Three Year Old Smacked In The Head

I don’t know? Was that so bad? I guess he could have ran a bit more and grabbed the kid? In my defense i fast forwarded thru LW faces to find the “event”. Maybe I missed it?

if any defense for the Adult, he has got to stop the kid before he gets outside? You know the old saying, don't make a fat man run.

There was absolutely no reason whatsoever for the child to get smacked in the head. The bottom I can see, but the head can develop brain issues if damaged.

We have one of the finest set of town schools in America. And, no, I won't tell you where it is, because I don't want derp MAGA coming in and ruining it,

You say that like we're supposed to care.

Don't worry, the schools are in a death spiral. No one will like what comes next. Oh well.

Well in your defense Pitbulls have the same exact problem too. They make such great pets but you wouldn't know that from how badly they're represented in the media.
There was absolutely no reason whatsoever for the child to get smacked in the head. The bottom I can see, but the head can develop brain issues if damaged.

You say that like we're supposed to care.

Well in your defense Pitbulls have the same exact problem too. They make such great pets but you wouldn't know that from how badly they're represented in the media.

So you're making the case against your own OP again?

The media hypes up how terrible teachers are?

So you're making the case against your own OP again?

The media hypes up how terrible teachers are?


I'm basically saying that although I don't really trust the public school system right now but I can understand why now. It's the media. Ninety percent of it anyways.
Public schools are giving me less and less of a reason to trust them. Sorry, SweetSue92, I realize that you won't like me for saying that but it's true. A lot of good schools and school teachers out there still exist.

I know that because I met a couple of really good teachers like you recently. However, unfortunately they're not getting enough time in the spotlight hence all of the bad reputation because that's just how the media is. Which has me just starting to realize that you were right all along, they're trying to brainwash us.

3 year old NON-VERBAL child running into danger.
1st responsibility to control the child w/o hurting...accomplished.
2nd duty, return the child safely to the classroom...accomplished.

He protected the kid
He did so w/o injuring himself or the kid.

What exactly is the problem?

Kid carried upside down? He's wearing shoes and fighting. "Hug" him and ket kicked, scratched, possibly injuring himself and the kid.
Hit to head? Never happened. He pushed the kid down.

Just more faux rage to feed the racists and the public school haters.
3 year old NON-VERBAL child running into danger.
1st responsibility to control the child w/o hurting...accomplished.
2nd duty, return the child safely to the classroom...accomplished.

He protected the kid
He did so w/o injuring himself or the kid.

What exactly is the problem?

Kid carried upside down? He's wearing shoes and fighting. "Hug" him and ket kicked, scratched, possibly injuring himself and the kid.
Hit to head? Never happened. He pushed the kid down.

Just more faux rage to feed the racists and the public school haters.

You're a loon
3 year old NON-VERBAL child running into danger.
1st responsibility to control the child w/o hurting...accomplished.
2nd duty, return the child safely to the classroom...accomplished.

He protected the kid
He did so w/o injuring himself or the kid.

What exactly is the problem?

Kid carried upside down? He's wearing shoes and fighting. "Hug" him and ket kicked, scratched, possibly injuring himself and the kid.
Hit to head? Never happened. He pushed the kid down.

Just more faux rage to feed the racists and the public school haters.

He smacked the kid in the head you idiot. You saw the camera footage.
The guy should be arrested, the child’s head looked like he smacked his head on the floor. This could have been a lot more serious and the school-worker should never be allowed to work around children again.

On another note, the school said they are immediately training their staff, why didn’t they train them before?

I hope mom sues.
3 year old NON-VERBAL child running into danger.
1st responsibility to control the child w/o hurting...accomplished.
2nd duty, return the child safely to the classroom...accomplished.

He protected the kid
He did so w/o injuring himself or the kid.

What exactly is the problem?

Kid carried upside down? He's wearing shoes and fighting. "Hug" him and ket kicked, scratched, possibly injuring himself and the kid.
Hit to head? Never happened. He pushed the kid down.

Just more faux rage to feed the racists and the public school haters.
Smacking a 3 year old in the head hard enough to knock him down is the only way for a grown man to stop him? Really?
No, he didn't.
He didn't swing his arm or throw a punch.
If you think you saw that, you are, in fact, delusional.

You didn't see his head hit the ground? The kid could have gotten a concussion or worse. People can die from brain injuries.
Smacking a 3 year old in the head hard enough to knock him down is the only way for a grown man to stop him? Really?
Start your response with a lie and you are just a liar.

No smack, a push.
What should he have done...
Tackled him

How about a clothesline?
200w (2).gif

How about a beatdown?

He pushed the kid down. Hyperbole is just lying.
You didn't see his head hit the ground? The kid could have gotten a concussion or worse. People can die from brain injuries.
He could have...

Run into the street and gotten hit by a car and died
Run down stairs and fallen and died
Run head first into a plate glass window been cut by the glass and died...

What exactly is your point?
The adult stopped the child from hurting himself.

The adult did not hurt the child.

SpecEd is a whole different world.
The kids head bounced off the floor, so he might have stopped the kid from hurting himself, we don’t know but the teacher was put on leave, so the school didnt believe the man’s actions we’re protecting the child. CPS and the District Attorne’s office is investigating to see if criminal charges will be filed.

Not as innocent as you are trying to make it.
The kids head bounced off the floor, so he might have stopped the kid from hurting himself, we don’t know but the teacher was put on leave, so the school didnt believe the man’s actions we’re protecting the child. CPS and the District Attorne’s office is investigating to see if criminal charges will be filed. Not as innocent as you are trying to make it.
I am making it not as serious as the "never touch a child" yahoos are making it,

Yes, leave to the school, district, and DA/CPS to examine home, Mom, child, school, teachers, etc.

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