Thousands of Pro-Lifers Flood the Streets in Canada’s March for Life

Villageidiot methinks you protest to much, so I will take that to mean that they have not dropped.

Right in your mouth PissedOn :D But perhaps you'll learn a lesson....then again...
Villageidiot I take it your sexuality is not fixed because of your lack of testicles, but do you offer sexual services to many other men ?

I see this is a who can call the other the biggest queer, and be last poster....I give up, you win on both accounts! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Women, that have abortions should be held responsible for their actions, as they should have thought about it before the fact. As to RAPE, it's a horrible offense, BUT what will killing that baby accomplish, The only thing is her FEELINGS! Wait 9 month, and give the baby away, it's simple, and if anything she will no longer have to have a death on her mind.

Your example is exactly what I'm talking about. NO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. use a baby as a GUN TO A GUYS HEAD, and watch him run! The WOMEN are the problem, which could be easily fixed with that personal responsibility...but since WOMEN are stupid when it comes to this, a PENALTY should be enforced. We can always discuss that PENALTY!

You're a shitstain and this year's poster child for retroactive abortion.

Women abhor you.

Now can you imagine if the President would have been a Repub. and done this to a 19 year old child, this twat would be screaming about the WAR ON WOMAN, instead of adoring a pervert that was in the Oval office....your hypocrisy is noted, old bitch!:badgrin:

No, I'd say the same thing no matter what - any mistress better take a good hard look at her paramour's wife. Monica had to be nuts if she thought Bill would ever leave Hillary.

I'd also say that you're a shitstain and a poster child for retroactive abortion due to your misogyny. You of all people have no right to any say in the matter of women's right.
You're a shitstain and this year's poster child for retroactive abortion.

Women abhor you.

Now can you imagine if the President would have been a Repub. and done this to a 19 year old child, this twat would be screaming about the WAR ON WOMAN, instead of adoring a pervert that was in the Oval office....your hypocrisy is noted, old bitch!:badgrin:

No, I'd say the same thing no matter what - any mistress better take a good hard look at her paramour's wife. Monica had to be nuts if she thought Bill would ever leave Hillary.

I'd also say that you're a shitstain and a poster child for retroactive abortion due to your misogyny. You of all people have no right to any say in the matter of women's right.

But Grandhag, what about THE CHILDREN?:eusa_shhh:
Tells you something about the Canadian people, and the fact tin a ONSERVATIVE government. Many have seen the light of socialism dim dramatically, the people here must endure more pain, to get that effect!

I'm not sure what the hell you were drunk typing, but it seems that you think the Canadian government is conservative.

The fact is that Canadian conservatives, like most European conservatives, are center-left. Yep, they're moderate democrats. All of them. If you actually knew anything about politics I wouldn't have to tell you that.

So, thus far in this thread you've shown that you hate women,
know nothing about global politics,
and you have sexual obsessions over IPFreely and Pogo.
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Tells you something about the Canadian people, and the fact tin a ONSERVATIVE government. Many have seen the light of socialism dim dramatically, the people here must endure more pain, to get that effect!

I'm not sure what the hell you were drunk typing, but it seems that you think the Canadian government is conservative.

The fact is that Canadian conservatives, like most European conservatives, are center-left. Yep, they're moderate democrats. All of them. If ypu actually knew anything about politics I wouldn't have to tell you that.

So, thus far in this thread you've shown that you hate women,
know nothing about global politics,
and you have sexual obsessions over IPFreely and Pogo.

The Conservative Party of Canada (French: Parti conservateur du Canada) is a political party in Canada which was formed by the merger of the Canadian Alliance (formerly the Reform Party of Canada) and the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada (colloquially known as the Tories) in 2003. It is positioned on the right of the Canadian political spectrum. The party came to power in the 2006 federal election as a minority government, a position it maintained after the 2008 election, before winning its first majority government in 2011.

You are certainly ONE DUMB BITCH!!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
I'm not sure what the hell you were drunk typing, but it seems that you think the Canadian government is conservative.

The fact is that Canadian conservatives, like most European conservatives, are center-left. Yep, they're moderate democrats. All of them. If you actually knew anything about politics I wouldn't have to tell you that.

So, thus far in this thread you've shown that you hate women,
know nothing about global politics,
and you have sexual obsessions over IPFreely and Pogo.

The Conservative Party of Canada (French: Parti conservateur du Canada) is a political party in Canada which was formed by the merger of the Canadian Alliance (formerly the Reform Party of Canada) and the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada (colloquially known as the Tories) in 2003. It is positioned on the right of the Canadian political spectrum. The party came to power in the 2006 federal election as a minority government, a position it maintained after the 2008 election, before winning its first majority government in 2011.

