Three shot and killed in Chicago last night

I guess these white wingers ignore the families of suiciders. They don't see these people as "innocent victims". And nearly all are white.

You know, if right wingers really cared about blacks there is a lot they could do beyond supporting child killers and calling black people names.
I'm sure you think...sorry, wrong word...FEEL you have a point, but if you spend just a little time with a dictionary, you'll find that "suicide" and "murder" are different things.

Still, two thirds of all gun deaths are by white people. That last third are some blacks, but also includes the white guy behind Sandy Hook who killed 26, the white guy at Gabby Gifferd's who killed 6 and injured 13, the Batman white guy who killed a bunch and injured 70. The two white guys at Colombine. Don't know how many they killed..


Republicans DEFEND those guys gun rights.

Republicans only go after blacks because they are racist. We all know it.

Good lord
I guess these white wingers ignore the families of suiciders. They don't see these people as "innocent victims". And nearly all are white.

You know, if right wingers really cared about blacks there is a lot they could do beyond supporting child killers and calling black people names.
I'm sure you think...sorry, wrong word...FEEL you have a point, but if you spend just a little time with a dictionary, you'll find that "suicide" and "murder" are different things.

Still, two thirds of all gun deaths are by white people. That last third are some blacks, but also includes the white guy behind Sandy Hook who killed 26, the white guy at Gabby Gifferd's who killed 6 and injured 13, the Batman white guy who killed a bunch and injured 70. The two white guys at Colombine. Don't know how many they killed..


Republicans DEFEND those guys gun rights.

Republicans only go after blacks because they are racist. We all know it.

Are you black? Do you own a gun? I say own LOL, but what I really mean is do you illegally posses a gun in that crime syndicate run, liberal shit hole that you call home?

If your answer is no then you'd better get one from a brutha. Then again, if you're not black then you probably don't frequent those areas so the CPD has got your back, not.

If your type saw my arsenal you'd run and hide, but my armory is not pointed at black people but just people in general who'd try to violate my civil rights, G Z style if you prefer.
I guess these white wingers ignore the families of suiciders. They don't see these people as "innocent victims". And nearly all are white.

You know, if right wingers really cared about blacks there is a lot they could do beyond supporting child killers and calling black people names.
I'm sure you think...sorry, wrong word...FEEL you have a point, but if you spend just a little time with a dictionary, you'll find that "suicide" and "murder" are different things.

Still, two thirds of all gun deaths are by white people. That last third are some blacks, but also includes the white guy behind Sandy Hook who killed 26, the white guy at Gabby Gifferd's who killed 6 and injured 13, the Batman white guy who killed a bunch and injured 70. The two white guys at Colombine. Don't know how many they killed..


Republicans DEFEND those guys gun rights.
Pssst! Republicans defend black people's right to legally own guns, too.

Now tell me how that's racist.
Republicans only go after blacks because they are racist. We all know it.
Pointing to your bigotry against Republicans doesn't prove they're bigots.

It proves YOU are.
Chicago shootings violence July 23-July 24 -

3, for liberals who are allergiec to math, is 3x as much as 1. Thus that means instead of one Trayvon, this would be THREE trayvons.

So where are your protests?

In 2002, 900 persons died, 2800 were hospitalized and 5400 visited hospital emergency departments because of intentionally self-inflicted injuries.
These injuries resulted in approximately $40 million in hospitalization and emergency room charges.
Suicide is the eleventh leading cause of death for all Georgians and the third most common cause of death among youth 15-24 years old and young adults 25-34 years old.
Firearms were the most common method of suicide for both men and women, and young and old.

That's just Georgia. Nearly every one of those were white guys. In fact, two thirds of ALL gun related deaths are suicide with most, by far, being white guys in Red Wingnut States. A white person is much more likely to die by their OWN hand then by a black person. I think that's hilarious. Don't you find that to be hilarious?

I guess these white wingers ignore the families of suiciders. They don't see these people as "innocent victims". And nearly all are white.

You know, if right wingers really cared about blacks there is a lot they could do beyond supporting child killers and calling black people names.

I've had just about enough of you in particular, dean.

