Three steps to restoring the american economy.

The steps needed to restoring the American economy

1. Raise the minimum wage to $10/hr

2. Any able bodied people on the government dole must work for the community for the welfare they receive or minimum wage if they can't find work.

3. Get rid of all payroll taxs & remove all loopholes. Everyone must pay 19% tax on all income regardless of source.

4. Tariff any country who tariffs imports from US or subsidizes their exports to US.

5. Pass law that says financial professionals act in a fiduciary responsible manor for their clients & not just to benefit themselves or to screw people out of their money.

1. Because having raised it thus far has brought tremendous prosperity, right?
2. If they can't find work what are they going to do?
3. A good idea. I dont know 19% but there is some appropriate number out there.
4. Because trade wars have always strengthened an economy,right?
5. This is already the law.

Wages have grown at a disproportionate rate vs. expenses.

Ummmm....wages have gone down for 30 yrs now not including the rise in prices.

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