Time Magazine writer fears freedom of speech

Why are you such weak ass, spineless wonders that you would elect a piece of shit like Donald Trump as President.

You have a leader of your shithole country who locks people up and seizes their property if they dare to disagree with him.

Clean up your own country and STFU about the USA. You know nothing about it.

We have a Prime Minister who locked people up and seized the bank accounts when they refused to abide by the law, and the court orders issued, to stop disrupting the lives of the citizens of Ottawa. This is the guy we actually elected, not some yahoo who thinks his "free-dumb", and he's doing the job we elected him to do.

I notice how you beta FuckBois all hate Trudeau, but the Trump women can't take their eyes off him, especially Melania. You'd think with that good looking guy she's got back in New York in addition to the Donald, she'd have enough on her plate, but she was even more taken with him than Ivanka.

And my "shithole country" is the Best Country in the World to live in. We're doing well, in part because nobody is investing in the USA right now. Politically unstable, and escalating violence. Your country is the toilet and the water is swirling.
Musk has outfoxed himself. "Free speech" is an illusion and one which conservatives have taken to mean "Anyone can say anything they want, any time they want, whether it's true or not". "Free Speech" is the ability to criticize the government, without fear of arrest or retribution from the government. Nothing more, nothing less.

Um, that's exactly what "freedom of speech" means in America, Dumbass. In America you have the freedom to express your opinion on anything. You live in KKKanada where you can be locked up and have your property seized for simply disagreeing with your leader.

Definition of freedom of speech

: the legal right to express one's opinions freely

Can you yell "Fire" in a crowded theatre is there is no fire? What happens if you do?

If you call the police and report a crime, and they find no crime, what happens to you?

If you go around town telling everyone your neighbour is a pedophile, and he's not guilty of any such crime, what happens to you.

And yet you applaud the government passing laws saying you can't teach children about racism or slavery.

"Free speech" is an illusion.
Disinformation is not at all an "alternative point of view". It's meant to MISLEAD YOU, but you oppositional behaviour types seize on it as simply a "point of view". A point of view is based on facts. Disinformation is based on lies.

Disinformation around the covid pandemic lead the USA to have the highest rate of death and disease in the first world. People who wanted harm to come to Americans were at the forefront of the disinformation campaign, and you've been so brainwashed into believing the government is out to "control you".

Disinformation around the election caused a bunch of fools to storm the capitol.

Disinformation about the Washington pizza parlour caused a man to shoot up the place to stop the child abuse.
Disinformation is the stock and trade of the democratic party.

The US did not have the highest rates of disease or death from Covid.


The US didn't even make the top 15 and Mexico's death rate is nearly 400% higher than ours.
Time magazine national correspondent Charlotte Alter dismissed Elon Musk’s quest for free speech on Twitter as a white male "obsession," and merely an entrepreneurial way to acquire influence and power in the world.
She also claimed that Musk’s idea of free speech is about the right to spread "disinformation" and has nothing to do with the founding father’s original intent.

Why would a writer fear freedom of speech?
That seems like a perfect oxymoron.........or maybe just a regular moron.
Why does the Left loath and fear "white males" so much?
That sounds racist and misandry.
The truth is that the Left's dystopian ideologies have caused millions of people to suffer.
The Democrats are galloping down the road towards totalitarianism and opposing freedom of speech is one of the symptoms.
They fear freedom of speech because their greed and hate driven agenda wilts under just a little scrutiny.
BTW, the Democrats reign supreme as the masters of "disinformation".
Freedom to lie endlessly you mean, dumbass dupe ignoramus. Change the channel stupid....
Saying the election was stolen with no evidence is like yelling fire when there is none. Your propaganda is a total disgrace, giveaway to the rich GOP super dupe.
I've never said the election was stolen moron, you're talking out of your ass as usual.

Yelling fire when there is none is not illegal unless you cause direct harm to others in doing so.

Incitement and defamation statutes deal with speech that causes direct harm to others.
Disinformation is the stock and trade of the democratic party.

The US did not have the highest rates of disease or death from Covid.

View attachment 639101

The US didn't even make the top 15 and Mexico's death rate is nearly 400% higher than ours.

That's the rate of deaths as a percentage of people getting sick, not the "death rate". The death rate per million of population in Mexico is 2458 per million of population. The death rate in the USA is over 3000 people per million of population.

No other country in the world has had 83 million cases and over a million deaths. So much for the "best health care in the world". 83 million people sick. Why that's nearly as many people as voted for Donald Trump. Coincidence?????? I think not.
I've never said the election was stolen moron, you're talking out of your ass as usual.

