Thousands of Trump supporters head to portland

The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Why do you expect "bloodshed"? There have been Trump rallies all across the fruited plain without violence.

Lol. Are you aware of what’s been going on?

Why do you hesitate to point out that the left is a bunch of violent thugs that react to disagreement with mob violence?

No hesitation here. Why do you want more bloodshed?

Yes, you did hesitate. You still are. And you seem to want to blame the victims.

I don't want more violence. I want peace, and law and order. And justice.

You know my mind? You must be psychic.

I know what you are typing.

You are implying that there will be violence if the Trump supporters go to Portland, but you don't say why.

You imply that the fault is with them for going. YOu don't mention anyone else who could be blamed for it.

If someone only knew what you posted, they would be very misinformed.

Yes I am implying there will be violence. When you put two radical nut job groups together, what do you think is likely Dr Shrink?

Except there is nothing radical or nuts, about Trump supporters.

They just want to go there and show their support for the President and America.

About as radical as apple pie or loving your mother.

So, why are you so down on them?

We just had a 17 year old Trumper murder two people, but you think only Ds are violent.

Democrat terrorists have killed 37 and done billions in damages, the score is going to even out.
They need to kick all these outside groups out, enforce curfew and close down all protests for a week. Portland does not need armed outsider agitators.
Yes coyote what you say is right on I also believe if authorities would crack down on cops killing unarmed blacks violence would be minimal Need to show black folks there's not 2 justice systems in America One for white one for black
True...that has to be part of a solution but right now there can be no solution with out first stopping this escalation. It is no longer about racial justice.
Yes, and the radicals on both sides seem intent on escalating this mess. It could easily spin out of control.

Violence begets violence.

Who knows, maybe the elite want it to spin out of control.

SOMEONE does or more accurately - someones. I think there are too many agenda's here, mostly private interests in provoking violence or starting a civil war. And there is, imo, a far less coherent current based on the abysmal state of our nation right now and not any thoughtful response.

Outside agitators need to get the boot, on all sides.
They need to kick all these outside groups out, enforce curfew and close down all protests for a week. Portland does not need armed outsider agitators.
Yes coyote what you say is right on I also believe if authorities would crack down on cops killing unarmed blacks violence would be minimal Need to show black folks there's not 2 justice systems in America One for white one for black
True...that has to be part of a solution but right now there can be no solution with out first stopping this escalation. It is no longer about racial justice.
Yes, and the radicals on both sides seem intent on escalating this mess. It could easily spin out of control.

Violence begets violence.

Who knows, maybe the elite want it to spin out of control.

And part of the problem is we have leadership that is escalating this. You can't be calling for "law and order" while simultaneously praising the interference of citizen militias or your armed supporters. Governors and Mayors have to start cracking down.

And here is what I don't understand - in cases where there is an imposted curfew...why does it seem like people are allowed to violate it...and the police just stand by? Disperse them all, and if they refuse, put them in jail overnight.
The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Why do you expect "bloodshed"? There have been Trump rallies all across the fruited plain without violence.

Lol. Are you aware of what’s been going on?

Why do you hesitate to point out that the left is a bunch of violent thugs that react to disagreement with mob violence?

No hesitation here. Why do you want more bloodshed?

Yes, you did hesitate. You still are. And you seem to want to blame the victims.

I don't want more violence. I want peace, and law and order. And justice.

You know my mind? You must be psychic.

I know what you are typing.

You are implying that there will be violence if the Trump supporters go to Portland, but you don't say why.

You imply that the fault is with them for going. YOu don't mention anyone else who could be blamed for it.

If someone only knew what you posted, they would be very misinformed.

Yes I am implying there will be violence. When you put two radical nut job groups together, what do you think is likely Dr Shrink?

No shit it is not one sided...........DNC pushed for pandora is loose........OH WELL.

Killing fellow Americans isn’t my thing, but apparently you like it.

