Time Magazine writer fears freedom of speech

Actually that's exactly what the founders wanted figuring that if all speech competes then the liars and those with bad ideas would lose out to those speaking the truth with good ideas.

You can't be sued for lying to the public unless there's a provable harm as in false advertising.
Exactly. It has to do provable harm.
They've been doing that since the 90's because Rush Limbaugh had such a large following. Their answer was going to be a new version of the "Fairness Doctrine".

The problem was that Liberal talk radio was nothing but a hate fest and couldn't gain, much less hold enough market share to stay on the air.

As a result they were going to tie FCC licensure to giving away free air time to couther Limbaugh.

Seems they forgot they already owned PBS and College Radio.
A social media platform can make and enforce whatever rules it deems necessary for their continued profitability and to protect themselves from liability.
Agreed. It's still censorship, though.
In spite of this you people seem to have little difficulty in spreading even the most outlandishly false narratives and medical quackery.
Like the Russian collusion BS? Like when Biden said you can't catch covid if you get vaxxed? Fuck off, useful idiot.
What are you crying about?
I'm not crying at all. That would be you and your fellow libtard dipshits crapping your pants over Twitter no longer being your snowflake safe space.
You can still tell idiots elections are rigged and that bleach cures Covid all you want.
Okay, I'll tell you those things.
Agreed. It's still censorship, though.

Like the Russian collusion BS? Like when Biden said you can't catch covid if you get vaxxed? Fuck off, useful idiot.

I'm not crying at all. That would be you and your fellow libtard dipshits crapping your pants over Twitter no longer being your snowflake safe space.

Okay, I'll tell you those things.
We're winning, why would we be crying? Joy?
Are you serious? Disinformation is just a word the left likes to use that means a different point of view then theirs.

Disinformation is not at all an "alternative point of view". It's meant to MISLEAD YOU, but you oppositional behaviour types seize on it as simply a "point of view". A point of view is based on facts. Disinformation is based on lies.

Disinformation around the covid pandemic lead the USA to have the highest rate of death and disease in the first world. People who wanted harm to come to Americans were at the forefront of the disinformation campaign, and you've been so brainwashed into believing the government is out to "control you".

Disinformation around the election caused a bunch of fools to storm the capitol.

Disinformation about the Washington pizza parlour caused a man to shoot up the place to stop the child abuse.
Because you don't understand the concept of "free speech" as defined in the Constitution.

Twitter tried free speech and they got flooded with liars who slandered other members, con artists who used the site to fleece the gullible, and conspiracy theorists who spread disinformation about the government and everything else.

Twitter was forced to ban the liars, to restore some semblance of sanity to the site, as did Facebook.

The rest of your post is just the usual right wing lies about the left. Why are white males so insecure, and needy. Why can't you ever admit you're wrong, or you've behaved badly, or you've lost an election.

Why are you such weak ass, spineless wonders that you would elect a piece of shit like Donald Trump as President. You're problem is that you think Trump is some kind of hero, instead of the worst example of toxic masculinity you can find.
Why are you such weak ass, spineless wonders that you would elect a piece of shit like Donald Trump as President.

You have a leader of your shithole country who locks people up and seizes their property if they dare to disagree with him.

Clean up your own country and STFU about the USA. You know nothing about it.
Disinformation is not at all an "alternative point of view". It's meant to MISLEAD YOU, but you oppositional behaviour types seize on it as simply a "point of view". A point of view is based on facts. Disinformation is based on lies.

Disinformation around the covid pandemic lead the USA to have the highest rate of death and disease in the first world. People who wanted harm to come to Americans were at the forefront of the disinformation campaign, and you've been so brainwashed into believing the government is out to "control you".

Disinformation around the election caused a bunch of fools to storm the capitol.

Disinformation about the Washington pizza parlour caused a man to shoot up the place to stop the child abuse.
Disinformation around the covid pandemic lead the USA to have the highest rate of death and disease in the first world.

Not even close, you lying sack death rate in the US is 1.23%, which is way down the list.
Agreed. It's still censorship, though.

Like the Russian collusion BS? Like when Biden said you can't catch covid if you get vaxxed? Fuck off, useful idiot.

I'm not crying at all. That would be you and your fellow libtard dipshits crapping your pants over Twitter no longer being your snowflake safe space.

Okay, I'll tell you those things.

Russian collusion isn't bullshit. 9 people plead guilty and went to jail. The ONLY people who think it's bullshit are the fools who believe Donald Trump.

