Three of A Kind: Environmentalism, Communism, and Failure

The liberal spirit of collectivism is the same thing Hitler used to gain consensus against the Jewish people. The Ends then justified the means, any means to rid itself of these people they deemed unfit or a problem in their grand scheme of global control. And just like many collectivists before him they came to violent ends. Stalin, Marx, Mao, all of these individuals murdered millions of people before the people took them out at great cost.

Marx never had political power, and Stalin and Mao died peacefully in their beds.

As for Hitler, Hitler was just the end result of a major religion who said, "The Jews Killed our God-Man".

Yes, Stalin died peacefully, but 60 to 80 million of his subjects died horribly in the gulags. Mao likewise died peacefully, however 100 to 150 million of his subjects were murdered to appease his blood lust. Hitler was, like the previous two, an atheist. You atheists try and disown him, but the evidence is very clear as to what he was. He used religion as a tool, nothing more.

Why do you have to derail threads?

Why do you blame everything on atheists?

Its not that simple.

I never said it was. However the post I made is relevant to the OP. The collectivist governments that have killed the most people (which is part of the OP) were run by atheists. Further the OFFICIAL position of the socialist regime of the Soviet Union was there is no religion allowed. Stat and the rest of the progs don't like the nexus, but the nexus exists. As of now DT is trying the hardest to derail the thread, aided and abetted by the rest of you clown faces.


In your usual stupidity, you tried your hardest to prove that Adolph Hitler was an atheist, in a lame attempt to attach him, Mao and Stalin to "progs" as you, douchebag, call them. That was a massive fail.

Hitler was in no way an atheist. He was born a Catholic. His mother was a staunch Catholic. His father was more of a skeptic. Throughout his short and unimpressive military career and then his career as a dictator, he referred quite often to "god". He never left the Catholic Church, he was not excommunicated before his suicide, and he is the one who signed the Konkordiat with the Vatican in the 1930s. I bet that you have absolutely no idea in the world what the Konkordiat was.

It is of course possible that deep within his soul, he hated Christianity and all religions, but neither you nor I can prove it. Neither can passing commentary from a couple of those in his inner circle. Unless you possess a magical ability to travel back in time and get inside his head, then you lost this argument a long, long, long time ago. You are just plain old too stupid to realize when your car has already hit the wall, going at 60 mph.

Personally, I would hope that he was an atheist, because of the horrible genocides committed at his hand, especially of my fellow Jews. And I am pretty sure that the Roman Catholic Church would like to say that he was not a Catholic. But he was. And no amount of bleating like a goat on your part is going to change this.

Claims have been made that the RCC flat out excommunicated all Nazis at once, in the early thirties:

Archives Show Church Excommunicated Nazis ZENIT - The World Seen From Rome

But the documents themselves have never been made public. You will find them nowhere. Fascinating...

On the contrary, in 2011, the (an Austrian newspaper) asked why to this day Hitler was never excommunicated, because it can also be done post-mortum:

Adof Hitler - Ehrenb rger und Katholik - Debatten - Meinung

"Aus dem Taufbuch der Stadtpfarre Braunau entnehmen wir, dass Adolf Hitler kurz nach seiner Geburt am 20. April 1889 in der Stadtpfarrkirche von Braunau getauft wurde. Er wurde dadurch ein Vollmitglied der römisch-katholischen Kirche. Sicher kann nach römisch-katholischer Lehre die Taufe nicht rückgängig gemacht werden, es ist so ähnlich wie im Islam. Die Zugehörigkeit durch eine muslimische Mutter bleibt auch in alle Ewigkeiten bestehen und kann niemals gelöscht werden.

Aber trotz des unauslöschlichen Charakters der Taufe besteht die Möglichkeit, aus der Kirche auszutreten oder vom Vatikan ausgeschlossen, exkommuniziert zu werden. Die Liste der Exkommunizierten durch den Vatikan ist lang, ich nenne ein paar Beispiele: Fidel Castro, alle katholischen Anhänger des Kommunismus, alle Freimaurer, die Gründer der Altkatholischen Kirche, u.a. der Theologieprofessor Ignaz Döllinger, Kaiser Napoleon I, bis hin zum englischen König Heinrich VIII.

Adolf Hitler ist selbst nie aus der Kirche ausgetreten, und er wurde auch nicht exkommuniziert. Der Vatikan war in der Nazi-Zeit unter Papst Pius XII sehr Deutschland-freundlich, und Adolf Hitler war Konkordatspartner des Vatikan, einer der ersten Verträge, die Adolf Hitler eingegangen ist."

The three bolded texts:

"From the Baptismal records of the church in Branau, we can (take out) see that AH was baptized shortly after his birth on 20 April 1889, in the church of Braunau.

The list of those excommunicated is long, I will name some examples: Fidel Castro, all Catholics who follow communism, all Free-Masons, the founders of the Alt-Catholic Church, theology professor Ignaz Dölling, Napoleon, all the way back to King Henry VIII.

AH never left the Church and he was not excommunicated."

He died a Catholic. End of story.

But in typical fascist westwallian fashion, instead of recognizing the horrors he committed, you disgusting fascist-loving fuckface, you use YOUR theory over his confession or lack thereof to bash people of a political persuasion whom you don't like. This makes you every bit as disgusting as AH himself was. Color me totally surprised.
So it was wrong to clean up the air and water? It's wrong to regulate higher standards?

