Thousands of Trump supporters head to portland

Gipper ,if you could see the film clip I saw of Biden talking to a little boy that had a speech impediment ,giving him encouragement ,taking the boys number so he'd call and tell him how he conquered his stutter you might not think trump and biden are both bad people
Come on man! You know as well as I, even bad people can do good things. Not everything Don or Joe does is bad but overall, they’re both terribly flawed bad people.
You really can't tell the difference how both of them react to others ,speak about others , how one is completely without knowledge how gov't is run ,a mean nasty blabbermouth always seeking revenge No difference Gip?? Come on man!
No difference. They will impose pretty much the same policies.
The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Why do you expect "bloodshed"? There have been Trump rallies all across the fruited plain without violence.

Lol. Are you aware of what’s been going on?

Why do you hesitate to point out that the left is a bunch of violent thugs that react to disagreement with mob violence?

No hesitation here. Why do you want more bloodshed?

Yes, you did hesitate. You still are. And you seem to want to blame the victims.

I don't want more violence. I want peace, and law and order. And justice.

You know my mind? You must be psychic.

I know what you are typing.

You are implying that there will be violence if the Trump supporters go to Portland, but you don't say why.

You imply that the fault is with them for going. YOu don't mention anyone else who could be blamed for it.

If someone only knew what you posted, they would be very misinformed.

Yes I am implying there will be violence. When you put two radical nut job groups together, what do you think is likely Dr Shrink?

Except there is nothing radical or nuts, about Trump supporters.

They just want to go there and show their support for the President and America.

About as radical as apple pie or loving your mother.

So, why are you so down on them?

We just had a 17 year old Trumper murder two people, but you think only Ds are violent.

I can see why you would want to change the subject, from where you were ignoring the fact that the marxist mobs that the dems have raised and allowed to control portland and seatle, will attack anyone that openly disagrees with them.

The point remains though. You are pretending the two sides are the same, when nothing could be more different.

Biden is so far a superior human being than the grifting liar trump ,it isn't funny They are definitely not the same

Biden support mob rule of the streets, while Trump is for a civilized society.

Your denial of this, is you siding with the barbarians.

LOL Trump for white America A racist pos , a divider, never a uniter

Yeah. Trump who said if you don’t vote for me you ain’t black and said poor kids can be just as smart as white kids. You’re just a fucking idiot traitor.

What's really funny is Azog thinks republicans like Jews
The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Then tell the terrorist to go the fuck home and stop being assholes.



We have seen this in the middle east......and we killed the terrorist there.


Now give me false righteousness...........and how we are the

You’ve lost your mind, if you ever had one.

Never had one - EVER. I blame it on home skoolin'.
Gipper ,if you could see the film clip I saw of Biden talking to a little boy that had a speech impediment ,giving him encouragement ,taking the boys number so he'd call and tell him how he conquered his stutter you might not think trump and biden are both bad people
Come on man! You know as well as I, even bad people can do good things. Not everything Don or Joe does is bad but overall, they’re both terribly flawed bad people.
And btw Gip What terrible flaws does Biden have??
Evidently, you do not believe groping an 11 year old girl's breast to be a flaw, or you wouldn't ask.
The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Why do you expect "bloodshed"? There have been Trump rallies all across the fruited plain without violence.

Lol. Are you aware of what’s been going on?

Why do you hesitate to point out that the left is a bunch of violent thugs that react to disagreement with mob violence?

No hesitation here. Why do you want more bloodshed?

Yes, you did hesitate. You still are. And you seem to want to blame the victims.

I don't want more violence. I want peace, and law and order. And justice.

You know my mind? You must be psychic.

I know what you are typing.

You are implying that there will be violence if the Trump supporters go to Portland, but you don't say why.

You imply that the fault is with them for going. YOu don't mention anyone else who could be blamed for it.

If someone only knew what you posted, they would be very misinformed.

Yes I am implying there will be violence. When you put two radical nut job groups together, what do you think is likely Dr Shrink?

Except there is nothing radical or nuts, about Trump supporters.

They just want to go there and show their support for the President and America.

About as radical as apple pie or loving your mother.

So, why are you so down on them?

We just had a 17 year old Trumper murder two people, but you think only Ds are violent.

I can see why you would want to change the subject, from where you were ignoring the fact that the marxist mobs that the dems have raised and allowed to control portland and seatle, will attack anyone that openly disagrees with them.

The point remains though. You are pretending the two sides are the same, when nothing could be more different.

Biden is so far a superior human being than the grifting liar trump ,it isn't funny They are definitely not the same

Biden support mob rule of the streets, while Trump is for a civilized society.

Your denial of this, is you siding with the barbarians.

LOL Trump for white America A racist pos , a divider, never a uniter

Yeah. Trump who said if you don’t vote for me you ain’t black and said poor kids can be just as smart as white kids. You’re just a fucking idiot traitor.

What's really funny is Azog thinks republicans like Jews

90% of US Jews are assimilated and self-hating.
Some Rs and some Ds like Jews.
Dang, don't any of them have jobs?

