Three quick examples of Trump's hypocrisy

Let me first say that I truly "like" Trump.....He will be able to maim/severely injure the GOP much more effectively than ANY democrat could ever do...That said, reconcile these 3 Trump stances:

1. "I want Obama' birth certificate, his college transcripts, Hillary's speeches to WS.......BUT, I will not release my tax returns"............

2. "I'm all for the policy of having guns in schools.................BUT, I will not allow guns at my rallies or at my resorts."

3. "I happen to be the greatest businessman that ever walked the planet and attended the best business school in this me on this.......BUT, yes, I have had to declare bankruptcy 4 times to avoid my creditors."

How is birth certificate the same as a tax return? I very much doubt that he is for allowing kids to bring guns to schools.

And yes, he is an amazing businessman. Bankruptcies are a characteristic of many smart businessmen (note the difference between business bankruptcy and personal bankruptcy)... the other one would be being a billionaire.

In other words, you are a pathetic tool.
and just because 'mussolini' makes a statement using a common thought about making Italy great that means that no one can say America First or make America great again . Free country with free speech , Trump can say whatever he likes Nat !!

Absolutely Trump can say whatever he wants.....Just as morons are free to swallow whatever he spews...

It is a FREE country. LOL
How is birth certificate the same as a tax return? I very much doubt that he is for allowing kids to bring guns to schools.

And yes, he is an amazing businessman. Bankruptcies are a characteristic of many smart businessmen (note the difference between business bankruptcy and personal bankruptcy)... the other one would be being a billionaire.

In other words, you are a pathetic tool.

Another moron chimes in while swallowing all the crap that Trump spews.....No problem...Trump will indeed get 40% of the vote next Nov.......He'll lose, of course, but he has tapped into the support of hate-filled right wing voters who are still dreaming of tea bags.
How is birth certificate the same as a tax return? I very much doubt that he is for allowing kids to bring guns to schools.

And yes, he is an amazing businessman. Bankruptcies are a characteristic of many smart businessmen (note the difference between business bankruptcy and personal bankruptcy)... the other one would be being a billionaire.

In other words, you are a pathetic tool.

Another moron chimes in while swallowing all the crap that Trump spews.....No problem...Trump will indeed get 40% of the vote next Nov.......He'll lose, of course, but he has tapped into the support of hate-filled right wing voters who are still dreaming of tea bags.

Let me guess. A other person who thinks a billionaire is an unsuccessful businessman?

Life is too short to deal with idiots. What can you even say to that... did this person even pass first grade? Perhaps he just can't count?
Hmmm wonder how much HYPOCRISY I can find about that C-UNT Hillary???

Hmmm wonder how much HYPOCRISY I can find about that C-UNT Hillary???


Just for fun, why doesn't this other moron look up the definition of "CEO" and "Politician"......

Does this moron breed little morons?
Hmmm wonder how much HYPOCRISY I can find about that C-UNT Hillary???


Just for fun, why doesn't this other moron look up the definition of "CEO" and "Politician"......

Does this moron breed little morons?

Yeah, because clearly the context of the quote was that it's problematic that specifically CEOs make that much. (Although I am sure that as per your regressive ideology, that is precisely the problem here).

And next you are going to be complaining that a businessman is not successful unless he makes at least 800x more than the average guy.

The IQ of these people... truly exceptional!
And next you are going to be complaining that a businessman is not successful unless he makes at least 800x more than the average guy.

is English your native language? Or you just didn't like school after 6th grade?
You're babbling on and on without making much sense....BUT, thank you for bumping up the thread....Much appreciated.
And next you are going to be complaining that a businessman is not successful unless he makes at least 800x more than the average guy.

is English your native language? Or you just didn't like school after 6th grade?
You're babbling on and on without making much sense....BUT, thank you for bumping up the thread....Much appreciated.

No it's not.

Liberal tolerance at display! And these people want more foreigners when they can't even communicate without telling non-native speakers to take a hike.

Let me first say that I truly "like" Trump.....He will be able to maim/severely injure the GOP much more effectively than ANY democrat could ever do...That said, reconcile these 3 Trump stances:

1. "I want Obama' birth certificate, his college transcripts, Hillary's speeches to WS.......BUT, I will not release my tax returns"............