Do you honestly believe this?
As of now DT is trying the hardest to derail the thread, aided and abetted by the rest of you clown faces.

Once again you post baseless lies about me.

It was YOU who derailed this thread in Post #18.

Yes, Stalin died peacefully, but 60 to 80 million of his subjects died horribly in the gulags. Mao likewise died peacefully, however 100 to 150 million of his subjects were murdered to appease his blood lust. Hitler was, like the previous two, an atheist. You atheists try and disown him, but the evidence is very clear as to what he was. He used religion as a tool, nothing more.

Three of A Kind Environmentalism Communism and Failure US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The evidence of your derailment is right there. YOU introduced Atheism to this thread where the OP is about communism and environmentalism.

Now go ahead and delete this post and accuse me of the trolling that YOU are clearly guilty doing all on your own.

And yes, you have admitted to deleting my posts in this same thread in #100.

If that were true do you still think I would be a Mod here? c-k won't put up with that sort of crap and you know it. It is amusing to see the concerted effort Stat has generated with you useful idiots to try and have me removed though. Now, to get things back on track (so I don't have to delete yet more of your off topic whines and rants)

As far as the OP goes you have utterly failed to make the case that there is any connection whatsoever between communism and environmentalism which is why you had to derail this thread in the first place IMO.
The liberal spirit of collectivism is the same thing Hitler used to gain consensus against the Jewish people. The Ends then justified the means, any means to rid itself of these people they deemed unfit or a problem in their grand scheme of global control. And just like many collectivists before him they came to violent ends. Stalin, Marx, Mao, all of these individuals murdered millions of people before the people took them out at great cost.

Marx never had political power, and Stalin and Mao died peacefully in their beds.

As for Hitler, Hitler was just the end result of a major religion who said, "The Jews Killed our God-Man".

Yes, Stalin died peacefully, but 60 to 80 million of his subjects died horribly in the gulags. Mao likewise died peacefully, however 100 to 150 million of his subjects were murdered to appease his blood lust. Hitler was, like the previous two, an atheist. You atheists try and disown him, but the evidence is very clear as to what he was. He used religion as a tool, nothing more.

Why do you have to derail threads?

Why do you blame everything on atheists?

Its not that simple.

I never said it was. However the post I made is relevant to the OP. The collectivist governments that have killed the most people (which is part of the OP) were run by atheists. Further the OFFICIAL position of the socialist regime of the Soviet Union was there is no religion allowed. Stat and the rest of the progs don't like the nexus, but the nexus exists. As of now DT is trying the hardest to derail the thread, aided and abetted by the rest of you clown faces.


In your usual stupidity, you tried your hardest to prove that Adolph Hitler was an atheist, in a lame attempt to attach him, Mao and Stalin to "progs" as you, douchebag, call them. That was a massive fail.

Hitler was in no way an atheist. He was born a Catholic. His mother was a staunch Catholic. His father was more of a skeptic. Throughout his short and unimpressive military career and then his career as a dictator, he referred quite often to "god". He never left the Catholic Church, he was not excommunicated before his suicide, and he is the one who signed the Konkordiat with the Vatican in the 1930s. I bet that you have absolutely no idea in the world what the Konkordiat was.

It is of course possible that deep within his soul, he hated Christianity and all religions, but neither you nor I can prove it. Neither can passing commentary from a couple of those in his inner circle. Unless you possess a magical ability to travel back in time and get inside his head, then you lost this argument a long, long, long time ago. You are just plain old too stupid to realize when your car has already hit the wall, going at 60 mph.

Personally, I would hope that he was an atheist, because of the horrible genocides committed at his hand, especially of my fellow Jews. And I am pretty sure that the Roman Catholic Church would like to say that he was not a Catholic. But he was. And no amount of bleating like a goat on your part is going to change this.

Claims have been made that the RCC flat out excommunicated all Nazis at once, in the early thirties:

Archives Show Church Excommunicated Nazis ZENIT - The World Seen From Rome

But the documents themselves have never been made public. You will find them nowhere. Fascinating...

On the contrary, in 2011, the (an Austrian newspaper) asked why to this day Hitler was never excommunicated, because it can also be done post-mortum:

Adof Hitler - Ehrenb rger und Katholik - Debatten - Meinung

"Aus dem Taufbuch der Stadtpfarre Braunau entnehmen wir, dass Adolf Hitler kurz nach seiner Geburt am 20. April 1889 in der Stadtpfarrkirche von Braunau getauft wurde. Er wurde dadurch ein Vollmitglied der römisch-katholischen Kirche. Sicher kann nach römisch-katholischer Lehre die Taufe nicht rückgängig gemacht werden, es ist so ähnlich wie im Islam. Die Zugehörigkeit durch eine muslimische Mutter bleibt auch in alle Ewigkeiten bestehen und kann niemals gelöscht werden.

Aber trotz des unauslöschlichen Charakters der Taufe besteht die Möglichkeit, aus der Kirche auszutreten oder vom Vatikan ausgeschlossen, exkommuniziert zu werden. Die Liste der Exkommunizierten durch den Vatikan ist lang, ich nenne ein paar Beispiele: Fidel Castro, alle katholischen Anhänger des Kommunismus, alle Freimaurer, die Gründer der Altkatholischen Kirche, u.a. der Theologieprofessor Ignaz Döllinger, Kaiser Napoleon I, bis hin zum englischen König Heinrich VIII.