I'm sure a lot of them do.

But Americans have a right to protest, and Portland Oregon seems like a great place for Trump supporters to gather for such an event, no? Or does the 1st Amendment only apply to libs?

BTW, Biden's supporters have protested for 3 months straight , every day, in Portland. This is just a single day
What do they think they will accomplish, that will be good or good for Portland, or good for this nation? Anything?

They'll accomplish the same thing as Donald's Secret Police - More violence, which is what their Orange Overlord WANTS!
Russian Navy, Russian airforce, are mocking America and Trump is silent We NEED Biden
The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Why do you expect "bloodshed"? There have been Trump rallies all across the fruited plain without violence.

Lol. Are you aware of what’s been going on?

Why do you hesitate to point out that the left is a bunch of violent thugs that react to disagreement with mob violence?

No hesitation here. Why do you want more bloodshed?

Yes, you did hesitate. You still are. And you seem to want to blame the victims.

I don't want more violence. I want peace, and law and order. And justice.

You know my mind? You must be psychic.

I know what you are typing.

You are implying that there will be violence if the Trump supporters go to Portland, but you don't say why.

You imply that the fault is with them for going. YOu don't mention anyone else who could be blamed for it.

If someone only knew what you posted, they would be very misinformed.

Yes I am implying there will be violence. When you put two radical nut job groups together, what do you think is likely Dr Shrink?

Except there is nothing radical or nuts, about Trump supporters.

They just want to go there and show their support for the President and America.

About as radical as apple pie or loving your mother.

So, why are you so down on them?

We just had a 17 year old Trumper murder two people, but you think only Ds are violent.

I can see why you would want to change the subject, from where you were ignoring the fact that the marxist mobs that the dems have raised and allowed to control portland and seatle, will attack anyone that openly disagrees with them.

The point remains though. You are pretending the two sides are the same, when nothing could be more different.

Biden is so far a superior human being than the grifting liar trump ,it isn't funny They are definitely not the same

Biden support mob rule of the streets, while Trump is for a civilized society.

Your denial of this, is you siding with the barbarians.

LOL Trump for white America A racist pos , a divider, never a uniter

Your wace card play fails.

My point stands.

Biden support mob rule of the streets, while Trump is for a civilized society.

Your denial of this, is you siding with the barbarians.
I really don't get why conservatives are so concerned about Portland. It's an overwhelmingly left wing city, so if they want to live in that kind of Hell, let them. Who cares? It's not hurting me

Because they aren't Conservatives. They are Party of the Rumpers. They are willing to do anything to get their Lord and Master installed as King. Their Lord and Master has instructed them to go forth on a Quest and they are bound by Honor to complete that duty and to keep the blood and violence going by their very presence. Oh, and bring their ARs.

I really don't get why conservatives are so concerned about Portland. It's an overwhelmingly left wing city, so if they want to live in that kind of Hell, let them. Who cares? It's not hurting me
I am an independent, but I am concerned because I have a son there.I do not believe anybody has the right to burn bulding, especially those with people inside, and find all this domestic terrorism treating to our liberty.

Why dont you?

All the domestic terrorism supporters make a big deal out of people arriving from out of state to protest people's businesses, but have no problem with those who arrive from out of state to burn them.

People like you act as if all of Portland is lunatic left. It isnt. Its just that the lunatic left holds sway. What about the good and decent people of Portland? Why abandon them to their fate just because Portland has so many domestic terrorists?

The silent majority has had enough

Oregon's racist roots:

The Racist History of Portland, the Whitest City in America

"From its very beginning, Oregon was an inhospitable place for black people.

"In 1844, the provisional government of the territory passed a law banning slavery, and at the same time required any African American in Oregon leave the territory.

"Any black person remaining would be flogged publicly every six months until he left.

"Five years later, another law was passed that forbade free African Americans from entering into Oregon, according to the Communities of Color report.

"In 1857, Oregon adopted a state constitution that banned black people from coming to the state, residing in the state, or holding property in the state.

"During this time, any white male settler could receive 650 acres of land and another 650 if he was married. This, of course, was land taken from native people who had been living here for centuries."

Too much MAGA?

Portland is the whitest city in America?
What BS! 30% of the population ain't white (remember, Hispanics are often classified as "white").

Race and Hispanic Origin
White alone, percent
Black or African American alone, percent(a)
American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent(a)
Asian alone, percent(a)
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, percent(a)
Two or More Races, percent
Hispanic or Latino, percent(b)
White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent

Kentucky and Texas each have two cities that are among the least racially and ethnically diverse large cities in the U.S., according to a U.S. News analysis.

The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Why do you expect "bloodshed"? There have been Trump rallies all across the fruited plain without violence.

Lol. Are you aware of what’s been going on?

Why do you hesitate to point out that the left is a bunch of violent thugs that react to disagreement with mob violence?

No hesitation here. Why do you want more bloodshed?

