Thread: A world in which there are no racists, aka: very fine people


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2014
I see people all the time on the internet, saying racist things, having racist attitudes, and then melting when they are called out for being racist.

The most recent discussion I've had involved being told Trump is not a racist. So as far as I can tell? There are no racists. The people saying the racist things, believing the racist lies, are not racists. The tiki-torch dudes? Very fine people. Guy who drove his car into the protesters and killed a woman? Most assuredly not a racist.

So I would love it (you don't hear a note of sarcasm, you hear an entire fucking symphony) if someone would explain to me what a racist is, and why there actually aren't any in the world today.

Thanks in advance.
I see people all the time on the internet, saying racist things, having racist attitudes, and then melting when they are called out for being racist.

The most recent discussion I've had involved being told Trump is not a racist. So as far as I can tell? There are no racists. The people saying the racist things, believing the racist lies, are not racists. The tiki-torch dudes? Very fine people. Guy who drove his car into the protesters and killed a woman? Most assuredly not a racist.

So I would love it (you don't hear a note of sarcasm, you hear an entire fucking symphony) if someone would explain to me what a racist is, and why there actually aren't any in the world today.

Thanks in advance.

A racist is a person who thinks their race is superior to other races, and that those races are inferior.

Conversely, a racist is not a person who criticizes another whose skin color or ethnicity happens to be different from theirs.

And there's the problem. Turns out their were many people who were sick of having others scream RACIST at them without merit that they pushed back in 2016, and as a result we now have this guy in the White House. At least, that's one of the primary reasons.

Sadly, we have one end of the political spectrum that has so over-used this important word that it means essentially nothing now. They have given the REAL racists cover as a result. They have tried so hard to cram that word into every conversation that they have damaged their own agenda.

Real racism DOES exist, and many on the Right want to deny it. Unfortunately, they're being helped by those who have wrecked the word.
"(you don't hear a note of sarcasm, you hear an entire fucking symphony)" Excellent writing there, by the way.

And correct me if I am wrong, I detect exasperation? I know I am and have not found a single soul one these boards that offers a solution. I don't have on either but I keep trying.
Racism, much like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder

I see people all the time on the internet, saying racist things, having racist attitudes, and then melting when they are called out for being racist.

The most recent discussion I've had involved being told Trump is not a racist. So as far as I can tell? There are no racists. The people saying the racist things, believing the racist lies, are not racists. The tiki-torch dudes? Very fine people. Guy who drove his car into the protesters and killed a woman? Most assuredly not a racist.

So I would love it (you don't hear a note of sarcasm, you hear an entire fucking symphony) if someone would explain to me what a racist is, and why there actually aren't any in the world today.

Thanks in advance.

A racist is a person who thinks their race is superior to other races, and that those races are inferior.

Conversely, a racist is not a person who criticizes another whose skin color or ethnicity happens to be different from theirs.

And there's the problem. Turns out their were many people who were sick of having others scream RACIST at them without merit that they pushed back in 2016, and as a result we now have this guy in the White House. At least, that's one of the primary reasons.

Sadly, we have one end of the political spectrum that has so over-used this important word that it means essentially nothing now. They have given the REAL racists cover as a result. They have tried so hard to cram that word into every conversation that they have damaged their own agenda.

Real racism DOES exist, and many on the Right want to deny it. Unfortunately, they're being helped by those who have wrecked the word.

What about when the criticism is baseless? What if somebody who just happens to be black is constantly being arrested for things that people who are a whiter shade of pale don't get arrested for, or even interfered with by the police?

I like your answer. It's a good answer. But (SERIOUSLY NO PUN INTENDED) I don't believe it's so black-and-white. There are very, very few people willing to admit that they are racist, despite the fact they've done everything but a lynching. And we just had president Grey Poupon and Tan Suit.

There's a fair amount of attempted gaslighting going on by the racists of the world. I'm just attempting a paradigm shift so I either know them when I see them, or conversely know when I am misidentifying (and why).