Yelling fire when there is none is not illegal unless you cause direct harm to others in doing so.

Incitement and defamation statutes deal with speech that causes direct harm to others.

So there is no right to say whatever you want, wherever you want, whenever you want.

Free speech is an illusion.
We have a Prime Minister who locked people up and seized the bank accounts when they refused to abide by the law, and the court orders issued, to stop disrupting the lives of the citizens of Ottawa. This is the guy we actually elected, not some yahoo who thinks his "free-dumb", and he's doing the job we elected him to do.

I notice how you beta FuckBois all hate Trudeau, but the Trump women can't take their eyes off him, especially Melania. You'd think with that good looking guy she's got back in New York in addition to the Donald, she'd have enough on her plate, but she was even more taken with him than Ivanka.

And my "shithole country" is the Best Country in the World to live in. We're doing well, in part because nobody is investing in the USA right now. Politically unstable, and escalating violence. Your country is the toilet and the water is swirling.
Your soi boi dictator-wannabe is Fidel Castro's son.

Of course, that's probably a large part of your attraction to him.
That's the rate of deaths as a percentage of people getting sick, not the "death rate". The death rate per million of population in Mexico is 2458 per million of population. The death rate in the USA is over 3000 people per million of population.

No other country in the world has had 83 million cases and over a million deaths. So much for the "best health care in the world". 83 million people sick. Why that's nearly as many people as voted for Donald Trump. Coincidence?????? I think not.
That's the case fatality rate which is about 1.2% in the US even though we've grossly inflated the numbers by counting people died with covid as opposed to only those dying from Covid..

Total cases and total mortality are different calculations. Our total mortality from Covid is around .023%.
That's the rate of deaths as a percentage of people getting sick, not the "death rate". The death rate per million of population in Mexico is 2458 per million of population. The death rate in the USA is over 3000 people per million of population.

No other country in the world has had 83 million cases and over a million deaths. So much for the "best health care in the world". 83 million people sick. Why that's nearly as many people as voted for Donald Trump. Coincidence?????? I think not.
No healthcare system in the world can prevent people from getting sick you idiot.

Not even vaccination is a guarantee against illness and we were the first to develop and field viable vaccines.
No it doesn't. It protects you from being arrested for calling Donald Trump an idiot.
That's exactly what it does and that was indisputably the intent of the founders.

Their biggest concerns was that religious and political speech be protected and that means speech you don't like is protected.
So there is no right to say whatever you want, wherever you want, whenever you want.

Free speech is an illusion.
With very limited exceptions yes as long as you aren't causing any direct harm to others. All of our rights are limited with respect to harming others.
We have a Prime Minister who locked people up and seized the bank accounts when they refused to abide by the law…

Laws that compelled people to be injected against their will with dangerous, experimental drugs, that have been proven to be harmful; and which prohibited people from protesting against this forced drugging.

And these actions were taken, in many cases, without any vestige of proper due process of law.

From the point of view of an American, judging with respect to the principles on which my country is run, as defined in my country's Constitution, the actions of Canaduh's government cannot be seen as anything other than outrageous and inexcusable abuses of basic human rights.

But then, there is really nothing surprising about that, given the cowardly and shameful manner in which Canaduh was founded, sucking the dick of the same tyrant whose ass we American's kicked to win our independence.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” — Samuel Adams​
We have a Prime Minister who locked people up and seized the bank accounts when they refused to abide by the law, and the court orders issued, to stop disrupting the lives of the citizens of Ottawa. This is the guy we actually elected, not some yahoo who thinks his "free-dumb", and he's doing the job we elected him to do.

I notice how you beta FuckBois all hate Trudeau, but the Trump women can't take their eyes off him, especially Melania. You'd think with that good looking guy she's got back in New York in addition to the Donald, she'd have enough on her plate, but she was even more taken with him than Ivanka.

And my "shithole country" is the Best Country in the World to live in. We're doing well, in part because nobody is investing in the USA right now. Politically unstable, and escalating violence. Your country is the toilet and the water is swirling.
Thankfully we have a Constitution and courts system that largely prevents those kinds of abuses and punishes those committing them.
I've never said the election was stolen moron, you're talking out of your ass as usual.

Yelling fire when there is none is not illegal unless you cause direct harm to others in doing so.

Incitement and defamation statutes deal with speech that causes direct harm to others.
Over 60% of the GOP voters believe it, and the orange clown. If you don't vote Dem, you are an enemy of reality, tolerance, and the middle class...You are causing GREAT harm

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