Thousands of Pro-Lifers Flood the Streets in Canada’s March for Life

Calling you a genius was sarcasm, apparently you don't have the intelligence to handle that concept. That's why DECENT people still fight the subversives that kill humans! ...And I have no idea where your from, even by your spelling, but I would imagine you might be a socialist from somewhere in that 2nd rate continent of did I do?
well Villageidiot we have some common ground, the democratic election twice of a wonderful black Potus and the forthcoming election of your first female Potus has made a massive improvement to your country.
Well Villageidiot America must be full of INDECENT people if legal abortion has been available long:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:

Yes, your fellow communists have continued to gain ground, now that they know giving away FREE SHIT wins elections. You never did say where you were from, embarrassed? I'm sure you are!

embarrassed yes like you Villageidiot...I'm your neighbour inside pogo's vacant head:lol:
I just noticed you joined in March and you have dribbled 3,204 times, you really should get out more and for the first time try to create the need for an abortion.:lol:
And Benghazi won't go away either!

You guys said the same thing about fast and furious, and Solyndra, and Monica...

Not so much.

F&F is STILL on the books, although Obuma's AG, Eric Holder is responsible for having one of our Border Patrol killed, he CERTAINLY won't investigate HIMSELF, Solyndra so far has cost taxpayers for the failure of that solar panel company, more than the $535 million dollar, and may be much higher, but YOU don't give a shit, and now, poor Monica, who as a YOUNG 19 year old girl, LET a perverted old bastard stick cigars up her twat...enough action, that if the bastard wasn't president, and with the BLUE DRESS evidence, he should STILL BE IN JAIL!!!'re dumber than shit, but quite entertaining!

Were you a little boy at 19? Did you abstain from sex because you were so young?

You're a lunatic, Vagasil, plain and simple.

Monica was a grown woman and a groupie.
Women, that have abortions should be held responsible for their actions, as they should have thought about it before the fact. As to RAPE, it's a horrible offense, BUT what will killing that baby accomplish, The only thing is her FEELINGS! Wait 9 month, and give the baby away, it's simple, and if anything she will no longer have to have a death on her mind.

Your example is exactly what I'm talking about. NO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. use a baby as a GUN TO A GUYS HEAD, and watch him run! The WOMEN are the problem, which could be easily fixed with that personal responsibility...but since WOMEN are stupid when it comes to this, a PENALTY should be enforced. We can always discuss that PENALTY!

You're a shitstain and this year's poster child for retroactive abortion.

Women abhor you.
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You guys said the same thing about fast and furious, and Solyndra, and Monica...

Not so much.

F&F is STILL on the books, although Obuma's AG, Eric Holder is responsible for having one of our Border Patrol killed, he CERTAINLY won't investigate HIMSELF, Solyndra so far has cost taxpayers for the failure of that solar panel company, more than the $535 million dollar, and may be much higher, but YOU don't give a shit, and now, poor Monica, who as a YOUNG 19 year old girl, LET a perverted old bastard stick cigars up her twat...enough action, that if the bastard wasn't president, and with the BLUE DRESS evidence, he should STILL BE IN JAIL!!!'re dumber than shit, but quite entertaining!

Were you a little boy at 19? Did you abstain from sex because you were so young?

You're a lunatic, Vagasil, plain and simple.

Monica was a grown woman and a groupie.
personally speaking Grandma I think Villageidiots testicles dropped in February and he is still in shock.

Now you may call me charitable :eusa_angel:
Women, that have abortions should be held responsible for their actions, as they should have thought about it before the fact. As to RAPE, it's a horrible offense, BUT what will killing that baby accomplish, The only thing is her FEELINGS! Wait 9 month, and give the baby away, it's simple, and if anything she will no longer have to have a death on her mind.

Your example is exactly what I'm talking about. NO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. use a baby as a GUN TO A GUYS HEAD, and watch him run! The WOMEN are the problem, which could be easily fixed with that personal responsibility...but since WOMEN are stupid when it comes to this, a PENALTY should be enforced. We can always discuss that PENALTY!

You're a shitstain and this year's poster child for retroactive abortion.

Women abhor you.
I concur:eusa_clap:
So many pro-life people jammed the streets in Ottawa today for the Canadian March for Life that one member of Parliament was surprised at how many people could fit in one space.

