Thousands Of Walruses Gathering On Alaska’s Shore

You can't possibly be a conservative, you're just too fucking stupid, have you been taking lessons from that LOW 2 digit IQ's leftist, Franco?

Don't worry man another conservative fraud will come along and play pied piper to the one issue voters that make up the religious right and convince them to vote against their own interests again. Probably not in 2016 though because you guys fucked everything up so bad that America will still be terrified to elect a republican then.

I'm agnostic, that stands with my brothers of all faiths over you atheist scumbags!


Lol Rove was always bad for Christians you dummy. Just like the next pied piper will be.

You can't possibly be a conservative, you're just too fucking stupid, have you been taking lessons from that LOW 2 digit IQ's leftist, Franco?

Don't worry man another conservative fraud will come along and play pied piper to the one issue voters that make up the religious right and convince them to vote against their own interests again. Probably not in 2016 though because you guys fucked everything up so bad that America will still be terrified to elect a republican then.

I'm agnostic, that stands with my brothers of all faiths over you atheist scumbags!


Lol Rove was always bad for Christians you dummy. Just like the next pied piper will be.


You need to talk to Anti Party.... the 2 of you could have a conversation for 3 hours and say nothing!
You need to talk to Anti Party.... the 2 of you could have a conversation for 3 hours and say nothing!

Hey I'm feeling lucky enough getting only just a couple of shitty memes from you during this conversation :thup:

So I've already had my success here tonight :clap2:
You can't possibly be a conservative, you're just too fucking stupid, have you been taking lessons from that LOW 2 digit IQ's leftist, Franco?

Don't worry man another conservative fraud will come along and play pied piper to the one issue voters that make up the religious right and convince them to vote against their own interests again. Probably not in 2016 though because you guys fucked everything up so bad that America will still be terrified to elect a republican then.

I'm agnostic, that stands with my brothers of all faiths over you atheist scumbags!


Lol Rove was always bad for Christians you dummy. Just like the next pied piper will be.


You need to talk to Anti Party.... the 2 of you could have a conversation for 3 hours and say nothing!

Hey I'm feeling lucky enough getting only just a couple of shitty memes from you during this conversation :thup:

So I've already had my success here tonight :clap2:

I only use them on people that are clueless, not on someone that is mindless!
liberal retards jumping on the AGW band wagon without evidence and failing to do the science to see what it is that is really happening.. And the article by a left wit at FOX... SO much for credible reporting at FOX..

Because the sea ice is melting, according to NOAA. This is going to start the usual plethora of charts and maps and all the rest to support Global Warming and Accelerated Climate Change. I just posted it to have people think about it.

Also interesting that the animals are adjusting and finding a defense in numbers against predators.

Read more @ Here s Why Thousands of Walruses Are Gathering on Alaska s Shore

And this is a truly sad story - Wildlife Populations Have Dropped by More Than Half @ Wildlife Populations Have Dropped by More Than Half

once again you have been hoodwinked


investigate be at least somewhat skeptical of what you are spoon fed
Funny, the libs are worried about globull warming but Ebola that has killed thousands, has crossed the ocean into the usa, the infected wad in extremely close proximity to thousands, traveling to every place in the usa, and it's no problem.

We can see the wackos, they are all green.
Funny, Elektra is worried about ebola in the US but rabies killed more than 55,000 people last year. I haven't heard her say one word about rabies.

Funny, Elektra is worried about ebola in the US but automobile accidents kill approximately 1.3 million people each year but she drives her car all over the place.

Funny, Elektra is worried about ebola in the US but she hasn't gone to West Africa to volunteer help the sick over there.

Funny, Elektra, funny.
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And the ice keeps melting.

You guys had heard that there are some significant differrences between the Arctic and Antarctica (why do we always use "the" with Arctic but never with Antarctica?). One is a frozen ocean covered (most of the time) with ice, surrounded by land in almost every direction. The other is a substantial continent, permanently covered with a very thick layer of ice and surrounded by open ocean in every direction.

Did it ever occur to you folks that those differences could cause different responses to the same stimulation?

And what's happening has nothing to do with Fukushima, (nuclear) radiation or which political party is in charge.
And the ice keeps melting.

You guys had heard that there are some significant differrences between the Arctic and Antarctica (why do we always use "the" with Arctic but never with Antarctica?). One is a frozen ocean covered (most of the time) with ice, surrounded by land in almost every direction. The other is a substantial continent, permanently covered with a very thick layer of ice and surrounded by open ocean in every direction.

Did it ever occur to you folks that those differences could cause different responses to the same stimulation?

And what's happening has nothing to do with Fukushima, (nuclear) radiation or which political party is in charge.

Where is it melting?


Both the Arctic and Antarctic are still gaining ice... Several glaciers in Antarctica have received over 6 feet of new ice/snow compaction this year alone breaking all known historical records..

Some Antarctic scientists are now concerned we are already heading into the next glacial cycle.
I am all for science but these reports are bs. Let's see according to what was posted there were 30,000 walruses in 2011 and 35,000 in 2014 and the problem is?

