Three times as many deaths from Covid injections


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2017
As all other reported injection fatalities over last 30 years.
The sourcing is already public but this is a Very Damning Fact Thread so by design there will be personal derisions so that this thread can be shunted to lesser land
As all other reported injection fatalities over last 30 years.
The sourcing is already public but this is a Very Damning Fact Thread so by design there will be personal derisions so that this thread can be shunted to lesser land
Whilst 100% with you , be careful how you phrase this because I feel sure that you are quoting VAERS data which can only be used to show a massive positive correlation between injections and the Vaxx and leading to death .
By virtue of Bradford Hill criteria I am convinced ( 100% know ) that the case is proved conclusively but for those wedded to the official narrative ( see previous poster who is adamant but has no idea what evidence exists ) the wrench of throwing away an ingrained world view for an entirely new scenario can very difficult .
And for some impossible .
As all other reported injection fatalities over last 30 years.
The sourcing is already public but this is a Very Damning Fact Thread so by design there will be personal derisions so that this thread can be shunted to lesser land
Keep spreading this information. It will mean less current and future social conservatives in this country. You're doing god's work, my friend :thup:
Says the mindless propaganda monkey.

I know what propaganda you used for your fake statistic, and I know how it was faked.

Do you? Of course you don't. You only know what you get fed. Good cultist. Never contradict the cult. Just repeat and obey.

You would have to translate that into meaningful English so that I might have just a glimmer of understanding what is bothering you so badly.

And to save you wasting your time, the statistic you refer to is a readily identified official one.
VAERS is part of your national vaccine safety programme and co managed by the CDC and FDA .I am interested what response you get when you tell them that you know their raw data is faked .
Says the mindless propaganda monkey.

I know what propaganda you used for your fake statistic, and I know how it was faked.

Do you? Of course you don't. You only know what you get fed. Good cultist. Never contradict the cult. Just repeat and obey.

Says the retard that mindlessly believes and obeys the most blatant lies that its government has told it; to the point of allowing itself to be injected with dangerous experimental drugs.
Says the retard that mindlessly believes and obeys the most blatant lies that its government has told it; to the point of allowing itself to be injected with dangerous experimental drugs.

It’s Time to Wear a Mask Again, Health Experts Say

"health experts say"

But here is what I find funny...
Why even bother with headlines like this, when nobody is reading it?
And those who read NYT probably never stop wearing their masks anyways.

In other news, crime rates expected to go up again.
Keep spreading this information. It will mean less current and future social conservatives in this country. You're doing god's work, my friend :thup:
You feel you are wishing death thus joining the ranks of Fauci ghouls who wanted mandates and incarcerations for failing to participate in an experiment that turns out 80% ineffective from preventing anything.
Just be a good Obey Monkey and move along
Is is Absolutely Unmeaninful how many “science” people shill for Covid and ineffective shots.
America is not founded on nor are its citizens in designed legal contractual duties to follow the dictates of immunologists. They rank about 20th as to who legitimately help frame our lives despite their sudden liberal aided boost to the Most Important Authority in America.
Believe it not lib loons, we are an informed and free people who don’t need medical mandates ruling and ruining out Entire lives.
The ones that need to die from the shot certainly are the ones that pushed the vaccines to begin with and got us in this mess.

But I'm sure none of them actually took the vaccine to begin. Even when Biden rolled up his sleeve I have no doubt what was in that needle was just saline.

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