I probably should have started this in the CDZ, because I really am interested in a serious dialogue and not ... what things usually degenerate to.
And there's the problem. Turns out their were many people who were sick of having others scream RACIST at them without merit that they pushed back in 2016, and as a result we now have this guy in the White House. At least, that's one of the primary reasons.

Um again, you keep repeating this, Stormy Mac, and it ain't true.

Trump got less of a percentage of the vote than Romney did. There was no big sea change in the voting patterns.

The primary reason why Trump won was that the Democrats nominated a crooked as shit woman even they didn't really like, and a lot of people voted third party because they were told she had it in the bag.

Sadly, we have one end of the political spectrum that has so over-used this important word that it means essentially nothing now. They have given the REAL racists cover as a result. They have tried so hard to cram that word into every conversation that they have damaged their own agenda.

Stormy, can you actually name a case where racism was claimed and there wasn't some racism going on, or are you just going to speak in general platitudes?
I see people all the time on the internet, saying racist things, having racist attitudes, and then melting when they are called out for being racist.

The most recent discussion I've had involved being told Trump is not a racist. So as far as I can tell? There are no racists. The people saying the racist things, believing the racist lies, are not racists. The tiki-torch dudes? Very fine people. Guy who drove his car into the protesters and killed a woman? Most assuredly not a racist.

So I would love it (you don't hear a note of sarcasm, you hear an entire fucking symphony) if someone would explain to me what a racist is, and why there actually aren't any in the world today.

Thanks in advance.

A racist is a person who thinks their race is superior to other races, and that those races are inferior.

Conversely, a racist is not a person who criticizes another whose skin color or ethnicity happens to be different from theirs.

And there's the problem. Turns out their were many people who were sick of having others scream RACIST at them without merit that they pushed back in 2016, and as a result we now have this guy in the White House. At least, that's one of the primary reasons.

Sadly, we have one end of the political spectrum that has so over-used this important word that it means essentially nothing now. They have given the REAL racists cover as a result. They have tried so hard to cram that word into every conversation that they have damaged their own agenda.

Real racism DOES exist, and many on the Right want to deny it. Unfortunately, they're being helped by those who have wrecked the word.

What about when the criticism is baseless? What if somebody who just happens to be black is constantly being arrested for things that people who are a whiter shade of pale don't get arrested for, or even interfered with by the police?

I like your answer. It's a good answer. But (SERIOUSLY NO PUN INTENDED) I don't believe it's so black-and-white. There are very, very few people willing to admit that they are racist, despite the fact they've done everything but a lynching. And we just had president Grey Poupon and Tan Suit.

There's a fair amount of attempted gaslighting going on by the racists of the world. I'm just attempting a paradigm shift so I either know them when I see them, or conversely know when I am misidentifying (and why).

I probably should have started this in the CDZ, because I really am interested in a serious dialogue and not ... what things usually degenerate to.
Sure, there is criticism that is baseless, based purely on skin color, and that's your good, old fashioned, ignorant, fucked up racism that must be addressed and culturally marginalized across the board.

But first, what is "baseless" can be subjective. It may have complete and sincere merit & validity by the person doing the criticizing. So screaming RACISM at a person whose intent is not based on race only adds to the problem. And I think some who scream RACISM know damn well that the person is not being so. They just see opportunity.

These are the people who are impeding, diluting, WRECKING the efforts of those of us (the majority) who want to stamp out racism.

So in my mind, the race-baiting opportunists have to be culturally marginalized along with the actual racists.
I see people all the time on the internet, saying racist things, having racist attitudes, and then melting when they are called out for being racist.

The most recent discussion I've had involved being told Trump is not a racist. So as far as I can tell? There are no racists. The people saying the racist things, believing the racist lies, are not racists. The tiki-torch dudes? Very fine people. Guy who drove his car into the protesters and killed a woman? Most assuredly not a racist.

So I would love it (you don't hear a note of sarcasm, you hear an entire fucking symphony) if someone would explain to me what a racist is, and why there actually aren't any in the world today.

Thanks in advance.

A racist is a person who thinks their race is superior to other races, and that those races are inferior.

Conversely, a racist is not a person who criticizes another whose skin color or ethnicity happens to be different from theirs.