Adolf Hitler ist selbst nie aus der Kirche ausgetreten, und er wurde auch nicht exkommuniziert. Der Vatikan war in der Nazi-Zeit unter Papst Pius XII sehr Deutschland-freundlich, und Adolf Hitler war Konkordatspartner des Vatikan, einer der ersten Verträge, die Adolf Hitler eingegangen ist."

The three bolded texts:

"From the Baptismal records of the church in Branau, we can (take out) see that AH was baptized shortly after his birth on 20 April 1889, in the church of Braunau.

The list of those excommunicated is long, I will name some examples: Fidel Castro, all Catholics who follow communism, all Free-Masons, the founders of the Alt-Catholic Church, theology professor Ignaz Dölling, Napoleon, all the way back to King Henry VIII.

AH never left the Church and he was not excommunicated."

He died a Catholic. End of story.

But in typical fascist westwallian fashion, instead of recognizing the horrors he committed, you disgusting fascist-loving fuckface, you use YOUR theory over his confession or lack thereof to bash people of a political persuasion whom you don't like. This makes you every bit as disgusting as AH himself was. Color me totally surprised.

By your stupid logic Dawkins, who was born and raised Anglican, can't be an atheist either. Care to try and come up with some other retarded argument? Hitler hated religion, he hated religious people. He did realize that he needed them so he used them. You too are so ignorant that you fall for his propaganda decades after his death. How unsurprising. What is amusing is the level of desperation that the atheists have been reduced to to try and cover up the fact that he was an atheist.

I thought you were a Jew? Why do you seem to care so much about what Hitler was or wasn't? Here's the deal, it honestly doesn't matter WHAT the personal beliefs of the various rulers was, the OFFICIAL POSITIONS of the various totalitarian collectivist nations, that murdered those tens of millions of people....each, was atheism. That is a fact. No amount of whining or obfuscation can hide that FACT!

You're dismissed.
Here's the deal, it honestly doesn't matter WHAT the personal beliefs of the various rulers was, the OFFICIAL POSITIONS of the various totalitarian collectivist nations, that murdered those tens of millions of people....each, was atheism. That is a fact.

BZZZT Wrong again!

Germany was officially 85% Christian according to a 1933 census when Hitler came to power. Germany was a "Christian nation" that "murdered those tens of millions of people".

Hitler was a Christian and the vast majority of Germans were Christians.

You have zero evidence to support your derailing canard about atheism.
As of now DT is trying the hardest to derail the thread, aided and abetted by the rest of you clown faces.

Once again you post baseless lies about me.

It was YOU who derailed this thread in Post #18.

Yes, Stalin died peacefully, but 60 to 80 million of his subjects died horribly in the gulags. Mao likewise died peacefully, however 100 to 150 million of his subjects were murdered to appease his blood lust. Hitler was, like the previous two, an atheist. You atheists try and disown him, but the evidence is very clear as to what he was. He used religion as a tool, nothing more.

Three of A Kind Environmentalism Communism and Failure US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The evidence of your derailment is right there. YOU introduced Atheism to this thread where the OP is about communism and environmentalism.

Now go ahead and delete this post and accuse me of the trolling that YOU are clearly guilty doing all on your own.

And yes, you have admitted to deleting my posts in this same thread in #100.

If that were true do you still think I would be a Mod here? c-k won't put up with that sort of crap and you know it. It is amusing to see the concerted effort Stat has generated with you useful idiots to try and have me removed though. Now, to get things back on track (so I don't have to delete yet more of your off topic whines and rants)

As far as the OP goes you have utterly failed to make the case that there is any connection whatsoever between communism and environmentalism which is why you had to derail this thread in the first place IMO.

Poor DT, such a one dimensional person. Here you go, so simple even a simpleton such as yourself can understand... Here's UN envoy Figueres saying the communist government of China is the best role model for environmental control. What's amusing is China has become the biggest polluter in the world, but that's progressive logic for you...

"Jan. 14 (Bloomberg) -- China, the top emitter of greenhouse gases, is also the country that’s “doing it right” when it comes to addressing global warming, the United Nations’ chief climate official said.

The nation has some of the toughest energy-efficiency standards for buildings and transportation and its support for photovoltaic technology helped reduce solar-panel costs by 80 percent since 2008, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, said yesterday in an interview at Bloomberg News headquarters in New York."

Biggest Emitter China Best on Climate Figueres Says - Bloomberg Business

And here's treehugger for you extolling the virtues of communism...

"Before you call the Dept. of Homeland Security, consider this: The impression of communism I invoked is largely thanks to American cinema, a still paranoid post-McCarthy news media, and Stalin's monstrous reign after WWII. But between the actual doctrines of Marxism and the pre-revolution fervor in Russia and Eastern Europe, there are actually a bunch of lessons we can glean from communists and apply today—to environmentalism.
Yes, even though communism led to corrupt governments responsible for the suffering of millions, communists and communist thinking have nonetheless produced some worthy green ideas. And hey, some world leaders even think environmentalism is the biggest threat since communism. Maybe they're closer in spirit than we thought?"