If they are violent marxist thugs, who are in the act of committing violence and rioting, yes.
lol!!!! 1844?!
White supremacy is alive and well in Oregon:

The Racist History of Portland, the Whitest City in America

"PORTLAND, Ore.— Victor Pierce has worked on the assembly line of a Daimler Trucks North America plant here since 1994.

"But he says that in recent years he’s experienced things that seem straight out of another time.

"White co-workers have challenged him to fights, mounted 'hangman’s nooses' around the factory, referred to him as 'boy' on a daily basis, sabotaged his work station by hiding his tools, carved swastikas in the bathroom, and written the word '******' on walls in the factory, according to allegations filed in a complaint to the Multnomah County Circuit Court in February of 2015."

Sounds like utter bullshit.

Well would you prefer this article:

The democrat mayor has ordered the police to stand down, to let the rioters rule the streets.

That is why the city is a hotbed of leftist violence.

That some of you lefties have realized that this looks bad on you, and are trying to blame other people, is just you guys being liars.
The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Why do you expect "bloodshed"? There have been Trump rallies all across the fruited plain without violence.

Lol. Are you aware of what’s been going on?

Why do you hesitate to point out that the left is a bunch of violent thugs that react to disagreement with mob violence?

No hesitation here. Why do you want more bloodshed?

Yes, you did hesitate. You still are. And you seem to want to blame the victims.

I don't want more violence. I want peace, and law and order. And justice.

You know my mind? You must be psychic.

I know what you are typing.

You are implying that there will be violence if the Trump supporters go to Portland, but you don't say why.

You imply that the fault is with them for going. YOu don't mention anyone else who could be blamed for it.

If someone only knew what you posted, they would be very misinformed.

Yes I am implying there will be violence. When you put two radical nut job groups together, what do you think is likely Dr Shrink?

Except there is nothing radical or nuts, about Trump supporters.

They just want to go there and show their support for the President and America.

About as radical as apple pie or loving your mother.

So, why are you so down on them?

We just had a 17 year old Trumper murder two people, but you think only Ds are violent.

I can see why you would want to change the subject, from where you were ignoring the fact that the marxist mobs that the dems have raised and allowed to control portland and seatle, will attack anyone that openly disagrees with them.

The point remains though. You are pretending the two sides are the same, when nothing could be more different.
The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Why do you expect "bloodshed"? There have been Trump rallies all across the fruited plain without violence.

Lol. Are you aware of what’s been going on?

Why do you hesitate to point out that the left is a bunch of violent thugs that react to disagreement with mob violence?

No hesitation here. Why do you want more bloodshed?

Yes, you did hesitate. You still are. And you seem to want to blame the victims.

I don't want more violence. I want peace, and law and order. And justice.

You know my mind? You must be psychic.

I know what you are typing.

You are implying that there will be violence if the Trump supporters go to Portland, but you don't say why.

You imply that the fault is with them for going. YOu don't mention anyone else who could be blamed for it.

If someone only knew what you posted, they would be very misinformed.

Yes I am implying there will be violence. When you put two radical nut job groups together, what do you think is likely Dr Shrink?

Except there is nothing radical or nuts, about Trump supporters.

They just want to go there and show their support for the President and America.

About as radical as apple pie or loving your mother.

So, why are you so down on them?

We just had a 17 year old Trumper murder two people, but you think only Ds are violent.

Self Defense , particularly against a pedophile, is not a "murder" at all.

That’s the problem with you crazy partisans. You think only the side is bad.

We all saw that you could not dispute his point.

Self defense is not murder.
In the 2016 election he (tramp) wanted to clean the cities up,

and now he wants to protect the suburbs.

The only that benefits from these riots are Tramp.
What's wrong with protecting Suburbia, the habitat of the Middle Class? If you are in favor of the Middle Class- as Sleepy Joe says he is- making sure the Suburbs don't transform into Ghettoes is a tremendous policy.
Dang, don't any of them have jobs?

