Time names Colin Kaepernick one of the 100 most influential people in the " WORLD"


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Time names Colin Kaepernick one of the 100 most influential people in the world

Posted by Mike Florio on April 20, 2017, 10:55 AM EDT


It’s an honor that the recipient probably doesn’t really want right now.

Time has named free-agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick one of the 100 most influential people in the world, via Today.com (by way of SportsBusiness Daily). Kaepernick, who also landed on the cover of Time during the 2016 season, drew considerable attention and respect for his decision not to stand during the National Anthem preceding every NFL game.

The sick and twisted corrupt news media there is. Only a leftist liberal American hating ass hole would even think to put this loser in this position.
Hopefully people show their American support by helping to SINK TIME as a good media source. They were once good, and a very good source of information. Until the Globalist Control bastards took them over...

This is as bad as O moron getting the Nobel prize for doing NOTHING and based of some bs he allegedly wrote that idiots wrote nothing someone wrote it for him.
Must have been a slow year. You'd think a Russian hacker would be right up there in the top twenty.
So influential he can't get a job in his chosen profession? Very few if any athletes should be on such a list and they had better be impacting the world in a tangible way.
^^^ If he really can't get a job in his chosen profession, I can't help but wonder if the Time people would be willing to give him one because if they don't have it in them to give him a job, then they shouldn't be writing such a thing about him. Talk is cheap and actions or the lack there of are what tell the true and honest story.

God bless you always!!!


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