Thread For Mattskramer, Polygamy, Warren Jeffs

Dr Grump said:
no, I expect a certain behaviour of mods. Simple. So does Jim is seems. And what do you mean by "when it suits". There are no middle of the road, left leaning mods, so when have I differentiated between a mod and the way they post?

You got one thing right: it's up to Jim; therefore, debate is pointless.

IMO, however, I expect a mod to moderate fairly. It doesn't matter what their political leanings are because I expect them to not allow that to affect their judgement concerning their job as moderators. When I was running a board, I chose my mods with just that ability at the list of qualifications.

Oddly enough, I have noticed over the last couple of years that it is only the lefties who want to hold the staff to a "higher standard." The strategy is obvious to me. The same strategy you lefties hold our troops to: place an arbitrary set of rules on our troops that the enemy has no notion of adhering to.

I never accused you specifically of doing anything ... you stuck your nose into an A-B statement.

No, you are not a mod, neither am I. The fact you find me offensive is of no surprise. People who try to debate in a civil, courteous manner usually get the back up of those not so inclined....go figure...

I responded to YOU, in kind. So WHAT about that "civil, courteous manner?" You'll get what you give where I am concerned, simple as that.

What does that have to do with the price of fish in China? Forget he is a mod for a second. You think it's OK to get into personal attacks and post in an offensive manner? Fine...I just call it as I see it, and if I think the tone of his posts suck, I'm gonna tell him. And too bad if he doesn't give a fuck, I'm still gonna tell him...

I did not say it's "OK" to do anything. Personal attacks and/or posting in an offensive manner happens. If you don't like it, don't participate. This isn't the only thread on this board.

Your conduct is not my responsibility, so go tell whoever you want whatever you want. :gives:

Bullypulpit said:
You insults are becoming as weak as your grasp on reality. If you're not trolling...just what are you doing?

Unlike you bringing up different topics and delivering brilliant insights into those topics. Why don't you just stick to what you do best, backdooring America by undermining its founding principles in its time of need.......traitor.
Dr Grump said:
How can a poster be hamstrung? It's all in the delivery. His is offensive most of the time. Why? He's a neocon. Neocons are known for their "do as I say, don't do as I do" hypocrisy.

As for him being held to a higher standard, of course he is. He's a moderator. If you read the rules you'll see that even Jimmy holds them to a higher standard. Go cry in your milk to somebody else.

LMFAO! I'm a neocon, anybody who does not agree with Gump is a neocon, how ignorant!

Anyway please make my day and admit that you are openly questioning my position as a mod here, please, please, please I beg of you.

Bu anyway i'll let you know when you get to just 10% of my total contribution to this board and I ain't talking post count genius lol.
mattskramer said:
LOL. Oh well. Power corrupts as they say. When it comes to debate, all OCA and Pale Rider seems able to do is launch personal attacks, fuck with my post, mess with my pic, and suggest that I said things that I simply did not say. Simple cheap unfair shots.

Yes and we laugh our ass off behind the screen the whole time. Matts that was the first time i'd jacked with one of your posts but seeing as how it has your panties all in a bunch i'm gonna mark my calendar and make it a weekly event. I mean what else can I do to you seeing as how i've demolished every sorry argument you've made for allowing everything twisted and perverse to be permissible in America.
BaronVonBigmeat said:
No, what consenting adults do with their own property is their own business, so long as it does not violate others property rights. That's they key--property rights. The opinion of the majority does not override the property rights of the minority, that's why the founding fathers had such utter disdain for democracy.

Right, if they want to fuck each other up the ass on their own 40 acres then START FUCKING!!!!!!!! Only laws will not be changed to LEGITIMIZE THEIR PERVERSION OF CHOICE as pertaining to marriage, public education etc. etc.

Hey I have a goat I love, can I go down and marry this goat? I was born this way so do not deny me my rights!!!!!!!!!!!!:whip3: :whip3: :whip3:
GunnyL said:
You would be incorrect. Don't think so? Go sit naked in a lawn chair in your front yard and see what happens. Your property, right?

What two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home is not anyone's business. Put it out in public, and it very much IS society's business.

Dammit Gunny I was thinking the same thing and you worded it for me, thanks.

Better yet piss in your own fron yard during rush hour on a hevily traveled roadway, see if you don't get a indecent exposure charge or get fucked up on Beam and wreck your rig on your property, call the cops out because you'll need the police report to file the insurance claim and see if you don't get a DWI and get your ass locked up, but its your own personal property right?
Dr Grump said:
no, I expect a certain behaviour of mods. Simple. So does Jim is seems. And what do you mean by "when it suits". There are no middle of the road, left leaning mods, so when have I differentiated between a mod and the way they post?

No, you are not a mod, neither am I. The fact you find me offensive is of no surprise. People who try to debate in a civil, courteous manner usually get the back up of those not so inclined....go figure...

