Tim Kaine Addresses Crowd in Spanish, Promises Amnesty Plan ‘In the First 100 Days’ in Office

It is the Founder's specific intent.

Anyone who disagrees merely has the opinion.

What "founder" is this then?
All of them.

Read the Preamble to the Constitution.

So we're going plural now. OK which ones?

The Preamble says nothing about "English", or any other language. Nor does it say or imply anything about "white people" or "European heritage" or any color people or any continent's heritage at all.
Think doofus.

The preamble says "to ourselves and our posterity", and the country at that time was almost all white and almost all English.

And where the fuck do you get "English" or "European" or "white people" out of that?

Do you actually think English is the only language that can express the concept of "ourselves"? Do you actually think only white people can?

All of them.

Read the Preamble to the Constitution.

So we're going plural now. OK which ones?

The Preamble says nothing about "English", or any other language. Nor does it say or imply anything about "white people" or "European heritage" or any color people or any continent's heritage at all.
Think doofus.

The preamble says "to ourselves and our posterity", and the country at that time was almost all white and almost all English.

And where the fuck do you get "English" or "European" or "white people" out of that?

Do you actually think English is the only language that can express the concept of "ourselves"? Do you actually think only white people can?

Are you seriously this stupid?

"Ourselves" means the country which the document was written for, America, the former ENGLISH colony with almost all ENGLISH people at the time..


It was written for the country --- not for the specific people personally who were in the room writing. That's what "posterity" means, Dumbass. You don't need to write a Constitution for yourself.

Had the Founders intended some kind of exclusivity they couldn't have written "we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal".

Again, maybe before getting insistent on using a language, you might wanna take a stab at learning it.
You really are that stupid apparently...

I specifically SAID the COUNTRY, dipshit. The Founders wrote the Constitution for the people of America and their descendants, not fucking illegal migrants, or even regular immigrants.

When the founders wrote that "all men are created equal" they meant that everyone has the right not to be treated like shit(a slave). Denying entry or citizenship to all foreigners(even other Europeans)is not treating them like shit.
So we're going plural now. OK which ones?

The Preamble says nothing about "English", or any other language. Nor does it say or imply anything about "white people" or "European heritage" or any color people or any continent's heritage at all.
Think doofus.

The preamble says "to ourselves and our posterity", and the country at that time was almost all white and almost all English.

And where the fuck do you get "English" or "European" or "white people" out of that?

Do you actually think English is the only language that can express the concept of "ourselves"? Do you actually think only white people can?

Are you seriously this stupid?

"Ourselves" means the country which the document was written for, America, the former ENGLISH colony with almost all ENGLISH people at the time..


It was written for the country --- not for the specific people personally who were in the room writing. That's what "posterity" means, Dumbass. You don't need to write a Constitution for yourself.

Had the Founders intended some kind of exclusivity they couldn't have written "we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal".

Again, maybe before getting insistent on using a language, you might wanna take a stab at learning it.
You really are that stupid apparently...

I specifically SAID the COUNTRY, dipshit. The Founders wrote the Constitution for the people of America and their descendants, not fucking illegal migrants, or even regular immigrants.

When the founders wrote that "all men are created equal" they meant that everyone has the right not to be treated like shit(a slave). Denying entry or citizenship to all foreigners(even other Europeans)is not treating them like shit.


Not much shows the bullshit hypocrisy of a politician better than watching him squirm in a language he can't handle:

Think doofus.

The preamble says "to ourselves and our posterity", and the country at that time was almost all white and almost all English.

And where the fuck do you get "English" or "European" or "white people" out of that?

Do you actually think English is the only language that can express the concept of "ourselves"? Do you actually think only white people can?

Are you seriously this stupid?

"Ourselves" means the country which the document was written for, America, the former ENGLISH colony with almost all ENGLISH people at the time..


It was written for the country --- not for the specific people personally who were in the room writing. That's what "posterity" means, Dumbass. You don't need to write a Constitution for yourself.

Had the Founders intended some kind of exclusivity they couldn't have written "we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal".

Again, maybe before getting insistent on using a language, you might wanna take a stab at learning it.
You really are that stupid apparently...

