Time for Ron Paul Fans to Support the Constitution


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
There is no more time for games, no room for hurt feelings. Ron Paul fans, you need to choose, because not voting for Romney is a vote for Obama. It’s that simple. And you could make the difference.

Maybe Romney isn’t the uncompromising Ayn Rand hero you’d design if you could build your ideal candidate from scratch, but he’s a lot better than the guy on whose watch this happened:


Making no choice in this election is a choice – it’s a choice for a collectivist who will get two or three Supreme Court picks over a man who picked a guy, Paul Ryan, who understands capitalism and its unbreakable link to human freedom.

Now, this is a two-way street. Romney and Ryan need to reach out to libertarians over their common ground. Fortunately, there is lots of common ground.

Time for Ron Paul Fans to Support the Constitution

No, I'm afraid there's not much common ground between us and the corporatist-warmonger named Mitt Romney, and the faux-budget cutter, and also corporatist-warmonger, Paul Ryan. The analogy between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama in this piece is flawed. If Obama is an axe-murderer, then Mitt Romney is not merely a hubcap thief. He's right there with Obama with a chainsaw.

I also like how the author just tries to skate over foreign policy as if it's just a minor disagreement. It's not, and it can't just be swept under the rug.
There is no more time for games, no room for uncompromising principle. Ron Paul fans, you need to choose, because not voting for Romney is a vote for Obama. It’s that simple. And you could make the difference to help sustain the status quo but under a Republican president, which is the lesser of the two evils.

Maybe Romney isn’t the uncompromising Ron Paul hero you’d design if you could build your ideal candidate from scratch, but he’s a bit better than the guy on whose watch the NDAA was signed into law, eliminating habeas corpus. (Although Romney did say he would have signed the NDAA, too, but he wasn’t president, so he didn’t actually do it.)

Making no choice in this election is a choice – it’s a choice for a collectivist who will get two or three Supreme Court picks over a man who picked a guy, Paul Ryan, who understands crony capitalism and its unbreakable link to unaccountability of corrupt and criminal human action even better than Obama does.

Now, this is a two-way street. Romney and Ryan need to reach out to libertarians over their common ground. Fortunately, there is lots of common ground. Like Ryan’s first name, Paul, which is the same as Ron Paul’s last name.

Time for Ron Paul Fans to Stop Supporting the Constitution | Jeremy R. Hammond
So in the first article we have by Kurt Schlichter, tells us time to support the constitution. Now we have Jeremy Hammond regurgitating the same piece almost verbatum to stop supporting it?

I cant disagree that they are condescending here.

If you can't support Romney, I understand. He's not a perfect man. But what I have seen of him, I think he is a good man. And I dont think he wants to destroy our country or the Constitution. I can't say the same for Obama.

I care about the Constitution quite alot. I took an oath to uphold and defend it. I dont expect this the Federal Government to be turned around overnight. But two things are very clear. If anyone can do it, it's Mitt Romney. His life experiences have uniquely qualified him as someone who can save us from financial collapse. The Second thing is that if Obama is reelected, we may not have a Constitution much longer.

If your assessment on Romney is correct, the chance for a change may be slim. I disagree with your assessment of him. I think he will surprise you and alot of people. But I'd rather have a slim chance than no chance whatsoever.

You, of course, need to make your own decisions. Maybe you see another way. Regardless, there is no reason we cannot work together for common goals. There is no reason we can't work at motivating the people to do good. Ultimately I think it's the people who are going to have to save the Constitution. I just see the people having a much easier time with Romney in office than Obama. Romney isnt an idealogue. he is flexible. That can be a bad thing in some cases, but it can be a good thing for other reasons. Obama is an idealogue that goes against our interests.

Regardless who you vote for, let's work together to fight for Constitutional issues.



Why are "sports" so popular?
i win, you lose

If you want to completely control an entire population?

YOU offer them TWO choices,
which they can fight over,
thinking that one is the diametric opposite of the other,

while, in fact, they both lead to the same gate,

One, with emphasis on This,
the Other, with emphasis on That,

but BOTH agendas go forward, regardless of WHICH side "wins."

I want my voice to count,
and I want both "parties" to hear me,
loud and clear :

I'm having none of this bullshit, anymore.

I want what my birthright GUAR-and-Damned-TEED me:

MY constitution, and My rights to freedom.
I cant disagree that they are condescending here.

If you can't support Romney, I understand. He's not a perfect man. But what I have seen of him, I think he is a good man. And I dont think he wants to destroy our country or the Constitution. I can't say the same for Obama.

I care about the Constitution quite alot. I took an oath to uphold and defend it. I dont expect this the Federal Government to be turned around overnight. But two things are very clear. If anyone can do it, it's Mitt Romney. His life experiences have uniquely qualified him as someone who can save us from financial collapse. The Second thing is that if Obama is reelected, we may not have a Constitution much longer.

If your assessment on Romney is correct, the chance for a change may be slim. I disagree with your assessment of him. I think he will surprise you and alot of people. But I'd rather have a slim chance than no chance whatsoever.

You, of course, need to make your own decisions. Maybe you see another way. Regardless, there is no reason we cannot work together for common goals. There is no reason we can't work at motivating the people to do good. Ultimately I think it's the people who are going to have to save the Constitution. I just see the people having a much easier time with Romney in office than Obama. Romney isnt an idealogue. he is flexible. That can be a bad thing in some cases, but it can be a good thing for other reasons. Obama is an idealogue that goes against our interests.

Regardless who you vote for, let's work together to fight for Constitutional issues.

I think the antics at the RNC show that Mitt Romney is not a good man at all. It shows a distinct lack of character that one cannot be gracious in victory, and must kick people in the face one last time before moving on.
Not voting for Romney is voting for obama's flag and the pledge of allegiance to obama as well.

If the Paulbots would fight for our Constitution now is the time to do it.

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