6 Green Lessons We Can Learn From Communism TreeHugger

Here's Common Dreams, a lefty blog site calling out Vaclav Klaus for his views on the environmental movement. He should know, unlike you he lived under communism so knows what it looks like, smells like, and sounds like.

"Conversely, the Czech President asked the congressmen not to yield to pressure from environmentalists and abandon the principles of free society: "the biggest threat to freedom, democracy, the market economy and prosperity at the beginning of the 21st century is not communism or its various softer variants. Communism was replaced by the threat of ambitious environmentalism."

"This ideology," Klaus said, "wants to replace the free and spontaneous evolution of mankind by a sort of central, now global, planning of the whole world."

The Czech President is strongly opposed to environmentalism, which he calls a "religion based on political ambitions rather than science," and accuses environmentalists of using "sophisticated methods of media manipulation" to spread "fear and panic"."

Czech President Vaclav Klaus Environmentalism As Bad As Communism Common Dreams Breaking News Views for the Progressive Community

And then of course there is the current crop of communist groups who all have one thing in common....yep, you guessed it, they ALL support a revolution to destroy capitalism and replace the western system with communism. Who are those groups you ask? Well let's see here, they are

So, you see DT, YOU might be deaf, dumb and blind. But the rest of us aren't.
Here's the deal, it honestly doesn't matter WHAT the personal beliefs of the various rulers was, the OFFICIAL POSITIONS of the various totalitarian collectivist nations, that murdered those tens of millions of people....each, was atheism. That is a fact.

BZZZT Wrong again!

Germany was officially 85% Christian according to a 1933 census when Hitler came to power. Germany was a "Christian nation" that "murdered those tens of millions of people".

Hitler was a Christian and the vast majority of Germans were Christians.

You have zero evidence to support your derailing canard about atheism.

Duuuh, that's why Hitler had to give every appearance of being a Catholic you moron. No country in Europe, at that time, would ever have allowed a known atheist to be leader. Even the worst of them realized that. Have you EVER read a history book or do you get all of your "knowledge" from wiki:eusa_think:
As of now DT is trying the hardest to derail the thread, aided and abetted by the rest of you clown faces.

Once again you post baseless lies about me.

It was YOU who derailed this thread in Post #18.

Yes, Stalin died peacefully, but 60 to 80 million of his subjects died horribly in the gulags. Mao likewise died peacefully, however 100 to 150 million of his subjects were murdered to appease his blood lust. Hitler was, like the previous two, an atheist. You atheists try and disown him, but the evidence is very clear as to what he was. He used religion as a tool, nothing more.

Three of A Kind Environmentalism Communism and Failure US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The evidence of your derailment is right there. YOU introduced Atheism to this thread where the OP is about communism and environmentalism.

Now go ahead and delete this post and accuse me of the trolling that YOU are clearly guilty doing all on your own.

And yes, you have admitted to deleting my posts in this same thread in #100.

If that were true do you still think I would be a Mod here? c-k won't put up with that sort of crap and you know it. It is amusing to see the concerted effort Stat has generated with you useful idiots to try and have me removed though. Now, to get things back on track (so I don't have to delete yet more of your off topic whines and rants)

As far as the OP goes you have utterly failed to make the case that there is any connection whatsoever between communism and environmentalism which is why you had to derail this thread in the first place IMO.

Poor DT, such a one dimensional person. Here you go, so simple even a simpleton such as yourself can understand... Here's UN envoy Figueres saying the communist government of China is the best role model for environmental control. What's amusing is China has become the biggest polluter in the world, but that's progressive logic for you...

"Jan. 14 (Bloomberg) -- China, the top emitter of greenhouse gases, is also the country that’s “doing it right” when it comes to addressing global warming, the United Nations’ chief climate official said.

The nation has some of the toughest energy-efficiency standards for buildings and transportation and its support for photovoltaic technology helped reduce solar-panel costs by 80 percent since 2008, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, said yesterday in an interview at Bloomberg News headquarters in New York."

Biggest Emitter China Best on Climate Figueres Says - Bloomberg Business

And here's treehugger for you extolling the virtues of communism...

"Before you call the Dept. of Homeland Security, consider this: The impression of communism I invoked is largely thanks to American cinema, a still paranoid post-McCarthy news media, and Stalin's monstrous reign after WWII. But between the actual doctrines of Marxism and the pre-revolution fervor in Russia and Eastern Europe, there are actually a bunch of lessons we can glean from communists and apply today—to environmentalism.
Yes, even though communism led to corrupt governments responsible for the suffering of millions, communists and communist thinking have nonetheless produced some worthy green ideas. And hey, some world leaders even think environmentalism is the biggest threat since communism. Maybe they're closer in spirit than we thought?"

6 Green Lessons We Can Learn From Communism TreeHugger

Here's Common Dreams, a lefty blog site calling out Vaclav Klaus for his views on the environmental movement. He should know, unlike you he lived under communism so knows what it looks like, smells like, and sounds like.

"Conversely, the Czech President asked the congressmen not to yield to pressure from environmentalists and abandon the principles of free society: "the biggest threat to freedom, democracy, the market economy and prosperity at the beginning of the 21st century is not communism or its various softer variants. Communism was replaced by the threat of ambitious environmentalism."

"This ideology," Klaus said, "wants to replace the free and spontaneous evolution of mankind by a sort of central, now global, planning of the whole world."