I specifically SAID the COUNTRY, dipshit. The Founders wrote the Constitution for the people of America and their descendants, not fucking illegal migrants, or even regular immigrants.

When the founders wrote that "all men are created equal" they meant that everyone has the right not to be treated like shit(a slave). Denying entry or citizenship to all foreigners(even other Europeans)is not treating them like shit.


Not much shows the bullshit hypocrisy of a politician better than watching him squirm in a language he can't handle:

Do you even realize how badly I kicked the shit out of you in this conversation?

You assert that Spanish should be treated the same in this country as English DESPITE EVERYTHING THE FOUNDERS SAID AND DID to prevent that from happening.

You have no grounds for your position.
It is the Founder's specific intent.

Anyone who disagrees merely has the opinion.

What "founder" is this then?
All of them.

Read the Preamble to the Constitution.

So we're going plural now. OK which ones?

The Preamble says nothing about "English", or any other language. Nor does it say or imply anything about "white people" or "European heritage" or any color people or any continent's heritage at all.
Think doofus.

The preamble says "to ourselves and our posterity", and the country at that time was almost all white and almost all English.

And where the fuck do you get "English" or "European" or "white people" out of that?

Do you actually think English is the only language that can express the concept of "ourselves"? Do you actually think only white people can?

well, they did write it in English.. just saying.
I imagine if they would have had some other language in mind, they would have written in that other language.
What "founder" is this then?
All of them.

Read the Preamble to the Constitution.

So we're going plural now. OK which ones?

The Preamble says nothing about "English", or any other language. Nor does it say or imply anything about "white people" or "European heritage" or any color people or any continent's heritage at all.
Think doofus.

The preamble says "to ourselves and our posterity", and the country at that time was almost all white and almost all English.

And where the fuck do you get "English" or "European" or "white people" out of that?

Do you actually think English is the only language that can express the concept of "ourselves"? Do you actually think only white people can?

well, they did write it in English.. just saying.
I imagine if they would have had some other language in mind, they would have written in that other language.
It would be highly unusual for a pre-globalization, former English colony to speak anything other than English with people who don't speak any other language.
And where the fuck do you get "English" or "European" or "white people" out of that?

Do you actually think English is the only language that can express the concept of "ourselves"? Do you actually think only white people can?

Are you seriously this stupid?

"Ourselves" means the country which the document was written for, America, the former ENGLISH colony with almost all ENGLISH people at the time..


It was written for the country --- not for the specific people personally who were in the room writing. That's what "posterity" means, Dumbass. You don't need to write a Constitution for yourself.

Had the Founders intended some kind of exclusivity they couldn't have written "we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal".

Again, maybe before getting insistent on using a language, you might wanna take a stab at learning it.
You really are that stupid apparently...

I specifically SAID the COUNTRY, dipshit. The Founders wrote the Constitution for the people of America and their descendants, not fucking illegal migrants, or even regular immigrants.

When the founders wrote that "all men are created equal" they meant that everyone has the right not to be treated like shit(a slave). Denying entry or citizenship to all foreigners(even other Europeans)is not treating them like shit.


Not much shows the bullshit hypocrisy of a politician better than watching him squirm in a language he can't handle:

Do you even realize how badly I kicked the shit out of you in this conversation?

You assert that Spanish should be treated the same in this country as English DESPITE EVERYTHING THE FOUNDERS SAID AND DID to prevent that from happening.

You have no grounds for your position.

I asserted no such fucking thing.
I did however assert that you're having a hissyfit about a language you can't even read --- which would be English.
It's an obvious move to motivate hispanics to bring in all their illegal cousins to vote for her.

And yet illegals don't vote.

Lying loon
and yet they do.
at least in Maryland, I cant speak for other places but I have personally seen them do it here. tried reporting it but evidently those in power have no control over it.
Funny thing dont you think?
What "founder" is this then?
All of them.

Read the Preamble to the Constitution.

So we're going plural now. OK which ones?

The Preamble says nothing about "English", or any other language. Nor does it say or imply anything about "white people" or "European heritage" or any color people or any continent's heritage at all.
Think doofus.

The preamble says "to ourselves and our posterity", and the country at that time was almost all white and almost all English.

