Time Magazine writer fears freedom of speech

And our numbers include reported deaths where the person died from something else yet had covid, so even with skewed information we are number 20. The good news is my liberal friends, whom are more reasonable than what we usually see, feel the same as I do on this (the 1984 initiative), and a lot of current issues. To the point they may be voting against their party. But I will believe that when I see it :).
Yes yes we know you've heard every irrelevant tiny exception to the rule, dupe, about vax, mask, election reality...ALL CRAP but adds up to the worst pandemic/Americanism beliefs going. You people think huge numbers of Americans are pedophiles, brain controllers god knows what- WITH NO EVIDENCE, the hate is incredible and based ONLY on garbage hate propaganda.
Time magazine national correspondent Charlotte Alter dismissed Elon Musk’s quest for free speech on Twitter as a white male "obsession," and merely an entrepreneurial way to acquire influence and power in the world.
She also claimed that Musk’s idea of free speech is about the right to spread "disinformation" and has nothing to do with the founding father’s original intent.

Why would a writer fear freedom of speech?
That seems like a perfect oxymoron.........or maybe just a regular moron.
Why does the Left loath and fear "white males" so much?
That sounds racist and misandry.
The truth is that the Left's dystopian ideologies have caused millions of people to suffer.
The Democrats are galloping down the road towards totalitarianism and opposing freedom of speech is one of the symptoms.
They fear freedom of speech because their greed and hate driven agenda wilts under just a little scrutiny.
BTW, the Democrats reign supreme as the masters of "disinformation".
they will look back one day in nostalgia (assuming they reach their sick fascist goal) on the days when they themselves were able to speak freely...

what goes around comes around (eventually)
Telling children some parents are 2 women etc is totally innocent, FOOL. Except to dirty minded duped bigots...Everyone outside your bubble of Murdoch/Putin slop knows it...

I have absolutely no idea what you just said. Would you try that again in English please?
they will look back one day in nostalgia (assuming they reach their sick fascist goal) on the days when they themselves were able to speak freely...

what goes around comes around (eventually)
Election fraud fear mongering with no evidence is treasonous, functional traitor. Everything you know is hateful crap.
Yes yes we know you've heard every irrelevant tiny exception to the rule, dupe, about vax, mask, election reality...ALL CRAP but adds up to the worst pandemic/Americanism beliefs going. You people think huge numbers of Americans are pedophiles, brain controllers god knows what- WITH NO EVIDENCE, the hate is incredible and based ONLY on garbage hate propaganda.
They spread disinformation on vacinnes, and there was no dispute that American's life expectation declined for the first time since WWII.

And that's the rub. People can post intentional lies and posture that "they are the truth." Take an irrelevancy, and pose it as "the distinction." And people will believe it because that "truth" fits with what they want truth to be. It's no different really than Disney portraying blacks as "slothful" to explain poverty. Or how it was difficult to teach people about cholera, because building a sewage system is expensive. Or "we know the election was fixed." We know it was, for us, a unique instance of a pandemic and an election, and people were unhappy.

I don't know about Musk's motivations. He's a egotist, but so are/were Gates and Jobs. Walt Disney was "at best" different. Extremist libertarians will say "people will learn to use the internet." But history is replete with govt having to regulate profit motives for safety - meat processing and lumber, for instance. There is no constitutional right to post lies. What extremist libertarians want is a constitutional right to allow lies to be posted, and to potentially make profit from that.
LOL. I am glad it isn't just me. Much of francoHFW post are not coherent. His comments remind me of those who drunk text :). But maybe English isn't his first language.
Makes perfect sense to the 80% of US and 90% of the world in the real world. You and Putin are confused. You all believe total crap is why. I have the best grammar prep around so I can move past it....ty, tyvm....modern rhetoric....
"Time" has been a Tabloid for years. Worthless.
They hired a well educated shill

she graduated cum laude from Harvard

and so did her husband - probably a pajama boy- but one who graduated Magna cum laude

such is the caliber of shills the lib media hires to tell other libs what to think
they will look back one day in nostalgia (assuming they reach their sick fascist goal) on the days when they themselves were able to speak freely...

what goes around comes around (eventually)
you make a great Nazi. Congrats. Try reality, check your bs. The only party IN THE WORLD that denies GW vax masks secure elections and for that matter living wage, health care parental leave fair taxes cheap college and training and great infrastucture, you name it, super dupe. And thanks for allowing 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, and the corrupt dereg bubble and bust recessions and depressions...great job!! All you have is pure garbage propaganda...
They hired a well educated shill

she graduated cum laude from Harvard

and so did her husband - probably a pajama boy- but one who graduated Magna cum laude

such is the caliber of shills the lib media hires to tell other libs what to think
"Knowledge is dumb"- Trump. Sorry about intelligence and reality...
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They hired a well educated shill

she graduated cum laude from Harvard

and so did her husband - probably a pajama boy- but one who graduated Magna cum laude

such is the caliber of shills the lib media hires to tell other libs what to think
Then there is every other journalism outlet in the world who are also against ridiculous anti-American murdoch/Trump/internet RW lies....
Death rate in the USA - 3051 People per million of population - TOTAL DEATHS 1,020,824.

Death rate in Canada - 1024 people per million of population. Total deaths: 39,260

Death rate per case - 1.2 for USA, 1.1 for Canada.

By what measure is our death rate higher?

Get a real figure....deaths as a percentage of those infected, Dumbass. Why would you include people who were not infected?

Then why are there laws against lying???? You cannot lie with impunity and then claim "freedom of speech". Otherwise you'd have people running around accusing other people of being pedophiles on no evidence and no accusations. Oh wait. You're already doing THAT.
Then why are there laws against lying????

There aren't laws against lying in America, just your Dictatorship up there in KKKanada.
We subscribed to Time for many years.

However, when Slick Willy got elected and Time did everything to kiss his ass we cancelled and have never read the magazine since.

I remember a female Time reporter saying she would gladly give Willy a blowjob because of his pro abortion stance.

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