Thousands of Pro-Lifers Flood the Streets in Canada’s March for Life

In the United States, everyone is ‘pro life,’ there are those ‘pro life’ who support the right to privacy, and there are those who are ‘pro life’ hostile to privacy rights and seek to expand the size and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

Then there are those, like you, who KILL without remorse, thinking what they do is individual liberty, where is that unborn, INNOCENT babies individual liberty? If the mods would allow me, I'd put up some rather graphic pictures of HUMANS dissected before they had a chance at life!

Well, I'm grateful that the Mods don't allow you guys to do Fetus Porn anymore.

The reality is, no woman is going to screw up her entire life based on your feelings.

This is just the reality.

When I was in the service, I knew this gal who was engaged to a fellow NCO. Guy pretty much treated this girl like dirt because he could get away with it, and she manipulated everyone in their circle of friends. Just kind of a jerky situation all around.

Anyway, she was brought up Catholic, strict Asian family background, and one day, she decided to stop taking her birth control pills to force this guy to make good on his promise to marry her. He didn't. She got an abortion. Then they got back together again... and the same thing happened.

The only smart thing is that I stopped having anything to do with either one of them after that.

As long as wombs are inside people with all your human foibles, you are going to have abortion. Has been that way since Roman times, really.

Women, that have abortions should be held responsible for their actions, as they should have thought about it before the fact. As to RAPE, it's a horrible offense, BUT what will killing that baby accomplish, The only thing is her FEELINGS! Wait 9 month, and give the baby away, it's simple, and if anything she will no longer have to have a death on her mind.

Your example is exactly what I'm talking about. NO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. use a baby as a GUN TO A GUYS HEAD, and watch him run! The WOMEN are the problem, which could be easily fixed with that personal responsibility...but since WOMEN are stupid when it comes to this, a PENALTY should be enforced. We can always discuss that PENALTY!
I can't help what other immoral, and unethical countries do, I can't help that you have no rebuttal of my reasoned position. I'm agnostic, as I've stated many times. and watch you 2 digit IQ'd idiots look like fools stating I do what I do and think what I think because of religion. DECENT people need no religion to know what is principles and ethical, it's you subversives, that use this, along with the gay agenda, amnesty, drug law repeals, and other left wing issues to divide America. Sen. McCarthy saw it coming, and was demonized by the press and his own enabling party. BUT, the Patriots and good people of this country are fighting back.

Guy, you might claim to be an atheist, but you buy into the whole silliness that sexual morality has anything to do with the quality of a society. I think it just says you've got serious sexual hangups... and you probably need to see someone about that.

I frankly don't do drugs, don't really have promiscious sex, really am not interested in the gay stuff... but I don't want a bunch of self-righteous assholes telling me what I can or cannot enjoy. And neither do most people.

Now, if you clowns were serious about reducing the number of abortions, you'd support single payer, universal coverage. You'd support family and medical leave. You'd support strong workplace protections so assholes like my ex-boss couldn't fire girls when they got pregnant.

I see another ad hominem attack, try staying on topic, instead of attacking me personally, you look stupid!

Again it comes down to PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Get your own insurance instead of relying on others to pay for you. There are already laws for medical leave in most states, and protections against getting fired for being pregnant.

Now, after being shown you're wrong on those points, want to go back to the enablers of killing babies?
Interesting how it all ties into the subversives plans....


I'm not sure what your dumbass cartoon about 13 year olds getting abortions had to do with my point.

Okay, let's try again. Make it simpler for you. You've just banned abortion.

How do you enforce this law with millions of women and thousands of Abortion providers intent on breaking it?


You go back to the law prior to 1972 and enforce it...I see morals, ethics, and principles are something you despise as much as ptomaine poisoning!

Unsurprisingly, you failed to answer the question.

What exactly are the mechanics of enforcing your abortion ban?

For example:

You’ll need to require a couple to ‘register’ their pregnancy with the state, and be subject to periodic inspections by a government doctor.

A couple who miscarries must be subject to a criminal investigation.

The child(ren) of a couple convicted of the ‘crime’ of abortion will likely be forced into the child welfare and foster care system.

Couples convicted of the ‘crime’ of seeking an abortion will be forced to give up their child once born in prison, and also to become a ward of the state.

And most importantly, the right to privacy will be lost, where the state can interfere in the private lives of citizens with impunity.

It’s telling that this is the kind of America conservatives desire.
I'm not sure what your dumbass cartoon about 13 year olds getting abortions had to do with my point.

Okay, let's try again. Make it simpler for you. You've just banned abortion.

How do you enforce this law with millions of women and thousands of Abortion providers intent on breaking it?


You go back to the law prior to 1972 and enforce it...I see morals, ethics, and principles are something you despise as much as ptomaine poisoning!

Unsurprisingly, you failed to answer the question.

What exactly are the mechanics of enforcing your abortion ban?

For example:

You’ll need to require a couple to ‘register’ their pregnancy with the state, and be subject to periodic inspections by a government doctor.

A couple who miscarries must be subject to a criminal investigation.