The Czech President is strongly opposed to environmentalism, which he calls a "religion based on political ambitions rather than science," and accuses environmentalists of using "sophisticated methods of media manipulation" to spread "fear and panic"."

Czech President Vaclav Klaus Environmentalism As Bad As Communism Common Dreams Breaking News Views for the Progressive Community

And then of course there is the current crop of communist groups who all have one thing in common....yep, you guessed it, they ALL support a revolution to destroy capitalism and replace the western system with communism. Who are those groups you ask? Well let's see here, they are

So, you see DT, YOU might be deaf, dumb and blind. But the rest of us aren't.

Too bad you going to receive an F- for that puerile "Show & Tell" of yours.

You obviously don't know the difference between communism and socialism.

Czechoslavakia hasn't been a communist state since the collapse of the USSR. Something you might know if you were sentient in the 1990's.

If you capable of reading comprehension you would have seen that Stat had already refuted your canard about what Ms. Figueres said in post #89 above.

All of your images don't mean squat because they are anecdotal.

It is just as easy to make the connection between Islam and environmentalism.

Muslim Environmentalists Push for Green Hajj




So you deserve your F- for failing to do anything more than a cut & paste hack job rather than any decent research into the topic.

Have a nice day.

Here's the deal, it honestly doesn't matter WHAT the personal beliefs of the various rulers was, the OFFICIAL POSITIONS of the various totalitarian collectivist nations, that murdered those tens of millions of people....each, was atheism. That is a fact.

BZZZT Wrong again!

Germany was officially 85% Christian according to a 1933 census when Hitler came to power. Germany was a "Christian nation" that "murdered those tens of millions of people".

Hitler was a Christian and the vast majority of Germans were Christians.

You have zero evidence to support your derailing canard about atheism.

Duuuh, that's why Hitler had to give every appearance of being a Catholic you moron. No country in Europe, at that time, would ever have allowed a known atheist to be leader. Even the worst of them realized that. Have you EVER read a history book or do you get all of your "knowledge" from wiki:eusa_think:

You have zero evidence that Hitler was an "atheist".

All you have is your bigotry and ignorance.

That you have in abundance.

Now why don't you stop trying to derail this thread with your atheism deflection and just admit you are wrong and stick to your failure to support the OP instead?
Here's the deal, it honestly doesn't matter WHAT the personal beliefs of the various rulers was, the OFFICIAL POSITIONS of the various totalitarian collectivist nations, that murdered those tens of millions of people....each, was atheism. That is a fact.

BZZZT Wrong again!

Germany was officially 85% Christian according to a 1933 census when Hitler came to power. Germany was a "Christian nation" that "murdered those tens of millions of people".

Hitler was a Christian and the vast majority of Germans were Christians.

You have zero evidence to support your derailing canard about atheism.

Duuuh, that's why Hitler had to give every appearance of being a Catholic you moron. No country in Europe, at that time, would ever have allowed a known atheist to be leader. Even the worst of them realized that. Have you EVER read a history book or do you get all of your "knowledge" from wiki:eusa_think:

You have zero evidence that Hitler was an "atheist".

All you have is your bigotry and ignorance.

That you have in abundance.

Now why don't you stop trying to derail this thread with your atheism deflection and just admit you are wrong and stick to your failure to support the OP instead?

No, there is ample evidence. The best evidence of all is the degree to which the atheist community is trying to distance themselves from him. I wonder why they would put so much effort into it? If it weren't true, they could simply point to the irrefutable evidence and the world would simply say "yup, he's no atheist".

However there are pages and pages and pages of propaganda put out by the various atheist groups trying to bury the very real evidence that yes indeed, Hitler was an atheist.
As of now DT is trying the hardest to derail the thread, aided and abetted by the rest of you clown faces.

Once again you post baseless lies about me.

It was YOU who derailed this thread in Post #18.

Yes, Stalin died peacefully, but 60 to 80 million of his subjects died horribly in the gulags. Mao likewise died peacefully, however 100 to 150 million of his subjects were murdered to appease his blood lust. Hitler was, like the previous two, an atheist. You atheists try and disown him, but the evidence is very clear as to what he was. He used religion as a tool, nothing more.

Three of A Kind Environmentalism Communism and Failure US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The evidence of your derailment is right there. YOU introduced Atheism to this thread where the OP is about communism and environmentalism.

Now go ahead and delete this post and accuse me of the trolling that YOU are clearly guilty doing all on your own.

And yes, you have admitted to deleting my posts in this same thread in #100.

If that were true do you still think I would be a Mod here? c-k won't put up with that sort of crap and you know it. It is amusing to see the concerted effort Stat has generated with you useful idiots to try and have me removed though. Now, to get things back on track (so I don't have to delete yet more of your off topic whines and rants)

As far as the OP goes you have utterly failed to make the case that there is any connection whatsoever between communism and environmentalism which is why you had to derail this thread in the first place IMO.

Poor DT, such a one dimensional person. Here you go, so simple even a simpleton such as yourself can understand... Here's UN envoy Figueres saying the communist government of China is the best role model for environmental control. What's amusing is China has become the biggest polluter in the world, but that's progressive logic for you...

"Jan. 14 (Bloomberg) -- China, the top emitter of greenhouse gases, is also the country that’s “doing it right” when it comes to addressing global warming, the United Nations’ chief climate official said.