The pictures below, from the Campaign Life Coalition, show the enormity of the crowd, prompting MP Stephen Woodworth to tweet: “How many ppl can Parliament Hill lawns hold? 25,000? They are overflowing today with the Rally for Life.”

... director Mike Schouten who was also in attendance at today’s event.......

Thousands of Pro-Lifers Flood the Streets in Canada's March for Life |

My high school had 1500 students. This crowd doesn't look anywhere near that size.

The 25,000 claim is bogus.

Would you believe 24,999?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I'd believe about 175.

I see another ad hominem attack, try staying on topic, instead of attacking me personally, you look stupid!

Again it comes down to PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Get your own insurance instead of relying on others to pay for you. There are already laws for medical leave in most states, and protections against getting fired for being pregnant.

Now, after being shown you're wrong on those points, want to go back to the enablers of killing babies?

other than the pleasure I get from watching you religious whacks get your panties in a bunch, I really don't care about abortion.

Yeah, there are protections. And they are next to impossible to enforce without a lot of money for lawyers.

Probably just cheaper to get the abortion and keep the job.

Yup, Us Religious folk have your immorality covered! You are one sick puppy! Everything is money, that's why you subversives want to spend so much on useless shit! :badgrin:

Universal healthcare isn't "useless" if you are sick and have no other way to pay for treatment.

So okay, getting back to the brass tacks here.

It still her body and its still her decision.

But again, in Canada they have universal health care and solid family and medical leave.

And their abortion rate is 25% lower than ours.
How many children have these anti abortionists adopted, I wonder...

I'm going to guess none.
now you are pushing the envelope to far, can you ever imagine a civilised society allow the Villageidiot to adopt even when he has finished with puberty.
Women, that have abortions should be held responsible for their actions, as they should have thought about it before the fact. As to RAPE, it's a horrible offense, BUT what will killing that baby accomplish, The only thing is her FEELINGS! Wait 9 month, and give the baby away, it's simple, and if anything she will no longer have to have a death on her mind.

Your example is exactly what I'm talking about. NO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. use a baby as a GUN TO A GUYS HEAD, and watch him run! The WOMEN are the problem, which could be easily fixed with that personal responsibility...but since WOMEN are stupid when it comes to this, a PENALTY should be enforced. We can always discuss that PENALTY!

You're a shitstain and this year's poster child for retroactive abortion.

Women abhor you.

Now can you imagine if the President would have been a Repub. and done this to a 19 year old child, this twat would be screaming about the WAR ON WOMAN, instead of adoring a pervert that was in the Oval office....your hypocrisy is noted, old bitch!:badgrin:
F&F is STILL on the books, although Obuma's AG, Eric Holder is responsible for having one of our Border Patrol killed, he CERTAINLY won't investigate HIMSELF, Solyndra so far has cost taxpayers for the failure of that solar panel company, more than the $535 million dollar, and may be much higher, but YOU don't give a shit, and now, poor Monica, who as a YOUNG 19 year old girl, LET a perverted old bastard stick cigars up her twat...enough action, that if the bastard wasn't president, and with the BLUE DRESS evidence, he should STILL BE IN JAIL!!!'re dumber than shit, but quite entertaining!

Were you a little boy at 19? Did you abstain from sex because you were so young?

You're a lunatic, Vagasil, plain and simple.

Monica was a grown woman and a groupie.
personally speaking Grandma I think Villageidiots testicles dropped in February and he is still in shock.

Now you may call me charitable :eusa_angel:

PissedOn, you haven't the intelligence to find Pogo's vacant head, let alone LIVE IN IT, as I do. and as far as my testicles dropping, I see you've opened your mouth I come....

Now would you like to get back on topic, or do you need more time with my testicles?
other than the pleasure I get from watching you religious whacks get your panties in a bunch, I really don't care about abortion.

Yeah, there are protections. And they are next to impossible to enforce without a lot of money for lawyers.

Probably just cheaper to get the abortion and keep the job.

Yup, Us Religious folk have your immorality covered! You are one sick puppy! Everything is money, that's why you subversives want to spend so much on useless shit! :badgrin:

Universal healthcare isn't "useless" if you are sick and have no other way to pay for treatment.

So okay, getting back to the brass tacks here.

It still her body and its still her decision.

But again, in Canada they have universal health care and solid family and medical leave.

And their abortion rate is 25% lower than ours.

Tells you something about the Canadian people, and the fact tin a ONSERVATIVE government. Many have seen the light of socialism dim dramatically, the people here must endure more pain, to get that effect!
How many children have these anti abortionists adopted, I wonder...

