Three Wounded, Gunman Dead After Florida State University

Looks like another gun clutching education hating rightwing savage goes berserk


FSU shooting leaves at least 3 injured before gunman shot dead by police Daily Mail Online

Definitely looks like "another gun clutching education hating rightwing savage." :rolleyes:
if he was a football player the police would have given him a $5 ticket and a ride home, then 'lost' the ticket to a 'glitch'
Ugh. Another political food fight another day. Who cares about the victims!? Partisan finger pointing is far more important.

If we care about the victims, we will take steps to get guns out of the hands of nutters. Instead, all we hear is how we should make more guns more readily available to known criminals, known terrorists, known illegals and the mentally ill.

Its a truly idiotic position.

how we should make more guns more readily available to known criminals, known terrorists, known illegals and the mentally ill.

Still making up shit thats not true,you people have zip for integraty
Forty four of the killers were white males.

A Guide to Mass Shootings in America Mother Jones

So why are school shooters always white guys?

William Hamby reports that sociologists Rachel Kalish and Michael Kimmel believe school shooters frequently have a sense of “aggrieved entitlement.” Hamby supports their hypothesis, writing, “White men are having a crisis of both aggrievement and entitlement.”

So why are school shooters always white guys

If this wasn't such a tragic event, this would be hilarious...
No doubt an event arranged to take some of the attention from tonight's televised rape of America through the sodomizing (once again) of The U.S. Constitution.

Sales of Vaseline peaked this morning as liberals cheerfully stocked up!
The shooter was a law student. It doesn't sound like some right wing good ole boy maniac to me.
Hmmm...since the anti gunners have brought race into the discussion...he is a probably a lefty....he is African probably a lefty.....

What a bunch of morons....
Hmmm...since the anti gunners have brought race into the discussion...he is a probably a lefty....he is African probably a lefty.....

What a bunch of morons....
But not surprising. Progtards games are so old and stale, you can pretty much tell exactly what they're going to say and do every time something like this happens. It's pathetic.
I have never seen a thread and an OP so thoroughly destroyed in all my time on message boards. I wonder if the racist idiot OP will show his shit stained face on this board any time soon.
Bwahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa !!!! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Goono put foot so deep in his mouth, Nike will be introducing a new shoe named after him !!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Stop it. These bodies are not even cold and you're attempting to turn this into a political food fight. Shameful.

Most dangerous place at USMB is getting between a Progressive and a school shooting. They high dive into the pool of blood to make their anti-gun points
You are pathetic and disgusting. And soulless.

You are a sick fuck who high-dives into the blood pool at school shooting because you want to disarm all Americans

Please take a good look at what you are and kindly Fuck off
You are really just a sack of shit. Lying hypocritical bastard. YOU are the type who make these deaths a political issue. YOU. Fucking bastards.


Stepping over dead bodies to push their murderous agenda. If they had their way, everyone in that library would have been packing heat and many more would be dead.

" Tallahassee Police officers shot and killed him. Police officers asked the gunman to drop the weapon and comply with commands, the gunman did neither and shot at officers.... Police estimate they were able to respond to the threat "in minutes" as the university's alert program went into effect immediately..."

It was police who stopped the shooter and it was the shooter who chose 'suicide by cop'.

As always - sad and senseless that someone's child was killed and others were wounded. THAT is what we should be addressing.


Look folks another grave dancer
I have never seen a thread and an OP so thoroughly destroyed in all my time on message boards. I wonder if the racist idiot OP will show his shit stained face on this board any time soon.

He's over in the "Obama is in danger" thread right now ranting about how the secret service is going to descend upon anybody who thinks Obama is a fucking idiot.

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