You are crying. You're here every day telling us how none of it bothers YOU at all. If it's not bothering you, why do you keep bringing it up? You're the ones crying that you can't lie on Twitter. It's so UNFAIR.

Musk has outfoxed himself. "Free speech" is an illusion and one which conservatives have taken to mean "Anyone can say anything they want, any time they want, whether it's true or not". "Free Speech" is the ability to criticize the government, without fear of arrest or retribution from the government. Nothing more, nothing less.

Telling teachers they'll be fired by the government for talking about race, violents their free speech. Firing Andrew McCabe from the FBI because he investigated Donald Trump violated his right to free speech. Telling people to take ivermectin on Twitter as a cure for covid, is not protected free speech.
Russian collusion isn't bullshit. 9 people plead guilty and went to jail. The ONLY people who think it's bullshit are the fools who believe Donald Trump.

You are crying. You're here every day telling us how none of it bothers YOU at all. If it's not bothering you, why do you keep bringing it up? You're the ones crying that you can't lie on Twitter. It's so UNFAIR.

Musk has outfoxed himself. "Free speech" is an illusion and one which conservatives have taken to mean "Anyone can say anything they want, any time they want, whether it's true or not". "Free Speech" is the ability to criticize the government, without fear of arrest or retribution from the government. Nothing more, nothing less.

Telling teachers they'll be fired by the government for talking about race, violents their free speech. Firing Andrew McCabe from the FBI because he investigated Donald Trump violated his right to free speech. Telling people to take ivermectin on Twitter as a cure for covid, is not protected free speech.
Russian collusion isn't bullshit. 9 people plead guilty and went to jail.

Hey Dragonlady link us up to the charges, convictions, and jail terms for "Russian collusion".

You are a lying sack of shit, and your inability to bring such a link will once again prove what a ginormous lying sack of shit you are.
Russian collusion isn't bullshit. 9 people plead guilty and went to jail. The ONLY people who think it's bullshit are the fools who believe Donald Trump.

You are crying. You're here every day telling us how none of it bothers YOU at all. If it's not bothering you, why do you keep bringing it up? You're the ones crying that you can't lie on Twitter. It's so UNFAIR.

Musk has outfoxed himself. "Free speech" is an illusion and one which conservatives have taken to mean "Anyone can say anything they want, any time they want, whether it's true or not". "Free Speech" is the ability to criticize the government, without fear of arrest or retribution from the government. Nothing more, nothing less.

Telling teachers they'll be fired by the government for talking about race, violents their free speech. Firing Andrew McCabe from the FBI because he investigated Donald Trump violated his right to free speech. Telling people to take ivermectin on Twitter as a cure for covid, is not protected free speech.
Musk has outfoxed himself. "Free speech" is an illusion and one which conservatives have taken to mean "Anyone can say anything they want, any time they want, whether it's true or not". "Free Speech" is the ability to criticize the government, without fear of arrest or retribution from the government. Nothing more, nothing less.

Um, that's exactly what "freedom of speech" means in America, Dumbass. In America you have the freedom to express your opinion on anything. You live in KKKanada where you can be locked up and have your property seized for simply disagreeing with your leader.

Definition of freedom of speech

: the legal right to express one's opinions freely
Russian collusion isn't bullshit. 9 people plead guilty and went to jail. The ONLY people who think it's bullshit are the fools who believe Donald Trump.

You are crying. You're here every day telling us how none of it bothers YOU at all. If it's not bothering you, why do you keep bringing it up? You're the ones crying that you can't lie on Twitter. It's so UNFAIR.

Musk has outfoxed himself. "Free speech" is an illusion and one which conservatives have taken to mean "Anyone can say anything they want, any time they want, whether it's true or not". "Free Speech" is the ability to criticize the government, without fear of arrest or retribution from the government. Nothing more, nothing less.

Telling teachers they'll be fired by the government for talking about race, violents their free speech. Firing Andrew McCabe from the FBI because he investigated Donald Trump violated his right to free speech. Telling people to take ivermectin on Twitter as a cure for covid, is not protected free speech.
Nobody got locked up for “Russian Collusion” dummy. Because it never happened. Much greater chance that Durham gets a lot of Hillary worshippers locked up and a chance he gets her too. McCabe got fired on recommendation of the FBI’s own HR department. Freezing people’s bank accounts and trying to steal their property for disagreeing with your Dear Leader Turdeau is much worse, yet you support that.

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