And there's the problem. Turns out their were many people who were sick of having others scream RACIST at them without merit that they pushed back in 2016, and as a result we now have this guy in the White House. At least, that's one of the primary reasons.

Sadly, we have one end of the political spectrum that has so over-used this important word that it means essentially nothing now. They have given the REAL racists cover as a result. They have tried so hard to cram that word into every conversation that they have damaged their own agenda.

Real racism DOES exist, and many on the Right want to deny it. Unfortunately, they're being helped by those who have wrecked the word.

What about when the criticism is baseless? What if somebody who just happens to be black is constantly being arrested for things that people who are a whiter shade of pale don't get arrested for, or even interfered with by the police?

I like your answer. It's a good answer. But (SERIOUSLY NO PUN INTENDED) I don't believe it's so black-and-white. There are very, very few people willing to admit that they are racist, despite the fact they've done everything but a lynching. And we just had president Grey Poupon and Tan Suit.

There's a fair amount of attempted gaslighting going on by the racists of the world. I'm just attempting a paradigm shift so I either know them when I see them, or conversely know when I am misidentifying (and why).

I probably should have started this in the CDZ, because I really am interested in a serious dialogue and not ... what things usually degenerate to.
Sure, there is criticism that is baseless, based purely on skin color, and that's your good, old fashioned, ignorant, fucked up racism that must be addressed and culturally marginalized across the board.

But first, what is "baseless" can be subjective. It may have complete and sincere merit & validity by the person doing the criticizing. So screaming RACISM at a person whose intent is not based on race only adds to the problem. And I think some who scream RACISM know damn well that the person is not being so. They just see opportunity.

These are the people who are impeding, diluting, WRECKING the efforts of those of us (the majority) who want to stamp out racism.

So in my mind, the race-baiting opportunists have to be culturally marginalized along with the actual racists.

I have a bit to think about. Most of what I've seen are people saying racist shit, and when you call them on it, they have the racist meltdown. So why are they saying racist shit if they aren't racist? Trolling?

It's a fucked up troll tool, if that's the case.
I see people all the time on the internet, saying racist things, having racist attitudes, and then melting when they are called out for being racist.

The most recent discussion I've had involved being told Trump is not a racist. So as far as I can tell? There are no racists. The people saying the racist things, believing the racist lies, are not racists. The tiki-torch dudes? Very fine people. Guy who drove his car into the protesters and killed a woman? Most assuredly not a racist.

So I would love it (you don't hear a note of sarcasm, you hear an entire fucking symphony) if someone would explain to me what a racist is, and why there actually aren't any in the world today.

Thanks in advance.

A racist is a person who thinks their race is superior to other races, and that those races are inferior.

Conversely, a racist is not a person who criticizes another whose skin color or ethnicity happens to be different from theirs.

And there's the problem. Turns out their were many people who were sick of having others scream RACIST at them without merit that they pushed back in 2016, and as a result we now have this guy in the White House. At least, that's one of the primary reasons.

Sadly, we have one end of the political spectrum that has so over-used this important word that it means essentially nothing now. They have given the REAL racists cover as a result. They have tried so hard to cram that word into every conversation that they have damaged their own agenda.

Real racism DOES exist, and many on the Right want to deny it. Unfortunately, they're being helped by those who have wrecked the word.

What about when the criticism is baseless? What if somebody who just happens to be black is constantly being arrested for things that people who are a whiter shade of pale don't get arrested for, or even interfered with by the police?

I like your answer. It's a good answer. But (SERIOUSLY NO PUN INTENDED) I don't believe it's so black-and-white. There are very, very few people willing to admit that they are racist, despite the fact they've done everything but a lynching. And we just had president Grey Poupon and Tan Suit.

There's a fair amount of attempted gaslighting going on by the racists of the world. I'm just attempting a paradigm shift so I either know them when I see them, or conversely know when I am misidentifying (and why).

I probably should have started this in the CDZ, because I really am interested in a serious dialogue and not ... what things usually degenerate to.
Sure, there is criticism that is baseless, based purely on skin color, and that's your good, old fashioned, ignorant, fucked up racism that must be addressed and culturally marginalized across the board.