I'm sure a lot of them do.

But Americans have a right to protest, and Portland Oregon seems like a great place for Trump supporters to gather for such an event, no? Or does the 1st Amendment only apply to libs?

BTW, Biden's supporters have protested for 3 months straight , every day, in Portland. This is just a single day
What do they think they will accomplish, that will be good or good for Portland, or good for this nation? Anything?

I wonder the same about the BLM/Antifa kids going around burning down businesses, smashing car windows and screaming at people who are just trying to have a bite to eat.
The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Why do you expect "bloodshed"? There have been Trump rallies all across the fruited plain without violence.

Lol. Are you aware of what’s been going on?

Why do you hesitate to point out that the left is a bunch of violent thugs that react to disagreement with mob violence?

No hesitation here. Why do you want more bloodshed?

Yes, you did hesitate. You still are. And you seem to want to blame the victims.

I don't want more violence. I want peace, and law and order. And justice.

You know my mind? You must be psychic.

I know what you are typing.

You are implying that there will be violence if the Trump supporters go to Portland, but you don't say why.

You imply that the fault is with them for going. YOu don't mention anyone else who could be blamed for it.

If someone only knew what you posted, they would be very misinformed.

Yes I am implying there will be violence. When you put two radical nut job groups together, what do you think is likely Dr Shrink?

Except there is nothing radical or nuts, about Trump supporters.

They just want to go there and show their support for the President and America.

About as radical as apple pie or loving your mother.

So, why are you so down on them?

We just had a 17 year old Trumper murder two people, but you think only Ds are violent.

I can see why you would want to change the subject, from where you were ignoring the fact that the marxist mobs that the dems have raised and allowed to control portland and seatle, will attack anyone that openly disagrees with them.

The point remains though. You are pretending the two sides are the same, when nothing could be more different.

Biden is so far a superior human being than the grifting liar trump ,it isn't funny They are definitely not the same
You know, I've been trucking coast to coast for 20 years...a couple of million miles...and in all that time I've been to Oregon once...didn't even stop. Drove from Northern California to Boise, Idaho on US-395.

Montana, the Dakotas, Wyoming, Maine, Delaware, even tiny Rhode Island uncounted times...but Oregon just passing. And Washington State...never been there.

I'm not saying they're totally inconsequential states...

...I'm just saying they seem inconsequential to me.
Welcome to Maine, the way life should be!!

It's the safest State in the Nation! Well either 1st or 2nd safest, we alternate between us and Vermont, and some times NH.

94.48% white
The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Why do you expect "bloodshed"? There have been Trump rallies all across the fruited plain without violence.

Lol. Are you aware of what’s been going on?

Why do you hesitate to point out that the left is a bunch of violent thugs that react to disagreement with mob violence?

No hesitation here. Why do you want more bloodshed?

Yes, you did hesitate. You still are. And you seem to want to blame the victims.

I don't want more violence. I want peace, and law and order. And justice.

You know my mind? You must be psychic.

I know what you are typing.

You are implying that there will be violence if the Trump supporters go to Portland, but you don't say why.

You imply that the fault is with them for going. YOu don't mention anyone else who could be blamed for it.

If someone only knew what you posted, they would be very misinformed.

Yes I am implying there will be violence. When you put two radical nut job groups together, what do you think is likely Dr Shrink?

Except there is nothing radical or nuts, about Trump supporters.

They just want to go there and show their support for the President and America.

About as radical as apple pie or loving your mother.

So, why are you so down on them?

We just had a 17 year old Trumper murder two people, but you think only Ds are violent.

I can see why you would want to change the subject, from where you were ignoring the fact that the marxist mobs that the dems have raised and allowed to control portland and seatle, will attack anyone that openly disagrees with them.

The point remains though. You are pretending the two sides are the same, when nothing could be more different.