And where the fuck do you get "English" or "European" or "white people" out of that?

Do you actually think English is the only language that can express the concept of "ourselves"? Do you actually think only white people can?

well, they did write it in English.. just saying.
I imagine if they would have had some other language in mind, they would have written in that other language.

They said nothing about any language. They used one to write ----which is what everybody everywhere does. Without one .... you can't write.

It's an obvious move to motivate hispanics to bring in all their illegal cousins to vote for her.

And yet illegals don't vote.

Lying loon
and yet they do.
at least in Maryland, I cant speak for other places but I have personally seen them do it here. tried reporting it but evidently those in power have no control over it.
Funny thing dont you think?

There is almost zero proof of in person voter fraud. That is a rightwingnut myth
All of them.

Read the Preamble to the Constitution.

So we're going plural now. OK which ones?

The Preamble says nothing about "English", or any other language. Nor does it say or imply anything about "white people" or "European heritage" or any color people or any continent's heritage at all.
Think doofus.

The preamble says "to ourselves and our posterity", and the country at that time was almost all white and almost all English.

And where the fuck do you get "English" or "European" or "white people" out of that?

Do you actually think English is the only language that can express the concept of "ourselves"? Do you actually think only white people can?

well, they did write it in English.. just saying.
I imagine if they would have had some other language in mind, they would have written in that other language.

They said nothing about any language. They used one to write ----which is what everybody everywhere does. Without one .... you can't write.

so I suppose that all other countries had us in mind when they wrote theirs?
Dont think so, your ass has been handed to you on this one, I suggest you go find another thread to argue on, like, maybe in the food section or something (if they have one)
Are you seriously this stupid?

"Ourselves" means the country which the document was written for, America, the former ENGLISH colony with almost all ENGLISH people at the time..


It was written for the country --- not for the specific people personally who were in the room writing. That's what "posterity" means, Dumbass. You don't need to write a Constitution for yourself.

Had the Founders intended some kind of exclusivity they couldn't have written "we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal".

Again, maybe before getting insistent on using a language, you might wanna take a stab at learning it.
You really are that stupid apparently...

I specifically SAID the COUNTRY, dipshit. The Founders wrote the Constitution for the people of America and their descendants, not fucking illegal migrants, or even regular immigrants.

When the founders wrote that "all men are created equal" they meant that everyone has the right not to be treated like shit(a slave). Denying entry or citizenship to all foreigners(even other Europeans)is not treating them like shit.


Not much shows the bullshit hypocrisy of a politician better than watching him squirm in a language he can't handle:

Do you even realize how badly I kicked the shit out of you in this conversation?

You assert that Spanish should be treated the same in this country as English DESPITE EVERYTHING THE FOUNDERS SAID AND DID to prevent that from happening.

You have no grounds for your position.

I asserted no such fucking thing.
I did however assert that you're having a hissyfit about a language you can't even read --- which would be English.

Are you a schizo?

You literally thought I didn't have a specific word in my post that was not only there, but it was the focal point of that entire post. You obviously have serious reading comprehension problems and you are now trying to project then onto me.
Will blanket amnesty with open borders lead to even more of this?

Oh yeah, I get angry. US Vet pay out if pocket but illegals pay zero! What kind of crap is this!! Bring me my hammer and 6-pack.....

How 'sanctuary hospitals' cost America big

The left has been kinder to terrorists and illegals than to citizens.

They told them after Obamacare passed that no one will ask about citizenship when they sign up. Criminals can go to sanctuary cities and not fear that they'll be arrested for their crimes. Other illegals rush to have as many anchor babies as possible to access the welfare system. I bet more illegal babies are born in California than citizens. And no way should an illegal be able to claim citizenship for their baby. We need to fix that.

Take away the incentive for people to sneak in here and they'll stop. Maybe it's time they all fought to make their countries better instead of coming here and trying to change this one into the one they left.

Lol. You don't know what "sanctuary city" means! It means that the prosecute or cite legal infractions locally, instead of turning perps over to I.C.E. It isn't like in the Bible, dum-dum. :rolleyes:

And yet a criminal was set free on the streets of San Francisco and murdered an innocent young woman. They aren't doing much at all about illegal aliens. They should turn all criminals over to ICE for deportation.