And this crap about 50 per cent decrease in vertebrate animals certainly cannot be reported in this country. Ducks, turtles, whales, turkeys, deer, buffalo, eagles, striped bass, sharks, I don't have time to go down the frigging list. From Africa to Latin America environmentalists are persuading locals that Eco tourism works and is a win win situation. Developed countries all over the world are the leaders in environmental reclamation and species replenishment. I work on the water and let me tell you from personal experience that one, so many regulations are in effect that nothing can be caught much less overfished and two that scientists are not telling the truth about populations. The jewfish, excuse me the Goliath grouper, is another case in point.

Just another instance where environmental claims don't jive with reality
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That there are more walrus on land this year is an indication that there is less ice - where they would like to be - available to them. If you read the OP you would have caught the point that walrus normally birth their young on ice and feed on critters they take from the bottom. Unfortunately, the receding edge of the ice is now over water too deep to allow the walrus to reach bottom. They could get to the ice but they would starve.

The report of a 52 percent decrease in vertebrate populations (not species) is well supported. If you think it's not taking place in the US I would ask you to look at the loss of habitat human development has produced. The wildlife that once occupied what is now LA, Chicago and New York receive no benefit from the rise of eco-tourism.
Fukushima? You guys are so stupid. Humans have no impact on anything you guys are crazy :cuckoo:
The foil is definitely strong. The question is where are there animals? I would hate to miss a freezer filling opportunity!
That there are more walrus on land this year is an indication that there is less ice - where they would like to be - available to them. If you read the OP you would have caught the point that walrus normally birth their young on ice and feed on critters they take from the bottom. Unfortunately, the receding edge of the ice is now over water too deep to allow the walrus to reach bottom. They could get to the ice but they would starve.

The report of a 52 percent decrease in vertebrate populations (not species) is well supported. If you think it's not taking place in the US I would ask you to look at the loss of habitat human development has produced. The wildlife that once occupied what is now LA, Chicago and New York receive no benefit from the rise of eco-tourism.

you are being hoodwinked

there has been reports of mass walrus on land

for centuries
The Truth About Land Use in the United States

Crick, you can do better than that, your response is lame in more ways than one. First urban and suburban sprawl are almost insignificant compared to total landmass and in case you don't know suburban land is also home to bears, deer, cougars, foxes, and elk.

And I read the op as I usually do and I even read the summary of the fifty percent decrease which was bereft of actual animal numbers but full of new environmental creations of graphs and high sounding measurements designed to buffalo the average reader and cover up the fictions.

I will repeat again because you avoided addressing it. The op says in 2011 they spotted a herd of 30,000 walruses and in 2014 they spotted a pod of 35,000 walruses so somehow without the ice the observers saw an increased pop in areas that are so wild and uninhabited that human observation is more random than scientific. It reminds me of the nonsense of scientists who flew planes over the northeastern gulf to get a handle on turtle populations by looking for surfacing turtles, impossible to see, a true joke.

Are there areas of the earth where human poverty and overpopulation are making it hard on the wildlife? I have no doubt. Or poachers who prey on extremely endangered animals? Sure, but sticking with the US you cannot make a case for a fifty per cent population decrease. Some of the animals I missed on the first go round, alligators, grizzly bears, wolves, moose, redfish, cranes, etc. Look up the land mass of national parks, check out the huge increase in forested lands in the last century, improvement in water quality, or the many hunting organizations committed to conservation in this country.

I have given you a dozen or more major species that are either on the rebound or have very healthy populations. How about you backing up your claims with a dozen major species that are in steep decline or on the verge of extinction in this country, and snail darters and strictly local animals don't count.

Mountain lions, peregrine falcons............................ ITS ALRIGHT TO ADMIT THE GLASS IS HALF FULL NOT HALF EMPTY.
The Truth About Land Use in the United States
I will repeat again because you avoided addressing it. The op says in 2011 they spotted a herd of 30,000 walruses and in 2014 they spotted a pod of 35,000 walruses so somehow without the ice the observers saw an increased pop in areas that are so wild and uninhabited that human observation is more random than scientific.

I addressed this specifically. From my post #34

me said:
That there are more walrus on land this year is an indication that there is less ice - where they would like to be - available to them. If you read the OP you would have caught the point that walrus normally birth their young on ice and feed on critters they take from the bottom. Unfortunately, the receding edge of the ice is now over water too deep to allow the walrus to reach bottom. They could get to the ice but they would starve.
The OP represents one more instance of the hysterical grannies of the AGW cult claiming that a perfectly natural occurrence is somehow the fault of non existent anthropogenic global warming.

The first recorded instance of this sort of walrus behavior was back in 1604..

Society for Marine Mammalogy - Walrus O. rosmarus

It is a regular occurrence and not in the least frightening...unless you happened to be on the beach when it happened.




Icy Cape, Alaska


Cape Pierce, Alaska 2010

Anyone who believes anything that climate wackos say is just too gullible to be left alone.

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