Tim Pawlenty on Fox News Sunday


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Chris Wallace is dismantling the dweeb for the squishy, wants-it-both-ways nitwit that he is.

If the GOP doesn't bury this loser, they don't stand a snowball's chance in Phoenix at obtaining the White House....Ever.
I won't get to see it until later today. Did you catch Geraldo's interview with Jeb Bush last night? It was very good.
Why would you insist your candidate alienate any voters that dont agree with the far right of the party?
Once again, you demonstrate for all to see that you haven't the first idea what you're talking about.
Chris Wallace is dismantling the dweeb for the squishy, wants-it-both-ways nitwit that he is.

If the GOP doesn't bury this loser, they don't stand a snowball's chance in Phoenix at obtaining the White House....Ever.

how the hell are you seeing it earlier than me? :eek:
It's taped.....It comes on at 8:00 am in the Minneapolis area.
Chris Wallace is dismantling the dweeb for the squishy, wants-it-both-ways nitwit that he is.

If the GOP doesn't bury this loser, they don't stand a snowball's chance in Phoenix at obtaining the White House....Ever.

They don't stand a chance anyway.
I just dont understand how they can win a national election by narrowing the platform to a increasingly smaller number of voters.
Huh! having what both ways? no wonder the right cannot get anything right, their comments have the depth of a puddle. What is specifically wrong with Pawlenty aside from the fact you'd rather have a Rambo type so as to prove manhood really does occupy a place in the chickenhawk party? Such depth, any wonder Fox is admired and watched by the right wing, anything complex would confuse the heck outta them.
It's obvious that neither you nor Truthdontmatter watched Governor Fliparoo's interview.

Not to worry, FNS usually re-runs later in the afternoon on Fox News...Maybe the two of you pinheads could catch it and get back to us afterward.
I don't understand how right wingers support a mystic who has no scientific beliefs.

Oh wait, no, I guess I do understand.

It's obvious that neither you nor Truthdontmatter watched Governor Fliparoo's interview.

Not to worry, FNS usually re-runs later in the afternoon on Fox News...Maybe the two of you pinheads could catch it and get back to us afterward.

Any adult knows you sometimes have to change your mind, but please, instead of these terse negative comments, how about some substantive thought and reasons. Give it a try.

Tim Pawlenty's Freedom First PAC


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Yeah..."Change your mind" by blaming things on the opposition party and using disingenuous language to rationalize going back on your word.

Pawlenty is exactly the kind of wormy little douchebag the GOP needs to get shed of: People who campaign like libertarians and govern like democratics.
"Last week a conservative presidential candidate, Tim Pawlenty, timidly said it wouldn’t be his “style” to use Palin’s target map, but was savaged so viciously by his own camp that he immediately retreated. A senior Republican senator told Politico that he saw the Tucson bloodbath as a “cautionary tale” for his party, yet refused to be named." http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/16/opinion/16rich.html?_r=1&src=me&ref=general
January 16, 2011 Sunday
NEWS; Domestic
2118 words
Interview With Tim Pawlenty
Chris Wallace
Tim Pawlenty
WALLACE: Joining us now to discuss his political future is the former Republican governor of Minnesota, likely presidential candidate, and author of a new book, "Courage to Stand." Tim Pawlenty. And Governor, welcome back to Fox News Sunday.
PAWLENTY: Great to be with you, Chris.
WALLACE: Back in 2005, you allowed the government of Minnesota to shut down for nine days because of a disagreement with the Democratic legislature about taxes and spending.
WALLACE: Should congressional Republicans take the same tough stance when it comes to raising the debt limit and federal spending?
PAWLENTY: Well, what I've learned, Chris, after eight years of doing in a very liberal place -- I love my state, but it's liberal in terms of spending and government -- is you've got to draw some lines in the sands.
Chris Christie was just talking about it here a minute ago. It doesn't mean you always have to go do -- you know, have ultimate battle, but you've got to be willing to stand up to a culture, to a history, to a pattern -- in this case, 21 percent spending in my state for 40 years -- and say we're not doing that anymore. And I'm glad we had that showdown in Minnesota.

LexisNexis News - Latest News from over 4,000 sources, including newspapers, tv transcripts, wire services, magazines, journals.
WALLACE: OK. I want to go back to 2005, though, because this is your -- your time in the crucible, if you will. Back then, you ended the shutdown by agreeing to a 75-cent per pack cigarette tax. You called it a -- a health impact fee. Governor, didn't you blink?

PAWLENTY: Well, if you look at what I've done in Minnesota, all this stuff that the country's talking about, that the Republican --

WALLACE: No, but I'm asking you about that specific stuff.

PAWLENTY: Well, we had a compromise, and I picked the one that -- one thing that was least harmful to economic growth of the options that we had in front of with us a Democrat legislature. You know, I never had a Republican legislature in my state.

Translation: Deflection from my flip-flop failed, so blame the democratics.

And the flip-floppery continues throughout the transcript, on everything from bailouts, to health care, to gullible warming...Lest we forget him signing on to taxpayer welfare for Target Field.

When Pawlenty can't squirm out of generalities and platitudes, he shifts the blame.

Like I said, the GOP should step in and bury this double-dealing wind sock ASAP.
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