Time Magazine writer fears freedom of speech

Pretty sure the founders never intended for us to be defenseless against opportunistic liars. Yet it seems the right thinks the continual backlash they face for their conspiracy theories is tyranny.
That is how the censorship left us, defenseless against liars. You got it ass backwards.
Pretty sure the founders never intended for us to be defenseless against opportunistic liars. Yet it seems the right thinks the continual backlash they face for their conspiracy theories is tyranny.
I'm not just pretty sure, I'm dead positive you can't produce anything written by the founders relative to the 1st Amendment to that effect.
A social media platform can make and enforce whatever rules it deems necessary for their continued profitability and to protect themselves from liability. In spite of this you people seem to have little difficulty in spreading even the most outlandishly false narratives and medical quackery. What are you crying about? You can still tell idiots elections are rigged and that bleach cures Covid all you want.
As current law is written yes but that may very well change soon. There has been a lot of talk about treating social media platforms as "The Public Square" rather than private entities because they are the primary means of communication for millionsl
Why do you feel such a need to lie? Our total case mortality rate is only about 1.2% and total US mortality around .32%.

Nearly all of those deaths, 850,862 were among people over 50 with 3 or more co morbid conditions.

Disinformation didn't kill those people, nature did.
People misinformed by your orange clown and propaganda didn't get vaxxed and die at least 50x as often. I'd say they are good for 70-80% of our deaths and 50% in the modern world since vax. Conservatives everywhere are ignorant conspiracy nuts...
Pretty sure the founders never intended for us to be defenseless against opportunistic liars. Yet it seems the right thinks the continual backlash they face for their conspiracy theories is tyranny.
You apparently have no idea what the press was like in the early years of this nation. They make the liberals of today look like amateurs, and they were expressly protected.
We have a Prime Minister who locked people up and seized the bank accounts when they refused to abide by the law, and the court orders issued, to stop disrupting the lives of the citizens of Ottawa. This is the guy we actually elected, not some yahoo who thinks his "free-dumb", and he's doing the job we elected him to do.

I notice how you beta FuckBois all hate Trudeau, but the Trump women can't take their eyes off him, especially Melania. You'd think with that good looking guy she's got back in New York in addition to the Donald, she'd have enough on her plate, but she was even more taken with him than Ivanka.

And my "shithole country" is the Best Country in the World to live in. We're doing well, in part because nobody is investing in the USA right now. Politically unstable, and escalating violence. Your country is the toilet and the water is swirling.
Yet you are our economic slaves. Much of your trade is with us. Your dollar is only worth seventy eight cents. Almost your entire population lives within two hundred miles of the US border. If your government decides to label any discourse “ hate speech”, you can be jailed. You aren’t any more free than the citizens of Russia or the People’s Republic of China.
Well looky there…… Dragonlady shithole country has a higher death rate than the US.

Death rate in the USA - 3051 People per million of population - TOTAL DEATHS 1,020,824.

Death rate in Canada - 1024 people per million of population. Total deaths: 39,260

Death rate per case - 1.2 for USA, 1.1 for Canada.

By what measure is our death rate higher?

I'm talking about practically all the shit the right is griping about these days. Half of you are numbskulls that will believe anything and the other half are in on the con. Which are you?


Yet you are our economic slaves. Much of your trade is with us. Your dollar is only worth seventy eight cents. Almost your entire population lives within two hundred miles of the US border. If your government decides to label any discourse “ hate speech”, you can be jailed. You aren’t any more free than the citizens of Russia or the People’s Republic of China.
Freedom in Canada was already on it's last legs before Covid hit and that was the end of it.
I'm not just pretty sure, I'm dead positive you can't produce anything written by the founders relative to the 1st Amendment to that effect.

Then why are there laws against lying???? You cannot lie with impunity and then claim "freedom of speech". Otherwise you'd have people running around accusing other people of being pedophiles on no evidence and no accusations. Oh wait. You're already doing THAT.
Then why are there laws against lying???? You cannot lie with impunity and then claim "freedom of speech". Otherwise you'd have people running around accusing other people of being pedophiles on no evidence and no accusations. Oh wait. You're already doing THAT.
Legally you can lie all you want just not under oath or when being questioned by police.

Other than that the only way you can be prosecuted or sued for lying is if one can prove harm due to the lies.
Then why are there laws against lying???? You cannot lie with impunity and then claim "freedom of speech". Otherwise you'd have people running around accusing other people of being pedophiles on no evidence and no accusations. Oh wait. You're already doing THAT.
Sounds like what they did to Kavanaugh. That kind of bullshit is all yours.
Then why are there laws against lying???? You cannot lie with impunity and then claim "freedom of speech". Otherwise you'd have people running around accusing other people of being pedophiles on no evidence and no accusations. Oh wait. You're already doing THAT.
There aren’t any laws against lying. You can lie all day long about anyone or anything. There are civil penalties for causing another DELIBERATE harm by false statements or actions. There are no criminal penalties for that. There are criminal penalties for financial fraud, but that’s another thing entirely.
There aren’t any laws against lying. You can lie all day long about anyone or anything. There are civil penalties for causing another DELIBERATE harm by false statements or actions. There are no criminal penalties for that. There are criminal penalties for financial fraud, but that’s another thing entirely.
You are dealing with someone who wants the thought police.
Nor on those fine networks that ran with the "Russian Collusion is real" stories and "Hunter Biden Laptop story is Fake".

That's free speech whether you like it or not.
Never saw that version lol. Russian support was real. Who believes Giulani and his laptop story. Hunter himself said it could be, and nothing bad so far for Joe DUH....just a tidal wave of crap...
Never saw that version lol. Russian support was real. Who believes Giulani and his laptop story. Hunter himself said it could be, and nothing bad so far for Joe DUH....just a tidal wave of crap...
The Trump Russia Collusion story was a fraud perpetrated by democrats and our own FBI and intel community.

The dossier it was all based on was a complete fraud.

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