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Time for a global Ban on Lethal Drones.

Why not just pull out of the middle east? Bombing them will never stop them.

Airplane, troops or drones...Doesn't matter. Build America...

Anything else is just retarded.

Numan, do you want to answer this or shall I?

I wish it was that simple.
Ho-hum! And what ever became of bans on landmines, depleted uranium, napalm, exploding bullets, etc.?

The satanic cult of war profiteers and the militarists reigns supreme in the modern world, and the rulers of the USA are the chief devils of the cult.

Nothing will change until a general global collapse puts an end to the brainwashed insanity of our "advanced" so-called civilization.

Meanwhile, don't be surprised if you or your children wind up being bombed by drones.

After all, it is so profitable to destroy countries and then re-build them -- and the USA has been untouched, so far!! The war profiteeers must be salivating at the thought of the money to be made arranging general mayhem and destruction in the USA and then forcing the survivors to pay for re-constructing their country!


Sad, but true.
Can you suggest a viable Republican OR Democrat presidential prospect who would question the military industrial complex without winding up like JFK?

It isn't like China, Russia or Iran is going to stop if we bow down to them. Idiot.

China and Russia still have the power to vaporize millions of Americans, including rich Americans, so it isn't too likely they're worried about US drones killing their children. Iran on the other hand has already shot down an unarmed US drone, and none of the three authoritarian states is killing hundreds (thousands?) of innocent human beings on the opposite side of the planet from their homelands. That should tell you something about your government's commitment to human rights.

I repeat where is your evidence we kill hundreds or thousands of innocent people. You don't get to make shit up.
UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions Christof Heyns has urged a pause in the corporate progress towards a new world order where machines have the authority to murder human beings.

Heyns wants a global moratorium on the development and deployment of lethal autonomous robots (LARs) which differ from drones in that the former decide when to attack a target without any human input on their choice.
Fuck you, UN bureaucrat.

"IN the tragic situation which confronts humanity, we feel that scientists should assemble in conference to appraise the perils that have arisen as a result of the development of weapons of mass destruction, and to discuss a resolution in the spirit of the appended draft.

We are speaking on this occasion, not as members of this or that nation, continent, or creed, but as human beings, members of the species Man, whose continued existence is in doubt. The world is full of conflicts..."

Almost everybody who is politically conscious has strong feelings about one or more of these issues; but we want you, if you can, to set aside such feelings and consider yourselves only as members of a biological species which has had a remarkable history, and whose disappearance none of us can desire."

Are you anxious for humanity's disappearance?
Or do you watch too much FOX?

Russell-Einstein Manifesto
UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions Christof Heyns has urged a pause in the corporate progress towards a new world order where machines have the authority to murder human beings.

Heyns wants a global moratorium on the development and deployment of lethal autonomous robots (LARs) which differ from drones in that the former decide when to attack a target without any human input on their choice.

United Nations News Centre - UN human rights expert urges global pause in creation of robots with ‘power to kill’

Which probably sounds comforting to Yemenis although al-Qa'ida might be unhappy about the loss of new recruits:

"SANAA, Yemen -- The United States’ launching of eight drone strikes in Yemen in the span of 13 days has ignited widespread outrage in the country.

"The anger over the strikes, which came as an al-Qaida-related threat shuttered U.S. embassies and consulates in Yemen and 15 other countries, has overwhelmed attention to the threat itself, which many here view skeptically anyway.

“In the end, I think the American reaction has been far more than has been reasonable,' said Abdulghani al Iryani, a Sanaa-based political analyst. 'It comes off almost as a show of strength. But, ultimately, it may end up backfiring, as al-Qaida is getting more attention now than they would have even if they carried out an attack.'"

SANAA, Yemen: Yemenis outraged at spate of U.S. drone strikes - Guantánamo - MiamiHerald.com

What's the one thing any country addicted to war can not afford to run out of?
There seems to be little chance of that occurring as long as thousands of innocent Muslims continue to die from US drones and whatever comes next.

Provide evidence that thousands of innocents die.

