Time Magazine writer fears freedom of speech

The Trump Russia Collusion story was a fraud perpetrated by democrats and our own FBI and intel community.

The dossier it was all based on was a complete fraud.
The dossier has nothing to do with it and can't be proven either way. Sounds just like your orange pervert. NEVER USED. The russians were proven social media scum and false flag stuff. Why the hell would they want help from idiot Trumpers? You got nothing factual, dupe.
Why would a writer fear freedom of speech?

When the government and media show up to tell you they are there to crack down on public misinformation, you can be sure they are actually the SOURCE of the misinformation! And they are there to crack down on you opposing it.

That is how regimes operate in a banana republic.
Time magazine national correspondent Charlotte Alter dismissed Elon Musk’s quest for free speech on Twitter as a white male "obsession," and merely an entrepreneurial way to acquire influence and power in the world.
She also claimed that Musk’s idea of free speech is about the right to spread "disinformation" and has nothing to do with the founding father’s original intent.

Why would a writer fear freedom of speech?
That seems like a perfect oxymoron.........or maybe just a regular moron.
Why does the Left loath and fear "white males" so much?
That sounds racist and misandry.
The truth is that the Left's dystopian ideologies have caused millions of people to suffer.
The Democrats are galloping down the road towards totalitarianism and opposing freedom of speech is one of the symptoms.
They fear freedom of speech because their greed and hate driven agenda wilts under just a little scrutiny.
BTW, the Democrats reign supreme as the masters of "disinformation".
Someone needs to send her a Binki-----

Never saw that version lol. Russian support was real. Who believes Giulani and his laptop story. Hunter himself said it could be, and nothing bad so far for Joe DUH....just a tidal wave of crap...
Keep the faith! You might need it.
The dossier has nothing to do with it and can't be proven either way. Sounds just like your orange pervert. NEVER USED. The russians were proven social media scum and false flag stuff. Why the hell would they want help from idiot Trumpers? You got nothing factual, dupe.
The entire case was predicated on the phony dossier.
Disinformation is not at all an "alternative point of view". It's meant to MISLEAD YOU, but you oppositional behaviour types seize on it as simply a "point of view". A point of view is based on facts. Disinformation is based on lies.

Disinformation around the covid pandemic lead the USA to have the highest rate of death and disease in the first world. People who wanted harm to come to Americans were at the forefront of the disinformation campaign, and you've been so brainwashed into believing the government is out to "control you".

Disinformation around the election caused a bunch of fools to storm the capitol.

Disinformation about the Washington pizza parlour caused a man to shoot up the place to stop the child abuse.
You are wrong, and proved my point. You would want the government to censor the real facts where you, in fact, provided the disinformation.

You want the US to be the highest in covid deaths in order to prove your point, and anyone who clamed differently would be censored. However, in reality the US is number 20 when you look at deaths per million.


Also, you seemed to be concerned with misreporting from the right, but not the left. Social media, CNN, MSNBC, and others misreported about Nickolas Sandmann and it ruined his life. Also, don't forget the misreporting by social media and MSM for Kyle Rittenhouse. They did this all the way through the trial. However, the truth came out, and they continue to falsely report.

Let's not forget Russian collusion which we know was fake.

We all know the reason the left is doing this crap. It is because they want to silence different points of view.

If you have not read or watched George Owells 1984 you should. This is a slippery slope.
You are wrong, and proved my point. You would want the government to censor the real facts where you, in fact, provided the disinformation.

You want the US to be the highest in covid deaths in order to prove your point, and anyone who clamed differently would be censored. However, in reality the US is number 20 when you look at deaths per million.

View attachment 639392

Also, you seemed to be concerned with misreporting from the right, but not the left. Social media, CNN, MSNBC, and others misreported about Nickolas Sandmann and it ruined his life. Also, don't forget the misreporting by social media and MSM for Kyle Rittenhouse. They did this all the way through the trial. However, the truth came out, and they continue to falsely report.

Let's not forget Russian collusion which we know was fake.

We all know the reason the left is doing this crap. It is because they want to silence different points of view.

If you have not read or watched George Owells 1984 you should. This is a slippery slope.
It always cracked me up listening to the democrats cry about how many more deaths we had than countries like Germany, Italy, France and GB. They never bothered to take a look at the populations of each. You have to add all of those together to get close to the population of the US.
Never saw that version lol. Russian support was real. Who believes Giulani and his laptop story. Hunter himself said it could be, and nothing bad so far for Joe DUH....just a tidal wave of crap...
Then you never pulled your head out and paid attention to the news.


Hell they went so far as to get fifty supposed "former intelligence officials" to sign a document stating it was Russian Disinformation.