The child(ren) of a couple convicted of the ‘crime’ of abortion will likely be forced into the child welfare and foster care system.

Couples convicted of the ‘crime’ of seeking an abortion will be forced to give up their child once born in prison, and also to become a ward of the state.

And most importantly, the right to privacy will be lost, where the state can interfere in the private lives of citizens with impunity.

It’s telling that this is the kind of America conservatives desire.

As we currently do with infectious disease, there is hardly a woman alive that doesn't go to a doctor to address her situation, as with infectious disease, the doctor is required to inform the Health dept. No need to go any further than that until something drastic happens.

A miscarriage usually has a doctor required to examine the women for her own health, easy for a doctor to observe.

A couple with children, need not be arrested for an abortion, the woman is simply sterilized, so the problem won't happen again. If that couple wants more children later, too bad, that's part of the PENALTY they must pay. If they know the laws before hand, it's that old PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY again!

We already have laws to protect children from parents that are not taking care of them properly. Simply expand them.

Child welfare does that currently, the rights of the child TRUMP the rights of privacy and abuse of the parents!

Keep going, this could be interesting and semi-important!

Women, that have abortions should be held responsible for their actions, as they should have thought about it before the fact. As to RAPE, it's a horrible offense, BUT what will killing that baby accomplish, The only thing is her FEELINGS! Wait 9 month, and give the baby away, it's simple, and if anything she will no longer have to have a death on her mind.

Your example is exactly what I'm talking about. NO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. use a baby as a GUN TO A GUYS HEAD, and watch him run! The WOMEN are the problem, which could be easily fixed with that personal responsibility...but since WOMEN are stupid when it comes to this, a PENALTY should be enforced. We can always discuss that PENALTY!

Yeah, you don't have a problem with women. What was I thinking?

I see another ad hominem attack, try staying on topic, instead of attacking me personally, you look stupid!

Again it comes down to PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Get your own insurance instead of relying on others to pay for you. There are already laws for medical leave in most states, and protections against getting fired for being pregnant.

Now, after being shown you're wrong on those points, want to go back to the enablers of killing babies?

other than the pleasure I get from watching you religious whacks get your panties in a bunch, I really don't care about abortion.

Yeah, there are protections. And they are next to impossible to enforce without a lot of money for lawyers.

Probably just cheaper to get the abortion and keep the job.

Women, that have abortions should be held responsible for their actions, as they should have thought about it before the fact. As to RAPE, it's a horrible offense, BUT what will killing that baby accomplish, The only thing is her FEELINGS! Wait 9 month, and give the baby away, it's simple, and if anything she will no longer have to have a death on her mind.

Your example is exactly what I'm talking about. NO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. use a baby as a GUN TO A GUYS HEAD, and watch him run! The WOMEN are the problem, which could be easily fixed with that personal responsibility...but since WOMEN are stupid when it comes to this, a PENALTY should be enforced. We can always discuss that PENALTY!

Yeah, you don't have a problem with women. What was I thinking?

Denial of reality, first sign of dementia!

I see another ad hominem attack, try staying on topic, instead of attacking me personally, you look stupid!

Again it comes down to PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Get your own insurance instead of relying on others to pay for you. There are already laws for medical leave in most states, and protections against getting fired for being pregnant.

Now, after being shown you're wrong on those points, want to go back to the enablers of killing babies?

other than the pleasure I get from watching you religious whacks get your panties in a bunch, I really don't care about abortion.

Yeah, there are protections. And they are next to impossible to enforce without a lot of money for lawyers.

Probably just cheaper to get the abortion and keep the job.

Yup, Us Religious folk have your immorality covered! You are one sick puppy! Everything is money, that's why you subversives want to spend so much on useless shit! :badgrin:

Women, that have abortions should be held responsible for their actions, as they should have thought about it before the fact. As to RAPE, it's a horrible offense, BUT what will killing that baby accomplish, The only thing is her FEELINGS! Wait 9 month, and give the baby away, it's simple, and if anything she will no longer have to have a death on her mind.

Your example is exactly what I'm talking about. NO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. use a baby as a GUN TO A GUYS HEAD, and watch him run! The WOMEN are the problem, which could be easily fixed with that personal responsibility...but since WOMEN are stupid when it comes to this, a PENALTY should be enforced. We can always discuss that PENALTY!

Yeah, you don't have a problem with women. What was I thinking?

Denial of reality, first sign of dementia!
ooooooh the irony:eusa_clap:
So many pro-life people jammed the streets in Ottawa today for the Canadian March for Life that one member of Parliament was surprised at how many people could fit in one space.

The pictures below, from the Campaign Life Coalition, show the enormity of the crowd, prompting MP Stephen Woodworth to tweet: “How many ppl can Parliament Hill lawns hold? 25,000? They are overflowing today with the Rally for Life.”

... director Mike Schouten who was also in attendance at today’s event.......

Thousands of Pro-Lifers Flood the Streets in Canada's March for Life |

My high school had 1500 students. This crowd doesn't look anywhere near that size.

