Thundercats in NYC: A Trump Headache!


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an American-idealism vignette about the alien-species ThunderCats in NYC...for President Trump!

Signing off,



America was in the year 2018, and capitalism-baron Donald Trump was the President! There were still some anti-TrumpUSA pedestrian protests, but for the most part, capitalism and democracy were being balanced and managed in a satisfactory way to the voting public. However, NYC was still gloomy and a bit anxious, still reeling from the anti-commerce terrorism horror of 9/11...


A group of aliens from Venus called ThunderCats (semi-human, semi-feline) landed on Earth and assimilated into the human populace, changing their appearance to look more 'human.' The ThunderCats were comprised of (at the moment) Tygra (a smart captain), Cheetara (his beautiful and acrobatic wife), and Lion-O (the heir to the ThunderCats throne!). However, the ThunderCats' enemy, Mumm-Ra (a vile monster), also arrived on Earth to confound the ThunderCats' plan of assimilating peacefully into human civilization and living life as archaeologists and poets on Earth. Tygra was very concerned about Mumm-Ra...


After much thinking, Cheetara decided to advise her husband Tygra to seek out creative and ingenious ways to thwart Mumm-Ra's evil plan to destroy the ThunderCats' idealistic notion of assimilating peacefully into human civilization. Cheetara knew Mumm-Ra would exploit the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of humanity to make the ThunderCats' plan very unfeasible. Perhaps Mumm-Ra would turn humans against the ThunderCats and make them too suspicious to believe the ThunderCats wanted only to assimilate peacefully into Earth-civilization. Cheetara was worried herself...


Lion-O was still the undisputed heir to the throne of the ThunderCats, so he decided to order Tygra and Cheetara to go hunt down Mumm-Ra and destroy him or at least chase him away from planet Earth. Lion-O meanwhile would guard the ThunderCats' secret underground lair, in case Mumm-Ra found it and decided to infiltrate. Lion-O believed NYC was a perfect haven of modern commerce in human civilization, and he suspected that Mumm-Ra would try to do something to NYC to remind Americans of the undesirable horrors of 9/11. Lion-O was ready and cautious...


Cheetara had correctly surmised the evil mind of Mumm-Ra, so Tygra made preparations to prevent Mumm-Ra from achieving his goals. Lion-O was still guarding the ThunderCats' underground lair beneath NYC. Mumm-Ra wanted to create hysteria about social security and welfare in NYC and then plan carefully-positioned terrorist-attacks on the UN headquarters, the Statue of Liberty, and Times Square. Mumm-Ra knew Americans considered NYC a 'lighthouse' for modern capitalism and traffic, so he wanted to create panic so the ThunderCats would not be able to peacefully assimilate into human civilization. Mumm-Ra was a pure stinker...


After much meditation, Lion-O came up with a brilliant plan. He'd order Tygra and Cheetara to advertise toy water-guns to kids in the streets of NYC. The promotion of water-guns would remind New Yorkers of the imaginative and idealistic 'face' of commerce and consumerism (since toys symbolized imagination and social consciousness to human beings!). Tygra and Cheetara would carry bags of toy water-guns to distribute to New York's kids/youngsters, and when reporters asked them what they were doing, Tygra/Cheetara would respond, "These toys remind America of the basic value of fair-play and creativity!"


After Mumm-Ra gave up (when the water-gun scheme gained many headlines in the New York Times and NY Post for the ThunderCats), the ThunderCats continued to assimilate into human civilization, being relieved Mumm-Ra had retreated from the Earth (forever). The ThunderCats befriended two upstate-NY witches named Hazel and Harlequin who guided them and instructed them on the ways of human customs and etiquette. The ThunderCats had revealed their true alien-identities to Hazel and Harlequin whom the ThunderCats discovered were 'good witches' who served as political guardians in this modern age of pluralism and commercial vanities.


TRUMP: Boy, I really like these ThunderCats, Carter!
CARTER: They sure love humans.
TRUMP: Their guardians/guides Hazel and Harlequin are good advisors.
CARTER: Lion-O wants only to be a patriot, Mr. President.
TRUMP: I agree; I suppose Tygra/Cheetara will remain 'centurions.'
CARTER: They're 'classic warriors.'
TRUMP: New York will benefit from this alien contact.
CARTER: Consumers will want ThunderCats dolls/toys for Christmas.
TRUMP: Hail to commerce!
CARTER: I'm worried still about the threat of terrorism...
TRUMP: Yes, 9/11 unnerved our sensibilities about global networking.
CARTER: The destruction of the World Trade Center was worse than Pearl Harbor.
TRUMP: Well, Carter, that's certainly arguable, but 9/11 definitely scarred America.
CARTER: America is obligated to serve as the world's proverbial 'Big Brother.'
TRUMP: I think the ThunderCats will offer America a wise face to the global community.
CARTER: Yes, Cheetara is on a comic book signing tour; since Marvel is writing about her.
TRUMP: Yes, I understand Spielberg is making a Cheetara-film (starring Anne Hathaway).
CARTER: That sounds promising, Mr. President; I wonder what the Taliban is doing.
TRUMP: I'd imagine they're plotting more terrorism; we must remain vigilant.
CARTER: New York will never succumb to the forces of paranoia...




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