Time for bow and arrow control

The anti-gun loons know they have to start someonwere, and think they can sufficiently prey upon the emotions orf the ignorant to garner the support to start with 'assault weapons'.
Low-hanging fruit, as it were.
Sure it is, just like when they banned (license and registration required) the tommy gun in 1934.
77 years later, the US has banned almost every gun.
There is no sound argument for the necessity for, and efficacy of, a ban on such weapons, see...
YES, there is.
There isn't a sound argument for the lack of sportsmanship.
Innocent people are getting killed and injured because retards can't shoot.
Why do the morons need 20-60 round magazines to wound a turtle?
It's like lighting a candle with a flamethrower.
The least the idiots could do is take a basic shooting course, instead, because they suck, they need those 60 rounds for shredded turtle soup.
And it is deeper than that....

If you give them "Assault weapons," you are giving them a semi-automatic weapon...that is no different in operation than any other semi-auto rifle, pistol or shotgun...you have given them the point they believe.....that semi-automatic rifles are uniquely dangerous, and if you can ban one of them, then all of them must also be banned....since the argument was already given up that they should be banned by giving them "Assault Rifles/semi-automatic rifles."

Then, they will likely come back for revolvers...since they too are "semi-automatic" weapons...

They do nothing without prior planning...
Your stupidity is deeper than that.
Semi-automatic hunting rifles, pistols and shotguns don't have 20-60 round magazines.
They don't fire tumble bullets either.

'if you can ban one of them, then all of them must also be banned'.
Just like the tommy gun?
Your stupidity is deeper than that.
Semi-automatic hunting rifles, pistols and shotguns don't have 20-60 round magazines.
They don't fire tumble bullets either.

'if you can ban one of them, then all of them must also be banned'.
Just like the tommy gun?

Are you stupid?

Tumble bullets?

Do you understand that the 5.56 round is underpowered......it is one of the weaker rounds for rifles?

And magazine capacity? What is it in your malformed brains that focuses on magazines when it is the location of the attack that is the actual issue?

A pump action shotgun in Russia was used to murder 20 and wound 70.......with the local police station 100 yards away from the school.....the shotgun had a 5 shot capacity....you doofus.....
Are you stupid?

Tumble bullets?

Do you understand that the 5.56 round is underpowered......it is one of the weaker rounds for rifles?

And magazine capacity? What is it in your malformed brains that focuses on magazines when it is the location of the attack that is the actual issue?

A pump action shotgun in Russia was used to murder 20 and wound 70.......with the local police station 100 yards away from the school.....the shotgun had a 5 shot capacity....you doofus.....
I know you are, an idiot.

5.56 round travels at 3200 ft. per second.
'It's underpowered'?
Which means what?
It can't penetrate a Trumptards thick skull?

Yeah, where people are at you moron.

'A pump action shotgun in Russia was used to murder 20 and wound 70'.

Of course you don't have link.
I know you are, an idiot.

5.56 round travels at 3200 ft. per second.
'It's underpowered'?
Which means what?
It can't penetrate a Trumptards thick skull?

Yeah, where people are at you moron.

'A pump action shotgun in Russia was used to murder 20 and wound 70'.

Of course you don't have link.

Moron Ive linked to it before it was as the Kerch, Russia Polytechnic school shooting .

The Navy Yard shooter used a pump action shotgun and killed 12 you idiot.

The shooter in Cumbria, England used a sawed off double barreled shot fun and a .22 bolt action rifle and killed 12.

Also, shithead….When I dont post an immediate link you morons say I didnt link, then when I oink and quote you start crying about copy and paste…..you are such pathetic excuses for human beings.
I know you are, an idiot.

5.56 round travels at 3200 ft. per second.
'It's underpowered'?
Which means what?
It can't penetrate a Trumptards thick skull?

Yeah, where people are at you moron.

'A pump action shotgun in Russia was used to murder 20 and wound 70'.

Of course you don't have link.

Moron….. you know nothing. The 5.56 is often not allowed for hunting deer because it is under powered you moron.
I know you are, an idiot.

5.56 round travels at 3200 ft. per second.
'It's underpowered'?
Which means what?
It can't penetrate a Trumptards thick skull?

Yeah, where people are at you moron.

'A pump action shotgun in Russia was used to murder 20 and wound 70'.

Of course you don't have link.