Yes, you did hesitate. You still are. And you seem to want to blame the victims.

I don't want more violence. I want peace, and law and order. And justice.

You know my mind? You must be psychic.

I know what you are typing.

You are implying that there will be violence if the Trump supporters go to Portland, but you don't say why.

You imply that the fault is with them for going. YOu don't mention anyone else who could be blamed for it.

If someone only knew what you posted, they would be very misinformed.

Yes I am implying there will be violence. When you put two radical nut job groups together, what do you think is likely Dr Shrink?

Except there is nothing radical or nuts, about Trump supporters.

They just want to go there and show their support for the President and America.

About as radical as apple pie or loving your mother.

So, why are you so down on them?

We just had a 17 year old Trumper murder two people, but you think only Ds are violent.

I can see why you would want to change the subject, from where you were ignoring the fact that the marxist mobs that the dems have raised and allowed to control portland and seatle, will attack anyone that openly disagrees with them.

The point remains though. You are pretending the two sides are the same, when nothing could be more different.

Biden is so far a superior human being than the grifting liar trump ,it isn't funny They are definitely not the same

STfU traitor. Everyone is a superior human being to you. Biden is ancient. And your point is subjective. I can objectively say that you spit on our ancestors graves.

Don't get angry with me because I love America Israel was never my home or my grandparents either Any country that supports that pos trump is my enemy And ancient? How many ancient Jews in Israel gov't?

Israel or America, we are still Jews and the Democrats hate that as they elect devout Muslim extremists to Congress. You are my enemy. I wish the worst possible life for you, why? You’re a disgusting traitor to our people. With all due respect, FUCK YOU.

I have bad news and good news for you correll and doggy The bad news is I have had a wonderful life with a great family I'm very proud of The good news is I don't have many years to go .. 10 would be a mitzvah
You know, I've been trucking coast to coast for 20 years...a couple of million miles...and in all that time I've been to Oregon once...didn't even stop. Drove from Northern California to Boise, Idaho on US-395.

Montana, the Dakotas, Wyoming, Maine, Delaware, even tiny Rhode Island uncounted times...but Oregon just passing. And Washington State...never been there.

I'm not saying they're totally inconsequential states...

...I'm just saying they seem inconsequential to me.
Welcome to Maine, the way life should be!!

It's the safest State in the Nation! Well either 1st or 2nd safest, we alternate between us and Vermont, and some times NH.

94.48% white

Ehh NO - I posted the demographics for Portland, OR. Only 70.5% are white once you remove Hispanics.
He hugged some one and you make him out to be a pervert?? While this ah in the WH was a good friend of Epstein and an admitted grabber of ladies snatches Wants to ""be"" with his daughter, using prostitutes ,,cheats on 3 wives and you want to compare the 2 ?? Please stop
They need to kick all these outside groups out, enforce curfew and close down all protests for a week. Portland does not need armed outsider agitators.
Yes coyote what you say is right on I also believe if authorities would crack down on cops killing unarmed blacks violence would be minimal Need to show black folks there's not 2 justice systems in America One for white one for black
True...that has to be part of a solution but right now there can be no solution with out first stopping this escalation. It is no longer about racial justice.
Yes, and the radicals on both sides seem intent on escalating this mess. It could easily spin out of control.

Violence begets violence.

Who knows, maybe the elite want it to spin out of control.

SOMEONE does or more accurately - someones. I think there are too many agenda's here, mostly private interests in provoking violence or starting a civil war. And there is, imo, a far less coherent current based on the abysmal state of our nation right now and not any thoughtful response.

Outside agitators need to get the boot, on all sides.

How does this work, exactly? Military checkpoints at every state border, ban all interstate travel? Maybe we should just build a wall.
No idea really. But you could enforce a curfew and how about permits for demonstrations?
Gipper ,if you could see the film clip I saw of Biden talking to a little boy that had a speech impediment ,giving him encouragement ,taking the boys number so he'd call and tell him how he conquered his stutter you might not think trump and biden are both bad people
Come on man! You know as well as I, even bad people can do good things. Not everything Don or Joe does is bad but overall, they’re both terribly flawed bad people.
And btw Gip What terrible flaws does Biden have??
Evidently, you do not believe groping an 11 year old girl's breast to be a flaw, or you wouldn't ask.
He hugged some one and you make him out to be a pervert?? While this ah in the WH was a good friend of Epstein and an admitted grabber of ladies snatches Wants to ""be"" with his daughter, using prostitutes ,,cheats on 3 wives and you want to comare the 2 ?? Please stop
No, he placed his hand on a girl's shoulder and then slid it over sustematically until it was over her breast.

You are simplyvan extreme partisam with a low IQ, so just do as you have been trained to do.
He hugged some one and you make him out to be a pervert?? While this ah in the WH was a good friend of Epstein and an admitted grabber of ladies snatches Wants to ""be"" with his daughter, using prostitutes ,,cheats on 3 wives and you want to compare the 2 ?? Please stop

Incredible smell of desperation.

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