Pull your head out and look around, you'll be surprised at the world around you.
Everytime I see someone speak out about musk and his desire to have freedom of speech I think the exact same thing. That person is the enemy.

It's just like people who speak out about the don't say gay bill because I think "they don't even know what the bill is about, they are against a bill which is against teaching small children sexual things involving topics even beyond natural biology, and they hate just to hate and because social media tells them to. They are the enemy".

If you're against protecting small children from being taught by perverts teaching them perverted ideas intended only for adults, and if you're against free speech then you're my enemy. And speaking out about them only makes you very easy to pick out.

Them speaking out about it would be just like if I was on a battlefield in ww2 and suddenly all the Germans put on orange jumpsuits.
Then you never pulled your head out and paid attention to the news.

View attachment 639401

Hell they went so far as to get fifty supposed "former intelligence officials" to sign a document stating it was Russian Disinformation.

Pull your head out and look around, you'll be surprised at the world around you.
BS, just said they could not say whether it ws true or not. VERY EARLY and when it was found to be real FOR ONCE LOL they continued investigating. And your charges are all total bs, like HILLARY'S E-MAILS...WHICH BS AND gop Comey WON THE gd ELECTION total crap REPEATED ENDLESSLY. And DON'T GIVE US ANY GARBAGE about the FBI fecking e-mails either. FBI lovers not liking Trump shows intelligence, not a plot, ya gd BFM...either, Putinist/Murdoch shyttehead...

And Joe is not a crook like your orange scumbag lying hero....your party is a scumbag lying disgrace. Change the gd channel...
Everytime I see someone speak out about musk and his desire to have freedom of speech I think the exact same thing. That person is the enemy.

It's just like people who speak out about the don't say gay bill because I think "they don't even know what the bill is about, they are against a bill which is against teaching small children sexual things involving topics even beyond natural biology, and they hate just to hate and because social media tells them to. They are the enemy".

If you're against protecting small children from being taught by perverts teaching them perverted ideas intended only for adults, and if you're against free speech then you're my enemy. And speaking out about them only makes you very easy to pick out.

Them speaking out about it would be just like if I was on a battlefield in ww2 and suddenly all the Germans put on orange jumpsuits.
Telling children some parents are 2 women etc is totally innocent, FOOL. Except to dirty minded duped bigots...Everyone outside your bubble of Murdoch/Putin slop knows it...
It always cracked me up listening to the democrats cry about how many more deaths we had than countries like Germany, Italy, France and GB. They never bothered to take a look at the populations of each. You have to add all of those together to get close to the population of the US.
And our numbers include reported deaths where the person died from something else yet had covid, so even with skewed information we are number 20. The good news is my liberal friends, whom are more reasonable than what we usually see, feel the same as I do on this (the 1984 initiative), and a lot of current issues. To the point they may be voting against their party. But I will believe that when I see it :).
It always cracked me up listening to the democrats cry about how many more deaths we had than countries like Germany, Italy, France and GB. They never bothered to take a look at the populations of each. You have to add all of those together to get close to the population of the US.
of course they did you twerp, all per capita. Perhaps it got garbled a couple times and you've heard endless crap about that, dupe...
Time magazine national correspondent Charlotte Alter dismissed Elon Musk’s quest for free speech on Twitter as a white male "obsession," and merely an entrepreneurial way to acquire influence and power in the world.
She also claimed that Musk’s idea of free speech is about the right to spread "disinformation" and has nothing to do with the founding father’s original intent.

Why would a writer fear freedom of speech?
That seems like a perfect oxymoron.........or maybe just a regular moron.
Why does the Left loath and fear "white males" so much?
That sounds racist and misandry.
The truth is that the Left's dystopian ideologies have caused millions of people to suffer.
The Democrats are galloping down the road towards totalitarianism and opposing freedom of speech is one of the symptoms.
They fear freedom of speech because their greed and hate driven agenda wilts under just a little scrutiny.
BTW, the Democrats reign supreme as the masters of "disinformation".

You might want to actually post what the content of the link was.

"She also claimed that Musk’s idea of free speech is about the right to spread "disinformation" and has nothing to do with the founding father’s original intent."

And I think that's is true and not really quesitonable, since the Framers could not have ever foreseen the internet and social media. You could always sue a newspaper for lies, and not everybody had a printing press.
Then why are there laws against lying???? You cannot lie with impunity and then claim "freedom of speech". Otherwise you'd have people running around accusing other people of being pedophiles on no evidence and no accusations. Oh wait. You're already doing THAT.
Then tell your leftist friends to stop doing it, and to stop trying to censor the truth in the name of "disinformation".

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