Three News Items That Make It Important Trump Remain President A Bit Longer


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
In the news today, there are reports of Comey’s records of “improper” communications and requests he received from Der Gropenfürher. More proof of the rampant corruption in that administration.

Also, there are reports of Republican congress members becoming more and more uncomfortable supporting Der Gropenfürher’s presidency.

Then, there is another poll showing the American people overwhelmingly prefer Obamacare to the much inferior Trumpcare the congressional Republicans are trying to shove down our throats to help greatly increase the insurance industry’s profits.

For these three reasons, and many more, it is important to the survival of the U.S. as a nation, for Der Gropenfürher to stay in office for another eight to twelve months. Why, because his remaining in the White House will embolden the Republicans in congress to pass plenty of legislation that will be extremely hurtful to average Americans. This will be the motivation that will finally force the wishy-washy moderates to wake up and face the truth about the GOP. The 2018 Mid-term Elections will then guarantee much new blood coming in to the Democrats’ side of both chambers, becoming the majority who will then help the American people rather than exploit them.

It will be these young Democrats who will end the farce that is the current administration, and the legal decisions that will follow will include civil and criminal penalties for all involved in this crooked and corrupt administration.

Hearing the conservatives weep and wail when the U.S. Constitution is again observed to aid the public, rather than protect this corrupt administration, will be most enjoyable. This will be especially true of the First Amendment, which Der Gropenfürher and his criminal family truly hate.

Wait, that weeping and wailing by the conservatives is already beginning in response to the uncomfortable truth in this OP.

Comey created records of 'improper' phone calls and meetings he had with Trump

Senate Democrats pounce on bombshell report about Comey memo

New poll finds Americans overwhelmingly like Obamacare more than Trumpcare



In the news today, there are reports of Comey’s records of “improper” communications and requests he received from Der Gropenfürher.
No need to read any further. Another snowflake having a meltdown.

The Justice Department’s appointment of former FBI Director Robert Mueller to serve as special counsel investigating Russia's alleged involvement in the 2016 presidential election, could mean trouble for the Democrats.

Unfortunately, it will be a simple matter for Mueller to collect the mountain of evidence against Der Gropenfürher proving collusion between his campaign and Russia. These volumes of evidence will successfully lead to Der Gropenfürher’s impeachment by the House, and conviction by the Senate well before next summer. Sadly, this will only help the Republicans take advantage of the extremely short memories for which moderate Republican voters are famous.

If Der Gropenfürher is ousted much over three months before the Mid-term Elections, moderate Republican voters will have long forgotten the screwing average Americans were receiving from the congressional Republicans during Der Gropenfürher’s crooked and corrupt regime.

Justice Dept. names Mueller special counsel for Russia probe


Dorothy and Toto.jpg


The Justice Department’s appointment of former FBI Director Robert Mueller to serve as special counsel investigating Russia's alleged involvement in the 2016 presidential election, could mean trouble for the Democrats.

Unfortunately, it will be a simple matter for Mueller to collect the mountain of evidence against Der Gropenfürher proving collusion between his campaign and Russia. These volumes of evidence will successfully lead to Der Gropenfürher’s impeachment by the House, and conviction by the Senate well before next summer. Sadly, this will only help the Republicans take advantage of the extremely short memories for which moderate Republican voters are famous.

If Der Gropenfürher is ousted much over three months before the Mid-term Elections, moderate Republican voters will have long forgotten the screwing average Americans were receiving from the congressional Republicans during Der Gropenfürher’s crooked and corrupt regime.

Justice Dept. names Mueller special counsel for Russia probe


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