THOUSANDS of NYPD Turn BACKS to Commie Bill, for the second time!!!

The ball is now in de Blasio's court to correct the situation.

You're right. He needs to find out who the instigators are and fire their asses.

What he needs to do is apologize.

Why should he apologize?

I never get this "apology" stuff.

He meant everything he said, his feelings on cops are clear, and now he's getting a reaction.

What they should NOT do is try to get him to quit or try to destroy his life just for expressing his opinion. That's what the PC Police do, not the REAL police.


Ok, I understand what you are saying, but de Blasio is not just an ordinary man with ordinary responsibilities, he's the freaking mayor of the city. His words, wether he believed in what he was saying or not, were reckless and irresponsible for someone in this position. The atmosphere became so bad that cops were attacked, even killed. IM not saying everything was directly caused by him, but was it self evident is he didn't do a good job in the leadership department. He did a great job of dividing and taking a side, and for that I think he owes an appology.

So it doesn't matter that he spoke the truth (as a father to a young black man) as long as he didn't hurt peoples feelings.

De Blasio was asked to speak at the funeral. The police that turned there back, disrespected the family of the death, politics is not a place for funerals. They also said they are not willing to listen to any criticism, thus they don't want to know what is wrong therefore they don't want to fix it...
You really and truly just don't get it.

Not exactly a surprise.
Martin was now killed by a rogue cop? Lol!

I think the point went right over your head... but it always does.

Point is fine, just pointing out how stupid it is, yours always are.

No, you do really miss the point if you don't understand the fear people have that they could always get that call that their loved one was gunned down in the street by a cop or a vigilante.

You never said vigilante, and a vigilante is not a police officer, you are trying to connect Martin with the other two totally different incidents.

I understand you silly point and it is wrong. Blacks have a higher chance of being shot by another black on the street than by a police officer or anyone else.
You never said vigilante, and a vigilante is not a police officer, you are trying to connect Martin with the other two totally different incidents.

I understand you silly point and it is wrong. Blacks have a higher chance of being shot by another black on the street than by a police officer or anyone else.

yes, they do. And when they are, the system punishes that person.

When a cop or a vigilante does it, not so much.
Good, this is what this mayor deserves for accusing them as a bunch of monsters that hunt innocent people.

Fuck this mayor!
you did not specifically name how to fuck him so i'll define how he should be fucked, he should be tied in a "doggie style" pose and let everyone of the Budweiser studs take a shot at him !! :lmao: :up:

:iagree: ..................... :iagree:
You never said vigilante, and a vigilante is not a police officer, you are trying to connect Martin with the other two totally different incidents.

I understand you silly point and it is wrong. Blacks have a higher chance of being shot by another black on the street than by a police officer or anyone else.

yes, they do. And when they are, the system punishes that person.

When a cop or a vigilante does it, not so much.

Name all the vigilantes that have killed blacks in the last year. 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000, because you're portraying as very common.
de Blasio and all the anti -police activists are playing a dangerous game by losing the support of the NYPD.

In what amounts to an unofficial strike the police arrest rate has plummeted by about 90% and only serious crimes have been followed up.

NYPD have taken the right action in turning their backs on de Blasio and all those stupid activists!:thup:

The ball is now in de Blasio's court to correct the situation.

I'm still not over you not eating red meat.... How is that even possible?
Once is one time too many And when a Zimmerman or a Goetz is given a pass, people notice.

Didn't say one wasn't too many, did I?

You sited two in the last 30 plus years? I am not sure I'd be fearful, you are in more danger going to the movies or the mall of school.

The fear being shot based on your two accounts is not reasonable.

So your point is pretty silly.
KUDOS to the boys in Blue!

Buddhist monks lead Chinese funeral ceremony for slain Brooklyn cop Wenjian Liu as thousands of officers ignore Commissioner Bratton's plea and turn their backs on de Blasio
  • Tens of thousands of officers flocked to the funeral of slain NYPD cop Wenjian Liu, 32, on Sunday from across the country
  • Liu was gunned down alongside partner Rafael Ramos by Ismaaiyl Brinsley on December 20
  • Ramos' funeral a week ago among the largest in NYPD history, with more than 20,000 officers from around the country on hand

Read more:

the media reported it as only a few
what a brilliant comment! :rolleyes-41:

you must be an anarchist because what you "so wisely" are saying would mean a complete breakdown of Law and Orden in New York.

I'm sorry, cops who choke unarmed people to death or shoot an unarmed man 45 times are not contributing to "Law and Order". Probably like the oppossite of that. When people are more afraid of the cops than they are of the crooks (because, hey, at least the crooks will be punished), you have a breakdown in civil order.
Shutup Joe, he was not chocked to death, he died of a heart attack on the way to the hospital.
what a brilliant comment! :rolleyes-41:

you must be an anarchist because what you "so wisely" are saying would mean a complete breakdown of Law and Orden in New York.

I'm sorry, cops who choke unarmed people to death or shoot an unarmed man 45 times are not contributing to "Law and Order". Probably like the oppossite of that. When people are more afraid of the cops than they are of the crooks (because, hey, at least the crooks will be punished), you have a breakdown in civil order.
Shutup Joe, he was not chocked to death, he died of a heart attack on the way to the hospital.
Yeah but that doesnt fit the narrative so it's not important.
The ball is now in de Blasio's court to correct the situation.

You're right. He needs to find out who the instigators are and fire their asses.

What he needs to do is apologize.

Why? What specifically has he said h e should apologize for? That he has a legitimate worry his black son might get killed by a rogue cop? Frankly, that's a reasonable fear parents of young black men have in this society. Probably more so after Garner, Brown and Martin.

JoeBlow KNOWS....Martin was killed by a rogue cop.... Shows the extent of what subversives actually know, or more likely what they were TOLD happened!...Another saver!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

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