What does that have to do with the price of fish in China? Forget he is a mod for a second. You think it's OK to get into personal attacks and post in an offensive manner? Fine...I just call it as I see it, and if I think the tone of his posts suck, I'm gonna tell him. And too bad if he doesn't give a fuck, I'm still gonna tell him...

Tell me to my face genius, better yet do it right here in this thread. You are questioning my position as a mod only you are beating around the bush, be a man and come right out and say it, oh PLEASE SAY IT!

Anyway genius it doesn't matter one fucking iota what YOUUUUUU think of my posting style because you don't have a shred of respect here from anybody, i'm the way I am and have been since post 1, but guess what? I never changed my style for nobody, not 1 inch and look at me now.

Gunny is right, you have to be smart enough to decipher when someone is moderating and when someone is debating, obviously you aren't advanced enough yet.

There really is only one way within this thread that I would have to put on my moderating hat concerning you.......i'll let you figure out which way that is.
IMO, however, I expect a mod to moderate fairly. It doesn't matter what their political leanings are because I expect them to not allow that to affect their judgement concerning their job as moderators.

I'm not talking about his moderating ability, I'm talking about him in general.

Oddly enough, I have noticed over the last couple of years that it is only the lefties who want to hold the staff to a "higher standard." The strategy is obvious to me. The same strategy you lefties hold our troops to: place an arbitrary set of rules on our troops that the enemy has no notion of adhering to.

Really? I know plenty of conservatives or neocons who hold liberals to higher standards. I do not put any rules on troops. I expect them to act in a professional manner, nothing more, nothing less. And I ain't a leftie. No even close.

I responded to YOU, in kind. So WHAT about that "civil, courteous manner?" You'll get what you give where I am concerned, simple as that.

No you did not. You responded in a snarky manner.

I did not say it's "OK" to do anything. Personal attacks and/or posting in an offensive manner happens. If you don't like it, don't participate. This isn't the only thread on this board.

I know it happens and I call him on it. You're the one making it an issue. It if isn't, move on...

Your conduct is not my responsibility, so go tell whoever you want whatever you want.

Never said it was your responsibility and why you think it is, is beyond me.
OCA said:
LMFAO! I'm a neocon, anybody who does not agree with Gump is a neocon, how ignorant!

No. There are plenty of conservatives on this board that are no neocons...

OCA said:
Anyway please make my day and admit that you are openly questioning my position as a mod here, please, please, please I beg of you.

No, I have not seen you moderate. Your posting style, sure. But as a mod? Naw. I am talking about your behaviour as a person who has been made a mod. Two different things...

OCA said:
Bu anyway i'll let you know when you get to just 10% of my total contribution to this board and I ain't talking post count genius lol.

I have got no idea what you mean by this sentence, but when sarcastically calling somebody a genius, at least try and make a coherent sentence....
Dr Grump said:
IMO, however, I expect a mod to moderate fairly. It doesn't matter what their political leanings are because I expect them to not allow that to affect their judgement concerning their job as moderators.

I'm not talking about his moderating ability, I'm talking about him in general.

Oddly enough, I have noticed over the last couple of years that it is only the lefties who want to hold the staff to a "higher standard." The strategy is obvious to me. The same strategy you lefties hold our troops to: place an arbitrary set of rules on our troops that the enemy has no notion of adhering to.

Really? I know plenty of conservatives or neocons who hold liberals to higher standards. I do not put any rules on troops. I expect them to act in a professional manner, nothing more, nothing less. And I ain't a leftie. No even close.

I responded to YOU, in kind. So WHAT about that "civil, courteous manner?" You'll get what you give where I am concerned, simple as that.

No you did not. You responded in a snarky manner.

I did not say it's "OK" to do anything. Personal attacks and/or posting in an offensive manner happens. If you don't like it, don't participate. This isn't the only thread on this board.

I know it happens and I call him on it. You're the one making it an issue. It if isn't, move on...

Your conduct is not my responsibility, so go tell whoever you want whatever you want.

Never said it was your responsibility and why you think it is, is beyond me.

Enough of the banter on moderations. Gump, if you have a problem with OCA, pm Jim or Darin. I would hate to use my nazi powers and close a thread...

You all say you do not want that, so take the advice and either get on with the discussion, go to a new thread, whatever. Just stop on the moderating topic. Thank you.
OCA said:
Tell me to my face genius, better yet do it right here in this thread. You are questioning my position as a mod only you are beating around the bush, be a man and come right out and say it, oh PLEASE SAY IT!.

No, I am not questioning your moderating ability. And even if I was, so what? Why are desperate for me to do so.?

OCA said:
Anyway genius it doesn't matter one fucking iota what YOUUUUUU think of my posting style because you don't have a shred of respect here from anybody, i'm the way I am and have been since post 1, but guess what? I never changed my style for nobody, not 1 inch and look at me now.

I have plenty of respect from those that matter to me. You don't. Go figure. I know you post the way you do, if you want to post like an ignorant fool, don't let me stop you.

