Thousands Of Walruses Gathering On Alaska’s Shore


Your article does NOT even suggest that this is common behavior. The article does mention three times that walrus prefer shallow water where they can reach the bottom to feed. It also states that walrus are at severe risk from climate change. An excerpt from your article:

Ecology and Behaviour
Walruses tend to prefer the pack ice to haul out for resting, but in the absence of ice they haul out on land. Preference for the pack encourages the animals to migrate following the advance of the ice: southwards in the fall and northwards in the spring. However, parts of the populations, largely males, do not participate in this migration and occupy the southern part of the range all year round.

Normally, the southern edge of the pack ice would be over shallow water. The walrus could haul out there and feed. But as stated in the OP, that edge is now over deep water where the walrus cannot reach bottom and would starve if they tried to remain there.

The 35,000 walrus pulled out on this beach could easily represent 20% of the entire world's walrus population.
Allow me to emphasize that until the recent losses in Arctic ice extents, the southernmost edge of the Arctic ice pack at its summer minimum has NOT, historically, been as far north as it is now and NOT over such deep water. The current situation is unprecedented in human memory and is a direct result of the reduction in Arctic ice extents brought about by global warming.
The OP represents one more instance of the hysterical grannies of the AGW cult claiming that a perfectly natural occurrence is somehow the fault of non existent anthropogenic global warming.

The first recorded instance of this sort of walrus behavior was back in 1604..

Society for Marine Mammalogy - Walrus O. rosmarus

It is a regular occurrence and not in the least frightening...unless you happened to be on the beach when it happened.




Icy Cape, Alaska


Cape Pierce, Alaska 2010

Anyone who believes anything that climate wackos say is just too gullible to be left alone.

these warmists they jump off the deep end quite easily

Do you deny this?

I didn't think so.

And so what do you think the walrus, that cannot feed in the deep water surrounding the pole, are going to do when that's the only place ice exists?

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