Biden is so far a superior human being than the grifting liar trump ,it isn't funny They are definitely not the same

STfU traitor. Everyone is a superior human being to you. Biden is ancient. And your point is subjective. I can objectively say that you spit on our ancestors graves.
The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Why do you expect "bloodshed"? There have been Trump rallies all across the fruited plain without violence.

Lol. Are you aware of what’s been going on?

Why do you hesitate to point out that the left is a bunch of violent thugs that react to disagreement with mob violence?

No hesitation here. Why do you want more bloodshed?

Yes, you did hesitate. You still are. And you seem to want to blame the victims.

I don't want more violence. I want peace, and law and order. And justice.

You know my mind? You must be psychic.

I know what you are typing.

You are implying that there will be violence if the Trump supporters go to Portland, but you don't say why.

You imply that the fault is with them for going. YOu don't mention anyone else who could be blamed for it.

If someone only knew what you posted, they would be very misinformed.

Yes I am implying there will be violence. When you put two radical nut job groups together, what do you think is likely Dr Shrink?

Except there is nothing radical or nuts, about Trump supporters.

They just want to go there and show their support for the President and America.

About as radical as apple pie or loving your mother.

So, why are you so down on them?

We just had a 17 year old Trumper murder two people, but you think only Ds are violent.

I can see why you would want to change the subject, from where you were ignoring the fact that the marxist mobs that the dems have raised and allowed to control portland and seatle, will attack anyone that openly disagrees with them.

The point remains though. You are pretending the two sides are the same, when nothing could be more different.

Biden is so far a superior human being than the grifting liar trump ,it isn't funny They are definitely not the same

STfU traitor. Everyone is a superior human being to you. Biden is ancient. And your point is subjective. I can objectively say that you spit on our ancestors graves.

Don't get angry with me because I love America Israel was never my home or my grandparents either Any country that supports that pos trump is my enemy And ancient? How many ancient Jews in Israel gov't?
I hope this doesn't turn into 'Bleeding Oregon.'

That started last year when the fascists ran over Sean Kealiher.

And it is ongoing

In the 2016 election he (tramp) wanted to clean the cities up,

and now he wants to protect the suburbs.

The only that benefits from these riots are Tramp.

Depends. If you guys win, then biden can support the dem mayors in their attempt to have the mobs rule the streets.

They you guys can enforce your desired behavior, with mob violence.

Anyone steps out of line, you beat them or kill them and burn down their house.

THat kind of power, will work for you, if biden wins.
The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Why do you expect "bloodshed"? There have been Trump rallies all across the fruited plain without violence.

Lol. Are you aware of what’s been going on?

Why do you hesitate to point out that the left is a bunch of violent thugs that react to disagreement with mob violence?

No hesitation here. Why do you want more bloodshed?

Yes, you did hesitate. You still are. And you seem to want to blame the victims.

I don't want more violence. I want peace, and law and order. And justice.

You know my mind? You must be psychic.

I know what you are typing.

You are implying that there will be violence if the Trump supporters go to Portland, but you don't say why.

You imply that the fault is with them for going. YOu don't mention anyone else who could be blamed for it.

If someone only knew what you posted, they would be very misinformed.

Yes I am implying there will be violence. When you put two radical nut job groups together, what do you think is likely Dr Shrink?

Except there is nothing radical or nuts, about Trump supporters.

They just want to go there and show their support for the President and America.

About as radical as apple pie or loving your mother.

So, why are you so down on them?

We just had a 17 year old Trumper murder two people, but you think only Ds are violent.

I can see why you would want to change the subject, from where you were ignoring the fact that the marxist mobs that the dems have raised and allowed to control portland and seatle, will attack anyone that openly disagrees with them.

The point remains though. You are pretending the two sides are the same, when nothing could be more different.

Biden is so far a superior human being than the grifting liar trump ,it isn't funny They are definitely not the same

Biden support mob rule of the streets, while Trump is for a civilized society.

Your denial of this, is you siding with the barbarians.

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