Thug Murders Mail Carrier.

Just one story
:icon_cry: Need a tissue? Oh, give it up already..


the point is that these stories that are news, but do not support the narrative, get reported them dropped. they don't "grow legs". they don't get follow up stories. politicians don't get asked about their opinions on them. there are no questions about why this happened. there are no discussions about why that particular punk was on the street, or what could have been done or what should be done.

no one certainly discusses anything about whether this points to some bigger issue(s) that need addressed.

that is the point.

now. will you face that, or pretend to be confused some more.

Exactly.... Thanks... My thoughts exactly.
Technicalities, deflections, and bullcrap all the while ignoring the henious tragedies found in these events.... It's really amazing.

When I saw the story on the 5 year old boy getting shot in the head by that evil bastard, it really struck a nerve in me that wasn't good.

The same thing happened to me when saw this story. I can't help but think how much more of this senseless killing is going to go on, and especially when the known problem is right before everyone's eye's daily ??? The law knows who these criminal elements are, and they deal with them in and out of America's court rooms every day, yet these things keep happening daily in America ??

If we don't get law and order back to a level of being able to either reform these people or put them away for good, this country is done.

The guy should get the death penalty no doubt. Oh wait he might catch the Rona, so just let him await his court date on the outside. Pathetic.

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