Time for board cleaning? Slowwwwwwwww


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Maybe it's that Almost 100,000 post thread those folks started and never leave? Whatever it is...USMB is taking forever to load. Perhaps the Obama Start Again thread should be part 2 now cuz that is one BIG ASSED thread of people who hunkered down and stay put in there.
Maybe it's those posters who run twirling dervishes in their sigline....


I keed, I keed...
Maybe its that HUGE ASSED thread I spoke of in the OP? The coffee shop, eye candy, other threads that got that big were closed and restarted with part 2, part 3, etc. Why is that one exempt?
Speaking of my sigline...can anyone here make it smaller? I don't know how, since it's animated. I never learned how to do animations.
Having some problems myself. It's not my computer because this is the only site I'm having a problem with. Everything is really slow to load and sometimes I get "redirected" to the rules page when I try to read my PMs. Wonder what THAT means? :D Anyhow, I can't even read my PMs yet.
Not a single bit of trouble for me. Whether I had an adblock on or off makes no difference.
It's very flakey for me but intermittently so I believe it's more of a connection issue. Too many users at the same time sort of thing.
Hello??? HAYLOOOO? Knock knock! HEY!!! HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO? Any staff around?
Geez. What do I hafta do..start a bon fire or sumthin'?

I hate this new format. Nobody is around any more, staff wise. :(
I was slow yesterday for about two hours. It's fine so far today..

It's better.

Hey! Howthehellareya, CK? LTNS, lol.
I'm gonna bitch more often. :lol:

Note my smaller sigline? Secret Code Super Duper Helper did it for me and I just uploaded it so it ain't as big as before.
It's better.

Hey! Howthehellareya, CK? LTNS, lol.
I'm gonna bitch more often. :lol:

Note my smaller sigline? Secret Code Super Duper Helper did it for me and I just uploaded it so it ain't as big as before.

:lol: ;)

1. Switch-Off 'Images' in settings.
2. Switch-off Javascript, also in settings
3. Use the new Dolphin Browser - sooo much better!
4. Lift-up device to about 5' into the air when loading pages/posting replies if using Wi-Fi. Also, try holdng your device towards dfferent directions untill you see mor than just the usual one-bar reception graphic: this is best done within your device's actual Wi-Fi section. You can even use a big steel kitchen mixing bowl to boost signal reception, too! Otherwise, stand near anything metalic — this will also boost reception, meaning FASTER pageloadng for you all!

Actually, it could be the site itself. There are a couple of threads reaching bandwidth limits, maybe they should be locked and stickied/pinned and Part 2 threads started?

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