership of black supercop Eric Holder, and a local grand jury.
Either the case was a massive conspiracy and cover-up, or there was no reason to bring charges.
Wonder if the NY police have a union? If so, is the union involved in this thing?
The Communist douchebag has lost all ability to lead. He should be removed from office. He's a typical 'Communist Organizer' hater and divider.
I read the chart differently. It tells me blacks and lations commit more crimes. You automatically assume that it means racism.
The big complaint against stop and frisk is inefficiency:
"Yet all these stops have led to little discovery of actual crime. Overall, about 87-89% of stops lead to no evidence of wrong-doing."
Relying on racial profiling to determine criminal intent isn't the most effective use of law enforcement, and it breeds resentment among millions of innocent minorities.
NYPD 8217 s Stop-and-Frisk Policy Sociological Images

YOUR chart said nothing about efficiency. It was based totally on race and siad nothing about results.
I read the chart differently. It tells me blacks and lations commit more crimes. You automatically assume that it means racism.
The big complaint against stop and frisk is inefficiency:
"Yet all these stops have led to little discovery of actual crime. Overall, about 87-89% of stops lead to no evidence of wrong-doing."
Relying on racial profiling to determine criminal intent isn't the most effective use of law enforcement, and it breeds resentment among millions of innocent minorities.
NYPD 8217 s Stop-and-Frisk Policy Sociological Images

YOUR chart said nothing about efficiency. It was based totally on race and siad nothing about results.
I have never seen a single, accredited scientific study verifying racial profiling. I've looked for one myself and asked others to see if they could find one, with no luck.
I read the chart differently. It tells me blacks and lations commit more crimes. You automatically assume that it means racism.
The big complaint against stop and frisk is inefficiency:
"Yet all these stops have led to little discovery of actual crime. Overall, about 87-89% of stops lead to no evidence of wrong-doing."
Relying on racial profiling to determine criminal intent isn't the most effective use of law enforcement, and it breeds resentment among millions of innocent minorities.
NYPD 8217 s Stop-and-Frisk Policy Sociological Images

YOUR chart said nothing about efficiency. It was based totally on race and siad nothing about results.
I have never seen a single, accredited scientific study verifying racial profiling. I've looked for one myself and asked others to see if they could find one, with no luck.

I agree with you.

My point to george was that he posted a graph/chart with the implication that because blacks and lations h
They came to show respect for a fallen comrade and his family, and they did. They were under no obligation to show respect for anyone whom they disrespected and disrespected them.

I think making a political statement at a funeral shows disrespect for the person who is being buried.

But that's just me.

A question for you not on this specific topic but about showing respect during a special event. In 2008, George Bush spoke at the graduation ceremony at the local university where I live. When it was proposed as an option, 100% of the graduating class voted yes. It was THEIR day and although I don't believe all agreed with him politically, they supported having a sitting President speak at their graduation. When it was announced, several Liberal professors made it about them ignoring what the students had approved. At the graduation ceremony, these assholes stood up, unzipped their robes, and wore t-shirts with protest statements on them. Bush addressed and agreed with their right to free speech and then gave them one.

Do you consider it disrespectful for those professors to have done that? Anything other than a yes answer only further proves your hypocrisy.
Communist fuckwits are not welcome at Police Funerals. Let him go do another interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN (Communist News Network) or something. But stay away from Police Funerals. Period, end of story.
I read the chart differently. It tells me blacks and lations commit more crimes. You automatically assume that it means racism.
The big complaint against stop and frisk is inefficiency:
"Yet all these stops have led to little discovery of actual crime. Overall, about 87-89% of stops lead to no evidence of wrong-doing."
Relying on racial profiling to determine criminal intent isn't the most effective use of law enforcement, and it breeds resentment among millions of innocent minorities.
NYPD 8217 s Stop-and-Frisk Policy Sociological Images

YOUR chart said nothing about efficiency. It was based totally on race and siad nothing about results.
I have never seen a single, accredited scientific study verifying racial profiling. I've looked for one myself and asked others to see if they could find one, with no luck.

I agree with you.

My point to george was that he posted a graph/chart with the implication that because blacks and lations h
The ball is now in de Blasio's court to correct the situation.

You're right. He needs to find out who the instigators are and fire their asses.

Someone need to set fire to your ass! You like spouting off, and those officers have the same CONSTITUTIONAL protection a deranged piece of fecal matter, like you, has!

I read the chart differently. It tells me blacks and lations commit more crimes. You automatically assume that it means racism.
The big complaint against stop and frisk is inefficiency:
"Yet all these stops have led to little discovery of actual crime. Overall, about 87-89% of stops lead to no evidence of wrong-doing."
Relying on racial profiling to determine criminal intent isn't the most effective use of law enforcement, and it breeds resentment among millions of innocent minorities.
NYPD 8217 s Stop-and-Frisk Policy Sociological Images

YOUR chart said nothing about efficiency. It was based totally on race and siad nothing about results.
I have never seen a single, accredited scientific study verifying racial profiling. I've looked for one myself and asked others to see if they could find one, with no luck.

I agree with you.

My point to george was that he posted a chart (post #82) that show Stops by race implying that blacks and latinos having more stops by police automatically meant the stops were racially motivated. When I addressed that with him, he said the biggest problem with stop and frisk was efficiency although his chart had nothing to do with efficiency and everything to do with race. He wanted to make the chart appear to be saying something it didn't address but was his claim for why stop and frisk is a problem.
Instead of blaming the cop who put the stranglehold on, they blame the Mayor who told his son how to behave with cops like that.
They have union protection so he cant.
Remember union protection? Tht thing you insist made America great.
LOL! Hoist by your own petard.

If they broke rules or disobeyed orders, unions or not, they are subject to disciplinary measures.
Neither you nor I investigated the case fully, as did the local police, the FBI and DOJ under the leadership of black supercop Eric Holder, and a local grand jury.
When did any of the federal agencies you mentioned investigate Eric Garner's homicide? The grand jury saw only the evidence the local prosecutor presented, which is often problematic when police officers are suspected of being responsible for foul play.
Neither you nor I investigated the case fully, as did the local police, the FBI and DOJ under the leadership of black supercop Eric Holder, and a local grand jury.
When did any of the federal agencies you mentioned investigate Eric Garner's homicide? The grand jury saw only the evidence the local prosecutor presented, which is often problematic when police officers are suspected of being responsible for foul play.
I think it was Dec. 3, but feel free to google it.

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