"As part of our ongoing monitoring and reporting of CIA and Pentagon drone strikes, the Bureau has already recorded the names of hundreds of people killed in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia.

"At the end of January 2013, the Bureau was able to identify by name 213 people killed by drones in Pakistan who were reported to be middle- or senior-ranking militants.

A further 331 civilians have also now been named, 87 of them children.

"But this is a small proportion of the minimum 2,629 people who appear to have so far died in CIA drone strikes in Pakistan.

"The Bureau’s work suggests 475 of them were likely to have been civilians."

Naming the Dead: Bureau announces new drones project: The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

that is not proof they were innocent, you see civilians are terrorists too. Further you claimed thousands and at best assuming every civilian was not a terrorist you have a little over 400 in how many years?
It isn't like China, Russia or Iran is going to stop if we bow down to them. Idiot.

China and Russia still have the power to vaporize millions of Americans, including rich Americans, so it isn't too likely they're worried about US drones killing their children. Iran on the other hand has already shot down an unarmed US drone, and none of the three authoritarian states is killing hundreds (thousands?) of innocent human beings on the opposite side of the planet from their homelands. That should tell you something about your government's commitment to human rights.

I repeat where is your evidence we kill hundreds or thousands of innocent people. You don't get to make shit up.

When did you start caring about the number of innocent people killed by the US military?

"A challenging task

"Government officials, media organisations and even militant groups are often quick to identify senior militants such as Yahya al-Libi and Ilyas Kashmiri when they are killed.

"Yet little is said of the hundreds more alleged militants and civilians among at least 2,629 deaths in Pakistan drone strikes.

"Sth Wana letter Jan 2009 Both the US and Pakistani governments are likely to keep detailed records. A recent case at the Peshawar High Court heard that officials in the tribal agencies had prepared a confidential report which ‘included details of each and every drone attack and the number, names and ages of the people killed’.

"Anonymous US intelligence officials have also revealed details of CIA video surveillance on particular strikes. And the ‘Terror Tuesday’ process – in which hundreds of named alleged militants have been selected by US agencies for targeted killing – has been widely reported."

Naming the Dead: Bureau announces new drones project: The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Provide evidence that thousands of innocents die.

"As part of our ongoing monitoring and reporting of CIA and Pentagon drone strikes, the Bureau has already recorded the names of hundreds of people killed in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia.

"At the end of January 2013, the Bureau was able to identify by name 213 people killed by drones in Pakistan who were reported to be middle- or senior-ranking militants.

A further 331 civilians have also now been named, 87 of them children.

"But this is a small proportion of the minimum 2,629 people who appear to have so far died in CIA drone strikes in Pakistan.

"The Bureau’s work suggests 475 of them were likely to have been civilians."

Naming the Dead: Bureau announces new drones project: The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

that is not proof they were innocent, you see civilians are terrorists too.

I'm certain that the terrorists on 9-11 would have agreed with you.
Airplanes cannot drive the planet into a -7C ice age as the result of a nuclear exchange.

Even a limited nuclear exchange between India and Pakistan (or Israel and the world) would produce sufficient smoke to nullify the next growing season world wide, according to some studies. Imagine the prices at your local farmers' market BEFORE Goldman Sachs starts doing God's work in the global commodities market.
Ho-hum! And what ever became of bans on landmines, depleted uranium, napalm, exploding bullets, etc.?

The satanic cult of war profiteers and the militarists reigns supreme in the modern world, and the rulers of the USA are the chief devils of the cult.

Nothing will change until a general global collapse puts an end to the brainwashed insanity of our "advanced" so-called civilization.

Meanwhile, don't be surprised if you or your children wind up being bombed by drones.

After all, it is so profitable to destroy countries and then re-build them -- and the USA has been untouched, so far!! The war profiteeers must be salivating at the thought of the money to be made arranging general mayhem and destruction in the USA and then forcing the survivors to pay for re-constructing their country!
I'm expecting Catholics in Mexico to stand in for Muslim's in Pakistan and Yemen once the US can no longer afford to borrow enough money to kill civilians on the opposite side of the globe, but it never occurred to me the US homeland might one day face the prospect of rebuilding itself while its one percent moves off-world?