2. "I'm all for the policy of having guns in schools.................BUT, I will not allow guns at my rallies or at my resorts."

3. "I happen to be the greatest businessman that ever walked the planet and attended the best business school in this me on this.......BUT, yes, I have had to declare bankruptcy 4 times to avoid my creditors."

2 half decent points.

Both pale in comparison to how hypocritical and poisonous and harmful the Race Card use by the Left has been, of course.
Let me first say that I truly "like" Trump.....He will be able to maim/severely injure the GOP much more effectively than ANY democrat could ever do...That said, reconcile these 3 Trump stances:

1. "I want Obama' birth certificate, his college transcripts, Hillary's speeches to WS.......BUT, I will not release my tax returns"............

2. "I'm all for the policy of having guns in schools.................BUT, I will not allow guns at my rallies or at my resorts."

3. "I happen to be the greatest businessman that ever walked the planet and attended the best business school in this me on this.......BUT, yes, I have had to declare bankruptcy 4 times to avoid my creditors."

Why do you left wingers even bother with shit like this? You aren't going to vote for Trump and conservatives aren't going to vote for Hillary. It's a waste of space.
Both pale in comparison to how hypocritical and poisonous and harmful the Race Card use by the Left has been, of course.

Come honest to yourself....When your ilk states that Obama is the "worst president ever"'re tacitly really stating "Obama is the blackest president ever."

Look, the tea bagging didn't work for you guys, now you're gambling on a con man to appease your hatred and bigotry.
Let me first say that I truly "like" Trump.....He will be able to maim/severely injure the GOP much more effectively than ANY democrat could ever do...That said, reconcile these 3 Trump stances:

1. "I want Obama' birth certificate, his college transcripts, Hillary's speeches to WS.......BUT, I will not release my tax returns"............

2. "I'm all for the policy of having guns in schools.................BUT, I will not allow guns at my rallies or at my resorts."

3. "I happen to be the greatest businessman that ever walked the planet and attended the best business school in this me on this.......BUT, yes, I have had to declare bankruptcy 4 times to avoid my creditors."

You don't know the difference between a qualification to be President and a witch hunt, you don't know the difference between public and private property and you don't know how to use quote marks.

Is your point you didn't graduate middle school?
Why do you left wingers even bother with shit like this? You aren't going to vote for Trump and conservatives aren't going to vote for Hillary. It's a waste of space.

Well, because if you were paying attention during the last 5 or 6 decades, presidential elections are NOT won by the 2 major parties...they are won through a relatively small number of independent voters who, in this election, need to better know who Trump is........and even more importantly what he is NOT.
You don't know the difference between a qualification to be President and a witch hunt, you don't know the difference between public and private property and you don't know how to use quote marks.

Is your point you didn't graduate middle school?

Thank you for NOT addressing the original questions posed....Didn't think you could and you do not disappoint with your eternal stupidity.
You don't know the difference between a qualification to be President and a witch hunt, you don't know the difference between public and private property and you don't know how to use quote marks.

Is your point you didn't graduate middle school?

Thank you for NOT addressing the original questions posed....Didn't think you could and you do not disappoint with your eternal stupidity.

I directly addressed each point
I directly addressed each point

Well, Kaz, I'm not here to either educate morons like you, nor to dispel delusions of right wingers...
If you don't like my threads.....move on
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Both pale in comparison to how hypocritical and poisonous and harmful the Race Card use by the Left has been, of course.

Come honest to yourself....When your ilk states that Obama is the "worst president ever"'re tacitly really stating "Obama is the blackest president ever."

Look, the tea bagging didn't work for you guys, now you're gambling on a con man to appease your hatred and bigotry.

And that is what I'm talking about.

My ideological issues with democratic presidents didn't start with Obama.

But when you accuse me of it being Race, I hate you and everyone who stands with you and everything you stand for.

And I don't mean hate, like I hate mushrooms on pizza, I mean hate, like you are my enemy and I strongly wish you ill.

Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.

That's the kind of hate I am talking about.

And for you. To show you more what I mean.


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