If you cared about any black people at all, you would stop trying to brush off the killing going on in Chicago (most if not all of the victims are black). You wouldn't use the death of a black kid to attack other people politically. You are the racist, the hypocrite, the degenerate entity. Pinning all of society's ills on the white man, hating the white man, degrading and defaming him. It reminds me of how your party treated blacks 50 years ago. How dare you champion racial equality when you attempt to shame a man for being white? You sicken every fiber of my being. You sicken me to my very core!

You cannot possibly care about black people, and I know your feelings for white people. You never take the time to think outside of the box, see the bigger picture. You must be fed all the lies and you feel compelled to regurgitate them. You crave dishonesty, you desire misinformation, you perpetuate ignorance with your own ignorance.

Don't you dare fight for the black man, you have nothing but utter contempt for him. Don't you dare. And if you are white, well there can be no worse of a hypocrite than you. Hating on white people while being white. You perpetuate the guilt your party still has for the sins it committed in the past. Truth is, it doesn't matter what color they are, if they don't agree with you, they are racist.

You are a deplorable human being. You should be very ashamed of who and what you've turned into.
Dean and his vile ilk need some black idiots to to help Gerrymander and win over low IQ voters by handing out scraps. It's all part of the plan.
Cry and whine all you want white wingers, but the truth is two thirds of ALL gun deaths in the US are suicide with most being white guys in Red States. And you defend the rights of mass murderers to own guns. 26 killed by one white guy in Sandy Hook alone. And you guys attack blacks and you attack me for pointing that out.

Poor blacks are packed together in ghettos. Poor whites are more spread out. But there are more of them. If they were packed together like blacks are, I suspect the murder rate would go up very fast indeed.

And for you guys to support Zimmerman and claim you care about African Americans is just disgusting.
Cry and whine all you want white wingers, but the truth is two thirds of ALL gun deaths in the US are suicide with most being white guys in Red States. And you defend the rights of mass murderers to own guns. 26 killed by one white guy in Sandy Hook alone. And you guys attack blacks and you attack me for pointing that out.

Poor blacks are packed together in ghettos. Poor whites are more spread out. But there are more of them. If they were packed together like blacks are, I suspect the murder rate would go up very fast indeed.

And for you guys to support Zimmerman and claim you care about African Americans is just disgusting.

Uh huh.
Cry and whine all you want white wingers, but the truth is two thirds of ALL gun deaths in the US are suicide with most being white guys in Red States. And you defend the rights of mass murderers to own guns. 26 killed by one white guy in Sandy Hook alone. And you guys attack blacks and you attack me for pointing that out.

Poor blacks are packed together in ghettos. Poor whites are more spread out. But there are more of them. If they were packed together like blacks are, I suspect the murder rate would go up very fast indeed.

And for you guys to support Zimmerman and claim you care about African Americans is just disgusting.

Of course we support Zimmerman. We believe in everyone's natural right to self defense. Whether White, Hispanic, Black, Asian or any other classification you can think up.

There are plenty of people of all races that are packed together. The murder rate isn't higher. Blaming out pop. density is a cop out. You don't want to address the real reasons because it hurts your political viewpoints.

And that's all thats important to you rdean. You don't care about anything or anything but your politics. Doesnt matter how many people hurt or are killed. It doesn't matter how many people you have to use. Just as long as it furthers your politics. It scares you too much to actually give a damn about people.
Cry and whine all you want white wingers, but the truth is two thirds of ALL gun deaths in the US are suicide with most being white guys in Red States. And you defend the rights of mass murderers to own guns. 26 killed by one white guy in Sandy Hook alone. And you guys attack blacks and you attack me for pointing that out.

Poor blacks are packed together in ghettos. Poor whites are more spread out. But there are more of them. If they were packed together like blacks are, I suspect the murder rate would go up very fast indeed.

And for you guys to support Zimmerman and claim you care about African Americans is just disgusting.
Coming from a person who believes that blacks can't succeed without the help of white liberals, your claims are dishonest at best.

That's probably a bullshit number.

The entire murder total for the WHOLE country was only 15,953, ALL people by ALL methods.

