Thousands of transgenders flee the red states for Portland.

ANTIFA needs recruits!

I loved Portland. Like California that I once loved. But the Left destroyed them both.

Great news. We should relegate the snowflakes to certain areas like we have done with the Native Americans. The sad part is, I actually feel sorry for the Native Americans.
YES! Send all the homos there! Then build a wall around it. They'll eventually die off since they can't procreate.

No need to. When the Cascadia event (overdue) strikes, if I'm not mistaken, Portland is one of the NW coastal cities that will be destroyed, like a story out of the Bible.
ANTIFA needs recruits!

I loved Portland. Like California that I once loved. But the Left destroyed them both.

Good news for normal Portlanders who want to sell their homes and flee. Maybe they'll have some buyers.
YES! Send all the homos there! Then build a wall around it. They'll eventually die off since they can't procreate.
You beat me to it . I was going to throw a cordon round Portland and then send in a machine gun squad of goons .
So Portland is the only city where Trans people can live freely? Do you ever think before you post?

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