But first, what is "baseless" can be subjective. It may have complete and sincere merit & validity by the person doing the criticizing. So screaming RACISM at a person whose intent is not based on race only adds to the problem. And I think some who scream RACISM know damn well that the person is not being so. They just see opportunity.

These are the people who are impeding, diluting, WRECKING the efforts of those of us (the majority) who want to stamp out racism.

So in my mind, the race-baiting opportunists have to be culturally marginalized along with the actual racists.

I have a bit to think about. Most of what I've seen are people saying racist shit, and when you call them on it, they have the racist meltdown. So why are they saying racist shit if they aren't racist? Trolling?

It's a fucked up troll tool, if that's the case.
Who knows. If a person says something that really is racist, I'd say there's a pretty good chance that they are. But yeah, I'm sure some of it is trolling, some of it is frustration, etc., etc.

On that side, they're being enabled by those on the Right who refuse to admit that racism still exists, and those who will deflect from it or try to minimize it.

This is one goddamn heavy lift. Seems to me the only way it will happen will be if both sides can first look in the mirror and address their own sins. All attacking the other side does is stiffen spines.
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Lest anybody accuse me of "running away from my thread" - I'm off to shower and hit the hay. SHIFT WORK FTW!!!

I hope to wake up to a thread that continues to do as well as I feel we've done thus far.
I see people all the time on the internet, saying racist things, having racist attitudes, and then melting when they are called out for being racist.

The most recent discussion I've had involved being told Trump is not a racist. So as far as I can tell? There are no racists. The people saying the racist things, believing the racist lies, are not racists. The tiki-torch dudes? Very fine people. Guy who drove his car into the protesters and killed a woman? Most assuredly not a racist.

So I would love it (you don't hear a note of sarcasm, you hear an entire fucking symphony) if someone would explain to me what a racist is, and why there actually aren't any in the world today.

Thanks in advance.

A world free of racists? By whose definition? The actual definition, or the one made up by the left?
I see people all the time on the internet, saying racist things, having racist attitudes, and then melting when they are called out for being racist.

The most recent discussion I've had involved being told Trump is not a racist. So as far as I can tell? There are no racists. The people saying the racist things, believing the racist lies, are not racists. The tiki-torch dudes? Very fine people. Guy who drove his car into the protesters and killed a woman? Most assuredly not a racist.

So I would love it (you don't hear a note of sarcasm, you hear an entire fucking symphony) if someone would explain to me what a racist is, and why there actually aren't any in the world today.

Thanks in advance.

A world free of racists? By whose definition? The actual definition, or the one made up by the left?
There, you had to go and do it, didn't ya PF. Left left left. Smh.
I see people all the time on the internet, saying racist things, having racist attitudes, and then melting when they are called out for being racist.

The most recent discussion I've had involved being told Trump is not a racist. So as far as I can tell? There are no racists. The people saying the racist things, believing the racist lies, are not racists. The tiki-torch dudes? Very fine people. Guy who drove his car into the protesters and killed a woman? Most assuredly not a racist.

So I would love it (you don't hear a note of sarcasm, you hear an entire fucking symphony) if someone would explain to me what a racist is, and why there actually aren't any in the world today.

Thanks in advance.

A racist is a person who thinks their race is superior to other races, and that those races are inferior.


Conversely, a racist is not a person who criticizes another whose skin color or ethnicity happens to be different from theirs.

Also correct.

And there's the problem. Turns out their were many people who were sick of having others scream RACIST at them without merit that they pushed back in 2016, and as a result we now have this guy in the White House. At least, that's one of the primary reasons.


Yeas, we were sick of it but we were sick of it before that election. the election of Trump had NOTHING to do with race. It had everything to do with rejection of the direction in which the country was going, and the strong desire to not allow the criminal Hillary into the White House.

Sadly, we have one end of the political spectrum that has so over-used this important word that it means essentially nothing now.


They have given the REAL racists cover as a result.

Wrong. The very few real racists, and I'm sure you aren't talking about the racist left here, are very few in number and are denounced whenever they show up.

