Three Presidents Who Opposed Covid Vaccines Have Conveniently Died, Replaced by Pro-Vaxxers


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Hmmm? Makes you wonder, eh. From guys opposed to these vaccines, taken out, now the new guys are in favor of the vaccines.

We took a lot of heat last week for publishing an article speculating that Haitian President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated to usher in vaccines into his country. By “heat,” I’m not talking about the standard trolls or Twitter DMs. The site was hit by a massive wave of hack attempts that failed miserably. Praise God and thank you to my security firm!

The attacks are likely to ramp up after this article is released as it details the events surrounding two other world leaders who happen to have died to allow for Covid vaccines to be brought into their countries. Nobody other than Free West Media is covering it thus far; I searched even the fringiest sites I could find for a hint of speculation and it was notably missing. Maybe they don’t know. Yet. Maybe they’re fearful of the same types of attacks we suffered. Either way, we’re ready to spread the word.

Here’s the article by Free West Media followed by my commentary:

Coincidence? Three presidents dead after blocking distribution of Covid vaccines​

The leaders of three different countries died after having stopped the distribution of the experimental Covid-19 jabs. All three countries took the decision to distribute the vaccines to their citizens only after their leaders passed away.​


What hogwash! I have no idea why the Haitian president was assassinated, but I assume it is just one more in a long list of Haitian coups and sudden changes in leadership of that country.
As for John Pombe Joseph Magufuli, if he died due to anything other than natural cause, it could just as easily been his views on birth control. He is the great leader of that poverty-stricken country that said "Those going for family planning are lazy ... they are afraid they will not be able to feed their children. They do not want to work hard to feed a large family and that is why they opt for birth controls and end up with one or two children only." I actually suspect it was his long-standing heart condition. (quote from Wikipedia)
As for Pierre Nkurunziza, he died in June of 2020, having already announced he would not be running for another term as president. The Burundian says it was a heart attack, but many think it was Covid-19 that got him. A week earlier, his wife flew without him to Nairobi, Kenya for Covid-19 treatment. (Wikipedia)

Look if you don't want a vaccination, don't get one, but you can post better crap than this. I've seen you do it. This ain't one of your better postings, excalibur. If you keep dropping down like this and before long they will be calling you lowcaliber.

I'm sure what happened to them were simply tragic accidents...


Hmmm? Makes you wonder, eh. From guys opposed to these vaccines, taken out, now the new guys are in favor of the vaccines.

We took a lot of heat last week for publishing an article speculating that Haitian President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated to usher in vaccines into his country. By “heat,” I’m not talking about the standard trolls or Twitter DMs. The site was hit by a massive wave of hack attempts that failed miserably. Praise God and thank you to my security firm!​
The attacks are likely to ramp up after this article is released as it details the events surrounding two other world leaders who happen to have died to allow for Covid vaccines to be brought into their countries. Nobody other than Free West Media is covering it thus far; I searched even the fringiest sites I could find for a hint of speculation and it was notably missing. Maybe they don’t know. Yet. Maybe they’re fearful of the same types of attacks we suffered. Either way, we’re ready to spread the word.​
Here’s the article by Free West Media followed by my commentary:​

Coincidence? Three presidents dead after blocking distribution of Covid vaccines​

The leaders of three different countries died after having stopped the distribution of the experimental Covid-19 jabs. All three countries took the decision to distribute the vaccines to their citizens only after their leaders passed away.​


How convenient for the nwo
Hmmm? Makes you wonder, eh. From guys opposed to these vaccines, taken out, now the new guys are in favor of the vaccines.

We took a lot of heat last week for publishing an article speculating that Haitian President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated to usher in vaccines into his country. By “heat,” I’m not talking about the standard trolls or Twitter DMs. The site was hit by a massive wave of hack attempts that failed miserably. Praise God and thank you to my security firm!​
The attacks are likely to ramp up after this article is released as it details the events surrounding two other world leaders who happen to have died to allow for Covid vaccines to be brought into their countries. Nobody other than Free West Media is covering it thus far; I searched even the fringiest sites I could find for a hint of speculation and it was notably missing. Maybe they don’t know. Yet. Maybe they’re fearful of the same types of attacks we suffered. Either way, we’re ready to spread the word.​
Here’s the article by Free West Media followed by my commentary:​

Coincidence? Three presidents dead after blocking distribution of Covid vaccines​

The leaders of three different countries died after having stopped the distribution of the experimental Covid-19 jabs. All three countries took the decision to distribute the vaccines to their citizens only after their leaders passed away.​


It is a lil strange ...indeed
Hmmm? Makes you wonder, eh. From guys opposed to these vaccines, taken out, now the new guys are in favor of the vaccines.

We took a lot of heat last week for publishing an article speculating that Haitian President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated to usher in vaccines into his country. By “heat,” I’m not talking about the standard trolls or Twitter DMs. The site was hit by a massive wave of hack attempts that failed miserably. Praise God and thank you to my security firm!​
The attacks are likely to ramp up after this article is released as it details the events surrounding two other world leaders who happen to have died to allow for Covid vaccines to be brought into their countries. Nobody other than Free West Media is covering it thus far; I searched even the fringiest sites I could find for a hint of speculation and it was notably missing. Maybe they don’t know. Yet. Maybe they’re fearful of the same types of attacks we suffered. Either way, we’re ready to spread the word.​
Here’s the article by Free West Media followed by my commentary:​

Coincidence? Three presidents dead after blocking distribution of Covid vaccines​

The leaders of three different countries died after having stopped the distribution of the experimental Covid-19 jabs. All three countries took the decision to distribute the vaccines to their citizens only after their leaders passed away.​


It's all interesting and worthwhile conjecture, but then, if YOUR president died of Covid, wouldn't you TEND to replace him with a pro-vax person?

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