Three tough questions for judge Gorshun's hearings

I think so-called president Trump has no respect for the Constitution, even though he has sworn to protect it.

There is supposed to be a balance of power with the judiciary.
I think so-called president Trump has no respect for the Constitution, even though he has sworn to protect it.

There is supposed to be a balance of power with the judiciary.

And so what is the problem? Be specific.
Like it or not, poor Gorshun is going to have to walk through some quicksand before being confirmed......
The quicksand created in the swamp that is Trump's (and congressional republicans') big mouths....

Question one:

Judge Gorshun, what do you think of Trump's assertion that judge Curiel's ruling that Trump Universitu was a sham, should be INVALID because Curiel's ancestry is Mexican?

Question two:

Judge Gorshun, what do you think of the senate republicans' assertion that judge Garland should NOT be offered a hearing (such as you are now been given) to advice and consent as the Constitution states?

Question three:

Judge Gorshun, one of your flaunted assets is that you're a strict constituionalist ....
So, what do you think of Trump's rejection of district judge Robart in Washington ruling that blocked the Muslim ban as UN-Constitutional....and Trump's statement that Robart is a "so-called judge" and his rulings should be overturned?

Poor Gorshun is going to have to.......:dance:

With a slight exception of the third question, which is valid until you ask about Trump's statement, those questions are nothing more than partisan and childish and exactly what I've come to expect of people like you these days

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