I'm going to guess none.
now you are pushing the envelope to far, can you ever imagine a civilised society allow the Villageidiot to adopt even when he has finished with puberty.

How many times have I answered this obvious ploy? BUT, because Pissed On and NooMind need to be informed again, I'll say it again! Copy this down baby killers so you'll remember why PRO LIFE people will always have the HIGH GROUND on this issue!

This is a question pro-aborts endlessly badger pro-lifers with: “If you so badly want babies to be born, how many are you willing to adopt?” They hope that by casting pro-lifers as somehow not doing enough to give “unwanted” children a home, they can divert attention away from the deaths they’re responsible for and guilt a few of us into shutting up. If that reminds you of a child snapping, “If you love it so much, why don’t you marry it?,” that’s because the challenge is about as sophisticated.

Sorry, but moral high ground doesn’t come that cheaply, the primary reason being that it doesn’t change the tiny details of a) who’s making children they don’t want in the first place, and b) who’s actually killing them and perpetuating that killing. Can anyone think of any other scenario where “I should be able to harm someone unless you aid me in some way” would be taken even remotely seriously as moral reasoning? If I forbid somebody from stealing my neighbor’s car, am I therefore obligated to let the would-be thief borrow my own?

Of course not. It’s preposterous. Again, pro-aborts are (intentionally) confusing the difference between abstaining from harm and going out of one’s way to do good. Our obligation to the former doesn’t necessarily entail the latter. And just because Person A won’t help Person B, it doesn’t give Person C a license to kill Person B. So even if this objection were to reveal that pro-lifers are somehow negligent in this area, it wouldn’t legitimize legal abortion.

It’s certainly true that all people, pro-lifers included, should do their part to find abandoned children homes, including adopting them themselves when they can. But, at the risk of ruining a perfectly good narrative by asking the obvious question, how do pro-aborts know we already aren’t? Do they have any reason other than malice to suggest that pro-life Americans aren’t adopting at a perfectly respectable rate compared to the rest of the population? Heck, how do we know pro-lifers aren’t adopting more than our “choice”-minded brethren? (After all, conservatives and religious Americans are more charitable in other ways.)

Personally, I’m not aware of adoption data to either effect, so if any of our critics can prove they’ve got facts behind the smears, step right up. It is, however, worth noting that even when pro-lifers do exactly what pro-aborts chastise us for allegedly not doing, it doesn’t make them hate us any less – just ask Rep. Michele Bachmann!

Besides, moving on from the macro to the individual level, it’s awfully presumptuous to assume whether the circumstances of a stranger’s personal life – yes, even a pro-lifer – are conducive to providing an orphaned child a good home, whether due to the number of children one already has (conservatives tend to have more kids than liberals), making too little to handle adoption’s steep price tag, being unmarried and therefore unable to provide a two-parent home, or simply because one isn’t good with kids.

Lastly, regardless of how many pro-lifers are personally adopting, the fact is that we’ve more than stepped up to support adoption – just take a look at Students for Life’s rundown of adoption activism and groups, and compare it to Planned Parenthood’s own abortion-to-adoption ratio (fun fact: the United States actually has more crisis pregnancy centers than Planned Parenthood clinics).

Another day, another shabby excuse for mass slaughter dispatched. It’s a sad commentary on our culture that there remain any venues where you can be taken seriously badgering someone to take care of a stranger’s child while cherishing the child’s own mother’s right to kill him or her.
Were you a little boy at 19? Did you abstain from sex because you were so young?

You're a lunatic, Vagasil, plain and simple.

Monica was a grown woman and a groupie.
personally speaking Grandma I think Villageidiots testicles dropped in February and he is still in shock.

Now you may call me charitable :eusa_angel:

PissedOn, you haven't the intelligence to find Pogo's vacant head, let alone LIVE IN IT, as I do. and as far as my testicles dropping, I see you've opened your mouth I come....

Now would you like to get back on topic, or do you need more time with my testicles?
Villageidiot methinks you protest to much, so I will take that to mean that they have not dropped.
How many children have these anti abortionists adopted, I wonder...

I'm going to guess none.
now you are pushing the envelope to far, can you ever imagine a civilised society allow the Villageidiot to adopt even when he has finished with puberty.