Sanctuary cities are in violation of federal laws and should be heavily fined. Authorities should be charged.

If they can break those federal laws, then why should they prosecute people for refusing to buy Obamacare or pay fines? No law is going to mean shit after the way politicians have chosen to only follow some of them.
It's an obvious move to motivate hispanics to bring in all their illegal cousins to vote for her.

And yet illegals don't vote.

Lying loon
and yet they do.
at least in Maryland, I cant speak for other places but I have personally seen them do it here. tried reporting it but evidently those in power have no control over it.
Funny thing dont you think?

There is almost zero proof of in person voter fraud. That is a rightwingnut myth
actually its a leftwing cover up.
why do you think the left is so against voter ID. explain that and dont give me that bullshit about how no black is smart enough to figure out how to use the same ID for voting that they do for cashing their welfare checks.
Will blanket amnesty with open borders lead to even more of this?

Oh yeah, I get angry. US Vet pay out if pocket but illegals pay zero! What kind of crap is this!! Bring me my hammer and 6-pack.....

How 'sanctuary hospitals' cost America big

The left has been kinder to terrorists and illegals than to citizens.

They told them after Obamacare passed that no one will ask about citizenship when they sign up. Criminals can go to sanctuary cities and not fear that they'll be arrested for their crimes. Other illegals rush to have as many anchor babies as possible to access the welfare system. I bet more illegal babies are born in California than citizens. And no way should an illegal be able to claim citizenship for their baby. We need to fix that.

Take away the incentive for people to sneak in here and they'll stop. Maybe it's time they all fought to make their countries better instead of coming here and trying to change this one into the one they left.

Lol. You don't know what "sanctuary city" means! It means that the prosecute or cite legal infractions locally, instead of turning perps over to I.C.E. It isn't like in the Bible, dum-dum. :rolleyes:

And yet a criminal was set free on the streets of San Francisco and murdered an innocent young woman. They aren't doing much at all about illegal aliens. They should turn all criminals over to ICE for deportation.

Sanctuary cities are in violation of federal laws and should be heavily fined. Authorities should be charged.

If they can break those federal laws, then why should they prosecute people for refusing to buy Obamacare or pay fines? No law is going to mean shit after the way politicians have chosen to only follow some of them.
Fallacy of hasty generalization.
All of them.

Read the Preamble to the Constitution.

So we're going plural now. OK which ones?

The Preamble says nothing about "English", or any other language. Nor does it say or imply anything about "white people" or "European heritage" or any color people or any continent's heritage at all.
Think doofus.

The preamble says "to ourselves and our posterity", and the country at that time was almost all white and almost all English.

And where the fuck do you get "English" or "European" or "white people" out of that?

Do you actually think English is the only language that can express the concept of "ourselves"? Do you actually think only white people can?

well, they did write it in English.. just saying.
I imagine if they would have had some other language in mind, they would have written in that other language.

They said nothing about any language. They used one to write ----which is what everybody everywhere does. Without one .... you can't write.


You dumb ass mother fucker what language you speaking now?
So we're going plural now. OK which ones?

The Preamble says nothing about "English", or any other language. Nor does it say or imply anything about "white people" or "European heritage" or any color people or any continent's heritage at all.
Think doofus.

The preamble says "to ourselves and our posterity", and the country at that time was almost all white and almost all English.

And where the fuck do you get "English" or "European" or "white people" out of that?

Do you actually think English is the only language that can express the concept of "ourselves"? Do you actually think only white people can?

well, they did write it in English.. just saying.
I imagine if they would have had some other language in mind, they would have written in that other language.

They said nothing about any language. They used one to write ----which is what everybody everywhere does. Without one .... you can't write.


You dumb ass mother fucker what language you speaking now?

Most Americans can barely decipher the prose of the founding fathers. Including most "conservatives." That's why they make up their own founding father quotes, and use them almost exclusively. :rolleyes:
Fun facts: Spanish is the most widely spoken language in the Americas, over 418 million:


Funner fact: Slightly more people in South America speak Portuguese than Spanish.

We aren't discussing "the Americas," douche bag. We're discussing the United States.

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