They have tried so hard to cram that word into every conversation that they have damaged their own agenda.

Actually, that is the whole agenda, but that's for a different thread.

Real racism DOES exist, and many on the Right want to deny it. Unfortunately, they're being helped by those who have wrecked the word.

No one on the right tries to deny it. Most of us are not racist, unless you use the made up new definition of racism that the left now overuses. Yes racism does exist, the majority of it exists in the black community and the soft racism of low expectations in the democrat party.
I see people all the time on the internet, saying racist things, having racist attitudes, and then melting when they are called out for being racist.

The most recent discussion I've had involved being told Trump is not a racist. So as far as I can tell? There are no racists. The people saying the racist things, believing the racist lies, are not racists. The tiki-torch dudes? Very fine people. Guy who drove his car into the protesters and killed a woman? Most assuredly not a racist.

So I would love it (you don't hear a note of sarcasm, you hear an entire fucking symphony) if someone would explain to me what a racist is, and why there actually aren't any in the world today.

Thanks in advance.

A world free of racists? By whose definition? The actual definition, or the one made up by the left?
There, you had to go and do it, didn't ya PF. Left left left. Smh.

I did it because it's true. The left had redefined racism so that they can use it as much as they want, and whenever they want.
Real racism DOES exist, and many on the Right want to deny it. Unfortunately, they're being helped by those who have wrecked the word.
No one on the right tries to deny it. Most of us are not racist, unless you use the made up new definition of racism that the left now overuses. Yes racism does exist, the majority of it exists in the black community and the soft racism of low expectations in the democrat party.
Here's a response I just got from another guy on another thread:
yet it absolutely refuses to deal with the very behaviors that keep minorities away....
What behaviors are those?.
That would be an example of what you just denied. And I'd say I've had that same conversation at least a dozen times here.

I don't know if you're being serious, or if you've just blinded yourself to the obvious. I see that happening constantly from both ends. But I can see we have a long way to go.
Real racism DOES exist, and many on the Right want to deny it. Unfortunately, they're being helped by those who have wrecked the word.
No one on the right tries to deny it. Most of us are not racist, unless you use the made up new definition of racism that the left now overuses. Yes racism does exist, the majority of it exists in the black community and the soft racism of low expectations in the democrat party.
Here's a response I just got from another guy on another thread:
yet it absolutely refuses to deal with the very behaviors that keep minorities away....
What behaviors are those?.
That would be an example of what you just denied. And I'd say I've had that same conversation at least a dozen times here.

I don't know if you're being serious, or if you've just blinded yourself to the obvious. I see that happening constantly from both ends. But I can see we have a long way to go.
You must have left off some important parts of that discussion because it isn’t clear at all what you are trying to say with it
I see people all the time on the internet, saying racist things, having racist attitudes, and then melting when they are called out for being racist.

The most recent discussion I've had involved being told Trump is not a racist. So as far as I can tell? There are no racists. The people saying the racist things, believing the racist lies, are not racists. The tiki-torch dudes? Very fine people. Guy who drove his car into the protesters and killed a woman? Most assuredly not a racist.

So I would love it (you don't hear a note of sarcasm, you hear an entire fucking symphony) if someone would explain to me what a racist is, and why there actually aren't any in the world today.

Thanks in advance.

A world free of racists? By whose definition? The actual definition, or the one made up by the left?

By the definition of people who say Trump isn’t a racist. That people who say and do racist things aren’t racist.

I said it in the OP. People who fit the definition, who act the part, are alleged to be “very fine people.”

Definitely not racists.
"(you don't hear a note of sarcasm, you hear an entire fucking symphony)" Excellent writing there, by the way.

And correct me if I am wrong, I detect exasperation? I know I am and have not found a single soul one these boards that offers a solution. I don't have on either but I keep trying.
I just decided that freedom of speech has to work both ways, so we're going to have to listen to all the clever arguments that justify racism while racists insist they aren't out to hurt anyone.
The only solution is to show racists that the people they unreasonably hate aren't the monsters they think. That only happens one person at a time.

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