Three Year Old Smacked In The Head

Saying that won't make me "not like you" at all. People can disagree and still hold no personal grudges, though this seems impossible on USMB.

I think you hit on the problem--the bad teachers and schools are getting all the attention. So that makes people think all schools/teachers are bad, which is making our job next to impossible.

So people are quitting, retiring, and not going into teaching.

This is like Defund the Police but for schools. The crime wave as a result is coming, and everyone will hate it. Oh well. Our society sucks.
Everyone who wants a gun can have one and whose fault is that?
Nation`s Real Assholes aka NRA.
Police rarely can prevent shootings. I have a friend who recently returned after teaching in Japan for 7 years. Kids go to school without passing through gun detectors as they do in all civilized countries.
Everyone who wants a gun can have one and whose fault is that?
Nation`s Real Assholes aka NRA.
Police rarely can prevent shootings. I have a friend who recently returned after teaching in Japan for 7 years. Kids go to school without passing through gun detectors as they do in all civilized countries.
My kids never had to pass through 'gun detectors' and neither do my grand kids. Where do you live?
My kids never had to pass through 'gun detectors' and neither do my grand kids. Where do you live?

I'm going to probably get in a lot of trouble for this one, but a black neighborhood?
I don’t know? Was that so bad? I guess he could have ran a bit more and grabbed the kid? In my defense i fast forwarded thru LW faces to find the “event”. Maybe I missed it?
if any defense for the Adult, he has got to stop the kid before he gets outside? You know the old saying, don't make a fat man run.

Kinda scary how anymore, people just see a 5 second video and from that, knowing nothing else, want to instantly judge a person and deprive them of their livelihood. None of us were there nor do we know what actually transpired leading up to this.
  1. The child was black and black kids are known for being often difficult with behavior disorders and misbehaving and being rebellious toward authority.
  2. This kid was autistic and non-verbal, so may likely be a particularly difficult case. Maybe he is constantly fleeing the classroom and trying to run outside into traffic? What if just last week, the same kid ran outside and was almost struck by a car?
  3. We saw the mom. Where was the father? That may be the beginning of the kid's problems--- no discipline or attention at home.
  4. We saw the kid picked up and carried by the feet. Definitely not a good look but, I've seen many a parent carry their kid that way with love, with the kid laughing and loving it, so, while I don't like the look and implications of it here, and would want to question the teacher on it, I'm loathe to condemn the teacher based only on 5 seconds of poor quality video.
  5. We saw the teacher swing at the kid and the kid go down. This is what most concerns me. Was the kid just batted down, risking serious injury to the head? Or was the teacher making a last ditch effort to catch the kid by the shirt and just missed? Maybe the kid slipped and fell down on his own just as the teacher swung for him? Maybe the kid was about to run outside into danger and the teacher had a cardio or heart problem and did that in desperation? I don't know. You don't know. No one here knows. I'm not trying to make excuses, just pointing out how little info we really have. It may have been just as it looked, but maybe there is more to the story. A lot more. Thing is, we don't know. That is for the school to look into and decide.
Maybe this teacher was the biggest a-hole in the universe and should not ever be within 50 feet of children ever again. Or maybe this was the best teacher on the planet forced into a desperate situation after a long history of severe misbehavior by this kid, perpetual under-staffing and the school ignoring the situation dumping the problem on the teacher. What if the teacher is the latter, now forced to resign, out of work and leads to depression and eventual suicide over this? I don't know. You don't know. Yet, how scary everyone is summarily judging the teacher and condemning her, happy to see her made a pariah never to work again in the only field she likely knows, and all over a 5 second video. Everyone today is in a rush to judge, condemn, and take offense over everything, on a very poor fund of actual facts, fueled just by internet tweets, videos and fake news stories.

Bottom line is that there is always more than one side to every story and before I condemn the teacher, kid, school, mother or anyone, I'd want a heck of a lot more details and information which I'm afraid, not even the schools these days can be trusted to provide--- the school themselves may have been the cause of this, or the kid, or the teacher, but the sad truth is that none of us in our search for the latest thing to bitch about then forget about 5 minutes later will ever really know the real, full story, so instead, fall back on the tired cliche of: "I'm sorry, but there is just no excuse for this," to justify our shallow but harsh judgement, problem is, none of us really know what THIS was, we weren't there, all we have is a few seconds of video, maybe the school has a history of these events, but it would seem the teacher has solved the problem for everyone, right or wrong, by resigning. BTW, I've seen many parents do far worse to their kids than just smack them or carry them upside down.

Hopefully both the school, police, and CYS will look into this, find the facts, and do the right thing for all involved.
Was he charged with striking a child or did he just appear to do it in some you tube drama? Is it another bullshit based trolling post?
My point is that they would suffer a concussion either way.
And my point is
the car will hit the kid a lot harder
the stairs he falls down will do more than concuss
the stranger who grabs him when he gets out the front door will do more than concuss...

Why not set aside your desperate need to be angry and evaluate the situation sans anger.

I've seen mommy before. dozens of times.
"My little boy/girl/baby would never (a) set the school on fire (b) push that kid down the steps (c) try to rape that child..."

And the guy didn't resign out of guilt, he resigned out of "I don't need this sh*t for $13 an hour!"

So put aside your anger and think for a bit about what the man you want to burn actually prevented.

Then tweet him a thanks.
I'm going to probably get in a lot of trouble for this one, but a black neighborhood?
There's the reason for your anger.
Your racism.

No, that had absolutely nothing to do with the video posted in the OP. It had to do with another comment that somebody said and I thought that I lacked reading comprehension skills. 🙄
Apparently you have both reading and writing comprehension skills.
The message to which you replied asked about a neighborhood location and your response was to guess a "black neighborhood."

A racist response surely highlighting the real reason for your anger at the "perp" in the OP.

Haven't you heard?
It's KKKool to be racist in MAGADUMIA.
Apparently you have both reading and writing comprehension skills.
The message to which you replied asked about a neighborhood location and your response was to guess a "black neighborhood."

A racist response surely highlighting the real reason for your anger at the "perp" in the OP.

Haven't you heard?
It's KKKool to be racist in MAGADUMIA.

Wrong! And do you think that there would be a gun security check in a small town?
aven't you heard? It's KKKool to be racist in MAGADUMIA.

Interesting. You answer racism with more racism. But I don't think you even know what racism really is. If a black person walks into the room and does something, I guess you can't even mention or describe that person to the police because if you say they were black, that would make you a racist.

BTW, Luddite, the KKK was allied with the democrats of the south.

Funny how the stupidest people here always reveal their ignorance trying to attack and pull down those more intelligent than them.

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