The 25,000 claim is bogus.
So many pro-life people jammed the streets in Ottawa today for the Canadian March for Life that one member of Parliament was surprised at how many people could fit in one space.

The pictures below, from the Campaign Life Coalition, show the enormity of the crowd, prompting MP Stephen Woodworth to tweet: “How many ppl can Parliament Hill lawns hold? 25,000? They are overflowing today with the Rally for Life.”

... director Mike Schouten who was also in attendance at today’s event.......

Thousands of Pro-Lifers Flood the Streets in Canada's March for Life |

My high school had 1500 students. This crowd doesn't look anywhere near that size.

The 25,000 claim is bogus.

Would you believe 24,999?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Yes, we understand where baby killers come from! Do you know when life begins....according to science?
:lol:according to who's science?
By the way is abortion including late term legal in your country?

Well genius, you tell us whenyou THINK (again using that term lightly with an idiot) life begins.

And where is YOUR country?
Thank you for recognising my superior intellect, your question has changed, from when science thinks life begins, which one do you wish me to answer?
You should be able to work out where I come from, from my spelling.
So Villageidiot is abortion up to late term legal in YOUR country and how many elections have taken place for POTUS since RoevWade.

I applaud those women who for reasons of their own have abortions and its obvious the majority of Americans agree with me at the ballot box.:eusa_clap:
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:lol:according to who's science?
By the way is abortion including late term legal in your country?

Well genius, you tell us whenyou THINK (again using that term lightly with an idiot) life begins.

And where is YOUR country?
Thank you for recognising my superior intellect, your question has changed, from when science thinks life begins, which one do you wish me to answer?
You should be able to work out where I come from, from my spelling.
So Villageidiot is abortion up to late term legal in YOUR country and how many elections have taken place for POTUS since RoevWade.

I applaud those women who for reasons of their own have abortions and its obvious the majority of Americans agree with me at the ballot box.:eusa_clap:

Calling you a genius was sarcasm, apparently you don't have the intelligence to handle that concept. That's why DECENT people still fight the subversives that kill humans! ...And I have no idea where your from, even by your spelling, but I would imagine you might be a socialist from somewhere in that 2nd rate continent of did I do?
A wonderful Statement
Chief Justice Brian Dickson wrote, "forcing a woman by threat of criminal sanction to carry a foetus to term is a profound interference with a womans body and thus in violation of her security of person":eusa_clap:
A wonderful Statement
Chief Justice Brian Dickson wrote, "forcing a woman by threat of criminal sanction to carry a foetus to term is a profound interference with a womans body and thus in violation of her security of person":eusa_clap:

You and that justice are dickheads, and baby killer enablers... simple fact! :eusa_clap:
Well genius, you tell us whenyou THINK (again using that term lightly with an idiot) life begins.

And where is YOUR country?
Thank you for recognising my superior intellect, your question has changed, from when science thinks life begins, which one do you wish me to answer?
You should be able to work out where I come from, from my spelling.
So Villageidiot is abortion up to late term legal in YOUR country and how many elections have taken place for POTUS since RoevWade.

I applaud those women who for reasons of their own have abortions and its obvious the majority of Americans agree with me at the ballot box.:eusa_clap:

Calling you a genius was sarcasm, apparently you don't have the intelligence to handle that concept. That's why DECENT people still fight the subversives that kill humans! ...And I have no idea where your from, even by your spelling, but I would imagine you might be a socialist from somewhere in that 2nd rate continent of did I do?
well Villageidiot we have some common ground, the democratic election twice of a wonderful black Potus and the forthcoming election of your first female Potus has made a massive improvement to your country.
Well Villageidiot America must be full of INDECENT people if legal abortion has been available long:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:
A wonderful Statement
Chief Justice Brian Dickson wrote, "forcing a woman by threat of criminal sanction to carry a foetus to term is a profound interference with a womans body and thus in violation of her security of person":eusa_clap:

You and that justice are dickheads, and baby killer enablers... simple fact! :eusa_clap:
very weak Villageidiot, you are becoming a tad boring so please try harder.:eusa_angel:
Thank you for recognising my superior intellect, your question has changed, from when science thinks life begins, which one do you wish me to answer?
You should be able to work out where I come from, from my spelling.
So Villageidiot is abortion up to late term legal in YOUR country and how many elections have taken place for POTUS since RoevWade.

I applaud those women who for reasons of their own have abortions and its obvious the majority of Americans agree with me at the ballot box.:eusa_clap:

Calling you a genius was sarcasm, apparently you don't have the intelligence to handle that concept. That's why DECENT people still fight the subversives that kill humans! ...And I have no idea where your from, even by your spelling, but I would imagine you might be a socialist from somewhere in that 2nd rate continent of did I do?
well Villageidiot we have some common ground, the democratic election twice of a wonderful black Potus and the forthcoming election of your first female Potus has made a massive improvement to your country.
Well Villageidiot America must be full of INDECENT people if legal abortion has been available long:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:

Yes, your fellow communists have continued to gain ground, now that they know giving away FREE SHIT wins elections. You never did say where you were from, embarrassed? I'm sure you are!

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