Guns in the United States: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law

but don't let that stop your racist rants.

By the way, before you guys go on and on about who is killing who, let's concede. 94% of African American murder victims ARE killed by other blacks. And 86% of caucasian murder victims are killed by other whites. Most people are murdered by people they know, often someone they share a bed with. A problem in a country where they let any asshole who wants to have a gun get one. Most of those people are arrested, because few of them are all that clever in covering up their crimes.

The outrage in the Zimmerman case was that Zimmerman killed an unarmed kid, lied about it, and was given a pass by the police for two months.
Cry and whine all you want white wingers, but the truth is two thirds of ALL gun deaths in the US are suicide with most being white guys in Red States. And you defend the rights of mass murderers to own guns. 26 killed by one white guy in Sandy Hook alone. And you guys attack blacks and you attack me for pointing that out.

Poor blacks are packed together in ghettos. Poor whites are more spread out. But there are more of them. If they were packed together like blacks are, I suspect the murder rate would go up very fast indeed.

And for you guys to support Zimmerman and claim you care about African Americans is just disgusting.

Of course we support Zimmerman. We believe in everyone's natural right to self defense. Whether White, Hispanic, Black, Asian or any other classification you can think up.

There are plenty of people of all races that are packed together. The murder rate isn't higher. Blaming out pop. density is a cop out. You don't want to address the real reasons because it hurts your political viewpoints.

And that's all thats important to you rdean. You don't care about anything or anything but your politics. Doesnt matter how many people hurt or are killed. It doesn't matter how many people you have to use. Just as long as it furthers your politics. It scares you too much to actually give a damn about people.

This is from a conservative: French: citizens do not have a blanket right to “investigate a strange person in [their] neighborhood.” No such broad right exists in the Constitution, relevant statutes, or common law. Zimmerman’s alleged right to investigate is certainly limited by Martin’s right to walk in public spaces free from threats or threatening behavior.

So what "right" did Martin have? Apparently, not even the right to "Stand your Ground".
Cry and whine all you want white wingers, but the truth is two thirds of ALL gun deaths in the US are suicide with most being white guys in Red States. And you defend the rights of mass murderers to own guns. 26 killed by one white guy in Sandy Hook alone. And you guys attack blacks and you attack me for pointing that out.

Poor blacks are packed together in ghettos. Poor whites are more spread out. But there are more of them. If they were packed together like blacks are, I suspect the murder rate would go up very fast indeed.

And for you guys to support Zimmerman and claim you care about African Americans is just disgusting.

Of course we support Zimmerman. We believe in everyone's natural right to self defense. Whether White, Hispanic, Black, Asian or any other classification you can think up.

There are plenty of people of all races that are packed together. The murder rate isn't higher. Blaming out pop. density is a cop out. You don't want to address the real reasons because it hurts your political viewpoints.

And that's all thats important to you rdean. You don't care about anything or anything but your politics. Doesnt matter how many people hurt or are killed. It doesn't matter how many people you have to use. Just as long as it furthers your politics. It scares you too much to actually give a damn about people.

This is from a conservative: French: citizens do not have a blanket right to “investigate a strange person in [their] neighborhood.” No such broad right exists in the Constitution, relevant statutes, or common law. Zimmerman’s alleged right to investigate is certainly limited by Martin’s right to walk in public spaces free from threats or threatening behavior.

So what "right" did Martin have? Apparently, not even the right to "Stand your Ground".

You have a right to your own opinions, not your own facts.

For the upteenth trillionth time, Stand Your Ground was not the basis for this case! Self Defense was. So as I have asked dozens of other times to people like you: What right did Martin have to beat Zimmerman into the ground? And another thing, we aren't in France, we are here in America, where Zimmerman had the right to be where he was, and to do what he did. He did not infringe on Martin's right to go home. He could have gone home. HE HAD FOUR FREAKING MINUTES to go home. So stop acting like Martin was innocent in all of this. Zimmerman followed, Martin engaged.
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Cry and whine all you want white wingers, but the truth is two thirds of ALL gun deaths in the US are suicide with most being white guys in Red States. And you defend the rights of mass murderers to own guns. 26 killed by one white guy in Sandy Hook alone. And you guys attack blacks and you attack me for pointing that out.