Kissinger would be impre$$ed.
Well, it is the obvious next stage of Advanced Capitalism, isn't it?

The militarists hardly need to move off-world, though. I'm sure they can direct the destruction of the United States quite comfortably from the Bahamas or the Virgin Islands.

Interestingly, though, in the back of my mind was the opening of H.G. Wells, The War of the Worlds.
My paraphrase:

No one would have believed in the first years of the twenty-first century that this country was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than consumer-units and yet as mortal; that as consuner-units busied themselves about their various concerns, they were scrutinised and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as a man with a microscope might scrutinise the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. With infinite complacency, consumer-units went to and fro between Big-Box Stores about their little affairs, serene in the assurance of their empire over credit cards. It is possible that the infusoria under the microscope do the same. No one gave a thought to the ancient ruling classes as sources of human danger, or thought of them only to dismiss the idea of their power to control modern "democratic" societies. It is curious to recall some of the mental habits of those departed days. At most, consumer-units fancied there might be other societies of consumer-units, perhaps inferior to themselves and ready to welcome foreign investment. Yet across the gulf of commercial transactions, minds that are to consumer-units as theirs are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this source of military profit with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us. And early in the twenty-first century came the Great Disillusionment.

ho-hum! And what ever became of bans on landmines, depleted uranium, napalm, exploding bullets, etc.?

The satanic cult of war profiteers and the militarists reigns supreme in the modern world, and the rulers of the usa are the chief devils of the cult.

Nothing will change until a general global collapse puts an end to the brainwashed insanity of our "advanced" so-called civilization.

Meanwhile, don't be surprised if you or your children wind up being bombed by drones.

After all, it is so profitable to destroy countries and then re-build them -- and the usa has been untouched, so far!! The war profiteeers must be salivating at the thought of the money to be made arranging general mayhem and destruction in the usa and then forcing the survivors to pay for re-constructing their country!
i'm expecting catholics in mexico to stand in for muslim's in pakistan and yemen once the us can no longer afford to borrow enough money to kill civilians on the opposite side of the globe, but it never occurred to me the us homeland might one day face the prospect of rebuilding itself while its one percent moves off-world?

Kissinger would be impre$$ed.
well, it is the obvious next stage of advanced capitalism, isn't it?

The militarists hardly need to move off-world, though. I'm sure they can direct the destruction of the united states quite comfortably from the bahamas or the virgin islands.

Interestingly, though, in the back of my mind was the opening of h.g. Wells, the war of the worlds.
my paraphrase:

no one would have believed in the first years of the twenty-first century that this country was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than consumer-units and yet as mortal; that as consuner-units busied themselves about their various concerns, they were scrutinised and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as a man with a microscope might scrutinise the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. With infinite complacency, consumer-units went to and fro between big-box stores about their little affairs, serene in the assurance of their empire over credit cards. It is possible that the infusoria under the microscope do the same. No one gave a thought to the ancient ruling classes as sources of human danger, or thought of them only to dismiss the idea of their power to control modern "democratic" societies. It is curious to recall some of the mental habits of those departed days. At most, consumer-units fancied there might be other societies of consumer-units, perhaps inferior to themselves and ready to welcome foreign investment. Yet across the gulf of commercial transactions, minds that are to consumer-units as theirs are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this source of military profit with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us. And early in the twenty-first century came the great disillusionment.


Provide evidence that thousands of innocents die.

"As part of our ongoing monitoring and reporting of CIA and Pentagon drone strikes, the Bureau has already recorded the names of hundreds of people killed in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia.

"At the end of January 2013, the Bureau was able to identify by name 213 people killed by drones in Pakistan who were reported to be middle- or senior-ranking militants.

A further 331 civilians have also now been named, 87 of them children.

"But this is a small proportion of the minimum 2,629 people who appear to have so far died in CIA drone strikes in Pakistan.

"The Bureau’s work suggests 475 of them were likely to have been civilians."