You are certainly ONE DUMB BITCH!!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

"It is positioned on the right of the Canadian political spectrum."

The Canadian political spectrum runs from progressive far left to centrist right.


True story. Look it up, stupid.
I'm not sure what the hell you were drunk typing, but it seems that you think the Canadian government is conservative.

The fact is that Canadian conservatives, like most European conservatives, are center-left. Yep, they're moderate democrats. All of them. If you actually knew anything about politics I wouldn't have to tell you that.

So, thus far in this thread you've shown that you hate women,
know nothing about global politics,
and you have sexual obsessions over IPFreely and Pogo.

The Conservative Party of Canada (French: Parti conservateur du Canada) is a political party in Canada which was formed by the merger of the Canadian Alliance (formerly the Reform Party of Canada) and the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada (colloquially known as the Tories) in 2003. It is positioned on the right of the Canadian political spectrum. The party came to power in the 2006 federal election as a minority government, a position it maintained after the 2008 election, before winning its first majority government in 2011.

You are certainly ONE DUMB BITCH!!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

"It is positioned on the right of the Canadian political spectrum."

The Canadian political spectrum runs from progressive far left to centrist right.


True story. Look it up, stupid.

You're an asshole! Truth be told, Canada is not this liberal wonderland that a lot of Democrats in the US like to think it is where all political parties there are to the left of the Democrats. Canada is a very centrist country when you compare it to EU nations, US, Australia, and New Zealand. Canada would probably even be an even more center-right country if it wasn't for Quebec or Ontario.
Right in your mouth PissedOn :D But perhaps you'll learn a lesson....then again...
Villageidiot I take it your sexuality is not fixed because of your lack of testicles, but do you offer sexual services to many other men ?

I see this is a who can call the other the biggest queer, and be last poster....I give up, you win on both accounts! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Villageidiot as a gentleman I'm far to politically correct to call you a queer......I think Asexual probably represents you better.
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Tells you something about the Canadian people, and the fact tin a ONSERVATIVE government. Many have seen the light of socialism dim dramatically, the people here must endure more pain, to get that effect!

I'm not sure what the hell you were drunk typing, but it seems that you think the Canadian government is conservative.

The fact is that Canadian conservatives, like most European conservatives, are center-left. Yep, they're moderate democrats. All of them. If you actually knew anything about politics I wouldn't have to tell you that.

So, thus far in this thread you've shown that you hate women,
know nothing about global politics,
and you have sexual obsessions over IPFreely and Pogo.
You are quite right Gradma Villageidiot is PMing me with undrapped picture of him and a gerbil trying to escape the sunshine.
Villageidiot I take it your sexuality is not fixed because of your lack of testicles, but do you offer sexual services to many other men ?

I see this is a who can call the other the biggest queer, and be last poster....I give up, you win on both accounts! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Villageidiot as a gentleman I'm far to politically correct to call you a queer......I think Asexual probably represents you better.

He does seem to have some pretty serious sexual hangups.
Tells you something about the Canadian people, and the fact tin a ONSERVATIVE government. Many have seen the light of socialism dim dramatically, the people here must endure more pain, to get that effect!

I'm not sure what the hell you were drunk typing, but it seems that you think the Canadian government is conservative.

The fact is that Canadian conservatives, like most European conservatives, are center-left. Yep, they're moderate democrats. All of them. If you actually knew anything about politics I wouldn't have to tell you that.

So, thus far in this thread you've shown that you hate women,
know nothing about global politics,
and you have sexual obsessions over IPFreely and Pogo.
It depends on what part of Canada. If you head out to Calgary, which happens to be a major city, it is very conservative, perhaps more so than any major U.S. city. They host the Calgary Stampede, a major international event. They are not big fans of gay marriage there. Alberta is also the only Canadian province without a state tax.

Like rural Alberta, Calgary has always gone for the most right-wing party on the ballot since the 1993 election, with one exception: Joe Clark in Calgary Centre in 2000, with his notability of being a former prime minister and the controversy of Stockwell Day's stances on same-sex marriage being an issue that election that caused many voters in that riding to turn away from the Canadian Alliance candidate Eric Lowther and support Mr. Clark instead. With Clark having retired by the next election, Calgary returned to a Conservative sweep in 2004, 2006, 2008, and 2011. The Conservatives won an outright majority of the votes cast in each Calgary riding from 2004 to 2011

Calgary Conservative
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