The nation has some of the toughest energy-efficiency standards for buildings and transportation and its support for photovoltaic technology helped reduce solar-panel costs by 80 percent since 2008, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, said yesterday in an interview at Bloomberg News headquarters in New York."

Biggest Emitter China Best on Climate Figueres Says - Bloomberg Business

And here's treehugger for you extolling the virtues of communism...

"Before you call the Dept. of Homeland Security, consider this: The impression of communism I invoked is largely thanks to American cinema, a still paranoid post-McCarthy news media, and Stalin's monstrous reign after WWII. But between the actual doctrines of Marxism and the pre-revolution fervor in Russia and Eastern Europe, there are actually a bunch of lessons we can glean from communists and apply today—to environmentalism.
Yes, even though communism led to corrupt governments responsible for the suffering of millions, communists and communist thinking have nonetheless produced some worthy green ideas. And hey, some world leaders even think environmentalism is the biggest threat since communism. Maybe they're closer in spirit than we thought?"

6 Green Lessons We Can Learn From Communism TreeHugger

Here's Common Dreams, a lefty blog site calling out Vaclav Klaus for his views on the environmental movement. He should know, unlike you he lived under communism so knows what it looks like, smells like, and sounds like.

"Conversely, the Czech President asked the congressmen not to yield to pressure from environmentalists and abandon the principles of free society: "the biggest threat to freedom, democracy, the market economy and prosperity at the beginning of the 21st century is not communism or its various softer variants. Communism was replaced by the threat of ambitious environmentalism."

"This ideology," Klaus said, "wants to replace the free and spontaneous evolution of mankind by a sort of central, now global, planning of the whole world."

The Czech President is strongly opposed to environmentalism, which he calls a "religion based on political ambitions rather than science," and accuses environmentalists of using "sophisticated methods of media manipulation" to spread "fear and panic"."

Czech President Vaclav Klaus Environmentalism As Bad As Communism Common Dreams Breaking News Views for the Progressive Community

And then of course there is the current crop of communist groups who all have one thing in common....yep, you guessed it, they ALL support a revolution to destroy capitalism and replace the western system with communism. Who are those groups you ask? Well let's see here, they are

So, you see DT, YOU might be deaf, dumb and blind. But the rest of us aren't.

Too bad you going to receive an F- for that puerile "Show & Tell" of yours.

You obviously don't know the difference between communism and socialism.

Czechoslavakia hasn't been a communist state since the collapse of the USSR. Something you might know if you were sentient in the 1990's.

If you capable of reading comprehension you would have seen that Stat had already refuted your canard about what Ms. Figueres said in post #89 above.

All of your images don't mean squat because they are anecdotal.

It is just as easy to make the connection between Islam and environmentalism.

Muslim Environmentalists Push for Green Hajj

View attachment 36890


View attachment 36891

So you deserve your F- for failing to do anything more than a cut & paste hack job rather than any decent research into the topic.

Have a nice day.


Every day is a nice day! Thank you for the kind thought! As far as the F go's, the photo's are pretty self explanatory. Leave it to a devout progressive to ignore the evidence so plainly presented.

Have a nice day yourself!
Here's the deal, it honestly doesn't matter WHAT the personal beliefs of the various rulers was, the OFFICIAL POSITIONS of the various totalitarian collectivist nations, that murdered those tens of millions of people....each, was atheism. That is a fact.

BZZZT Wrong again!

Germany was officially 85% Christian according to a 1933 census when Hitler came to power. Germany was a "Christian nation" that "murdered those tens of millions of people".

Hitler was a Christian and the vast majority of Germans were Christians.

You have zero evidence to support your derailing canard about atheism.

Duuuh, that's why Hitler had to give every appearance of being a Catholic you moron. No country in Europe, at that time, would ever have allowed a known atheist to be leader. Even the worst of them realized that. Have you EVER read a history book or do you get all of your "knowledge" from wiki:eusa_think:

You have zero evidence that Hitler was an "atheist".

All you have is your bigotry and ignorance.

That you have in abundance.

Now why don't you stop trying to derail this thread with your atheism deflection and just admit you are wrong and stick to your failure to support the OP instead?

No, there is ample evidence. The best evidence of all is the degree to which the atheist community is trying to distance themselves from him. I wonder why they would put so much effort into it? If it weren't true, they could simply point to the irrefutable evidence and the world would simply say "yup, he's no atheist".

However there are pages and pages and pages of propaganda put out by the various atheist groups trying to bury the very real evidence that yes indeed, Hitler was an atheist.

there is ample evidence.

And yet you cannot provide a single shred of credible evidence.

The best evidence of all is the degree to which the atheist community is trying to distance themselves from him


Obviously you don't have a clue what constitutes credible evidence.

Now stop derailing this thread with your bigotry and hatred of atheists. If you want to do that then start your own thread in the appropriate forum.

Get back to your failure to support the feckless OP and your utter incompetence at establishing that there is any connection between communism and environmentalism.
Here's the deal, it honestly doesn't matter WHAT the personal beliefs of the various rulers was, the OFFICIAL POSITIONS of the various totalitarian collectivist nations, that murdered those tens of millions of people....each, was atheism. That is a fact.

BZZZT Wrong again!

Germany was officially 85% Christian according to a 1933 census when Hitler came to power. Germany was a "Christian nation" that "murdered those tens of millions of people".