How many times have I answered this obvious ploy? BUT, because Pissed On and NooMind need to be informed again, I'll say it again! Copy this down baby killers so you'll remember why PRO LIFE people will always have the HIGH GROUND on this issue!

This is a question pro-aborts endlessly badger pro-lifers with: “If you so badly want babies to be born, how many are you willing to adopt?” They hope that by casting pro-lifers as somehow not doing enough to give “unwanted” children a home, they can divert attention away from the deaths they’re responsible for and guilt a few of us into shutting up. If that reminds you of a child snapping, “If you love it so much, why don’t you marry it?,” that’s because the challenge is about as sophisticated.

Sorry, but moral high ground doesn’t come that cheaply, the primary reason being that it doesn’t change the tiny details of a) who’s making children they don’t want in the first place, and b) who’s actually killing them and perpetuating that killing. Can anyone think of any other scenario where “I should be able to harm someone unless you aid me in some way” would be taken even remotely seriously as moral reasoning? If I forbid somebody from stealing my neighbor’s car, am I therefore obligated to let the would-be thief borrow my own?

Of course not. It’s preposterous. Again, pro-aborts are (intentionally) confusing the difference between abstaining from harm and going out of one’s way to do good. Our obligation to the former doesn’t necessarily entail the latter. And just because Person A won’t help Person B, it doesn’t give Person C a license to kill Person B. So even if this objection were to reveal that pro-lifers are somehow negligent in this area, it wouldn’t legitimize legal abortion.

It’s certainly true that all people, pro-lifers included, should do their part to find abandoned children homes, including adopting them themselves when they can. But, at the risk of ruining a perfectly good narrative by asking the obvious question, how do pro-aborts know we already aren’t? Do they have any reason other than malice to suggest that pro-life Americans aren’t adopting at a perfectly respectable rate compared to the rest of the population? Heck, how do we know pro-lifers aren’t adopting more than our “choice”-minded brethren? (After all, conservatives and religious Americans are more charitable in other ways.)

Personally, I’m not aware of adoption data to either effect, so if any of our critics can prove they’ve got facts behind the smears, step right up. It is, however, worth noting that even when pro-lifers do exactly what pro-aborts chastise us for allegedly not doing, it doesn’t make them hate us any less – just ask Rep. Michele Bachmann!

Besides, moving on from the macro to the individual level, it’s awfully presumptuous to assume whether the circumstances of a stranger’s personal life – yes, even a pro-lifer – are conducive to providing an orphaned child a good home, whether due to the number of children one already has (conservatives tend to have more kids than liberals), making too little to handle adoption’s steep price tag, being unmarried and therefore unable to provide a two-parent home, or simply because one isn’t good with kids.

Lastly, regardless of how many pro-lifers are personally adopting, the fact is that we’ve more than stepped up to support adoption – just take a look at Students for Life’s rundown of adoption activism and groups, and compare it to Planned Parenthood’s own abortion-to-adoption ratio (fun fact: the United States actually has more crisis pregnancy centers than Planned Parenthood clinics).

Another day, another shabby excuse for mass slaughter dispatched. It’s a sad commentary on our culture that there remain any venues where you can be taken seriously badgering someone to take care of a stranger’s child while cherishing the child’s own mother’s right to kill him or her.
Villageidiot its legal and it will be legal for ever, so get over it there is nothing you can do...and the thought of your foam flecked mouth and bulging eyes is a bonus for me.
personally speaking Grandma I think Villageidiots testicles dropped in February and he is still in shock.

Now you may call me charitable :eusa_angel:

PissedOn, you haven't the intelligence to find Pogo's vacant head, let alone LIVE IN IT, as I do. and as far as my testicles dropping, I see you've opened your mouth I come....

Now would you like to get back on topic, or do you need more time with my testicles?
Villageidiot methinks you protest to much, so I will take that to mean that they have not dropped.

Right in your mouth PissedOn :D But perhaps you'll learn a lesson....then again...
PissedOn, you haven't the intelligence to find Pogo's vacant head, let alone LIVE IN IT, as I do. and as far as my testicles dropping, I see you've opened your mouth I come....

Now would you like to get back on topic, or do you need more time with my testicles?
Villageidiot methinks you protest to much, so I will take that to mean that they have not dropped.

Right in your mouth PissedOn :D But perhaps you'll learn a lesson....then again...
Villageidiot I take it your sexuality is not fixed because of your lack of testicles, but do you offer sexual services to many other men ?
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