Tim Allen: Being conservative in Hollywood is like 1930s Germany

Hollywood and the Golden Years are gone

They are not more they ceased to exist

All gone now only stupid scum there....

what a sad end for an amazing place :(

What "Golden Years". The thing about Hollywood is that we romanticize it's past by only retaining the truly good movies. Most of the crap movies from that era have either been lost or forgotten or consigned to some "50 movies for $10.00 video collection" because no one bothered to maintain the rights.

The only reason why It's a Wonderful Life (a movie that conservatives should hate if they spent time thinking about it) is a classic is because no one bothered to copyright it for decades, allowing TV stations to play a grainy copy for free during the holidays to fill airspace where no one was watching, anyway.

Here's the thing about Hollywood. On on hand, it's a business. they are producing a product that a lot of effort goes into, but is ultimately as disposable as toilet paper. On the other hand, they want to think they are making art for the ages, but only 1% of their output would fall into that category.

If Hollywood produces crap, it's because the "Market Forces" you clowns on the right love so much. "Let's do a Gritty Reboot of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers!!! People loved that when they were kids!"
Yeah being conservative in Hollywood is exactly like being Jewish in 1930s Germany

Progressives have no issues comparing themselves to Jews in 1930's Germany and calling Trump "Hitler" and "Nazi".

lol, are you serious?

People got death threats and blackballed in The Weimar Republic by The Nazi Party before they took over The Weimar Republic, and became Nazi Germany, so yes, we are serious.

Being a Conservative means having a star of David pinned on you prior to The Nazis taking complete control of Germany, so yes, it is exactly like 1930s Germany.
The Lefty has become a hate filled venomous pit of vipers.

And it's my opinion that they either reform their ways, or they should never be allowed to be in total control of anything. It'd actually be better if that party died and something more sensible and tolerant, that represented American Values develop to replace it.

It's a tired old party with tired old divisive ideas, and they have never distanced themselves from the bigoted attitudes and racism that founded it.
I get tired of Trump supporters claiming to be the injured party. Speak out against Trump and you get called all sorts of vile names and maybe receive death threats. How many people have been fired for speaking out against Trump. Both sides are doing it. Both sides are hateful.
I get tired of Trump supporters claiming to be the injured party. Speak out against Trump and you get called all sorts of vile names and maybe receive death threats. How many people have been fired for speaking out against Trump. Both sides are doing it. Both sides are hateful.

Get used to it. We put up with 8 years of Obama without widespread rioting on our side.

Actor Robert Davis challenges liberal Hollywood elites to walk the walk:

Warning from an Austrian who witnessed the rise of Hitler in Germany:

True. I am not aware of any young conservative in Hollywood. The only ones out of the closet are the old established farts.

I think the young ones, if any, are keeping a low profile about it.
As if we didn't know it already, this thread is all the proof we need that conservatives are the biggest crybabies on the face of the earth.

Always the victim :crybaby:
Yeah being conservative in Hollywood is exactly like being Jewish in 1930s Germany

Progressives have no issues comparing themselves to Jews in 1930's Germany and calling Trump "Hitler" and "Nazi".

lol, are you serious?
Quite serious. Liberals comparing themselves to Jews is not a thing except for in your delusional mind

If you repeat it enough times, maybe it'll become true.

Actor Robert Davis challenges liberal Hollywood elites to walk the walk:

Warning from an Austrian who witnessed the rise of Hitler in Germany:

I know some are bent out of shape and claiming that he's comparing the murder of Jews to an intolerant Hollywood. Remember, before Hitler started slaughtering Jews, he first controlled the media and fed the public propaganda in order to create a certain climate. If you look at how it all started, there is little difference between Hitler's early days and what we are seeing today. It's unlikely that the current radicals will end up putting conservatives into gas chambers but they are doing a great job of pushing a certain narrative and impugning anyone who dares to challenge them.

Now, Allen's hit show has been cancelled. And you know damn well it had to do with snowflake liberals who can't tolerate dissention. I am glad Allen was successful in shaking up liberal Hollywood for so long.
I get tired of Trump supporters claiming to be the injured party. Speak out against Trump and you get called all sorts of vile names and maybe receive death threats. How many people have been fired for speaking out against Trump. Both sides are doing it. Both sides are hateful.

Get used to it. We put up with 8 years of Obama without widespread rioting on our side.
And you were such a good boy, you get a cookie.
Yeah being conservative in Hollywood is exactly like being Jewish in 1930s Germany
He's a comedian dip shit, but at the same time people that don't agree with progressive ideals are absolutely unacceptable in Hollywood and urban areas.
Yeah being conservative in Hollywood is exactly like being Jewish in 1930s Germany
He's a comedian dip shit, but at the same time people that don't agree with progressive ideals are absolutely unacceptable in Hollywood and urban areas.

So many of my lib friends take everything literally. Forget humor. Their idea of humor is pukes like Al Franken. Most of the lib 'humor' is just shameless cheap shots.

We've seen Christians compared to Islamist terrorists. They have made the most ridiculous comparisons but will always go off the deep end for much tamer things aimed at libs.

Comparing the current climate in Hollywood to Germany prior to Hitler's rise is accurate. Dictators always start by controlling information in order to indoctrinate people. That is happening big time here and has been for years. And the left uses the same playbook. Ridicule anyone who dares point out the truth. All dictators of the past and present have been able to make their critics appear like the evil ones.
Tim Allen Says Having Conservative Views in Hollywood Is ‘Like ’30s Germany’

After actor/comedian Tim Allen came out to defend his conservative views and admitted he attended the Trump inauguration, it looks like he will never find work again.

He said that if you don't agree with "the group", then bad things happen to you, just like they did in Nazi Germany

Tim Allen is correct that having any form of Conservative views in Hollywood would be the death of anyone career, but let be factual Tim has not been funny in many years, so I doubt his conservative views is what is hurting his career...

So his not being funny is why his show was so successful? You are an idiot of the highest caliber!
Tim Allen Says Having Conservative Views in Hollywood Is ‘Like ’30s Germany’

After actor/comedian Tim Allen came out to defend his conservative views and admitted he attended the Trump inauguration, it looks like he will never find work again.

He said that if you don't agree with "the group", then bad things happen to you, just like they did in Nazi Germany

Tim Allen is correct that having any form of Conservative views in Hollywood would be the death of anyone career, but let be factual Tim has not been funny in many years, so I doubt his conservative views is what is hurting his career...

So his not being funny is why his show was so successful? You are an idiot of the highest caliber!

His show had very high ratings despite butthurt liberal faggots with no sense of humor saying otherwise.

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