Hitler was a Christian and the vast majority of Germans were Christians.

You have zero evidence to support your derailing canard about atheism.

Duuuh, that's why Hitler had to give every appearance of being a Catholic you moron. No country in Europe, at that time, would ever have allowed a known atheist to be leader. Even the worst of them realized that. Have you EVER read a history book or do you get all of your "knowledge" from wiki:eusa_think:

You have zero evidence that Hitler was an "atheist".

All you have is your bigotry and ignorance.

That you have in abundance.

Now why don't you stop trying to derail this thread with your atheism deflection and just admit you are wrong and stick to your failure to support the OP instead?

No, there is ample evidence. The best evidence of all is the degree to which the atheist community is trying to distance themselves from him. I wonder why they would put so much effort into it? If it weren't true, they could simply point to the irrefutable evidence and the world would simply say "yup, he's no atheist".

However there are pages and pages and pages of propaganda put out by the various atheist groups trying to bury the very real evidence that yes indeed, Hitler was an atheist.

there is ample evidence.

And yet you cannot provide a single shred of credible evidence.

The best evidence of all is the degree to which the atheist community is trying to distance themselves from him


Obviously you don't have a clue what constitutes credible evidence.

Now stop derailing this thread with your bigotry and hatred of atheists. If you want to do that then start your own thread in the appropriate forum.

Get back to your failure to support the feckless OP and your utter incompetence at establishing that there is any connection between communism and environmentalism.

The evidence has been presented. The fact that you choose to ignore it is on you. Your subsequent meltdown, while humorous, doesn't alter that fact.
Here's the deal, it honestly doesn't matter WHAT the personal beliefs of the various rulers was, the OFFICIAL POSITIONS of the various totalitarian collectivist nations, that murdered those tens of millions of people....each, was atheism. That is a fact.

BZZZT Wrong again!

Germany was officially 85% Christian according to a 1933 census when Hitler came to power. Germany was a "Christian nation" that "murdered those tens of millions of people".

Hitler was a Christian and the vast majority of Germans were Christians.

You have zero evidence to support your derailing canard about atheism.
really, are you pretending to be stupid with this post? Dude, the point is, so what he was born into christian beliefs, that doesn't keep him from choosing to be atheist. he acted the part, and so did all of those other born Christians. That means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING....Why are you leftist so asinine that you can't just use your friggin brains? Really, it defies logic.
BZZZT Wrong again!

Germany was officially 85% Christian according to a 1933 census when Hitler came to power. Germany was a "Christian nation" that "murdered those tens of millions of people".

Hitler was a Christian and the vast majority of Germans were Christians.

You have zero evidence to support your derailing canard about atheism.

Duuuh, that's why Hitler had to give every appearance of being a Catholic you moron. No country in Europe, at that time, would ever have allowed a known atheist to be leader. Even the worst of them realized that. Have you EVER read a history book or do you get all of your "knowledge" from wiki:eusa_think:

You have zero evidence that Hitler was an "atheist".

All you have is your bigotry and ignorance.

That you have in abundance.

Now why don't you stop trying to derail this thread with your atheism deflection and just admit you are wrong and stick to your failure to support the OP instead?

No, there is ample evidence. The best evidence of all is the degree to which the atheist community is trying to distance themselves from him. I wonder why they would put so much effort into it? If it weren't true, they could simply point to the irrefutable evidence and the world would simply say "yup, he's no atheist".

However there are pages and pages and pages of propaganda put out by the various atheist groups trying to bury the very real evidence that yes indeed, Hitler was an atheist.

there is ample evidence.

And yet you cannot provide a single shred of credible evidence.

The best evidence of all is the degree to which the atheist community is trying to distance themselves from him


Obviously you don't have a clue what constitutes credible evidence.

Now stop derailing this thread with your bigotry and hatred of atheists. If you want to do that then start your own thread in the appropriate forum.

Get back to your failure to support the feckless OP and your utter incompetence at establishing that there is any connection between communism and environmentalism.

The evidence has been presented. The fact that you choose to ignore it is on you. Your subsequent meltdown, while humorous, doesn't alter that fact.

Here's the deal, it honestly doesn't matter WHAT the personal beliefs of the various rulers was, the OFFICIAL POSITIONS of the various totalitarian collectivist nations, that murdered those tens of millions of people....each, was atheism. That is a fact.

BZZZT Wrong again!

Germany was officially 85% Christian according to a 1933 census when Hitler came to power. Germany was a "Christian nation" that "murdered those tens of millions of people".

Hitler was a Christian and the vast majority of Germans were Christians.

You have zero evidence to support your derailing canard about atheism.
really, are you pretending to be stupid with this post? Dude, the point is, so what he was born into christian beliefs, that doesn't mean the man choose to be atheist. he acted the part, and so did all of those other born Christians. That means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING....Why are you leftist so asinine that you can't just use your friggin brains? Really, it defies logic.

I suggest that you stop swallowing Westwall's bait and derailing this thread.

The inane topic is the futile attempt to equate environmentalism and communism.

Who knows, you might be able to teach Westwall about how credible evidence actualy works but I won't be holding my breath waiting.
Here's the deal, it honestly doesn't matter WHAT the personal beliefs of the various rulers was, the OFFICIAL POSITIONS of the various totalitarian collectivist nations, that murdered those tens of millions of people....each, was atheism. That is a fact.