The Kerch Polytechnic College massacre was a school shooting and bomb attack that occurred in Kerch, Crimea, on 17 October 2018. 18-year-old student Vladislav Roslyakov shot and killed 20 people and wounded 70 others before committing suicide. It was the deadliest school attack in the former Soviet Union since the 2004 Beslan school siege.[2]

I know you are, an idiot.

5.56 round travels at 3200 ft. per second.
'It's underpowered'?
Which means what?
It can't penetrate a Trumptards thick skull?

Yeah, where people are at you moron.

'A pump action shotgun in Russia was used to murder 20 and wound 70'.

Of course you don't have link.


The Cumbria shootings was a shooting spree which occurred on 2 June 2010 when a lone gunman, taxi driver Derrick Bird, killed twelve people and injured eleven others before killing himself in Cumbria, England, United Kingdom. Along with the 1987 Hungerford massacre and the 1996 Dunblane school massacre, it is one of the worst criminal acts involving firearms in British history. The shootings ended when Bird was found dead in a wooded area after abandoning his car in the village of Boot.

Sure it is, just like when they banned (license and registration required) the tommy gun in 1934.
Thank you for agreeing the ani-gun loons are going afert the low-hanging fruit.
There isn't a sound argument for the lack of sportsmanship.
This is not a sound argument for the banning of 'assault weapons'
Innocent people are getting killed and injured because retards can't shoot.
This is a lie. Accidental deaths are absolutely minuscule.
Why do the morons need 20-60 round magazines to wound a turtle?
A question is not a sound argument.
It's like lighting a candle with a flamethrower.
Hyperignorant hyperbole is not a sound argument
The least the idiots could do is take a basic shooting course, instead, because they suck, they need those 60 rounds for shredded turtle soup.
This is not a sound argument for banning 'assault weapons'
YES, there is.
This has been demonstrated a lie.
I know you are, an idiot.
5.56 round travels at 3200 ft. per second.
'It's underpowered'?
For a great many things.
This is why many, maybe most, states will not allow its use for hunting deer or larger game.
'A pump action shotgun in Russia was used to murder 20 and wound 70'.
Of course you don't have link.
Speaking of shotguns...
Every mass shooting in the US, save one, could have been equally perpetrated with a pump-action shotgun.
US cops, armed cops, are much more likely to die in the line of service than British cops.

What does that tell you?
It tells me we have way too many thugs on the streets. Harsher sentences are needed to keep our streets safe.
The US is dangerous because of policies in place. Norway isn't so dangerous because of policies in place.

Your argument for the US being dangerous is to keep it dangerous because it's dangerous.
The US is dangerous because of all the minority thugs in it. Places like Norway don’t have that problem, hence why killings are so rare.

White America’s crime statistics are very similar to Europe’s. The difference is our diversity, which brings crime way up.
Moron Ive linked to it before it was as the Kerch, Russia Polytechnic school shooting .

The Navy Yard shooter used a pump action shotgun and killed 12 you idiot.

The shooter in Cumbria, England used a sawed off double barreled shot fun and a .22 bolt action rifle and killed 12.

Also, shithead….When I dont post an immediate link you morons say I didnt link, then when I oink and quote you start crying about copy and paste…..you are such pathetic excuses for human beings.
Because the crime is 3 years old, in Russia, moron.
I don't trust people links anyway, so I look it up, regardless.
A three year old crime doesn't just pop up.

The Kerch Polytechnic College massacre was a school shooting and bomb attack that occurred in Kerch, Crimea, on 17 October 2018. 18-year-old student Vladislav Roslyakov shot and killed 20 people and wounded 70 others before committing suicide. It was the deadliest school attack in the former Soviet Union since the 2004 Beslan school siege.

Vladislav Roslyakov purchased a shotgun on 8 September and bought 150 rounds legally at a gun shop on 13 October.
He entered the grounds of Kerch Polytechnic College on 17 October at about 11:45 a.m. and shortly after began shooting.
A survivor of the incident said that the shooting lasted for more than 15 minutes.

'with the local police station 100 yards away from the school.....the shotgun had a 5 shot capacity....you doofus.....'

Surveillance footage of the incident shows Roslyakov wearing black trousers and a white T-shirt emblazoned with the Russian word "НЕНАВИСТЬ" (hatred) as he carries an eight-shot 12 gauge Hatsan Escort Aimguard pump-action shotgun with a pistol grip'

A large nail-bomb was detonated during the attack, and local police said that they deactivated more explosives on the campus.

Could it be that's why the police hesitated?

15 minutes?
20 killed.
70 Injured.
Plus a bomb?