Poor blacks are packed together in ghettos. Poor whites are more spread out. But there are more of them. If they were packed together like blacks are, I suspect the murder rate would go up very fast indeed.

And for you guys to support Zimmerman and claim you care about African Americans is just disgusting.

Of course we support Zimmerman. We believe in everyone's natural right to self defense. Whether White, Hispanic, Black, Asian or any other classification you can think up.

There are plenty of people of all races that are packed together. The murder rate isn't higher. Blaming out pop. density is a cop out. You don't want to address the real reasons because it hurts your political viewpoints.

And that's all thats important to you rdean. You don't care about anything or anything but your politics. Doesnt matter how many people hurt or are killed. It doesn't matter how many people you have to use. Just as long as it furthers your politics. It scares you too much to actually give a damn about people.

This is from a conservative: French: citizens do not have a blanket right to “investigate a strange person in [their] neighborhood.” No such broad right exists in the Constitution, relevant statutes, or common law. Zimmerman’s alleged right to investigate is certainly limited by Martin’s right to walk in public spaces free from threats or threatening behavior.

So what "right" did Martin have? Apparently, not even the right to "Stand your Ground".

sorry but the constitution does not prohibit defending yourself

and Martin should have stood his ground instead of attacking someone with a gun

lesson: if you beat on someone, you might get killed for your efforts

All suicides
Number of deaths: 38,364

Firearm suicides
Number of deaths: 19,392

FASTSTATS - Suicide and Self-Inflicted Injury

Red states: High in gun murder* - The Charleston Gazette - West Virginia News

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Conservative "red states" that vote Republican have more guns and considerably more gun murders, suicides and accidental shootings, sociology researchers say.

In other words, less-educated, lower-income, Republican-minded, less-urban states have more gun killings -- and West Virginia sadly ranks among them.

The reason these nasty white wingers keep going after blacks is because they are concentrated in a 16 square block area of Chicago filled with gangs and lined by poverty. Right wing gun deaths are spread out so they like to pretend they aren't really happening.


Amateur de-bunker of partisan hacks

Guess that's why you're an "amateur". You're not very good at it.
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So in reality, you couldn't have cared less if Trayvon died. You were going to use this to push your gun control agenda. Now you're floundering.

You sick bastard.
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Cry and whine all you want white wingers, but the truth is two thirds of ALL gun deaths in the US are suicide with most being white guys in Red States. And you defend the rights of mass murderers to own guns. 26 killed by one white guy in Sandy Hook alone. And you guys attack blacks and you attack me for pointing that out.

Poor blacks are packed together in ghettos. Poor whites are more spread out. But there are more of them. If they were packed together like blacks are, I suspect the murder rate would go up very fast indeed.

And for you guys to support Zimmerman and claim you care about African Americans is just disgusting.

Comparing suicide to murder..LOL
"...That's probably a bullshit number..."

Then it's a bullshit number.

Whatever the TRUE number is, it's still high; consequently, the message still stands.

Consider it a place-holder until something better comes along.

"...but don't let that stop your racist rants..."

I see nothing 'racist' about calling-out the country's premier Race-Baiting Race-Card-Players, the Right Reverends Jesse Jackson Sr and Al Sharpton.

Given that you do, I will take your accusations of both (a) racism and (b) ranting with several grains of salt.

It is unpleasant, to endure charges of racism, when one is merely discussing a race-related state-of-affairs, to the disadvantage of the minority-in-question, but it is oftentimes worthwhile, as, indeed, it is, in this instance...

"...Most people are murdered by people they know..."

Shall we also concede that a disproportionate number and percentage of homocides are committed by Black Americans and that Black America has a much higher incident-rate per capita within their population segment?

"...The outrage in the Zimmerman case was that Zimmerman killed an unarmed kid, lied about it, and was given a pass by the police for two months."

No, the outrage was in our premier Race Baiters whipping the situation into a frenzy in order to make themselves relevant again.

Their actions during the early going, and as this drama unfolded and drew to a close, are the things that triggered the racial divide on this particular incident.
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