BZZZT Wrong again!

Germany was officially 85% Christian according to a 1933 census when Hitler came to power. Germany was a "Christian nation" that "murdered those tens of millions of people".

Hitler was a Christian and the vast majority of Germans were Christians.

You have zero evidence to support your derailing canard about atheism.
really, are you pretending to be stupid with this post? Dude, the point is, so what he was born into christian beliefs, that doesn't mean the man choose to be atheist. he acted the part, and so did all of those other born Christians. That means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING....Why are you leftist so asinine that you can't just use your friggin brains? Really, it defies logic.

I suggest that you stop swallowing Westwall's bait and derailing this thread.

The inane topic is the futile attempt to equate environmentalism and communism.

Who knows, you might be able to teach Westwall about how credible evidence actualy works but I won't be holding my breath waiting.
the man is more knowledgeable than I in science. And you. you lack logic, you live by your religion and choose to argue with something that can't be argued. It isn't really that tough to sit back, think and then produce something that seems logical.
Here's the deal, it honestly doesn't matter WHAT the personal beliefs of the various rulers was, the OFFICIAL POSITIONS of the various totalitarian collectivist nations, that murdered those tens of millions of people....each, was atheism. That is a fact.

BZZZT Wrong again!

Germany was officially 85% Christian according to a 1933 census when Hitler came to power. Germany was a "Christian nation" that "murdered those tens of millions of people".

Hitler was a Christian and the vast majority of Germans were Christians.

You have zero evidence to support your derailing canard about atheism.
really, are you pretending to be stupid with this post? Dude, the point is, so what he was born into christian beliefs, that doesn't mean the man choose to be atheist. he acted the part, and so did all of those other born Christians. That means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING....Why are you leftist so asinine that you can't just use your friggin brains? Really, it defies logic.

I suggest that you stop swallowing Westwall's bait and derailing this thread.

The inane topic is the futile attempt to equate environmentalism and communism.

Who knows, you might be able to teach Westwall about how credible evidence actualy works but I won't be holding my breath waiting.
Is the attempt futile, it seems the hero of Democrats, the great Liberal professor disagrees with you.
Noam Chomsky Ecology Ethics Anarchism
In "Human Intelligence and the Environment" (2010), you raise the possibility of factory workers taking control of the means of production and autonomously deciding to break with business as usual, opting instead to produce solar panels or high-speed rail. This recommendation is entirely anarcho-syndicalist in nature, in keeping with your own proclivities: indeed, it bears much affinity with the prospect of an ecological anarcho-syndicalism, a concept that has been advanced by the Environment Union Caucus of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW-EUC) recently. A particularly promising proposal the EUC has made is that of an ecological general strike. In a similar vein, economic historian Richard Smith recently called for the mass shuttering of large corporations and vast swathes of industry as a means of giving humanity and nature a chance against climate destruction. Moreover, since the US military is the single largest contributor to the problem of anthropogenic climate disruption, the Pentagon should effectively be dismantled for this reason, among others, of course. How might activists present these pressing goals in ways that do not lend themselves to being dismissed as mere utopianism?

Well, let's take the idea of converting industry to producing solar panels, mass-transportation, and so on. That was not utopian. The US government virtually nationalized the auto industry a couple years ago - not entirely, but took over large parts of it. There were choices at that point. If there had been a powerful movement of the kind that we're discussing, with a popular base, it could have pressed for something very realistic, which I think would have had the support of the working class. A strike will be regarded as a weapon against them - it's taking away their livelihoods, their survival. The choices were two, really: either the government rescues the auto industry at the taxpayers' expense and hands it back to pretty much the original owners, maybe different faces, but structurally the same owners, and have them produce what they were doing before, which is destructive. That was one possibility; that was the one that was taken. The other possibility, which could have been taken, and with a sufficient powerful popular movement might well have been taken, is to put those factories into the hands in the working class, and have them make their choices rationally, in the interests of themselves, their communities, the general society - and do exactly what you were describing: produce solar panels.

If I want to go home today, the market does offer me a choice between a Ford and a Toyota, but not between a car and a subway.
Take mass transportation. Going back to markets - if you take an economics course, they tell you markets offer choices. That's partly true, but very narrowly. Markets restrict choices, sharply restrict choices. Mass transportation is an example. Mass transportation is not a choice offered on the market. If I want to go home today, the market does offer me a choice between a Ford and a Toyota, but not between a car and a subway. That's just not one of the choices available in market systems, and this is not a small point. Choices that involve common effort and solidarity and mutual support and concern for others - those are out of the market system. The market system is based on maximization of individual consumption, and that is highly destructive in itself. It's destructive even for the human beings involved - it turns them into sociopathic individuals. But it also means that the kinds of things that are needed for survival are out of the market system - like mass-transportation. That's the form of economic growth that could help preserve the hopes for survival. I don't think that it was at all unrealistic for that to have been done; there was nothing utopian about that.

Now as compared with things like say general strikes, I think that's much a better step to take. It's not saying, let's throw a wrench in the machine and harm everybody in the interest of some longer-term goal. It's saying, let's take a wrench and fix the machine, so it can function right now, with all you guys working, doing better jobs, running it yourselves. You're better off psychologically, socially, in every respect, and you're also producing a world that makes sense to live in. That's, I think, the better way to proceed, in general.

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