The Las Vegas shooter was firing for only 10 minutes.
With 15 minutes plus a bomb Roslyakov could have doubled the amount of people killed and injured, if he would have had a military style assault weapon.

Moron Ive linked to it before it was as the Kerch, Russia Polytechnic school shooting .

The Navy Yard shooter used a pump action shotgun and killed 12 you idiot.

The shooter in Cumbria, England used a sawed off double barreled shot fun and a .22 bolt action rifle and killed 12.

Also, shithead….When I dont post an immediate link you morons say I didnt link, then when I oink and quote you start crying about copy and paste…..you are such pathetic excuses for human beings.
The Navy Yard shooter used a pump action shotgun and killed 12'.

The Washington Navy Yard shooting occurred on September 16, 2013, when 34-year-old Aaron Alexis fatally shot 12 people and injured three others in a mass shooting at the headquarters of the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) inside the Washington Navy Yard in southeast Washington, D.C. The attack took place in the Navy Yard's Building 197; it began around 8:16 a.m. EDT and ended when police killed Alexis around 9:25 a.m. It was the second-deadliest mass murder on a U.S. military base, behind the 2009 Fort Hood shooting.

Wow, around an hour and 15 minutes.

He tried to fire at them with his shotgun but realized that he was out of ammunition; he switched to the Beretta, killing one of the men, and the other man escaped without injury.
Reports indicated that the victim in the alleyway was hit by a "stray bullet". The shooter's use of the pistol in the alleyway led police to initially believe that a second gunman was involved.

On the day of the shooting, Washington Chief of Police Cathy L. Lanier initially said that police were searching for a white male wearing khaki military fatigues and a beret, who had allegedly been seen with a handgun, and a black male wearing olive military fatigues and carrying a long gun.
The white male was later identified and deemed not to be a suspect. The black male was not identified.[63] At 7:00 p.m., officials ruled out the possibility of other shooters, but were still seeking one other person for possible involvement.

Around an hour and 15 minutes and confused police?

Alexis could have done a lot more if Aaron had a military type assault weapon with two or three 60 round magazines.
Moron Ive linked to it before it was as the Kerch, Russia Polytechnic school shooting .

The Navy Yard shooter used a pump action shotgun and killed 12 you idiot.

The shooter in Cumbria, England used a sawed off double barreled shot fun and a .22 bolt action rifle and killed 12.

Also, shithead….When I dont post an immediate link you morons say I didnt link, then when I oink and quote you start crying about copy and paste…..you are such pathetic excuses for human beings.
'The shooter in Cumbria, England used a sawed off double barreled shot fun and a .22 bolt action rifle and killed 12'.

The Cumbria shootings was a shooting spree which occurred on 2 June 2010 when a lone gunman, taxi driver Derrick Bird, killed twelve people and injured eleven others before killing himself in Cumbria, England.

The shootings began in mid-morning in Lamplugh and moved to Frizington, Whitehaven, Egremont, Gosforth, and Seascale, sparking a major manhunt by the Cumbria Constabulary, with assistance from Civil Nuclear Constabulary officers. Thirty crime scenes across Copeland were investigated.

That was random, not exactly a mass shooting, just a murder spree lasting from 10:13am to 12:15pm.

Two hours.
All of your responses are lame comparisons and YEARS apart.

The Kerch Polytechnic College massacre was a school shooting and bomb attack that occurred in Kerch, Crimea, on 17 October 2018. 18-year-old student Vladislav Roslyakov shot and killed 20 people and wounded 70 others before committing suicide. It was the deadliest school attack in the former Soviet Union since the 2004 Beslan school siege.[2]

Yeah, you didn't mention it took 15 minutes to do it, idiot.

The Cumbria shootings was a shooting spree which occurred on 2 June 2010 when a lone gunman, taxi driver Derrick Bird, killed twelve people and injured eleven others before killing himself in Cumbria, England, United Kingdom. Along with the 1987 Hungerford massacre and the 1996 Dunblane school massacre, it is one of the worst criminal acts involving firearms in British history. The shootings ended when Bird was found dead in a wooded area after abandoning his car in the village of Boot.

LAME Comparison.
I sure do see a pattern. Your fantasy of armed citizens stopping mass shootings is a delusion.
then why did you choose to use unarmed citizens as an example instead of armed ones? the delusion is yours...you provided proof that it is the unarmed shot en masse and not the armed citizenry and then claimed it is delusional to see it that way...though loathe to admit it, I'm sure that even you can see the delusion there.

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