OCA said:
Gunny is right, you have to be smart enough to decipher when someone is moderating and when someone is debating, obviously you aren't advanced enough yet.
There really is only one way within this thread that I would have to put on my moderating hat concerning you.......i'll let you figure out which way that is.

As I said, it has nothing to do with your moderating.

Oh, take more tough pills OCA...:O)
Dr Grump said:
No. There are plenty of conservatives on this board that are no neocons...

No, I have not seen you moderate. Your posting style, sure. But as a mod? Naw. I am talking about your behaviour as a person who has been made a mod. Two different things...

I have got no idea what you mean by this sentence, but when sarcastically calling somebody a genius, at least try and make a coherent sentence....

What you think of my behaviour as a person who has been made a mod means exactly shit, nothing. Your low on the totem pole and really i'm not exactly sure why i'm involved with you here other than to see if you will fall on your sword and make the fatal slip up.

As for the "coherent" sentence, you are not to question, well really, me over anything concerning moderation, behaviour or otherwise, you are to just sit back and suck hind tit, understand Gump?

Other than that Gump, take Kathianne's advice and take it up with Jimmy, let me know what he says ROTFLMFAO!
Kathianne said:
Enough of the banter on moderations. Gump, if you have a problem with OCA, pm Jim or Darin. I would hate to use my nazi powers and close a thread...

You all say you do not want that, so take the advice and either get on with the discussion, go to a new thread, whatever. Just stop on the moderating topic. Thank you.

Not talkign about moderation Kathi. And I am talking to a moderator who asked me to answer him on this thread. I did. take it up with him. Outsida that, why get involved? Why do you care?
OCA said:
What you think of my behaviour as a person who has been made a mod means exactly shit, nothing. Your low on the totem pole and really i'm not exactly sure why i'm involved with you here other than to see if you will fall on your sword and make the fatal slip up.

As for the "coherent" sentence, you are not to question, well really, me over anything concerning moderation, behaviour or otherwise, you are to just sit back and suck hind tit, understand Gump?

Other than that Gump, take Kathianne's advice and take it up with Jimmy, let me know what he says ROTFLMFAO!

i'll question you when and where I feel like it. You don't like it, run away...:rotflmao:
Dr Grump said:
Not talkign about moderation Kathi. And I am talking to a moderator who asked me to answer him on this thread. I did. take it up with him. Outsida that, why get involved? Why do you care?

Gump you brought up my position as a mod in the course of this debate, you made it an issue not me, be a man and admit it. Now if my response has got you stumped as I suspect making a pb&j does with you don't worry about it, you jumped in over your head with me, it has happened to others before, now go back to the wading pool and remember to KICK!
Dr Grump said:
i'll question you when and where I feel like it. You don't like it, run away...:rotflmao:

Ok Gump so long as you understand you can question my politics anytime you like but questioning a decision I may or may not make as a mod may have consequences for you to which you are not fully aware and will wholly not like but will be utterly useless to stop.
Dr Grump said:
Not talkign about moderation Kathi. And I am talking to a moderator who asked me to answer him on this thread. I did. take it up with him. Outsida that, why get involved? Why do you care?

Because moderation is not supposed to be aired on the boards. Jim specifically allowed that one thread, which you utilized if memory serves. Don't say you are not discussing, for you are. IF you wish to make a complaint, make it with Jim, whom you purport to respect. If memory serves, you didn't want threads closed, I'm trying to prevent that and have let you post 2 since, but I will shut it down, if this persists.

As far as you and OCA go, why not just get down to the debating on any other topic of your choosing, other than 'moderators that aren't liberals', 'moderators to a higher standard'-which again, you can go to an admin with a complaint, or any discussion about moderating.

You should have noticed, being as brilliant and observant as you keep inferring, that there's been little 'moderator' influence since the thread. I tried to step in and remind all who are discussing moderation, that it will result in the thread being closed, if it continues.

I think I've been polite and answered your questions. I 'care' because Jim asked me to, if YOU don't like THAT, speak to him, you have both pm and email in which to do so.
Dr Grump said:
As I said, it has nothing to do with your moderating.

Oh, take more tough pills OCA...:O)

Genius, you are questioning the decision to have me as a mod, I know because of your politics you collude with are not among fools here.
OCA said:
Gump you brought up my position as a mod in the course of this debate, you made it an issue not me, be a man and admit it. Now if my response has got you stumped as I suspect making a pb&j does with you don't worry about it, you jumped in over your head with me, it has happened to others before, now go back to the wading pool and remember to KICK!

I made your posting style an issue. Nothing more, nothing less. Get over yourself, like the rest of us, you're just some idiot on a messageboard....
OCA said:
Genius, you are questioning the decision to have me as a mod, I know because of your politics you collude with are not among fools here.

I have not seen you moderate, so I have no idea how you moderate. You're behaviour is another issue. As for not being among fools, I know that to a degree. I don't consider Jillian, Bully, 1589 etc fools. You, however.....

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