Naming the Dead: Bureau announces new drones project: The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

that is not proof they were innocent, you see civilians are terrorists too. Further you claimed thousands and at best assuming every civilian was not a terrorist you have a little over 400 in how many years?

Civilian or terrorist they were all living in their homelands and presented no threat to anyone on your block.
Did you happen to notice those 2,629 people died in CIA drone strikes in PAKISTAN?
How many more in Yemen?

"Casualty Estimates

CIA Drone Strikes in Pakistan 2004–2013

Total US strikes: 371
Obama strikes: 320
Total reported killed: 2,505-3,584
Civilians reported killed: 407-928
Children reported killed: 164-195
Total reported injured: 1,111-1,493..."

"At the moment we know the names of fewer than 20% of those killed in Pakistan’s tribal areas. At least 2,000 deaths still remain publicly anonymous,’ said Chris Woods, who leads the Bureau’s covert drone war team.

‘Our aim will be to identify by name many hundreds more of those killed. A significant number of those identities will be known by local communities, by US and Pakistani officials, and by militant groups. We hope to convince them to share that information.’

Naming the Dead: Bureau announces new drones project: The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
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UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions Christof Heyns has urged a pause in the corporate progress towards a new world order where machines have the authority to murder human beings.

Heyns wants a global moratorium on the development and deployment of lethal autonomous robots (LARs) which differ from drones in that the former decide when to attack a target without any human input on their choice.

United Nations News Centre - UN human rights expert urges global pause in creation of robots with ‘power to kill’

Which probably sounds comforting to Yemenis although al-Qa'ida might be unhappy about the loss of new recruits:

"SANAA, Yemen -- The United States’ launching of eight drone strikes in Yemen in the span of 13 days has ignited widespread outrage in the country.

"The anger over the strikes, which came as an al-Qaida-related threat shuttered U.S. embassies and consulates in Yemen and 15 other countries, has overwhelmed attention to the threat itself, which many here view skeptically anyway.

“In the end, I think the American reaction has been far more than has been reasonable,' said Abdulghani al Iryani, a Sanaa-based political analyst. 'It comes off almost as a show of strength. But, ultimately, it may end up backfiring, as al-Qaida is getting more attention now than they would have even if they carried out an attack.'"

SANAA, Yemen: Yemenis outraged at spate of U.S. drone strikes - Guantánamo - MiamiHerald.com

What's the one thing any country addicted to war can not afford to run out of?
There seems to be little chance of that occurring as long as thousands of innocent Muslims continue to die from US drones and whatever comes next.

pardon my french but, simply put- the UN can get fucked.

You're siding with the robots?

"'War without reflection is mechanical slaughter,' he added. 'In the same way that the taking of any human life deserves as a minimum some deliberation, a decision to allow machines to be deployed to kill human beings deserves a collective pause worldwide.'”

United Nations News Centre - UN human rights expert urges global pause in creation of robots with ‘power to kill’
This is stupid, a drone over Yemen is just a lightly armed plane with a longer loiter time and a pilot in an easy chair somewhere else. There isn't some sentient Hal picking out things to shoot hellfires at without a man in the loop.
This is stupid, a drone over Yemen is just a lightly armed plane with a longer loiter time and a pilot in an easy chair somewhere else. There isn't some sentient Hal picking out things to shoot hellfires at without a man in the loop.
Unfortunately, that "man in the loop" happens to be a 20 year old, Top Gun watching kid, sitting in a Barca lounger in Nevada, just itching to "off" somebody in order to get a good review from his superiors.
I disagree. They can be a great tool in the war on terror. We just need a president who has his finger on the button and has morals and respect for the law. I.o.w., not obama.
Can you suggest a viable Republican OR Democrat presidential prospect who would question the military industrial complex without winding up like JFK?

The Conspiracy Forum is thataway, nutcase. >>>
Global ban on drones? Hmmmmm.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lITBGjNEp08]how about no! - YouTube[/ame]
Who's going to enforce it, the global police? The Zimbabwe National Guard? The Canadian Mounties?

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